The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 394: Drunk tongue, kills the enemy with one punch, shocked

Lin Changsheng looked at Mo Mingyuan and more than a dozen guards, and suddenly became curious.

Don't you mean escorting the caravan? Why don't you even have anything?

But considering that the other party is also a monk, he should also have a storage bag, and everything should be placed in the storage bag.

"Master Mo, your little girl is really good at singing and dancing, and you are also talented in cultivation. If you join our Tianlan Sect, you will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future!"

Zheng Yao looked at Mo Yao and said with bright eyes.

This woman has a graceful figure, pretty appearance, and a talent for cultivation. She is also a rare talented woman. Zheng Yao admires her very much.

"Really? If my little girl can join the Tianlan Sect, it will be considered a blessing for her. Please take good care of her in the future!"

When Mo Mingyuan heard this, he immediately became happy.

Isn't this the purpose of asking Mo Yao to show them the piano dance?

It's just that when Mo Mingyuan looked at Lin Changsheng, Lin Changsheng didn't say anything, which made him a little disappointed.

Compared to Tianlan Sect, Mo Mingyuan hoped that Mo Yao could join the Immortal Palace.

This is the top sect!

But Lin Changsheng didn't say much, and Mo Mingyuan couldn't say much at once, so he had to cater to Zheng Yao.

"After the escort is over, Mo Yao can follow me back to the sect. With her talent, it won't take long for her to achieve something!"

Zheng Yao said cheerfully.

However, Mo Yao looked a little embarrassed, but couldn't say much.

After all, as a member of the Mo family, she was already prepared to sacrifice for the Mo family. How could she not know what Zheng Yao was thinking?

"So good, so good!"

Mo Mingyuan quickly agreed. He couldn't enter the Immortal Palace, but it was good to be able to enter the Tianlan Sect.

After finishing his words, Mo Mingyuan waved his hand and summoned a shuttle from the storage bag.

The shuttle rose up against the wind and turned into a huge spaceship.

"Everyone, please!"

Mo Mingyuan raised his hand to indicate.

Lin Changsheng and the other three were not polite and jumped up directly.

Although the shuttle speed is slow, it is better than rushing.

The Mo family's goal is Ditian City.

That is, the imperial capital of Xianhai Continent.

Business is booming in the imperial capital, and most of the artifacts in Yaochi City are sold to Emperor Tian City.

Traveling by shuttle, it is estimated that it will take three days to arrive.

There were many bandits along the way, so the major sects were asked to send disciples to escort them.

The most domineering among them are the bandits from Qingfeng Cliff.

The gathering of these bandits together has become a big disaster.

He is entrenched near Ditian City, elusive and invisible.

Once some weak caravans, passers-by, and monks are targeted by them, their treasures will be lost at best, and their bodies will be left intact at worst.

This made the caravans heading to Ditian City panic.

"Miss Mo, this journey is really boring. How about I teach you a set of Tianlan Sect's skills?"

Zheng Yao's eyes have been falling on Mo Yao. If he cannot have such a woman, it will indeed be a big loss.

So Zheng Yao wanted to win over the opponent as soon as possible.

"Isn't this inappropriate? Before I joined the Tianlan Sect, you taught me the Tianlan Sect's skills. If your master and elders know about it, you will definitely be punished!"

Mo Yao refused.

How could she not know what Zheng Yao was thinking?

If the other party was Lin Changsheng, she would probably agree, but Zheng Yao was tall and thick, with yellow teeth and calluses on his hands, which made her very uncomfortable.

Let him teach you his skills and not let him take advantage of you?

However, after Mo Yao finished speaking, Mo Mingyuan was very dissatisfied and repeatedly motioned for her to study.

Even if she didn't want to learn it, it would be a good idea to teach it to Mo Yiming after she learned it.

"Miss Mo is worrying too much. Since you are already willing to join our Tianlan Sect, even if you are half a disciple of our Tianlan Sect, it is reasonable to teach you the skills! Don't refuse anymore!"

After saying that, Zheng Yao walked forward and put his hands on Mo Yao's shoulders and arms.

This made Mo Yao feel disgusted and immediately avoided it.

"It's better to wait until I join the Tianlan Sect before studying!"

Mo Yao continued to refuse.


Mo Mingyuan shouted with some displeasure.

"Senior brother teaches you the skills. It is an honor. How can you deny your kindness?"

Mo Mingyuan scolded.

Seeing this scene in Lin Changsheng's eyes, he couldn't help but sneer.

"That's right, Junior Sister Mo, you——"

"You're so tongue-tied! You can't even try to get some peace and quiet!"

Zheng Yao wanted to continue to persuade, but Lin Changsheng said unhappily.

These words made Zheng Yao very unhappy.

Lin Changsheng was clearly talking about him.

"Tu Qingjing, you are practicing in the sect? What are you doing here? If you want to leave now, no one will stop you!"

Zheng Yao does not count.

"Are you so angry now? Miss Mo doesn't want to, so you still want to force me? I think your teaching of the skills is fake, and you are really trying to take advantage of me, right?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully.

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Yao looked a little worried. This kid was obviously here to ruin his good deeds.

With him here along the way, it seemed like he wouldn't be able to succeed.

"You kid, stop talking nonsense. If you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful and I will kill you!"

Zheng Yao said angrily.

I wanted to wait until the bandits attacked and take the opportunity to kill Lin Changsheng.

I didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would ruin a good thing again at this moment. It seemed that he couldn't wait any longer.

"That depends on whether you have the strength?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully.

He had already noticed that Zheng Yao was unhappy. It would have been better if this person had kept quiet. He was also very unhappy with his constant talk.

"court death!"

Without saying a word, Zheng Yao gathered the energy in his body and punched Lin Changsheng straight in the face.

Before the punch came, the powerful Yuan Li gathered in front and formed several fierce tigers that rushed towards Lin Changsheng with extraordinary momentum.

"Fuhu Fist?"

Lin Changsheng made a disdainful sound and punched out with the same punch, the World-Destroying God Fist!

As soon as the fist light came out, the entire space was distorted.


The next moment, two fist lights suddenly collided in mid-air, and a violent roar broke out.

The strong fluctuation of Yuan Power caused the entire shuttle to shake violently.

The Tianlan Sect disciples originally thought that Zheng Yao could give Lin Changsheng a hard lesson.

However, what they didn't expect was that Zheng Yao was directly punched away by Lin Changsheng amid the explosion.

A mouthful of blood spurted out in mid-air, showing that the inner palace had been severely damaged.

If Lin Changsheng explodes with all his strength, he can kill the opponent with one punch.

However, the opponent was still somewhat useful to Lin Changsheng, so he was not killed.

"Senior Brother Zheng, are you okay?"

The surrounding Tianlan Sect disciples hurriedly stepped forward to check on Zheng Yao's injuries, feeling extremely shocked.

However, at this moment, Zheng Yao's energy was in chaos and he didn't even have the strength to stand up. How could he look like nothing was wrong?

"Can you keep quiet now?"

Lin Changsheng said impatiently, then sat cross-legged, too lazy to pay attention to the other party.


A disciple of Tianlan Sect was about to take action, but was stopped by Zheng Yao. He knew that Lin Changsheng was not simple and he was no match. How could these juniors do anything to him?

I really didn’t expect Lin Changsheng to have such a tyrannical cultivation level.

It seems that I was careless.

"Senior brother, this kid is so arrogant!"

Junior Brother Liao said dissatisfied.

When did Tianlan Sect suffer such humiliation?

"When I recover from my injuries and we attack together, we can be sure to kill him!"

Zheng Yao responded, staring at Lin Changsheng with his eyes like a poisonous snake, as if he wanted to vomit him alive.

However, Lin Changsheng was too lazy to pay attention to them. If they were not of some value, Lin Changsheng would not show mercy.

"Is this the strength of Immortal Palace disciples?"

Seeing this scene, Mo Yiming was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the gap between Tianlan Sect and Immortal Palace was so huge.

The opponent only punched Zheng Yao severely.

It looks like I have to join the Asgard.

So Mo Mingyuan pulled Mo Yao aside and started to give instructions.

Lin Changsheng was not interested in the words of advice, otherwise if he wanted to hear them, he could hear them clearly.

After a while, Mo Yao slowly walked over.

"Thank you, Master Immortal, for helping me out!"

Mo Yao said gratefully.

Compared to Zheng Yao, she was more willing to talk to Lin Changsheng.

However, what surprised Mo Yao was that Lin Changsheng didn't seem to be interested in her.

"Need not!"

Lin Changsheng's simple words made Mo Yao not know how to respond.

"Miss Mo, my boss is practicing and doesn't like to be disturbed. Please come back!"

Hou Shaojie came to Mo Yao's rescue.

Hou Shaojie used to like women like Mo Yao very much. After all, it was fun to play with.

But after meeting Zhao Shuang'er, Hou Shaojie found that the other women were much inferior to Zhao Shuang'er.

It's not as indulgent as it was at the beginning.

Otherwise, in the past, Hou Shaojie would not have let go of a stunning woman like Mo Yao.

Seeing this, Mo Yao had no choice but to return.

Time flies, two days have passed.

It was peaceful and peaceful all the way.

They are about to arrive at Ditian City.

Suddenly everyone cheered up.

Because Qingfeng Cliff is on the only way to reach Ditian City.

call out--

Sure enough, in the next moment, a domineering sword light burst out from below and rushed straight towards the shuttle.

Mo Ming saw the situation and immediately controlled the shuttle to avoid it.


However, even so, the tail of the flying shuttle was still struck by the blade, and a violent roar broke out. The flying shuttle broke and fell downwards.

Everyone immediately used their energy and stayed in mid-air.


The next moment, several figures burst out from below, surrounding Lin Changsheng and others.

"You are so brave. How dare you pass by my Qingfeng Cliff without leaving any passing treasure?"

In the crowd, a fat man spoke.

This man was extremely fat, and the fat all over his body swayed when he walked.

His face was even more ridiculous, one of his front teeth was missing, and his speech was a bit leaky.

In his hand, he held tightly this nine-ring long knife. On the back of the knife, there were nine rings that were tightly interlocked.

It also increases the power of the blade.

It is conceivable that the sword light that just burst out was cut by this person.

"That's right, if you don't want to leave some money, then leave your life!"

The other thin man is in sharp contrast to the fat man in front of him.

He was holding a spear in his hand, and he was a head taller than the spear.

Next to the man with the spear, there was a sturdy man holding two giant hammers.

The cultivation of these three people is the most powerful among this group of bandits, and they are all in the early stage of integration.

"How do we know if you are fakes? I heard that the name of your village leader is Zhao Gang. If you call him out, we will definitely offer him a treasure!"

Lin Changsheng opened his mouth and waited for the opponent's location to be determined so that he could annihilate them all in one fell swoop to avoid having to search for them one by one.

"Who do you think you are? You still want to see our village leader?"

The thin man hit the spear with a wave of his hand and said disdainfully.

"After I kill you, won't the treasure still be ours?"

The fat man smiled and said that there were only two people in this group who were at the early stage of integration, but there were three of them. It would be easy to kill them.

Because Lin Changsheng had already lowered his cultivation level on the road, and what he wanted was for the other party to take it lightly.

When the time comes, it will be easier to kill the opponent by surprise.

"See how he responds?"

Not far away, Zheng Yao had no intention of taking action. He planned to wait for the other party to surround Lin Changsheng and trap him to death before resolving his hatred.

"I'm afraid you don't have the strength!"

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to reveal the location of the village leader, Lin Changsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense to the other party, so he hit the other party and told him to do it.

"It's a joke, brothers, give it to me, kill all the men, leave no one alive, keep the women for me!"

The obese man gave a disdainful sound and waved his hand to signal for action.

Immediately, the surrounding bandits heard the fat man's words, and no longer waited, they waved their long knives and launched a siege on Lin Changsheng and others.

Lin Changsheng's main target is the three fused monks in front of him.

The rest of the people were not in Lin Changsheng's eyes at all.

After the fat man finished speaking, he waved the long knife in his hand and struck Lin Changsheng with one blow, as if he wanted to kill Lin Changsheng with one blow.

However, what the obese man didn't expect was that Lin Changsheng dodged and avoided the sword light, and then punched him above the head.

"How dare a tiny cricket fly shake a tree?"

The obese man said disdainfully.

Because Lin Changsheng's cultivation was suppressed in the late stage of refining the void.

Therefore, from the obese man's perspective, Lin Changsheng's attacks were just tickling him at best.

The obese man just swatted away Lin Changsheng with a random palm, like shooing away flies, trying to knock Lin Changsheng away.


However, when the fist light and the palm print collided, the obese man suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Because the strength that Lin Changsheng exploded is not like what can be displayed during the Void Refining Stage.

Under the huge roar, he felt a sharp pain in his palm, and the palm print was instantly shattered by Lin Changsheng's fist light.

The fist light continued unabated and headed directly towards his head.


The obese man's pupils widened when he saw this, and he was frightened. It was too late to escape at this moment.


The next moment, a head exploded in mid-air, and blood splashed everywhere.

A powerful fused man was easily killed by Lin Changsheng.

This scene shocked everyone around him.

Especially Zheng Yao and others.

Is it as easy for Lin Changsheng to kill a strong person in the combined stage as eating and drinking?

So when you start fighting with him, is it possible that you show mercy?

"Second brother——"

Not far away, the thin man roared angrily when he saw the fat man being killed by Lin Changsheng's punch.

This kid actually pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger, and when he was not prepared, he killed his second brother with one move.

"Bitch, I'll kill you!"

The thin man swung his spear and charged towards Lin Changsheng. The light of the spear was so domineering that it seemed like it could tear the sky apart.

When Lin Changsheng saw this, he immediately waved his hand to summon the divine thunder bow.

Too late——

Thunder and lightning arrows converged on the divine thunder bow.

Boo hoo hoo——

The next moment, Lin Changsheng released his bow, and nine lightning arrows flew out, and the entire sky became filled with lightning and thunder. (End of chapter)

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