The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 378 Long-tailed thunder beast, secret tribe, sacred mountain

This place is like an ancient dense jungle.

The surrounding weeds are as tall as the sky, and the tall trees block out the clouds and sun.

Lin Changsheng didn't have time to observe the surrounding environment, and immediately followed the blood trail and rushed forward.

But we can't let Dugu Yifang escape, otherwise it will definitely be a disaster in the future.

"Fortunately, this place is not like a place where souls are captured, and Yuanli can be used!"

Lin Changsheng moved the clouds one step at a time, moving at extremely fast speeds, sweeping across several miles.

After a while, he traced the blood trail to the end.


Lin Changsheng was surprised. After tracing the blood trail to a lake, it disappeared without a trace?

Could it be that he jumped into the lake?


Just when Lin Changsheng was wondering, a roar of monster beasts came from the distant mountain forest.

This monster's momentum was so overwhelming that Lin Changsheng had no doubt that this monster might be a powerful monster at the spirit beast level.

After all, the aura of this place is extremely strong and it couldn't be more suitable for cultivation.

Giving birth to a spiritual beast is not a strange thing.

"Be careful! This place is not simple!"

On the side, Gu Shan also felt that this place was extremely strange. Even with his cultivation in the Mahayana stage, he had to be careful, otherwise a careless move would capsize the boat in the gutter.

Lin Changsheng nodded, not daring to use his body skills to move quickly, and immediately spread his consciousness, wanting to explore what was strange about this place.

However, Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness only released a hundred feet, and he was unable to move forward.

It seems that there is a powerful energy here that suppresses the spread of divine consciousness.

"Consider him lucky!"

Seeing that he could no longer pursue Dugu Fang, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to give up.

After entering this place, Zhu Tianzhi, Alone, Luo Shang and others disappeared without a trace.

The spiritual consciousness cannot be expanded now, so it will not be easy to find the other party now.

"Let's find a place to stay first! It may not be so many monsters during the day, but maybe it will be extremely dangerous here at night!"

Gushan suggested. With many years of experience, he felt that this place was full of danger.

Nothing is more important than saving your life now.

Lin Changsheng naturally agreed to this, and then the two of them walked in front, and Xiaonan returned to her human state and followed behind them.

Not long after the two people and the beast left the lake, water suddenly filled the lake, and a huge monster emerged from the water.

I saw this monster beast with antlers and an ox body, and it was extremely tall, like a small hill.

After leaving the lake, we ate the tall green grass outside.

This is a blue sky takin that is not very aggressive.

But that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a little bit of attack power. When he's angered, mountains can collapse.

Without any strength, it is impossible to occupy a water source.


Just after the monster beast left, two people jumped out of the water again, it was Dugu Yifang and Luo Shang.

Luo Shang found Dugu Fang faster than Lin Changsheng, so he took him and jumped into the bottomless lake to cover up his aura.

They appeared after Lin Changsheng left.

"Thank you, Elder Luo, for saving your life!"

Dugu Fang covered his chest and coughed twice.

"This only saves your life temporarily. Whether you can get out alive is unknown!"

Luo Shang looked at the extremely tall azure takin standing in the distance and said leisurely.

Fortunately, there was only one non-aggressive monster in this pool. If there were other monsters, they would probably be in trouble.

In addition, if a takin can grow so strong and tall, how powerful can other monsters be?

Once encountered, even if they have the cultivation level of the Mahayana stage, they may be unable to resist.

"If we can't get out, this beast Lin Changsheng will never get out alive!"

Dugu Yifang's eyes flashed coldly.

I thought I could kill Lin Changsheng this time, but I didn't expect that it would end up like this.

"Why don't you find a quiet place to recover first?"

Luo Shang had already lost the momentum he had at the beginning, and felt that the hope of killing Lin Changsheng was becoming increasingly slim.


However, before the two of them had gone far, a figure flashed in the forest ahead.


Luo Shang suddenly felt bad. If Lin Changsheng found out, the two of them would only die.

Fortunately, the person who appeared in front was not Lin Changsheng, nor Gu Shan.

It was a white-haired old man dressed in green. This white-haired old man had a full face of beard, and even his beard was a little white. He was slovenly, and at first glance, he had not cleaned himself up for a long time.

But the powerful aura emanating from this man told the two of them that this was actually a strong man in the late Mahayana stage, who was just a few steps away from breaking through to the tribulation stage.

"Who is this senior?"

Luo Shang asked in surprise, he didn't expect that there were other people in this secret realm?

"How did you enter my secret realm of Snake and Scorpion Valley? Where is my Nine Poison Cult?"

The old man in green seemed a little surprised, because he saw that these two people were not members of his Nine Poison Sect at all?

How did they enter this secret place?

The formation in this secret realm can only be opened by members of their Nine Poison Sect.

When Luo Shang heard the other party's words, he immediately understood the other party's identity.

This person is probably the previous leader of the Nine Poison Sect.

"Nine Poison Sect has been, been -"

Luo Shang hesitated and started acting.

He wanted to pin all the charges on Lin Changsheng, so that this person and Lin Changsheng would be at odds with each other.

This way they have another big helper.

"What happened to the Nine Poison Sect?"

The old man in green's pupils dilated a bit, as if he had a premonition of something.

"The Nine Poison Sect has been destroyed by a man named Lin Changsheng, and Zhu Tianzhi, the leader of the Nine Poison Sect, was forced to enter this secret realm in order to avoid Lin Changsheng's pursuit. Now he is probably in danger. Got it!"

Luo Shang said pretending to be sad.

"Who is Lin Changsheng? He is so brave! When I get out, I will cut him into pieces!"

The eyes of the old man in green were filled with anger.

"No need to wait to get out, that beast also entered the secret realm to hunt us down!"

Seeing how resentful the other party was to Lin Changsheng, Dugu Yifang immediately spoke.


This surprised the old man in green, "How dare he enter this place? Then I will let him never come back!"

Li Zhu clenched his fists, and thoughts of murder filled his heart.

"Then I'll trouble you, senior!"

A smile appeared on Dugu Fang's lips. With this person's help, Lin Changsheng had one more powerful enemy.

"However, this person is very powerful, and he is also protected by a strong man from the Mahayana stage and a powerful monster. It is not easy to kill him!"

Luo Shang reminded him.

"I have my own way!"

Li Zhu has a good idea. As long as he finds the other party, isn't it easy to kill them?

At this moment, Lin Changsheng naturally didn't know that Luo Shang had saved Dugu Yifang, and they also met the previous leader of the Nine Poison Sect.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan were already halfway up a mountain.

Here you can see part of the secret landforms.

"Huh? There is a village in the distance?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised when he discovered that there was a huge river in the distance and a village on the bank of the river.

Are there other people living here?

Before getting to know the other party, Lin Changsheng did not dare to approach rashly and planned to observe him first.


Suddenly, Lin Changsheng heard a violent roar in the distance, as if there was a fight in the distance.

"Maybe it's Zhu Tianzhi and others!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself and immediately rushed over.

If Zhu Tianzhi is found, he will definitely be killed.

This person united with Dugu to deal with him, so he was naturally an enemy.

However, when Lin Changsheng and others arrived here, they found that it was not Zhu Tianzhi and others who were fighting, but several people he did not recognize who were fighting a monster beast with a long tail that emitted thunder and lightning.

This long-tailed thunder beast is not very tall, but it is not small in stature, as big as an elephant.

The tail was three meters long, like a steel whip. Wherever it was whipped, trees were broken.

Moreover, bursts of lightning are emitted from the whole body, and the ears are spread out like umbrellas, which can withstand most attacks.

I saw a group of five people besieging the thunder and lightning long-tailed beast, but they were unable to kill it for a long time.

Among these five people, there were four men and one woman, and most of the attacks they unleashed were blocked by the long-tailed thunder beast.

Even if there was no resistance, it would only break a little of the long-tailed beast's skin and fail to cause fatal injuries to it.


The long-tailed thunder beast roared, and thunder and lightning bloomed all over its body, and then spread densely toward the surrounding area like a spider web.

It can be seen that this blow is the ultimate move of this long-tailed thunder beast.

Bang bang bang——

Wherever the thunder and lightning passed, all the trees and rocks were blown to pieces.

The five people who surrounded and killed the long-tailed thunder beast were also blown away, and they were all injured.

"Hurry up, this long-tailed thunder beast has broken through to the fourth level of spiritual beast cultivation!"

A man among the five shouted, and then everyone began to retreat.

However, these people wanted to retreat, but the long-tailed thunder beast was not willing to do so. It immediately chased after them, and the power of thunder and lightning continued to explode from its body to kill several people.

Unfortunately, one person was directly hit by the power of lightning and died on the spot.

"Escape separately!"

The leading man shouted loudly, and the remaining four people fled in all directions.

The long-tailed thunder beast seemed to be eyeing the woman, and immediately chased after her. Thunder and lightning flashed all over its body, intending to kill the woman.

Seeing the crisis, Lin Changsheng no longer waited and decided to take action, and punched out quickly.

The fist light is extremely domineering, with the roar of the four beasts.

Before the long-tailed thunder beast could react, it suddenly landed on top of the beast's head.


A violent roar came out, and the long-tailed thunder beast was directly blasted away by Lin Changsheng.

Although this blow was overbearing, it did not directly kill the long-tailed thunder beast.

The long-tailed thunder beast broke several big trees before coming to a stop. However, before he could get up, Gu Shan punched out again, killing him directly.

I saw the long-tailed thunder beast wailing, falling to the ground and dying instantly, and the power of thunder and lightning around it slowly faded away.

Seeing that the crisis was over, the four of them stopped.

"Are you from the mountain tribe?"

A strong man came over from the other side, who seemed to be the leader of these four people.

He looked at Lin Changsheng and others who looked a little strange, and asked in surprise.

"No, we just entered this place and got lost. By chance, we happened to see you surrounding and killing this monster, so we took action!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

He didn't know who the people from the mountain tribe were, but it seemed that there was more than one tribe in this secret realm.

"You just entered this place? That's a rare visitor! If you don't mind, you can follow us to the tribe to rest. Otherwise, when it's night outside, the monsters will come out to look for food. It's extremely dangerous!"

When the strong man heard that the other party was not from the mountain tribe, he immediately felt relieved and reminded him.

"If it's convenient, then of course it's the best!"

Lin Changsheng did not refuse.

After all, monsters are rampant here. If you don't find a better place to rest, if you encounter a monster at night, there will definitely be a fierce battle.

Any monster has a fourth-level spiritual beast cultivation level. If it encounters a seventh-level spiritual beast or above, it may be difficult for Gushan to deal with it.

"Of course it's convenient, but what about this monster?"

The strong man said with a smile, because Lin Changsheng and others had just entered this place, and their cultivation was so good. If they could win over their tribe, it would naturally be good for the tribe.

But looking at the monster in the end, he felt a little embarrassed.

"You can just take it!"

Lin Changsheng readily gave it to the other party.

Because he has no use for this monster, maybe the other party needs it.

"Then we won't be polite!"

The sturdy man winked at the other people, who immediately stepped forward to break down the long-tailed thunder beast. Within a few breaths, the long-tailed thunder beast was broken into several pieces by the sharp blades in their hands, and was broken into pieces one by one. Placed in storage bag.

"Please come with me!"

The other party made an invitation gesture, and then rushed towards the tribe with Lin Changsheng and others.

And their tribe happened to be the tribe that Lin Changsheng saw stationed by the river on the mountain.

Chatting with the burly man as he walked forward.

Lin Changsheng also learned more and more about this place.

The aura and air here are thick, which makes the monsters here very powerful and huge.

And no one knows how vast the landforms here are until now.

After all, no one would risk their lives by wandering around.

The strong man's name is Zhang Kun, and his tribe is called Qingshui Tribe.

There are more than 300 people in the tribe, and Zhang Kun is a small leader in the tribe. He is responsible for hunting and providing food supplies to those who have not yet begun to eat rice.

From Zhang Kun's words, Lin Changsheng also learned about the mountain tribes.

This is a powerful tribe located in the center of the secret realm.

Because the spiritual energy in the center of the secret realm is the strongest, the cultivation of all the people in it is also relatively strong.

But the danger in the center is also greater, because the monsters in the center are becoming more and more powerful.

When Lin Changsheng asked why they didn't leave this place, Zhang Kun smiled bitterly and shook his head. It was not that they were unwilling to leave because they were coveting the aura of this place.

But there is no way to leave at all, because this secret realm is a one-way transmission place, and no one who enters can leave.

Therefore, as more people entered, various tribes gradually formed here.

"By the way, I heard the clan leader said that the only hope of leaving here seems to be in the sacred mountain in the center of the secret realm. However, there is a powerful spiritual beast in the sacred mountain that ordinary people cannot get close to."

Zhang Kun seemed to have thought of something and said.

The only way to leave this place may be on the sacred mountain in the center of the secret realm.

But there are powerful spiritual beasts sitting in the sacred mountain, and ordinary people can't get through it at all.

This news was extremely important to Lin Changsheng.

It seems that I have to go to the sacred mountain. (End of chapter)

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