The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 346: Taikoo Changquan vs. Tianming Sword Technique, reaching an agreement

The sword immortal Mu Zhentian has been dead for many years, and his cave has never been found.

Once the many treasures left behind are definitely obtained, Gushan will not only enter the stage of transcending tribulation, but will also have the opportunity to become an immortal in the future.


Lin Changsheng saw Gu Shan's expression of surprise and surprise. It was obvious that this person had fallen into the trap, so his life would definitely be saved today.

"Don't talk nonsense. No one knows about the Sword Immortal Cave. You are probably trying to deceive us too! All I want is to spare your life!"

Luo Shang was furious. Why did Gu Shan believe the other party's lies?

Not to mention whether Lin Changsheng was the Taixu Immortal King who took over his body and was reborn.

Even if it is, the other party may not know it.

Otherwise, why didn't he get it himself? And wait until now?

"Dry tongue!"

Gushan scolded angrily. At this moment, he regarded Luo Shang as a competitor, otherwise he might also get a share of the pie.

"Elder Tianming, this person has nothing to do with you, you can leave!"

Gushan looked at Luo Shang and said impatiently.

He didn't want to share this paradise with Luo Shang.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Changsheng laughed in his heart.

This is the effect he wants. As long as the two of them have differences, it will be easy to handle.

Otherwise, if the two strong men join forces, there will be no way for him to survive.

"It has nothing to do with me? If this son kills my beloved disciple, he will definitely die!"

Luo Shang was filled with resentment. He didn't expect that after finally finding Lin Changsheng, Gushan could be deceived so easily!

At this moment, he did not hesitate to become his enemy!

"As long as I'm here, you can't kill him!"

Gushan's eyes were determined and he didn't give Luo Shang any chance.


Luo Shang was immediately furious at Gu Shan's words.

He also knew that Gushan's cultivation was extraordinary, but he was really unwilling to retreat like this.

"Okay! Since you insist on doing this, then come on! Let me see what the power of your Gu Family's Taikoo Long Fist is?"

Luo Shang was already fighting. Since the other party was determined to protect Lin Changsheng, there was only one battle.

One of the reasons why the Futianzhou Gu family is so powerful is the Gu family's Taikoo Chang Fist.

It is said that this fist was created by a great god. The fist is fierce and domineering. It has been refined to its peak and can shatter space with one punch.

"Okay, then I'll let you get what you want!"

Gu Shan waved his hand and put Pegasus directly into the spirit beast bag, so as to prevent Pegasus from being affected.

After the confinement in Gushan was lifted, Lin Changsheng also retreated ten miles.

If he ran away now, he might be able to escape, but he would definitely let Gushan and Luo Shang join forces to chase him again.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng had no intention of escaping, and since Gu Shan had fallen into the trap, there was no need for him to escape.

So Lin Changsheng just watched the battle between the two strong men.

I want to see what magical powers this Mahayana monk has.

"For this kid, you insist on becoming an enemy of our Tianming Sword Sect?"

Luo Shang asked again before standing in the fight.

"Not for him, but for the Paradise of Cave Heaven!"

Gushan said.

It's certainly not worth it to be an enemy of the Tianming Sword Sect for Lin Changsheng.

But if it's for the Great Immortal Cave, it's different.

"What he said is false, can't you even see that?"

Luo Shang said angrily.

"The words can be false. Could it be that Taixu Temple is also false?"

Gushan believed that even if Lin Changsheng was not the Taixu Immortal King who seized his body and was reborn, he must be deeply involved. More than 70% of the Sword Immortal Cave was true.

As long as there is a little hope, Gushan will not give up.

"Since you insist on doing this, there's nothing more to say!"

Luo Shang didn't want to talk nonsense with Gushan anymore. After he finished speaking, the giant sword on his back began to tremble violently, as if even an arm-sized chain could not restrain it.

Ding ding——

With the sound of the iron chain breaking, the giant sword broke free from its restraints and surrounded Luo Shang, its sword light showing its sharp sword energy.

Luo Shang's middle finger and index finger were seen tightly together. With the control of his fingers, the sword blade circled around his body faster and faster.

Finally, a bottomless abyss evolved in the void behind him.

Boo hoo hoo——

Countless sword lights rushed out from the abyss and headed towards the ancient mountain.

Luo Shang's move was the strongest sword technique of the Tianming Sword Sect.

"It's a small trick! Break it for me!"

Gushan didn't take a step back, he gathered all his energy and then punched out.

I saw the golden light flickering on the ancient mountain's fist light, and finally blasted out a golden fist light as tall as a mountain in the void.

The fist light rushed towards the sword light with unparalleled powerful momentum.

"The power of this punch is probably too overwhelming to describe!"

After Lin Changsheng felt the divine power above the fist light, he couldn't help but be shocked.

This punch was more domineering than all his fusion of immortal skills.

It would be great if I could learn the Gu family’s Taikoo Changquan!


In the blink of an eye, the huge golden fist light and countless sword light collided violently.

A huge explosion broke out.

At first, the sword light could hold on for a while under Luo Shang's control, but after just three breaths, the sword light began to break apart.

In the end, they were all shattered by the fist light.

The mighty fist light still rushed towards Luo Shang with an unstoppable and tyrannical aura.


Luo Shang never expected that Gu Shan's cultivation would be so powerful.

Seeing the fist coming, Luo Shang had to avoid its edge.


The next moment, the light of the fist fell on the ground in the distance, causing the entire earth to collapse, causing the ground to collapse and crack.

"As expected of the Gu family's most powerful magical power, the Ancient Long Fist is so terrifying!"

Luo Shang was shocked. Although he and Gushan were both early Mahayana monks, Gushan's cultivation was much more tyrannical than him.

Luo Shang is also a person who knows the current affairs. Since he is defeated, he can only leave first and then look for opportunities.

"Your Tianming Sword Technique is also extraordinary!"

Gu Shan said coldly, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

"You alone can't stop the person our Tianming Sword Sect wants to kill. Be careful, even your Gu family will be implicated!"

Luo Shang threatened.

"This world is naturally dominated by the weak. If your Tianming Sword Sect can destroy my Gu family, then my Gu family deserves to die too! I will never complain!"

Gushan smiled.

What he admires is the most powerful force, so he confronts Luo Shang for the opportunity that Lin Changsheng said was unnecessary.

"Okay, let's see!"

Luo Shang left behind a word and turned around to leave.

Since Lin Changsheng couldn't be killed openly, he could only do it secretly.

He still doesn't believe that Gushan can accompany Lin Changsheng anytime and anywhere?

After watching Luo Shang leave, Gushan turned around and looked at Lin Changsheng in the distance.

"You kid, you better not lie to me, otherwise I will let you die without a body, and your soul will be imprisoned in the soul lamp for the rest of your life!"

Gu Shan took out Gu Ji's soul lamp, looked at Lin Changsheng and threatened.

However, Lin Changsheng was not intimidated.

"That's natural. I never lie. I can't get all the opportunities in the Sword Immortal Cave alone! As long as you protect me and advance to the Mahayana stage, then you and I can step into the cave together to get the opportunities!"

Lin Changsheng said slowly that the hole was not small. If the other party agreed, he would be safer from now on until he was promoted to the Mahayana stage. After all, he would be protected by a Mahayana monk.

"Who knows when you will be able to advance to the Mahayana stage? If you can't advance in a thousand or ten thousand years, wouldn't it mean that I won't be able to get the chance to obtain the Paradise of Cave Heaven until my death?"

Gushan is not stupid either. He doesn't want to protect Lin Changsheng forever. There must be a time limit.

"With my qualifications, does it take so long? Ten years at most!"

Lin Changsheng said cheerfully.

"ten years?"

This made Gu Shan never expect that Lin Changsheng would say such arrogant words?

A monk in the Void Refining Stage said that it only takes ten years to advance to the Mahayana Stage?

Could it be that he was really the Taixu Immortal King who took over his body and was unable to be reborn?

For experts of their level, ten years is just a fleeting moment, and sometimes even a retreat can take a hundred years.


Lin Changsheng asked, deeply afraid that the other party would not want to.

Otherwise, there is no hope of keeping his body fat.

"This is what you said. I will give you ten years. Within ten years, even if you are not promoted to a Mahayana monk, you still have to tell me the location of Mu Zhentian's cave!"

Gu Shan threatened.

"That's natural!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

After the two reached an agreement, they planned to rush to Lian Shen Sect together.

However, when he was about to leave, Lin Changsheng discovered that Wang Yun and his men were chasing him not far from here.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Changsheng's mouth.

Isn't this a gift for myself?

"To show that you and I have a force field, help me get rid of all the people chasing me!"

Lin Changsheng said lightly.

Although Gushan was very unhappy with Lin Changsheng's words, he treated him as if he were a servant.

However, due to the temptation of Mu Zhentian's Cave Paradise, he did not refute it.

"Just a few ants!"

Saying that, Gushan turned and left.

A hundred miles away, Wang Yun hurried to this place, only to find that the battle was over.

The next moment, a figure arrived in front of Wang Yun, who was so scared that Wang Yun immediately knelt down.

"Senior, this junior is here to help you. If you need any help, just ask!"

After Wang Yun saw the ancient mountain, he immediately fell to his knees, with big beads of sweat rolling down his cheeks.

This ancient mountain is a powerful one in the Mahayana period.

How could he, a fused monk, compete with him?

"I really have a favor that I need you to do!"

Gushan said slowly.

"Senior, please tell me, we will definitely do what we can do, and we will find a way to do what we can't do!"

Wang Yun immediately patted the horse and said.

"This favor is very simple, it is to hand over your lives!"

After Gushan finished speaking, a cruel sneer appeared on his face.


When Wang Yun heard this, his legs became weak with fear. This was the second time he saw Gu Shan, but he didn't expect that the other party would take his life for no reason?

"What? You don't want to?"

Gushan said coldly.

"Senior, we have no enmity or grudge against you! Why do you want our lives?"

Wang Yun said in panic.

"What about me?"

Lin Changsheng walked from behind step by step.

After Wang Yun saw Lin Changsheng, he was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

A strong man in the Mahayana stage actually protects a monk in the Void Refining stage?

What is the origin of this guy?

"Xian, Xianzun, it's all a misunderstanding! We don't know your identity, so just go around us once!"

Wang Yun immediately begged for mercy and kept banging his head on the ground, denting the soil in front of him.

It can be seen how strong his desire to survive is now.


Lin Changsheng said coldly, not intending to leave them alive.

Then he gave Gushan a look.

Wang Yun knew that he was in danger of escaping today, and he didn't want to sit still and wait for death. He quickly turned around and ran away before the other party took action.

However, Gushan is not impatient.


I saw the ancient mountain stepping into the void, and an extremely strong pressure spread out, instantly covering a ten-mile radius.

Wang Yun, who was as fast as lightning just now, was suddenly unable to move under the pressure of the ancient mountain.

As soon as Gu Shan pointed out, a ray of light shot out of the sky and instantly pierced Wang Yun's head.

A strong man in the integration stage was easily killed by Gu Shan.

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this crushing strength.

Is it so easy for Mahayana monks to kill combined monks?

If it hadn't been for his cleverness just now, it would have been difficult for him to survive.

When the other people who followed Wang Yun saw this, they were so frightened that their pants almost got wet.

"Rail, spare your life!"


However, the fate waiting for them was the same as that of Wang Yun, both of whom were easily killed by Gushan.

"That's right! Leave the flesh and blood of these people to me, so that your cultivation will be improved faster!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and put the bodies of Wang Yun and others into the storage bag.

Gu Shan didn’t say much about this.

Things that would help Lin Changsheng improve his cultivation level were naturally the best.

Maybe Lin Changsheng will be promoted to the Mahayana stage in less than ten years, so that he can obtain the treasures in the Cave Heaven Paradise faster.

"Where to go next?"

Furuyama asked.

"Go to the God Refining Sect!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

Only in Lian Shen Sect can you see all the forces and geniuses in this world.

Lin Changsheng didn't want to miss this gathering.

Then a group of three people rode the Thunder Eagle and quickly rushed to Lian Shen Sect. After all, Gushan's Pegasus was a bit too small to carry three people.

With the protection of the ancient mountains along the way, no one dared to provoke Lin Changsheng in the slightest.

Lin Changsheng opened Wang Yun's storage bag on the Lightning and Thunder Eagle's back and started watching.

This Wang Yun is truly a robber, and there are a lot of good things in his storage bag.

There are fifteen low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and one medium-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

If he hadn't met Gu Shan, a strong man in the Mahayana stage, ordinary monks in the integration stage would really be unable to do anything to him.

This is considered his fate.

In addition to the Tongtian Lingbao, there are more than 100,000 fairy crystals and several fairy arts.

In order not to expose his true purpose of obtaining the corpse, Lin Changsheng did not rush to practice.

His current magical skills are enough for him to participate in the Tianjiao List.

One day later.

A group of three people successfully arrived at Shenlian Sect.

This Shenlian Sect is located on the top of a towering mountain.

There are huge chains between each mountain peak, which seem to form a large formation.

At this moment, the Lian Shen Sect was bustling with activity, gathering many young geniuses and major forces in the Immortal Realm.

"Stop, the Tianjiao List will be opened soon. Players who have not met the competition requirements are not allowed to step into the Shenlian Sect! If you want to enter the sect, you must pass the cultivation test!"

Just when Lin Changsheng landed outside the Lian Shen Sect and was about to enter.

A disciple guarding the mountain stopped Lin Changsheng.

This actually surprised Lin Changsheng. He didn't expect that he would have to take a cultivation test when entering the sect? (End of chapter)

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