The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 364 The dissatisfaction of Xianwu Palace, the perfection of Tianqiong’s divine refining tech

It was not that Lin Changsheng had not considered the Xianwu Palace and the Suppressing Heaven Sect.

It was only because the temptation offered by Jian Lao was too great that Lin Changsheng still chose to join the Immortal Palace.

After all, the treasures in Sanxian Cave are at least at the level of Tongtian Immortal Treasure.

And if you join the Immortal Martial Palace and the Heaven-Suppressing Sect, the highest treasure they can give you is the mid-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure.

Lin Changsheng was not surprised.

Just like Yang Huaizhen, the number one prodigy in the Xianwu Palace, the treasures in his hands are just two middle-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

Although for a disciple of this level, it is already considered a very good treasure.

But for Lin Changsheng, it was not enough.

The elders and disciples of Immortal Palace were suddenly surprised after hearing Lin Changsheng's words.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng, the first and second sect in the Immortal Domain, did not choose, but chose them.

Originally, the elders of Immortal Palace didn't have much hope.

It can be said to be a huge surprise at this moment.

"Welcome to Asgard!"

Immortal Palace Elder Liu smiled happily and said.

"Junior Brother Lin, welcome to join our Immortal Palace!"

Wang Huisheng is also very happy. For such talented people to join their immortal palace, their future achievements will definitely be limitless.

Although Lin Changsheng's cultivation level was higher than that of Wang Huisheng, he joined the sect later, so Wang Huisheng called Lin Changsheng his junior brother.

Lin Changsheng didn't care about this either.

"Please take care of me, elders and senior brothers!"

Lin Changsheng said politely.

"That's natural!"

Wang Huisheng responded with a smile.

"Elder, I have one more thing to ask for!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the immortal palace elder and said.

“It’s okay to just say it!”

For talented disciples like Lin Changsheng, as long as the other party is willing to join, they will naturally agree to the request as long as it is not too excessive.

"I have two other Taoist friends who also want to join the Immortal Palace with me. Please ask the elders for permission!"

Lin Changsheng waved to Hou Shaojie who was not far away.

When Hou Shaojie saw this, he immediately rushed over with a smile.

When Lin Changsheng tried to find Zhao Shuang'er, he couldn't find him.

"Hou Shaojie, I have met the elder!"

Hou Shaojie saluted the elders of Immortal Palace.

The elders of Immortal Palace had also seen Hou Shaojie play in the beginning and had some impressions of him.

This man's talent is extraordinary, and joining their sect would not be considered a disgrace to the sect.

"It's easy to talk about. Since it is the person you recommended, he must be extremely talented. Let alone one person, even if it is ten people, I agree. You can return to the sect with me tomorrow!"

Elder Liu Feng responded readily.

Lin Changsheng alone can compete with dozens of geniuses. Not to mention bringing two people in, even twenty people can enter.

"Thank you, elder!"

Hou Shaojie was overjoyed when he saw that the other party agreed so readily.

Unexpectedly, he actually got his wish and joined the three powerful sects of the Immortal Domain to practice.

This is definitely something that honors the ancestors.

Then the group planned to leave this place and return to the sect tomorrow.

However, there was a disciple of Xianwu Palace blocking Lin Changsheng's path ahead.

"Boy, if you choose the wrong sect, you will choose the wrong path. It will be too late to regret it later!"

Liu Qi from Xianwu Palace said in a yin and yang way that he was very dissatisfied with Lin Changsheng.

How dare he refuse to accept the olive branch offered by Xianwu Palace? It's simply disrespectful.

Although Liu Qi couldn't beat the opponent, Liu Qi didn't think Lin Changsheng could grow up to such a terrifying level.

The Immortal Martial Hall has gathered many wizards from the Immortal Realm, and none of Shaolin Changsheng can do anything.

"You should be more worried about your Senior Brother Yang!"

Lin Changsheng left without even looking at Liu Qi.


This made Liu Qi very angry. This guy was so arrogant.


At this moment, the Great Elder of Lian Shen Sect shouted loudly, and everyone became quiet again.

"This competition for the Talent List is over. Those who are willing to stay for a while can continue to stay. This sect will do our best to fulfill the friendship of the landlord!"

The Great Elder of the Lian Shen Sect spoke up.

Immediately, some people who were anxious to return to their sect immediately took off their flying boats and prepared to leave.

Some people who have no urgent matters choose to stay one night before leaving.

Most of the sects planned to leave. In an instant, countless flying boats took off into the sky, which looked very spectacular.

They are already impatient to send the news of this year's Talent List back to the sect.

Presumably it won't be long before this news will spread throughout the entire Immortal Realm and Kyushu.

"Brother Changsheng, give it!"

Not far away, Zhao Shuang'er ran over with a smile on his face.

In her hand was a storage bag.

At this moment, the number of fairy crystals in the storage bag was no longer 10,000, but 110,000.

After all, Lin Changsheng won the victory and won a lot of money directly.

"Thank you Shuang'er for your hard work!"

Lin Changsheng smiled and took the storage bag. Lin Changsheng used his consciousness to take a look and found that it was filled with fairy crystals.

These immortal crystals are enough for him to simplify many immortal arts.

"Junior brother Lin, is this the other Taoist friend you mentioned? I don't think it's a Taoist friend, but a Taoist companion, right?"

Wang Huisheng laughed.

Although Zhao Shuang'er's cultivation is only in the middle stage of becoming a god, his face and figure are outstanding, and any man who sees him can't help but take a second look.

After saying this, Zhao Shuang'er's face turned red and he didn't dare to raise his head.

"I think so. It's not uncommon to bring Taoist companions into a sect. We all understand!"

Another Immortal Palace disciple also smiled.

"By the way, I haven't introduced you yet, my name is Zhang Haoran!"

Zhang Haoran introduced himself.

"My name is Wang Lei!"

Another Immortal Palace disciple took advantage of the opportunity and said.

Now that Lin Changsheng has joined the sect, they all plan to become familiar with him.

After all, Lin Changsheng's talent is so high that his future achievements will be limitless. If he waits until Lin Changsheng becomes stronger, it will be too late to curry favor.

"The two senior brothers were joking!"

Lin Changsheng wasn't angry either. If he couldn't even make such a joke, it would be too disrespectful.

"My name is Liu Yaoyue. If junior sister joins the sect and you don't understand anything, you can always come to me!"

Liu Yueyue said to Zhao Shuang'er with a smile.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Liu!"

Zhao Shuang'er said with a blushing face.

Liu Jiayue and Lin Changsheng were also very familiar with each other, because Lin Changsheng had fought with Liu Jiayue just now, but was defeated by Lin Changsheng in two moves.

This made Liu Yaoyue feel very embarrassed, so she did not speak to Lin Changsheng.

"Then I'll trouble Senior Sister Liu!"

Lin Changsheng took the initiative to speak.

"Just ask me to invite Yue, but I don't dare to be a senior sister!"

Liu Yueyue said shyly, feeling that she was not as powerful as Lin Changsheng and was not worthy of the title of senior sister.

"Sister, you are so humble!"

Lin Changsheng smiled and said, and then the group returned to the place where the Lian Shen Sect lived again, planning to stay one more night and rush back to the sect tomorrow morning.

Just in this night, Lin Changsheng can specialize in the sky refining technique.

When you reach perfection in your specialization, you can use the stars in the sky to refine your soul.

By then, the speed of spiritual consciousness improvement will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

After returning to the room, Lin Changsheng began to study the Sky Refining Technique in his hands.

This magical technique is actually similar to the great formation that Lin Changsheng specializes in in the Lian Shen Sect.

Therefore, it was very easy for Lin Changsheng to change his studies.

[Introduction to the Heavenly Refining Technique! 】

In just one hour, Lin Changsheng mastered the Heavenly Vault Divine Refining Technique to the basic level.

[Introduction to the Sky Refining Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify. After simplifying, his cultivation speed will be faster.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Sky Refining Technique begins. The simplification is completed. The Sky Refining Technique == look at the stars in the sky! 】

"Looking at the stars? Isn't this simple?"

Lin Changsheng opened the door, sat cross-legged on a stone outside, and then raised his head to gaze at the stars.

Sky Refining Magic Experience Points +1!

Sky Refining Skill experience value +1!

As Lin Changsheng continued to stargazing, the experience value of the Sky Refining Technique continued to increase crazily.

It was already night, so there were no signs of human activity outside.

Lin Changsheng was able to watch the stars without restraint.

Otherwise, if others saw him, they would think that Lin Changsheng was stupid.


At this moment, a room not far away opened, and a pretty-looking woman walked out with a worried look.

When she saw a figure sitting cross-legged on the stone platform outside, she was suddenly shocked, as if she was a woman with no strength to restrain a chicken.

But this person is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Lin Changsheng had seen her during the competition.

Her name is Liu Yun, and she is one of the Tianjiao of Zhentian Sect.

However, the fortune of Zhentian Sect in this year's Tianjiao List is not good, and no one has achieved a better ranking.

Even Wei Bufan regretted defeat because he met Yang Huaizhen too early.

"It's you?"

When Liu Yun discovered that it was Lin Changsheng, she immediately felt relieved.

She has never left Tianzhen Sect, so she yearns for the outside world.

When I heard that I was going back to the sect tomorrow, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and wanted to come out for some air.

"Miss Liu! Are you worried?"

Lin Changsheng asked after seeing this.

This girl looks innocent, but she would be in trouble if she was deceived by others.

"Yes! When I think about going back to the sect tomorrow, I--"

Liu Yun said hesitantly, then sat on the stone platform not far from Lin Changsheng, and imitated Lin Changsheng in looking at the stars in the sky.

"You said that if I were not a cultivator, would I be able to live a carefree life? This cultivation is really boring!"

Liu Yun couldn't help complaining.

She didn't dare to complain to her senior brother and master about these words, so she could only tell them to Lin Changsheng.

If her master and senior brother heard her, she would not be able to avoid being scolded.

"Carefree, that's what many people yearn for, but it's not easy to achieve these four words!"

Lin Changsheng responded, "Maybe you were born at a high starting point, so you think being ordinary is valuable, but in fact being ordinary is pathetic! Especially in this world of the jungle, where the weak cannot even control life and death in their own hands, how can they be carefree? consider?"

"As long as you are strong enough to control your own destiny, you can live freely and freely!"

Lin Changsheng slowly expressed his thoughts.

He was an ordinary person in his last life, and he knew how sad it was to be ordinary.

In this life, he has the right to change his destiny, so he must work hard to become stronger and become a person whose destiny is in his own hands.

When Liu Yun heard Lin Changsheng's words, she suddenly became thoughtful.

"Brother Lin, I still don't understand! Why do monks practice for the purpose of killing and fighting? Isn't it to save others and save themselves?"

Liu Yun expressed her doubts again.

If monks and mortals were equal, then both monks and mortals could live the lives they wanted.

When something is unfair, someone can stand up and say no.

Hearing what this silly girl said, Lin Changsheng smiled. This girl is really innocent!

No matter in any world, there is no absolute fairness.

Not to mention this extremely dangerous world where the strong are respected.

The strong only think about how to make themselves stronger, even if it means sacrificing some people's lives.

The weak don't even have a chance to choose.

The value of their existence may just be to set off the existence of the strong!

"If everyone thinks so, then this fairyland may really become a fairyland that everyone longs for! Not just a fairyland that monks long for."

"People are selfish, but you don't stand in that perspective. It's like if sacrificing an ant can improve your cultivation, would you be willing?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Liu Yun and asked slowly.


Liu Yun answered seriously.

"That's it. In the eyes of other monks, human life is no different from the life of an ant. As long as it helps his practice, he will do it! Even if it harms the lives of others, it doesn't matter."

"So only by becoming stronger can we have the right to choose! Without enough strength, we don't have any right to choose. How can we be carefree?"

Lin Changsheng said seriously.

This made Liu Yun seem to understand a lot.

"Thank you, Brother Lin! I understand!"

A smile appeared on Liu Yun's lips, and she seemed to look away instantly!


In the distance, a figure came quickly and landed in front of Lin Changsheng and Liu Yun.

The visitor was none other than Wei Bufan.

"Junior Sister Liu, why are you still out so late?"

Wei Bufan was tall and straight, with long sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. He was quite handsome. Seeing Lin Changsheng and Liu Yun together, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

He didn't want Lin Changsheng to get too close to Liu Yun.

His junior sister is simple and easily deceived.

Before he got to know Lin Changsheng, he did not want Liu Yun to come into contact with him.

"Senior Brother Wei, I was upset just now. Thanks to Brother Lin for enlightening me, I'm much better now!"

Liu Yun stood up and said with a smile.

However, Wei Bufan was still wary of Lin Changsheng.

"Let's go back to the house when you feel better! We will go back to the sect tomorrow. After this experience, you know how many talented people are out there, right? With those two moves of yours, if the senior brothers hadn't let you go, you might not even be able to kill a white-fronted tiger. Can’t beat it!”

Wei Bufan said dotingly to Liu Yun.

"I understand, senior brother!"

Liu Yun responded and left quickly.

Then Wei Bufan glanced at Lin Changsheng, turned around and left without saying a word.

[The heavenly refining technique is complete! 】

Three hours later, it was already late at night, and Lin Changsheng finally reached perfection in his proficiency in the Tianqiong Divine Refining Technique.

Memories rushed into his mind crazily.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng came up with the idea of ​​how to operate the sky to refine the magic.

[The Sky Refining Technique (Perfection) and the Divine Refining Technique (Perfection) have been detected. Do you want to fuse them into a new spell? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.

The divine refining technique was obtained by Lin Changsheng in the Land of Immortal Relics, and it was also Lin Changsheng's first divine refining method.

This method was of great help to Lin Changsheng at first, but now it is almost useless.

Didn’t expect to be able to merge with Tianqiong Divine Refining Technique? (End of chapter)

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