The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 406: Thunder Hammer, Frost Blade, Battle of the Strong in Overcoming Tribulation

"Zhen, sister Zhen?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

Because this girl looks exactly like the Yan Zhen Lin Changsheng knew.

But the opponent's cultivation at this moment was astonishingly powerful, so Lin Changsheng didn't dare to recognize him rashly.

"Then I want to see if you have this strength?"

Wu Hao threw Lin Changsheng away, intending to test the opponent's strength. It would be a shame and a great humiliation to be scared away by the opponent like this.

Maybe the other party is just showing off.

"Changsheng, get out of the way!"

The woman who exuded a cold aura warned Lin Changsheng as she watched Lin Changsheng land safely.

This made Lin Changsheng even more certain that this woman was Yan Zhen.

After Yan Zhen learned the news of Lin Changsheng's disappearance, she rushed from the extremely cold place to Xianhai Prefecture, traveling to many places along the way, and finally found Lin Changsheng here.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng was not dead yet.

If he had come a little later, Lin Changsheng might have lost his life.

"Sister Zhen, is it really you?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes were suddenly filled with disbelief.

Is Yan Zhen so powerful?

Lin Changsheng knew that he could not watch the battle of the strong men in the Tribulation Stage, and his internal organs might be shattered with just one impact.

So he immediately fled ten miles away.

In this way, although you can't see clearly what happened in the battle with your naked eyes, you can feel it with your spiritual mind.

If Yan Zhen loses, Lin Changsheng will definitely not leave Yan Zhen alone.

In the battlefield.

Wu Hao looked at Yan Zhen. He had seen monks using the power of ice before, but he had never felt such a strong ice breath.

This woman's strength is definitely not simple, so Wu Hao doesn't dare to be careless at all.

Wu Hao waved his hand and took out a huge hammer that shone with thunder.

Too late——

As soon as the giant thunder hammer came out, the entire space became filled with lightning and thunder. Silver snakes danced in the sky, and the sky crackled with the blast.

This hammer is called the Sky Thunder Hammer. It absorbs the power of the sky thunder when it is made, making it extremely powerful.

This treasure belongs to the lower-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasure level.

Wu Hao originally thought that the other party would show some timidity when he saw the fairy treasure in his hand.

However, he didn't expect that the corner of the other party's mouth would just raise a disdainful sneer.

The next moment, Yan Zhen waved his hand, and a sword exuding an extremely cold aura appeared in his hand.

As soon as the sword came out, the ground around him was instantly frozen for three feet.

A hundred feet in radius, a drop of water turns into ice.

The cold breath spread to the extreme.

Even Wu Hao had to use his Yuan Power to resist this overbearing cold breath.

If he didn't use his Yuan Power to resist, his physical body might be invaded by the power of ice.

"Frost Sword, are you the Frost Empress? Impossible. The Frost Empress died three thousand years ago. How can it be possible for her to reappear?"

Wu Hao was shocked when he saw the sword blade in Yan Zhen's hand.

Unexpectedly, the person standing in front of him at this moment would be an empress.

The Frost Empress in her strongest period could compete with the dragon.

At this moment, Yan Zhen is obviously not that powerful.

The only explanation is that the other party may have been reborn.

"Go back to Ditian City and stop embarrassing Changsheng in the future. I will spare your life!"

Yan Zhen said slowly and coldly.

However, when Wu Hao heard this, he was very disdainful.

"That depends on your ability!"

After Wu Hao finished speaking, the thunder hammer in his hand was already operating to the extreme. The powerful power of thunder and lightning gathered in the giant hammer, and then he swung the giant hammer towards Yan Zhen.

The giant hammer transformed into a giant hammer that destroyed heaven and earth in mid-air, and its attack covered an area of ​​ten miles.

This space was locked by Wu Hao's powerful momentum.

And Yan Zhen, who is at the center, is at the center of the attack.

This hammer blasted out, as if it had brought together all the power of heaven and earth, and its power was terrifying.

At this moment, Yan Zhen looked very small compared to the giant hammer, just like an ant compared to the giant tree.

However, such a small figure can burst out with devastating power.


Yan Zhen's sword blade turned, and the monstrous ice aura burst out. The speed of the thunder hammer that originally hit him actually slowed down by three points.

And the giant hammer was covered with a layer of ice energy.

call out--

Yan Zhen swung his sword, and the entire space seemed to collapse.

The powerful spear light went straight towards the giant hammer.


The next moment, when the sword light and the giant hammer collided violently, a huge explosion broke out.

The powerful impact spread ten miles away, knocking Lin Changsheng back with an explosion.

"Is this the power of a strong person in the Tribulation Stage?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but sigh, he was ten miles away!

They can actually feel this powerful impact.

If it was at a close range, the inner palace might have been shattered to pieces and died on the spot.

In the center of the battlefield, the two of them unleashed a full blow.

The two forces actually reached a stalemate in mid-air.

The power of sky thunder and ice can't stand each other.

The ice keeps freezing the opponent, and the thunder keeps bombarding the ice.

Although Yanzhen obtained the inheritance of the Frost Empress, her cultivation has not yet returned to the peak of the Frost Empress.

It is not easy to kill this strong man in the tribulation stage at this moment.

The stalemate lasted for about half a minute, and Yan Zhen relied on the middle-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasure in her hand, the Frost Blade, to go one step further.

The powerful ice power began to gain the upper hand, covering the opponent's lightning-flashing giant hammer with a thick layer of ice, preventing it from erupting in power.

Wu Hao saw that things had come to this, and if he continued to fight, he would definitely lose.

It would be a big loss to lose face by then.


I saw Wu Hao using all his strength to activate the Thunder Hammer, shattering the ice around him, and then burst out.

However, when Wu Hao just landed, he was shocked to find that the power of ice continued to spread from his feet.

This restrained both of his feet.

Yan Zhen saw the opportunity and slashed out with a sword. The sharp sword light tore through the space and headed towards Wu Hao.

When Wu Hao saw the sword light coming at him again, he had no time to think about it and used his legs to shatter the ice on the ground.

Then he jumped up to avoid the sharp sword light.

Bang bang bang——

The sword light fell on the mountains in the distance, instantly killing countless mountains and causing them to collapse.

Moreover, the collapsed mountains were slowly eroded by the air of ice and condensed into ice stones.

"What a powerful ice power!"

Wu Hao was shocked. The treasure in the opponent's hand was obviously stronger than his.

If the fight continues like this, he will definitely be the one who suffers.

"Xumi Tian Thunder Hammer!"

Wu Hao scolded and immediately launched his strongest attack.

If this attack could not defeat Yan Zhen, then he planned to retreat.

Because if he continues to fight, he won't be able to gain much advantage.

It is even more impossible to shock and kill the opponent.

As Wu Hao swung the thunder hammer in his hand, the sky was filled with hurricanes, thunder and lightning roared, and a huge thunder vortex seemed to be formed in the sky.

Countless thunders and hurricanes gathered together, covering a fifty-mile radius.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng was not at the center of the thunder, otherwise if he had been hit by this blow, he would have died without any trace of his body.

Yan Zhen looked at the strange changes in the sky and knew that the opponent's attack was definitely the strongest one, so she did not dare to be careless at all.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

Yan Zhen shouted softly, and the power of ice on the frost sword in her hand exploded to the extreme. In an instant, she condensed a huge frost sword, and then tore through the sky and killed Wu Hao in the sky.


Wu Hao shouted angrily, and a silver giant hammer formed by the gathering of thunder from the sky rushed out from the center of the thunder and lightning whirlpool with overwhelming power, and instantly hit Yan Zhen's location.

The battle between the two great tribulation masters made Lin Changsheng feel that his cultivation in the integration stage was simply not good enough.

If he were at the center of the two attacks, he might not even be able to parry, and he would be killed to pieces in an instant.

At this moment, he still needs to continue to practice and accumulate cultivation.

In the fairyland, there are really strong people like a forest, and the geniuses are everywhere.

If one is not careful, one may die.

Even a genius like Lin Changsheng is no exception.

If Xiaobai and Yanzhen hadn't taken action this time, he would have died.


In the distance, the silver thunder hammer suddenly collided with the ice giant sword.

At this moment, in addition to the huge explosion, there was also an extremely dazzling white light, which made Lin Changsheng unable to see for a moment.

Wait until everything calms down.

Lin Changsheng looked intently and saw that Wu Hao had been instantly frozen into an ice sculpture and fell to the ground.

Not far in front of Yan Zhen, a silver giant hammer smashed out a huge pit a hundred feet long and wide, showing how powerful this blow was.

Fortunately, Yan Zhen was not in the center of the pit, otherwise this blow would definitely cause huge damage.


The next moment, cracks began to appear in the ice around Wu Hao. With a roar, Wu Hao broke free from the shackles of the ice power.

At this moment, he had lost his initial breath, and the look in Yan Zhen's eyes became frightening.

He didn't expect that even with all his strength, he couldn't do anything to the opponent.

"It is worthy of being a middle-grade heaven-reaching immortal treasure. Its power is truly extraordinary. I will spare Lin Changsheng's death this time. If I encounter it next time, I won't be so lucky!"

Without saying a word, Wu Hao turned around and ran away. He was so fast that he disappeared into the sky in an instant.

She was afraid that after leaving, Yan Zhen would force him to stay.

Wu Hao was defeated today. Not only was Lin Changsheng not killed, he was also traumatized.

It's like stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

He cannot kill Lin Changsheng today. If he kills him by force, he will not only be the enemy of the Immortal Palace, but also the Frost Empress. Then he will have many more enemies, and he will not end well by then. .

This matter can only be postponed, and there will definitely be an opportunity to kill Lin Changsheng in the future.

Yan Zhen watched Wu Hao escape and immediately stopped chasing him.

Because if she wanted to kill Wu Hao, she would have to pay a huge price.

Unless absolutely necessary, strong men above the Tribulation Stage rarely fight to the death.

Once there is a fight, it will definitely end in a lose-lose situation for both sides.


However, just after Wu Hao left, Yan Zhen spat out a mouthful of blood, instantly showing her weakness.


Fortunately, he had a frost sword in his hand and punched it on the ground, so he didn't fall to the ground.

In the battle with Wu Hao just now, it seemed that she was better, but in fact she had already consumed a lot of energy and was even attacked by the power of thunder.

If he didn't pretend to be unscathed, I'm afraid the other party wouldn't be able to escape, and it would be a fierce battle.

By then, she and Lin Changsheng might both die here.

Yan Zhen's cultivation time is still too short, and it is quite unbelievable to be able to reach such a level of cultivation.

If she was given hundreds or thousands of years, Yan Zhen would definitely be able to reach the peak of the Frost Empress.

When the Frost Empress was at her peak, she had the body of an immortal.

"Sister Zhen, are you okay?"

After seeing Wu Hao leaving, Lin Changsheng rushed over immediately.


Yan Zhen was anxious.

If the other party finds out that he has been injured, he may come back immediately.

It will be difficult for both of them to leave by then.

Lin Changsheng then immediately carved out the teleportation formation and took Yan Zhen away two hundred thousand miles away before finding a secret place to rest.

Because Yan Zhen needs to take a good rest now, and he also needs to practice well.

In Lin Changsheng's storage bag, there are many treasures that have not been digested.

"Chang Sheng, it's great to see you're okay!"

In front of Lin Changsheng, Yan Zhen did not have the arrogant temperament of the Frost Empress, and was as friendly as before.

Lin Changsheng had not felt this warmth for a long time, just like family.

"Sister Zhen, don't worry! I won't get into trouble that easily!"

Lin Changsheng responded with a smile.

"Then if I hadn't come in time this time, I'm afraid you-"

Before she finished speaking, Yan Zhen stopped.

This made Lin Changsheng a little embarrassed, but that was indeed the case.

If Yan Zhen hadn't arrived in time, he would probably have died.

"I will be more cautious next time, but I didn't expect a strong person in the Tribulation Stage to be so powerful!"

Lin Changsheng scratched his head and said awkwardly.

Just like the little boy eating noodles in a noodle shop.

It was Yanzhen who protected Lin Changsheng in the beginning, and now it is Yanzhen who protects Lin Changsheng.

This made Lin Changsheng seem to have returned to the original noodle shop.

"By the way, Sister Zhen, how did you find me?"

Lin Changsheng asked curiously.

"After we said goodbye last time, I went to the Land of Extreme Ice and found the Immortal Treasure of Heaven according to the guidance. I was honored as the Frost Empress. I also know that you won the first place on the list of geniuses, but after hearing the news of your disappearance, , I came out to look for you because I was worried! It’s great to see you’re okay!”

Yanzhen responded.

"Empress of Frost? No wonder your cultivation has improved so quickly!"

Lin Changsheng said in surprise.

It seems that Yan Zhen got a lot of opportunities after going to the extreme ice land.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to improve so quickly.

"Compared with the Empress, I prefer to think back to the original Mucheng. Being a commoner may be more suitable for me!"

Yanzhen said slowly, and then looked at her hands. At this moment, her hands were covered with blood. Yanzhen never thought that she, who was kind-hearted, would one day kill so many people.

She would only say these inner thoughts to Lin Changsheng.

She is a pure and kind-hearted person. For her to gain a foothold in the murderous world of cultivating immortals, it is undoubtedly not necessary to kill decisively.

But Yanzhen doesn't want endless killing.

Seeing the living lives dying in her own hands, Yan Zhen felt a great sense of guilt.

"Sister Zhen, the world is like this. If we don't kill others, they will kill us!"

Lin Changsheng comforted him.

Yan Zhen fell into silence. After a moment, she seemed to understand. She slowly raised her head and looked at Lin Changsheng.

"But it's not without its benefits. At least I can still protect you!"

Yan Zhen showed a smile.

This looked very warm in Lin Changsheng's eyes.

Lin Changsheng knew that Yan Zhen might regard him as her only relative.

And Lin Changsheng is not the same. (End of chapter)

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