The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 348 Shock and Killing of the Elders of the Vajra Sect, the Heavenly Vault God Refining Forma

The list of geniuses has not even been opened yet, but Lin Changsheng now has two sects who must kill them.

One is the Dugu brother and sister from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, and the other is a current disciple of the Vajra Sect.

They will definitely participate in the Tianjiao List, and Lin Changsheng will never let them go.

"Senior Brother Zhou, what is the origin of this person? He is actually protected by a strong man from the Mahayana period. Could it be that he comes from a large sect?"

Yu Tingting looked at Lin Changsheng's leaving figure and couldn't help but wonder.

She had heard about almost all the disciples of the major sects, but she had never heard of Lin Changsheng.

"I don't think so! Maybe she is the queen of the hidden sect!"

Zhou Qibai also couldn't figure out Lin Changsheng's identity. He just felt that this kid was not simple and would probably become a stumbling block for them to get into the top ten of the Genius List.

"This powerful man in the Mahayana stage seems to be from the Gu family of Futian Prefecture!"

"Yes! If you look at his fists, you can tell that he is a practitioner of boxing. The strongest boxing technique in the Immortal Realm is only the Taikoo Changquan of the Gu family in Futian Prefecture."

"Why is this person from the Gu family together with this young man? Is this young man also a member of the Gu family?"

"I don't think so. This young man doesn't seem to practice boxing very much! Look, there aren't any calluses on his fists!"

"Then the relationship between the two of them is really unpredictable!"

The surrounding onlookers suddenly began to speculate.

Some forces that wanted to win over Lin Changsheng were immediately deterred by the appearance of Gushan.

After Lin Changsheng and Zhao Shuang'er obtained the qualifications to enter the Lian Shen Sect, they entered the mountain gate and were given a temporary waist badge by the guarding disciples.

This token is for temporary use in Lian Shen Sect.

Although not everywhere is accessible, you can still walk around in most insignificant places.

Gushan glanced at the leaving elder of the Vajra Sect, with a sneer on his face.

"If you want to blame, it's your kid's bad fate. It's not good to offend anyone but him!"

Gu Shan secretly thought, and then left this place.

After Gu Shan, Lin Changsheng and others entered the Lian Shen Sect, a disciple led Lin Changsheng and others towards a mountain.

This mountain is called Moon Peak.

There are a total of 1,782 stone steps. Walking upward step by step, it seems as if you are trying to reach the top of the Moon Palace, hence the name.

Most of the people who live here are young disciples who come to compete and elders of major sects.

Among them, the elder of the Vajra Gate also lives here.

After inquiring about the residence of the elder of the Vajra Sect, Gu Shan planned to wait for Ye Hei to take action.

Soon night came, Gushan put on a black robe and left the residence, but Lin Changsheng did not follow.

Because he believed that Gu Shan would make no mistakes when he made a move.

Lin Changsheng still has other things to do. Because Lin Changsheng arrived here faster by taking the Lightning and Thunder Eagle, there are still three days before the Tianjiao List is opened.

During these three days, Lin Changsheng will not be idle and plans to study the Shen Lian Sect's formation.

When Lin Changsheng first set foot in the Shen Lian Sect, he discovered that the major mountains were connected together by arm-sized iron chains, which seemed to form some kind of grand formation.

Once you find the mystery of the formation, you may be able to understand it.

This formation may have the effect of tempering the soul.

Just when Lin Changsheng was specializing in refining the Shenzong Formation.

Gushan has arrived quietly not far from the residence of Vajra Gate.


The elder of the Vajra Sect suddenly sensed someone outside the door and immediately became vigilant.

However, the atmosphere outside was vague, which made him a little unpredictable.

In the end, he could only stand up quickly and chase the breath outside the door.

It wasn't until they chased him 300 miles away from the Lian Shen Sect that the elder of the Vajra Sect suddenly felt something was not right.

"not good."

The other party was clearly luring him out and silencing him without anyone noticing.

After sensing that something was wrong, the elder of the Vajra Sect immediately started to rush back, but how could the other party let him go?

"Now that you've come, you still want to leave?"

Gushan's figure appeared on the way back from the Vajra Sect elders.

The elder of the Vajra Sect used his spiritual thoughts to investigate and found that the other party turned out to be a powerful person in the Mahayana stage, and the aura exuding from his body was exactly the same as the person he met during the day.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but be shocked. It seemed that the other party was not planning to let him go!

"Senior, you and I have no grievances, so why are you holding on to me?"

The elder of the Vajra Sect was unwilling to accept it. He admitted his mistake and was humiliated, but the other party still had no intention of letting him go?

"The only thing to blame is that you offended people you shouldn't have offended!"

Furuyama said lightly.

The words shocked the elder of the Vajra Sect and he was speechless.

"Even if you are going to die, you must let me know clearly? What is his identity? Why can you, senior, protect me like this?"

The elder of the Vajra Sect asked unwillingly.

"You have no right to know!"

Gushan responded coldly, and the killing intent around him surged.

"It's just too much of a lie. I'll have to fight you at worst!"

The elder of the Vajra Sect roared angrily, and the energy around his body had gathered to its peak. Then he summoned a giant hammer and blasted it directly towards the ancient mountain.

Infused with the energy of the elders of the Vajra Sect, the giant hammer has become as huge as a mountain, seeming to shatter the earth.

However, seeing such a domineering attack coming, Gu Shan did not move a single step.

When the giant hammer was about to hit his head, Gu Shan slightly stretched out his palm to support the giant hammer in the sky.


The giant hammer landed on Gu Shan's hand, but it didn't even shake him at all.

On the contrary, after the giant hammer blasted by the elder of the Vajra Sect hit Gushan's palm, it could not move forward for another half minute.


Such a scene shocked the elders of the Vajra Sect. Is there such a big gap between the late stage of integration and the early stage of Mahayana?

He had used the power of the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, but the other party had easily resisted his attack with just his physical body?

"You still want to resist this little attack? It's like a mayfly shaking a tree!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Gushan's mouth.

Then he punched out with his left hand. The moment the powerful punch was punched out, it seemed as if the entire space was distorted and collapsed.

The elder of the Vajra Sect tried to escape but was pulled away by this fist light.


The elder of the Vajra Sect shouted in surprise, but it was too late.


Unable to avoid it, the elder of the Vajra Sect was directly hit by the fist light, sending him flying three miles away with one punch, collapsing all the mountains not far away.

When all the dust settled, the elder of the Vajra Sect who fell in the pit breathed his last breath.


Gushan jumped and landed in front of the elder of the Vajra Sect.

At this moment, the elder of the Vajra Sect was spitting blood, a huge fist dent appeared in front of his chest, and all the bones were shattered.


The elder of the Vajra Sect opened his mouth to say something, but after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he died on the spot.


Seeing the death of the elder of the Vajra Sect, Gushan felt as weak as the wind. He hadn't even warmed up yet, and the other party had already died.

In the end, he could only carry the body of the elder of the Vajra Sect and the Tongtian Lingbao back.

Because Lin Changsheng said that absorbing the flesh and blood of monks can enhance cultivation.

He hoped that Lin Changsheng would be promoted to the Mahayana stage as soon as possible, so that he could find the Immortal Cave by then.

Gushan returned to the wooden house.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng was still studying the God Refining Formation, but Gu Shan directly threw the elder of the Vajra Sect and the spiritual treasure in his hand in front of Lin Changsheng.

"His blood is good for you! Absorb it quickly!"

Gushan wanted to see if Lin Changsheng had deceived him. Could he really absorb the monk's blood?

Lin Changsheng also knew that Gu Shan was suspicious of him. If he didn't absorb the opponent's blood, the opponent would probably not give him the body in the future.

So Lin Changsheng had no choice but to use the God-Eating Demon Technique. The cultivation in the opponent's body was continuously turned into spiritual energy and absorbed by Lin Changsheng. Soon the body of the elder of the Vajra Sect was turned into a withered corpse.

Seeing such a scene, Gushan immediately believed that Lin Changsheng could indeed absorb the blood of the monks, and then turned and left.

The cultivation level of this integration stage monk is not low, but it is almost impossible to transform all of it into Lin Changsheng's cultivation level, only a small amount can be transformed.

Even after absorbing the opponent's blood energy cultivation, Lin Changsheng was still far from the late stage of virtual refining.

After Gu Shan left, Lin Changsheng continued to study the God Refining Formation.

A night of silence.

Lin Changsheng has been studying the Shenren Sect's great formation, but he has not gained much.

On the contrary, there are many treasures in the storage bag of the elder of the Vajra Sect, including three fairy books and a large formation.

The three immortal arts are the Divine Palm of Condor, the Body Protector of the Vajra, the Nine-Dragon God-killing Archery, and the Vajra God-Destroying Formation.

Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry to learn, he wanted to specialize in the Shenren Sect's formations.

Because their stay in the Shen Lian Sect is limited, once they leave, they will not be able to specialize in research.

Therefore, before leaving, you need to study the formation to the basic level, and finally use the panel to simplify it and polish it to perfection.

At that time, it can be merged with the Thunder Flame Burning Heaven and World Destroying Formation.

As for the magical skills and formations you have obtained, you can learn them at any time, and they will not be lost anyway.

Early that morning, there were already bursts of sighs outside.

"What? The elder of the Diamond Sect is missing? No way? Where can he go?"

"I saw him last night, and he disappeared in the morning?"

"Is this the God Refining Sect? Why did it disappear inexplicably?"

"Is it related to the Mahayana monk?"

"I think it's very possible. The elders of the Diamond Sect only offended them yesterday and were not provoking anyone else! Who else could it be besides them?"

Lin Changsheng heard a lot of noise outside early in the morning.

Because the disappearance of the elders of the Vajra Sect will cause quite a stir.

However, Lin Changsheng was not worried that he would be traced, because Lin Changsheng did not have the ability to kill the combined monks.

Even if Gu Shan is found, what can be done to him?

Could it be that the Lian Shen Sect would take action against Gu Shan for the sake of a dead person?

"Go and see if Hou Shaojie and others have arrived?"

Lin Changsheng planned to go out to see if Hou Shaojie and others had arrived at the Lian Shen Sect.

According to the speed of the shuttle, we are almost there.


Lin Changsheng opened the door.

However, as soon as he went out, Lin Changsheng saw two familiar faces.

In front of me, I saw an old man with white hair and a white beard who had just moved into Moon Landing Peak with a group of disciples.

There were many young people behind the old man. Among them, two young people, Lin Changsheng, could tell at a glance that they were the Dugu brothers and sisters.

When Dugu Yan saw Lin Changsheng, she was also surprised. She didn't expect Lin Changsheng to arrive at the Shen Lian Sect faster than them?

When Dugu Yong saw Lin Changsheng, his face was full of anger.

If it weren't for Lin Changsheng, he would never have lost an arm.

Fortunately, with the help of the elders of Lingshan, he was able to stabilize his state without retreating in cultivation.

It can be said that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

"It's you?"

Duguyan glared at Lin Changsheng, wishing he could pull out Lin Changsheng's muscles and bones.

"That's right, it's me! I didn't expect you guys to be still alive?"

Lin Changsheng sneered, "But I advise you not to participate in the list of geniuses. After all, with your cultivation, you may easily die!"

Lin Changsheng left without saying a word.

If the other party is unhappy with Lin Changsheng, how can Lin Changsheng be happy with the other party?

If the opponent had not been protected by the elders of Lingshan, their fate would have been the same as the elders of the Vajra Sect.


Duguyan was very angry at Lin Changsheng's words, but the other party didn't take them seriously at all!

Then I have to participate in the Prodigy List to give him some color!

"Let's go!"

Elder Lingshan frowned when he saw the ancient mountain beside Lin Changsheng.

Fortunately, he didn't take action against Lin Changsheng at that time. He felt that this kid was not simple, and there must be someone strong behind him to support him. Unexpectedly, he guessed it.

If he had taken action at that time, he would probably be in embarrassment now.

"Yan'er, I am unable to move right now. When the Jingang Sect, Luoyue Sect, Bengshan Sect and other geniuses arrive, you must unite with them to surround and kill this beast!"

Dugu Yong said with a plan in mind.

Although they couldn't kill Lin Changsheng, he didn't believe that with so many sects joining forces, they couldn't kill him?

Their Ten Thousand Beast Sect has a good relationship with these sects, so they will definitely help with this.


Duguyan nodded.

"Can we still accept missions here?"

When Lin Changsheng left Moon Landing Peak, he found a lot of notices at the door. These were some tasks issued by the Refining God Sect.

These tasks range from easy to difficult.

Simple rewards are less, such as collecting medicinal materials and escorting caravans, and the number of immortal crystals is only a few.

The more difficult ones include hunting monsters and spirit beasts, and encircling and suppressing horse bandits, and the rewards are more generous, with more being rewarded with hundreds of fairy crystals.

However, the Tianjiao List is about to be launched, and Lin Changsheng has no intention of going out to take risks. If something goes wrong, he will miss the Tianjiao List.

When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Lin Changsheng found that there were many more young disciples surrounding him than yesterday.

"This Talent List is really lively! There are probably a thousand people participating!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Hard work paid off, and it didn't take long before Lin Changsheng spotted the arrival of Hou Shaojie and others in the crowd.

"Brother Lin, it's great that you're okay!"

After Hou Shaojie saw that Lin Changsheng was safe and sound, he was very excited.

Unexpectedly, the other party was not only fine, but also arrived at the Shen Lian Sect earlier than them.

"Who is this?"

Hou Yutian suddenly looked suspicious when he saw Gushan.

When they left, Hou Yutian didn't remember that Lin Changsheng had such a number one person next to him.

Judging from the strong Yuan Power emanating from the opponent's body, his cultivation has already entered the Mahayana stage.

A strong man in the Mahayana stage was actually following Lin Changsheng?

"This is Gu Shan, senior Gu, from the Gu family in Futian Prefecture!"

Lin Changsheng introduced.

"Senior Ancient!"

Hou Yutian said politely, after all, the opponent's strength was here, so he had to treat him politely. (End of chapter)

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