The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 380 The world-destroying heavenly formation in ten directions, meeting the enemy

A centipede insect can die without freezing, let alone a powerful monster like three ice and fire pythons.

Although the soul has been withdrawn from the body, the instinctive attack can still be done.

The old man was also careless and ignored the attack of the three ice and fire pythons.

These three ice and fire pythons not only have three magical attacks of ice, fire and thunder, but also have the powerful ability to petrify living beings.

By accident, he was petrified into a stone sculpture.

"Avenge the clan leaders and kill them!"

After the other leaders saw the death of the clan leader, they did not retreat. Instead, they ignited the anger in their hearts, and they immediately launched an attack, continuously bombarding the three ice and fire pythons.

However, their attacks could not break through the defense of the three ice and fire pythons.

After a while, everyone turned their attention to Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan.

The ancient mountain is shrouded in a golden treasure and they cannot attack.

But Lin Changsheng was wrapped in a gold bracelet, with a huge gap on his head.

A series of attacks landed on the top of Lin Changsheng's body.


Seeing that the attack was about to fall on Lin Changsheng's head, to everyone's surprise, a layer of golden Buddha cassock rushed out of Lin Changsheng's body and blocked all the attacks.


When everyone around them saw this scene, they were shocked and couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

It seems that none of these three people can be killed.

Lin Changsheng didn't have time to care about what these people thought at this moment, and he was frantically studying the mysteries of the formation.

As long as you suddenly understand the mystery of the formation, you can break it.

If this formation is practiced to perfection, it can be integrated with it.

The power of this formation is extraordinary, even the monks in the Mahayana stage can suppress it.

If it is integrated with Lin Changsheng's original formation, its power will only be stronger.

[Introduction to the Nine Heavens Soul Locking Formation! 】

Half an hour later, Lin Changsheng finally mastered this formation to the beginning.

[The Nine Heavens Soul Locking Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

A prompt pops up on the panel in the next moment.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine Heavens Soul Locking Array begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Nine Heavens Soul Locking Array == Soul Locking! 】

"Soul lock?"

This made Lin Changsheng confused. Didn't he happen to be soul-locked?

Nine Heavens Soul Locking Array experience value +1!

Nine Heavens Soul Locking Array experience value +1!

The next moment, the experience value of the Nine Heavens Soul Locking Formation increased crazily.

"I found a way to break the formation!"

Before the formation was complete, Lin Changsheng had already found a way to break it.

Although this formation is powerful and can lock the souls of all living things, it cannot lock things without souls.

That is the corpse puppet.

Lin Changsheng worked hard to spread his spiritual consciousness and summoned the corpse puppet in the late stage of integration directly from the Heavenly Soul Flag.

As soon as the corpse puppet came out, the tribe immediately fell into chaos.

After all, corpse puppets in the later stages of integration are not that easy to deal with.

Moreover, their only patriarch with a Mahayana stage had died in the hands of three ice and fire pythons.

At this moment, facing the powerful corpse puppet in the late stage of integration, they were suddenly helpless.

Even this large formation has no effect on corpse puppets.


With the continuous attacks of the corpse puppets, the entire Qingshui tribe became a mess.

Every time the corpse puppet hits, many people die.

"Let's go, let's go quickly——"

In the end, seeing that they were no match for the zombie puppet, the major leaders ordered their personnel to escape.

However, these people had murderous intentions towards Lin Changsheng, how could he let them go?

Lin Changsheng commanded the corpse puppet and smashed the formation disk of the formation with one punch.

The formation instantly lost its effect, and the spirit returned to its true form without any restraints.

"Don't let anyone go!"

Lin Changsheng dropped a word and rushed out instantly.

Suddenly the entire Qingshui Tribe turned into Shura Purgatory, bright red blood splashed everywhere, and wailing sounds continued to be heard.

"No, don't kill me, we are just following the clan leader's wishes——"

Zhang Kun knelt down and begged for mercy.

I hope he will be spared for the sake of their friendship.

However, Lin Changsheng would not let go of someone who repaid kindness with hatred.

call out--

He waved the sharp blade in his hand, and a bloody head flew out.

The battle ended soon, only a few people escaped, and the rest were all dead.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and put all the corpses of these people into storage bags.

Although the cultivation of these people is not very strong, and most of them are in the Nascent Soul and Divine Transformation stages, they are best used to refine corpse puppets for fusion.

"Let's see if this old thing left anything useful!"

Lin Changsheng came to the dead old man's side, obtained his storage bag, and then entered it with his spiritual consciousness.

However, it was empty inside. Apart from some corpses of monsters, there was nothing else, not even a fairy crystal.

It is estimated that because of staying here all year round, all the things that can be used have been used up.

"This is?"

Lin Changsheng found a jade tablet and a parchment scroll placed in a corner.

The jade tablet has the word "talisman" written on it, and the parchment seems to be a map with some mountains and rivers on it, and some places are marked with red dots.

"Could this person be from the Immortal Fu Sect?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, after all, there is a 'talisman' written on this token.

Moreover, for the opponent to be able to lay out such a powerful formation, he definitely had a high level of understanding of the formation. It was definitely someone who had been studying rune formations all year round who could do this.

As for the map in the parchment, Lin Changsheng seemed to have some insights after looking at it for a while.

"Is this a map of the secret realm? The red dots inside are where the major tribes exist, and the center is where the sacred mountain is?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

If this is the case, then his goal is clear, and he can follow the map to go directly to the sacred mountain.

After having the target, Lin Changsheng's consciousness withdrew from the storage bag.

"What's next?"

Gushan asked Lin Changsheng.

After getting along with each other for a period of time, Gu Shan seemed to habitually ask Lin Changsheng how to act.

"When I realize the great formation, I will go to the Holy Mountain. There should be a way to leave there. Maybe all the treasures in the secret realm are on the Holy Mountain."

Lin Changsheng responded, and then continued to gain experience points from the Nine Heavens Soul Locking Formation.

While Lin Changsheng was constantly gaining experience points from the Nine Heavens Soul Locking Formation, three hundred miles away, Dugu Fang and Luo Shang had followed Li Zhu to the Alpine Tribe.

This mountain tribe is located at the foot of the sacred mountain. If you want to go to the sacred mountain, you must pass by here.

"I really didn't expect that fellow Taoist Dugu could control monsters? Then we can unify all the tribes in this secret realm. It will be easy to find Lin Changsheng by then!"

Li Zhu felt a little surprised when he discovered that Dugu Yifang was actually able to control the monster.

As long as the cultivation base is weaker than that of Dugu Fang, all monsters can be controlled by Dugu Fang.

"As long as I can kill this kid, I will obey Senior Li's orders in everything!"

Dugu Fang also hated Lin Changsheng with all his heart at this moment. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be in such a miserable state.

"Don't worry, he will definitely perish here, because the only way out of here is on this sacred mountain, and the intersection is already occupied by our mountain tribe, so he can't even think of leaving!"

Li Zhu said confidently.

When Li Zhu and others arrived at the mountain tribe, they found that another leader had discovered Zhu Tianzhi and others and brought them back.

When Li Zhu saw Zhu Tianzhi, he suddenly had mixed feelings.

"Sect Master Li, you, you are still alive, I, I am ashamed of your entrustment!"

Zhu Tianzhi cried.

Li Zhu originally handed over the Nine Poison Sect to Zhu Tianzhi, but now the Nine Poison Sect has been destroyed in his hands.

In desperation, he had no choice but to open the entrance to the secret realm and take refuge inside.

Unexpectedly, I met Li Zhu here.

"I know. I already know everything about the matter. It was all done by the beast Lin Changsheng. Since he dares to come to the secret realm, I will definitely not let him leave alive!"

Li Zhu patted Zhu Tianzhi on the shoulder and comforted him.

Because the spiritual consciousness here was suppressed, otherwise they would have been able to find Lin Changsheng's location.

At this moment, they could only wait and wait for Lin Changsheng to arrive.

He believed that Lin Changsheng would definitely not stay in the secret realm all his life and would definitely come to the sacred mountain.

[The Nine Heavens Locking God Formation is complete! 】

Half a day later, the Nine Heavens Locking God Formation was finally completed.

[The Nine Heavens Locking God Formation (Perfection) and the Thunder Fire Burning God Formation (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new formation? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

After the fusion, the power of the formation will be even more powerful.

[Nine Heavens Locking God Formation (Perfection), Thunder Fire Burning God Heavenly Formation (Perfection) fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, new formations are obtained, Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation! 】

"The Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Array?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, this name is very lethal as soon as he hears it.

[The Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Array has been detected. Do you want to spend 8,000 fairy crystals to simplify it? 】

A prompt pops up again on the panel.


Fortunately, Lin Changsheng had enough Immortal Crystals in his hand, otherwise he would really not be able to simplify things.

Nowadays, these magic spells and formations are becoming more and more powerful, and each consumption requires thousands of fairy crystals.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation has begun... Simplification is in progress... The simplification is completed, the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation == Watching the Sky! 】

"Guan Tian?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, this simplification is very humane!

Then Lin Changsheng immediately started to look at the sky.

The experience value of the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Array is +1!

The experience value of the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Array is +1!

The next moment, the experience value of the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation continued to increase crazily.

Seeing Lin Changsheng staring blankly at the sky, Gushan and Xiaonan couldn't help but feel curious.

"What is this guy doing?"

Gushan asked curiously.

"It seems like you are looking for something?"

Xiaonan guessed.

"Are you looking for a way to leave the secret realm?"

Gu Shan was also suspicious.

If Lin Changsheng told them that he was practicing a great formation, would their jaws drop in shock?

Can you practice formations just by looking at the sky? This is definitely the first time they have heard of it.

[The Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation is complete! 】

Half a day later, Lin Changsheng's neck felt a little sore when he looked up at the sky. The practice of the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation had finally reached perfection.

Suddenly, a stream of memories rushed into his mind, all of which were information about the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation.

At this moment, he is like an old formation master who has arranged the Ten Directions World-Destroying Heavenly Formation for thousands of years and understands it very well.

"This formation can actually use the power of the sky to suppress everything in the world. If thunder and flames are added to the formation, the power will be even more powerful!"

Lin Changsheng was shocked, the power of this formation was simply overbearing.

It not only retains the power of the Nine Heavens Soul Locking Formation, but also incorporates the power of the Thunder and Fire Burning God Heavenly Formation.

For people trapped in the formation, it is extremely difficult to survive.

Lin Changsheng took a deep breath and then stood up.

With Gu Shan and Xiao Nan protecting him, he was not afraid of being disturbed at all.

"Set off!"

After completing the formation, Lin Changsheng planned to rush to the sacred mountain.

There is definitely a way to leave this place within the sacred mountain.

Maybe the treasures in the secret realm are also on the sacred mountain.

Since his spiritual consciousness could not detect the situation in the distance, Lin Changsheng released countless bloodthirsty gluttons.

These bloodthirsty gluttons were like Lin Changsheng's eyes, able to check the situation ahead for him.

With the bloodthirsty Taotie clearing the way ahead, Lin Changsheng and others would be much safer.

In this unknown space, it’s better to be careful.

Although their overall strength is not weak either.

"It's three hundred miles from here to the Holy Mountain!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the map he obtained from the old man's storage bag and thought to himself.

In the past three hundred miles, Lin Changsheng could arrive there in a blink of an eye.

But now in the secret realm, Lin Changsheng must move step by step and carefully navigate the Wannian Ship.

Therefore, it took Lin Changsheng three full days to reach the foot of the sacred mountain.

"This should be the mountain tribe!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the marks on the map and found that there was indeed a huge tribe stationed at the foot of the sacred mountain ahead.

Some bloodthirsty gluttons who approached were directly killed by some tribesmen guarding the mountain tribes.

The cultivation level of the people in this tribe is obviously much more powerful than that of the Qingshui tribe.

Lin Changsheng did not dare to enter it easily, but first set up the Ten Directions World-Destroying Formation outside just in case.

After setting up the large formation, Lin Changsheng used his spiritual consciousness to spread out, intending to explore the strength of this mountain tribe?

If it is not very strong, you can just force it through. If it is too strong, then you are making plans.

"Huh? They are actually here too?"

When Lin Changsheng released his spiritual consciousness into the mountain tribe, he suddenly discovered that there were several people he was familiar with in the tribe.

Among them, Luo Shang and Zhu Tianzhi were alone.

In addition to these three people, there is also an old man in green clothes, who exudes a strong coercion.

He is clearly a powerful person in the late Mahayana period.

"finally come!"

While Lin Changsheng was detecting the other party, the old man in green seemed to sense something, a smile appeared on his lips, and then he quickly left the tribe and flew into the distance.

Dugu Yifang, Zhu Tianzhi and others immediately followed.


Lin Changsheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party's perception was so powerful.


The next moment, several figures landed in front of Lin Changsheng.

"Little beast, we meet again!"

Dugu Fang said coldly, let's see if he can escape this time?

"It seems that you have found a helper! Are you starting to fight against others?"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

Although the old man in green had extraordinary cultivation and had reached the late stage of Mahayana, fortunately he had arranged the formation in advance. It was hard to say who would win and who would lose.

"Stop talking nonsense, today is your death day!"

Zhu Tianzhi scolded.

If it weren't for Lin Changsheng, a beast, he would never have ventured into the secret realm. He would have to kill Lin Changsheng to vent his hatred.

"That depends on whether you have the ability?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully, no one on the other side can escape today! (End of chapter)

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