The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 384: Surrendering the two-headed fire phoenix, the three-flame true fire, and the secret of

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him was Lin Changsheng's strategy.

Seeing the double-headed fire phoenix's eyes severely injured and wailing, Lin Changsheng naturally would not let go of this opportunity.

He took out the blood jade bracelet in an instant. The blood jade bracelet is very powerful and can be enlarged or reduced.

The blood-red bracelet instantly enlarged after being thrown by Lin Changsheng, and fell towards the top of the double-headed fire phoenix like a mountain, directly covering it.


Lin Changsheng controlled the contraction of the blood jade bracelet, slowly compressing its range, and imprisoned the two-headed fire phoenix within the jade bracelet.

If the two-headed fire phoenix was not blind, it would be impossible to trap the two-headed fire phoenix with a blood jade bracelet.

But now that the two-headed fire phoenix cannot see, it is naturally easy.

As the blood jade bracelet compressed, the flames around the double-headed fire phoenix began to drop dramatically, until the compressed body transformed into a human form.

The dying one was imprisoned in a blood jade bracelet.

"Now can you tell me where the exit is?"

Lin Changsheng said to the woman in red who was imprisoned in a blood jade bracelet in front of him.

"I, I said, there is no way to leave here, even if you kill me!"

The woman in red spoke firmly. If there was a way to leave, she would have left long ago.

Not only is there no passage out of the secret realm, but even entering the main hall, a large formation is set up, making it difficult to leave the main hall.

Let alone leaving the secret realm.

If she could leave, how could she be willing to stay here for the rest of her life?

Seeing that the other party's tone was so certain, it seemed that the fire phoenix didn't know how to leave.

The only hope now is in the golden coffin above the lava pit.

"In this case, there is no use keeping you. Do you surrender to me? Or die?"

Lin Changsheng gave Huofeng two choices.

However, after the words fell, the woman in red's mouth showed no hint of timidity, but instead revealed a smile.

"Is there any difference between these two choices? Do you think you can leave here? You will eventually become a withered skeleton here!"

The two-headed fire phoenix did not believe that Lin Changsheng could leave this place. Surrendering to him would only mean he could live a little longer.

"In that case, I will send you on your way!"

Since the other party was unwilling to surrender, Lin Changsheng did not want to waste his time with her.

As he said that the energy in his palms was gathering, he was already planning to take action.


Just when Lin Changsheng was about to take action, the two-headed fire phoenix slowly spoke.

"I am willing to surrender, but I want to see how you leave? I won't be willing to see you die without my own eyes!"

The two-headed fire phoenix said slowly.

She wanted to see how Lin Changsheng died.

Seeing that the two-headed fire phoenix was willing to surrender, Lin Changsheng didn't say much to her, and directly stepped forward to use the Soul Contract Technique to sign the contract.

The contract signed is naturally a master-servant contract.

Because the two-headed fire phoenix is ​​willing to surrender, it is very simple to sign the contract.

The signing was successful in just three breaths.

[The Nirvana Divine Fire was detected. Is it fused with the immortal dragon flame? 】

Just when Lin Changsheng had just completed the contract, a prompt popped up on the panel.

"The flames can actually fuse again?"

This surprised Lin Changsheng, but it was normal, as the flames could naturally fuse.

And this Nirvana Divine Fire is the flame controlled by the double-headed fire phoenix. At this moment, she is subdued by Lin Changsheng, and some of her abilities are obtained by Lin Changsheng.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

[The fusion of Nirvana Divine Fire and Immortal Dragon Flame has begun. Fusion is in progress. Fusion is completed, and you will get the three-flame true fire! 】

"Three flames of true fire?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, but then he thought about it, and realized that there were indeed three major flames integrated into this flame, one of which was the immortal firework, the other was the Kirin Divine Flame, and the third was the Nirvana Divine Fire.

It is normal for the three major flames to fuse together and be promoted to the Three Flame True Fire.

"I wonder how powerful these three flames of true fire are?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, then waved his hand and took out a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and the three flames of real fire in his hand began to burn.

Want to see if the Three Flames True Fire can cause damage to low-grade Tongtian Lingbao?

What finally surprised Lin Changsheng was that this low-grade Tongtian Lingbao kept bursting under the burning of the Three Flames True Fire, and finally turned into a pool of fiery red molten liquid.

This surprised Lin Changsheng. He didn't expect the power of the Three Flames True Fire to be so overbearing?

Can even a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao be burned and melted?

The low-grade Tongtian Lingbao keeps making crackling sounds, which is caused by the restrictions inside being constantly destroyed.

"I wonder if the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao can be destroyed?"

Lin Changsheng made a guess, and then took out a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao to try.

As a result, the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao only burned red, but was unable to be destroyed.

It seems that the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao is still much more powerful than the lower-grade ones.

However, being able to destroy low-grade Tongtian Lingbao is enough to show the power of these three flames of true fire.

"You actually control my flame power?"

The voice of the two-headed fire phoenix came from Lin Changsheng's mind, and his heart was filled with shock.

After being subdued by Lin Changsheng, the eyes of the two-headed fire phoenix were able to see again.

"Zu Tan, next time I ask you something, you can only speak, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand, extinguishing the three-flame real fire in his palm, and said coldly to the double-headed fire phoenix.

Now that this woman is in his hands, don't offend yourself, otherwise you won't be polite to her.

After all, her figure is so well-proportioned and charming.

Lin Changsheng could never be sure that he would lose control and be cruel to her.


The two-headed fire phoenix roared angrily, but did not dare to say anything.

Because she now became Lin Changsheng's contracted beast, everything had to obey Lin Changsheng's arrangements.

Lin Changsheng asked her to lie down, but she couldn't stand.

Thinking of this, the two-headed fire phoenix had no choice but to give up.

She wanted to see how Lin Changsheng died here, and still wanted to go out. It was simply a dream.

After the two-headed fire phoenix calmed down, Lin Changsheng began to look at the giant lava pit in the center of the hall.

The coffin hanging with iron chains under the pit is so dazzling.

Lin Changsheng reached out and grabbed the golden coffin in mid-air.


The coffin fell on the main hall, and there was a dull sound.

I don't know if the coffin is surrounded by golden light that was burned by the flames, or if it is just like that.

Looks extraordinary.

There are many mysterious patterns on the coffin, most of which are sword patterns. Lin Changsheng cannot understand what these represent.

"Is this the coffin of a member of the Wuji Sword Sect?"

Gu Shan guessed, because the pattern of this long sword is very similar to the pattern of Wuji Sword Sect.

The reason why the Wuji Sword Sect can be remembered by Gushan is because three thousand years ago, the Wuji Sword Sect gave birth to a peerless talent. He built the foundation at the age of ten, golden elixir at the age of fifteen, Nascent Soul at the age of eighteen, transformed into a god at the age of twenty-five, and became a god at the age of twenty-five. Refining the body at the age of thirty-one, becoming a body at the age of thirty-one, Mahayana at the age of two hundred and forty-six, and overcoming the tribulation at the age of eight hundred and sixty-two.

It is said that he is a unique talent that is rare to see in the immortal realm for thousands of years, and he is expected to enter the realm of immortals in a thousand years.

However, this person later disappeared after entering the tribulation period, and many suspicions continued.

Some people think that after he stepped into the realm of immortals, he shattered the void and went to other worlds, while others thought that he fell.

Some people even think that he has seen through everything in the world and lives an ordinary life incognito.

In short, various speculations continue.

But no one knows the real result.

"Wuji Sword Sect?"

Xiaonan was shocked when she heard this sect.

Because this sect is a mortal enemy of the Supreme Sword Sect.

However, Lin Changsheng was very unfamiliar with this sect.

Then I wanted to open the coffin and take a look. What secrets were hidden in it?

However, when Lin Changsheng wanted to open the coffin, he found that the coffin was extremely strong and difficult to open.

Seeing this situation, Gushan frowned deeper and deeper.

Because the coffin is difficult to open, it is because the gap between the inside and outside is too large.

The flames burning outside belong to the highest yang, and the opposite is the highest yin.

Could it be that there is an extremely powerful Infernal Corpse inside?

"Don't you control the soul? You can wait until the flames on the coffin recede and let the soul open the coffin!"

Gushan suggested.

Seeing this, Lin Changsheng could only do this. After all, forcing the coffin to break open might damage the contents inside.

Maybe there will be some treasures inside.

While waiting for the flames of the coffin to recede, Lin Changsheng obtained the heavenly treasures on the coffin one by one.

Most of these Tongtian Lingbao are of the middle-grade level. The lower-grade ones only have three handles, and the middle-grade ones have twelve handles. It is considered a good harvest.

This is another step closer to integrating the Tongtian Immortal Treasure.

As the flames dissipated, the coffin slowly turned black, which looked very strange.

Lin Changsheng took out the Heavenly Soul Flag and summoned two souls to come forward and open the coffin.


Unexpectedly, the soul could easily open the coffin.

However, the moment the coffin was opened, a strong suction force directly absorbed the two souls.


The two souls let out painful screams and then disappeared without a trace.

This shocked Lin Changsheng. What is inside?

When Lin Changsheng stepped forward to check, he discovered that there was a man dressed in black lying inside.

The man was surrounded by waves of black mist, but his face was dead but not stiff, as if he was asleep. He did not look like death.

A powerful aura continued to circulate in this corpse.

Lin Changsheng felt it and found that this corpse turned out to be the powerful one in the Tribulation Stage.

At such a young age, in the tribulation period, it seemed that he must have been a great talent.

And this long knife is placed around the man.

This long knife looks no different from an ordinary long knife, but the blade is extremely sharp and has complex lines on it.

"Tongtian Immortal Treasure?"

Gushan couldn't help but swallowed when he saw this thing. This person seemed to be a member of the Wuji Sword Sect, and he was probably the genius who was rare to meet in ten thousand years.

As for why he died here, lying in the coffin is unknown.

In the coffin, in addition to a corpse and a long knife, the coffin was also filled with dark brown mushrooms that looked very strange.

"This is the Corpse Evil Mushroom. When the evil spirit in the corpse merges with the aura of heaven and earth, it will form. It has the effect of amplifying the corpse. This is obviously a corpse refining place!"

Gu Shan finally understood.

It is estimated that after the genius of the Wuji Sword Sect died, the demonic people brought him here to raise his corpse in order to refine the strongest corpse evil.

So this place is not only protected by a large formation and spiritual beasts.

But unfortunately, the corpse was discovered by them before it was finished.

"Refining corpse?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, doesn't this give him an advantage?

It just so happened that he had the Divine Corpse Art in hand, and he might be able to refine it in the future.

This is a corpse in the early stages of the tribulation!

When your cultivation reaches the early stage of Mahayana, you can start refining the Divine Corpse Art.

"It's such a pity that such a talented person died in vain!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, it seems that this fairyland is really dangerous, even the strong ones in the tribulation stage may die, and he must not be careless in the future.

Lin Changsheng thought that he had killed someone from the Immortal Corpse Sect, and he must have thought that the other party would never let him go.

It seems that I have to be careful in the future.

He didn't want to be turned into a corpse puppet like this genius.

"What a bother!"

Lin Changsheng muttered, and then waved his hand to put the corpse into the Heavenly Soul Flag. He planned to study the two treasures, the Corpse Mushroom and the Heaven-Bearing Immortal Treasure.

This zombie mushroom has the effect of a powerful corpse. I wonder if giving it to my mid-stage fusion corpse will have an amplifying effect?

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng summoned the corpse puppet in the middle stage of integration, and then asked him to eat the zombie mushroom.

I found that the evil spirit in his body was really getting stronger quickly, and his aura became more and more powerful.

Then he broke through directly to the late stage of integration.

"Can it really improve the corpse puppet's cultivation?"

This change made Lin Changsheng extremely happy.

Then I continued to take it, but there was no such obvious improvement.

It seems that raising a small level is the limit of the zombie mushroom.

But the effect is already pretty good. In the future, when I refine the corpse puppet and give it to him, he will be able to improve to a small level.

Putting the corpse mushroom away, Lin Changsheng began to look at the low-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasure in his hand.

This was an immortal treasure level treasure, and Lin Changsheng could see that there was a look of longing in Gushan's eyes.

After all, treasures such as the Tongtian Immortal Treasure can only be possessed by those who are strong in the Tribulation Stage.

If they were in a safe place at this moment, maybe Gu Shan would start fighting with Lin Chang for this treasure.

But since they are in the secret realm, whether they can get out or not is a problem. If there is internal strife over this treasure, it will be difficult for any of them to leave.

What if I get this treasure?

So Gu Shan hesitated again and again and chose to give up.

Lin Changsheng could naturally see Gushan's inner activities. Fortunately, he did not take action, otherwise this would be the burial place of Gushan.

After all, in addition to Gushan, Lin Changsheng also has his little girl by his side.

Gushan is no match for Xiaonan.

Lin Changsheng then looked at the sword and found that it had a total of twenty-six levels of restrictions, and it was one of the stronger among the lower-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasures.

Each time a level of restraint is refined, one more level of the power of this sword can be exerted.

However, at this moment, Lin Changsheng had no intention of refining this treasure immediately. Instead, he continued to search in the coffin, hoping to find other useful things.

Among them is the way to leave this place.

However, after searching for a while, Lin Changsheng still found nothing.

Is there really no way to leave this place?

Lin Changsheng felt a little desperate at this moment.

If there is no way to leave the secret realm even from the sacred mountain, then where can there be one?

Just when Lin Changsheng helplessly looked up at the main hall, he discovered that fiery red rays of light were wandering above the beams of the main hall, forming strange formation patterns.

"Could it be said that the way to leave lies within these formations?"

Lin Changsheng exclaimed in surprise. (End of chapter)

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