
The violent thunder and lightning power gathered on the divine thunder bow.

Boo hoo hoo——

The next moment, Lin Changsheng loosened his bow string, and arrows shot through the sky, quickly sweeping towards the strong man.

The arrows erupted from the divine thunder bow at this moment are much more powerful than before.

If it were in the past, it would be impossible for the divine thunder bow to instantly kill the mid-level monks.

But the current Divine Thunder Bow is at the level of a heaven-reaching immortal treasure, and Lin Changsheng's explosive archery skills are also the result of the fusion of multiple immortal arts.

The arrows shot through the sky, as fast as ghosts.

The strong man could hardly see the direction of the arrow and could only blindly dodge it.


The strong man was lucky last time, but not so lucky this time.

Two arrows pierced his chest, passing directly through his chest, killing him instantly.

Perhaps until his death, the strong man never thought that he would die here.

Who would have thought that facing a monk in the early stages of integration, a group of them would all be killed.

Seeing the souls flying out, Lin Changsheng waved the Heavenly Soul Flag in his hand and collected them all.

Lin Changsheng did not miss the corpse either. These are excellent materials for refining corpse puppets.

"The power of the fists of gods from all directions and the Netherworld Thunder Rocket Technique is really extraordinary!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with the power of these two magical arts.

Let him fight against the mid-stage Fusion monks and kill them with ease.

Once he breaks through to the middle stage of fusion, it will probably not be difficult to fight against the late stage of fusion.

At that time, you can continue to challenge Tongtian Peak and seize a better training ground.

"We already have a lot of corpses in our hands, and we can make more powerful corpse puppets!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Lin Changsheng did have a lot of corpses in his hands. In addition to the corpses in the Fusion stage, there were also many Mahayana stage corpses.

I wonder if Lin Changsheng can use the Divine Corpse Art to make a corpse puppet from a Mahayana corpse?

If it can be refined into a corpse puppet, then Lin Changsheng can be protected by a corpse puppet in the Mahayana stage.

He did what he thought of. Seeing that Yan Zhen was still recovering from his injuries, Lin Changsheng sealed the cave and started refining the body.

Refining corpse puppets can be interrupted at any time, but breaking through the realm cannot. Once interrupted, the meridians may be severed, or the energy may backfire and die.

Although Lin Changsheng was promoted through the Wuxia Foundation Building, both his body and meridians were extremely powerful.

But I don’t dare to take this risk easily.

Therefore, it would be safest to wait for Yan Zhen to recover from her injuries and let her protect her in the breakthrough realm.

Lin Changsheng possesses the perfect level of the Divine Corpse Art. He can refine corpses extremely quickly, and he can also refine corpse puppets that are higher than his own level.

Lin Changsheng planned to refine the bodies in the Fusion stage first, and then try to see if he could refine the bodies in the Mahayana stage.

When the time comes to use panel fusion, we might be able to fuse extremely powerful corpse puppets to help.

Just when Lin Changsheng was merging the corpse puppets.

The Tianming Sword Sect has caused an uproar.

"What? The two great elders, Black and White, are dead? How is this possible?"

"Did they also die in the hands of Lin Changsheng? Lin Changsheng was only a disciple in the early integration stage, how could he kill two elders?"

"I think there must be someone strong to help, otherwise the two elders, Black and White, will never die easily!"

"That's right! The two great elders, Black and White, possess the powerful secret technique of confining time. Ordinary people can't kill them at all!"

"What should we do now? Not only is Lin Changsheng not dead, our Tianming Sword Sect has lost one of its most talented disciples and three great elders in succession!"

In the Tianming Sword Sect's main hall, many elders were extremely surprised after learning that the Black and White Shuangsha had died.

They didn't want to believe that Lin Changsheng was so powerful that he could kill the two elders of Black and White. He must have the help of a strong person.

At the top of the hall, a child who looked to be six or seven years old was sitting. He was dressed in black, and there were black lines like spider webs spreading around the corners of his eyes, which looked extremely strange.

This person is not a real child.

But the leader of Tianming Sword Sect, Taoist Tianming.

Taoist Tianming has lived for more than 23,600 years, and the immortal power in his body is so majestic that it seems that one look can kill many monks in the Mahayana and Tribulation stages below.

When he heard that an ant in the integration stage was confusing the Tianming Sword Sect, his eyes suddenly flashed with cold light, as if he was about to tear the void apart.

He originally wanted to retreat and break through to the second level of the fairyland, but he was interrupted by these subordinates.

How could a young man have such great abilities?

"A bunch of trash!"

Taoist Tianming scolded angrily. Although his voice sounded a bit like a child's, it instantly made everyone below hold their breath and dare not say anything.

Taoist Tian Ming stood up slowly, and the powerful pressure made everyone below him immediately fall to the ground.

"A small Fusion Stage monk actually killed the three elders of my Tianming Sword Sect. It is simply a shame and a great humiliation. Are you all useless?"

Taoist Tianming angrily scolded everyone, "When did Tianming Sword Sect suffer such humiliation?"

If this matter spreads, how can their Tianming Sword Sect gain a foothold in the Immortal Realm?

"Zong, please calm down, sect leader. There must be someone strong behind Lin Changsheng to help, otherwise the black and white elders will never fall!"

The white-haired elder said slowly.

When Taoist Tianming was in retreat, he was in charge of the Tianming Sword Sect.

However, now that the sect leader has left seclusion, his previous majesty is no longer there.

"A strong person helps? Which strong person?"

Taoist Tianming looked at the great elder and asked.

This made the great elder suddenly tremble in his heart and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"This matter is still under investigation. Please forgive me, Sect Master!"

The great elder responded with fear, fearing that the sect master would kill him with one of his angry moves.

Although he has the cultivation level of the Tribulation Stage, compared with the sect master, he is simply not worth mentioning.

"Longju, I handed over the sect to you to take care of before retreating, and this is what you did as a result? The death of three Mahayana elders, do you know what a loss it is to our Tianming Sword Sect?"

Taoist Tian Ming walked towards the Great Elder step by step, which showed how dissatisfied he was with the Great Elder.

The great elder felt panic in his heart, "This disciple is not talented, please forgive me, sect master. I will handle this matter personally, and I will definitely satisfy sect master!"

Long Ju quickly apologized.

"I give you three months. If you can't kill Lin Changsheng, you don't have to come back to see me?"

Taoist Tianming said coldly.

Suddenly the temperature in the hall seemed to drop a lot.

"Yes! Disciple, go now!"

Long Ju responded and immediately exited the hall.

After leaving the main hall, Long Ju was still frightened.

Fortunately, his life was saved for the time being. As for how to kill Lin Changsheng, we will discuss it in the long term.


After the great elder left, Taoist Tianming shouted.

The third elder immediately took two steps forward in fear, "Sect Master!"

Liu Jianhui thought that the sect wanted to question him, but he thought too much.

"How long will it take for the Thousand-Year Taoism Conference to be held?"

Taoist Tianming asked.

"Still, there are still three years left!"

Liu Jianhui thought for a moment and responded.

"You have to practice hard in the past three years. Whether our Tianming Sword Sect can squeeze into the top three in the Immortal Realm depends on this time!"

Taoist Tianming looked at everyone.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

The other elders nodded.

Tianlan Sect.

When Sun Tiance learned that Huo Zhi had died, he was shocked.

How is this possible that a monk in the Fusion Stage was able to escape from the powerful men in the Imperial City and even killed several powerful men in the Mahayana Stage?

However, the fact was right in front of him, and he had to believe it.

"Sect Master, this is absolutely true. Elder Huo Zhi is dead!"

"It is said that Lin Changsheng set up a large formation and trapped and killed Elder Huo Zhi and several other powerful men from the Imperial City!"

"Can this formation be so powerful? Can it even surround and kill powerful people in the Mahayana stage?"

"I don't think it's just that! Lin Changsheng must have strong people around him to help him, otherwise how could several powerful people in the Mahayana stage be trapped and killed by his large formation!"

The elders of Tianlan Sect were talking a lot, and they didn't believe that Lin Changsheng was so powerful.

"Lin Changsheng killed my sect's genius before, and now he has killed my sect's elders. This revenge must be avenged! Which elder is willing to take Lin Changsheng's head!"

Sun Tiance seemed to have a mortal enemy with Lin Changsheng and vowed to kill Lin Changsheng.

However, after Sun Tiance finished speaking, the elders looked around but there was no response.

It's not that they are unwilling, but they all know that this matter is not easy to handle.

Not to mention whether they can kill Lin Changsheng or not, they cannot shake the power behind Lin Changsheng.

"Sect Master, it's better to wait for a while. Lin Changsheng's whereabouts are unknown now. He may have returned to the Immortal Palace. We'd better wait for him to appear next time and then look for opportunities!"

An elder who was originally opposed to killing Lin Changsheng spoke to persuade him.

After all, Lin Changsheng is the proud disciple of the Immortal Palace. If the execution of Lin Changsheng is known to the Immortal Palace, it is estimated that their entire sect will be in danger by then.

"Next time? When I see Lin Changsheng next time, I guess he has already broken through the Mahayana stage. Could it be that he has been hiding in the sect and we are just waiting?"

Sun Tiance was very dissatisfied.

"Sect Master, there are many people who want to kill Lin Changsheng more than us. In addition to us, there are also Tianming Sword Sect, Ditian City, etc. We must not mess up our position!"

Another elder suggested.

These words instantly awakened Sun Tiance.

It seemed that he was too anxious. He and his family were not the only ones who wanted to kill Lin Changsheng?

Time flies, and five days have passed.

During these five days, Lin Changsheng has been refining the corpse puppet, and Yan Zhen has also been healing his injuries.

On this day, Lin Changsheng finally finished refining all the corpse puppets in the integration stage, a total of 50 corpse puppets in the early stage of integration.

As for the corpse puppets of the Mahayana stage, Lin Changsheng was unable to refine them.

Because the energy in the body in the Mahayana stage is too strong, whether it is flesh, blood or meridians, it is much stronger than that in the combined stage.

Although the Divine Corpse Art cannot refine corpse puppets in the Mahayana stage, it can greatly increase the speed of corpse refining.

It takes almost an hour to refine a corpse puppet in the combined stage.

[50 corpse puppets in the early stage of integration were detected. Are they fused into 25 corpse puppets in the middle stage of integration? 】

A prompt pops up on the panel in the next moment.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

I saw 50 corpses in the early stages of integration, slowly fused together under the pull of a powerful force, flashing out bursts of dazzling white light.

After all the light receded, 25 mid-stage integration zombies appeared in front of them.

[27 mid-stage fusion corpse puppets were detected. Are they fused into 9 late-stage fusion corpse puppets? 】


When the prompt popped up on the panel, Lin Changsheng clicked on fusion.

Because Lin Changsheng had two mid-stage fusion corpses, the same two people who were killed outside the cave a few days ago.

I saw 27 giant combined mid-stage corpse puppets fused together, and merged into 9 giant combined late-stage corpse puppets in the dazzling light.

[10 late-stage fusion corpse puppets were detected. Are they fused into one Mahayana-stage corpse puppet? 】

A prompt popped up on the panel again, making Lin Changsheng quite excited.

Although I cannot refine the Mahayana corpse puppet, I can fuse it.

Lin Changsheng happened to have a late-stage fusion corpse puppet in his hand, so he collected 10 late-stage fusion corpse puppets.


Lin Changsheng chose fusion again.

The 10 corpse puppets flickered with light, and then merged into one place. After the light receded, what appeared in front of Lin Changsheng was a powerful Mahayana stage corpse puppet.

Lin Changsheng looked at the fused Mahayana corpse puppet in front of him and was quite satisfied.

This corpse puppet is two meters high, and its whole body is extremely solid, as if it is made of molten iron, shining with metallic luster.

"How about trying the power?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought to himself, then left the cave and came outside to direct the attack of the Mahayana corpse puppets.


The Mahayana Stage Corpse Puppet punched out, directly blasting and collapsing a large area of ​​the mountains in front of it. A huge pit appeared in front of it, and more than ten mountains were destroyed in one blow.

The power is much stronger than that in the combined stage.

Then he rotated and jumped with ease, and commanding the corpse puppets was as easy as driving his arms.

Lin Changsheng felt that this Mahayana corpse puppet was not only more powerful than the combined stage, but also had much stronger movement speed and all aspects than the combined stage.

I just don’t know how powerful it is in actual combat?

Compared with the monks in the early Mahayana period, is it better or slightly less?

When you get out, you have to find a Mahayana monk to give it a try and you will know!

"Changsheng, is this the corpse puppet you refined?"

Just when Lin Changsheng had just finished refining the corpse puppet and made a huge noise, Yan Zhen also finished healing her injuries and walked out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, he saw Lin Changsheng controlling the corpse puppet to jump up and down, and he was surprised.

This corpse refining art is some strange and evil art! Lin Changsheng actually learned it?

But don't go down the wrong path.

"Sister Zhen, don't worry, I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately for refining corpses. These people who died in my hands were all people who wanted to kill me, so I killed them, and I didn't join any evil sect. "

Lin Changsheng explained.

Yan Zhen also understood Lin Changsheng's personality, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"Although the evil way of cultivation is fast, there is no return. You have to practice step by step!"

Yan Zhen warned.

Lin Changsheng nodded naturally.

Lin Changsheng then put the Mahayana corpse into the Heavenly Soul Flag.

"Sister Zhen, are you healed?"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and asked, seeing that Yan Zhen's expression was no longer weak as at the beginning.

"Well, with the help of your elixir, I have almost recovered!"

Yan Zhen responded, if it weren't for the help of Lin Changsheng's elixir, he would probably need several more months of recuperation.

"Then Sister Zhen, help me protect the law. I plan to break through. After the breakthrough, we will leave this place!"

Lin Changsheng said that he had been waiting for Yan Zhen for a long time, and now he could finally break through.


Yan Zhen also readily agreed.

Didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would break through so soon?

It seems that Lin Changsheng's cultivation talent is indeed extraordinary. If she had not received the inheritance, her cultivation speed would never be able to catch up with Lin Changsheng. (End of chapter)

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