The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 420: Terrifying talent, Immortal Master Zhengyang takes action, Jian Lao’s intimidation [Ple

"What a solid formation!"

Liu Wuya was shocked when he saw the power of one blow breaking through the formation.

Is this still the grand formation set up by the monks in the integration stage? It's so terrifying that even powerful men like them in the Mahayana period will be trapped in it.

"Let's attack together. I want to see how strong this formation is?"

Liu Wuya was unwilling to give in and ordered Cao Yu and Zhou Tong to attack the formation with him. The three of them would definitely be able to break the formation.

After Zhou Tong and Cao Yu heard this, they nodded immediately, and then gathered all their energy to attack the same place.


However, the next moment, the three attacks landed at the same place, and a huge explosion broke out.

The three of them thought they could break through the formation.

However, after the roar ended, the formation just caused a ripple and then disappeared, as if no attack had ever appeared.


This scene shocked Liu Wuya.

Even the three of them couldn't break through this formation?

As the formation started, thunder flashed within the formation, and bursts of high temperature rose from the ground.

The double attacks of sky thunder and earth fire are not easy to dodge.

In addition to the sky thunder and earth fire, there was also a powerful divine soul impact, which made the three of them feel dizzy.

"We must break this formation, otherwise we will be in danger!"

Liu Wuya forced himself to cheer up.

If they couldn't break through this formation, they might really die in the formation arranged by Lin Changsheng.

This kid is only in the middle stage of the integration stage, but he can actually arrange such a powerful formation. This shows that his talent for formation is so high that it will be limitless in the future.

However, even though the three of them had extraordinary cultivation and some understanding of the formation, they were still far behind in breaking through the Heavenly Formation of the God-Destroying Universe.

This formation was created by Lin Changsheng's fusion of various Vatican formations, and it is not that easy to break.


Just when the three elders were struggling in the formation.

Many Immortal Palace disciples and elders from far away have rushed here.

When many disciples saw the three elders trapped in the formation, their hearts were filled with shock.

"This, isn't this Elder Liu, Elder Zhou and Elder Cao? How could they be trapped in the formation?"

"Yes! This formation is so terrifying that it can trap three powerful men in the Mahayana stage! Who arranged it?"

"Why is Lin Changsheng here? Could it be him? Impossible. Lin Changsheng is only at the middle stage of integration. How could he arrange such a powerful formation?"

"If not him, who else could be there? They are the only ones here!"

"If this formation was arranged by Lin Changsheng, then his formation talent would be too terrifying!"

Many disciples around him kept talking, and most of them were shocked.

First, they were shocked that the three elders were trapped in the formation.

Secondly, if Lin Changsheng arranged this formation, his talent would be simply terrifying.

Among the many disciples, there was Shen Yu, who had already captured Zhao Shuang'er and planned to blackmail Lin Changsheng into destroying his cultivation.

Now it seems that there is no need for it. He is actually being chased by the three elders?

Although Shen Yu didn't know why Lin Changsheng was being hunted, it was undoubtedly not a good thing for him.

How could Lin Changsheng be a match for the three elders on his own?

Lin Changsheng saw that the crowd of onlookers was getting bigger and bigger, and he immediately planned to run away.

Although he is reluctant to part with the formation disk and formation base of the Qiankun God-Destroying Formation, if he doesn't leave, he may not be able to leave even if he waits for the more powerful elders from the Immortal Palace to arrive!

"Lin Changsheng——"

Just when Lin Changsheng turned around and ran away, an extremely strong pressure enveloped him, suppressing him for an instant and making him unable to move.

"A strong person in the tribulation period?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked.

In the distance, a figure in white clothes came through the sky.

"It's Immortal Master Zhengyang!"

"I didn't expect that this incident would alert Immortal Master Zhengyang!"

"It is estimated that if Immortal Master Zhengyang had not taken action, Lin Changsheng would have escaped!"

"Why did the sect suddenly target Lin Changsheng? Is it because his talent is so amazing?"

"I think it's not just that, it might be the spies planted by other sects in the Immortal Palace!"

"No way? This talented person is actually an informant?"

The surrounding disciples kept talking about it.

"Lin Changsheng, your cultivation talent is so high, why do you practice evil methods?"

Immortal Master Zhengyang stood in the sky, looking down at Lin Changsheng.

He also valued Lin Changsheng very much, but he did not expect that Lin Changsheng could practice evil ways.

He had already sensed the strong evil aura of the corpse puppet that Lin Changsheng had just hit.

Isn't this the corpse refining technique of the Immortal Corpse Sect?

"Second Elder, what you said is wrong. Whether a spell is good or bad depends on how the user uses it. It is like a weapon. It can kill people and save people. Although I practice evil magic, I have not harmed anyone. Points! Is this considered an evil practice?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Immortal Master Zhengyang and argued.

However, Immortal Master Zhengyang shook his head, "Evil magic is evil magic. Since ancient times, good and evil have not coexisted. If you abolish evil magic, I can intercede with the sect leader on your behalf and be lenient. Otherwise, you are afraid -"

"Afraid of risking your life?"

Lin Changsheng sneered.

No wonder this fairy palace has not produced a genius for many years, it is simply pedantic.

"Now that you know it, why don't you quickly abolish the evil spell?"

Immortal Master Zhengyang stared at Lin Changsheng, hoping that he could make a wise decision.

This abandoned magic is not that simple.

Not only the soul will be severely damaged, but also the physical body will be damaged. In the mild case, the state of the person will fall, and in the severe case, he may become an idiot for the rest of his life.

Lin Changsheng would not do this.

"Second Elder, take action quickly to break this formation——"

Liu Wuya and others had been tortured terribly in the Qiankun God-Destroying Formation, and they immediately shouted to Immortal Master Zhengyang without caring about their appearance.

Immortal Master Zhengyang then took action, making a seal with his palm, and a golden palm print directly hit the formation.


The golden palm seal was so powerful that it instantly shattered the Qiankun God-Destroying Formation.

The thunder and fire in the formation instantly disappeared without a trace.

This made Lin Changsheng frown. The strength of this strong man in the Tribulation Stage was so tyrannical that he could shatter the Universe God-Destroying Heavenly Array with one palm.

"Lin Changsheng, what else do you have to say? You practiced evil arts before, and now you want to use formations to trap and kill the elders. You are simply a traitor to the sect!"

Cao Yu scolded angrily.

He suffered a lot at the hands of Lin Changsheng.

"It's a joke, if you don't kill me, how can I set up a formation to trap and kill you!"

Lin Changsheng scolded angrily.

These are really shameless, I took the first step, and now I can still blame him.

"Stop making excuses. You practice evil arts. If we don't get rid of you today, how will the major sects treat our Immortal Sect in the future?"

Zhou Tong scolded angrily, as if there was no room for sand in his eyes.

Especially those who practice evil arts.

"Lin Changsheng, let me ask you one last time, are you really unwilling to abolish the evil arts?"

Immortal Master Zhengyang asked with a solemn expression.

It seemed that as long as Lin Changsheng refused, he would kill Lin Changsheng.

"That might disappoint you!"

Lin Changsheng responded decisively that it was absolutely impossible for him to abolish his immortal skills.

"Okay! Then I will help you! Don't let you ruin the reputation of my fairy palace!"

Immortal Master Zhengyang seemed to have made a major decision.

He slowly raised his palm, and the energy gathered in his palm, as if he wanted to kill Lin Changsheng with one strike.

Facing the powerful strength of Zhengyang Immortal Master in the tribulation period, Lin Changsheng instantly felt a huge sense of powerlessness.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the Immortal Palace not only failed to become his refuge, but actually became the one who wanted to kill him.

Lin Changsheng felt ridiculous when he thought of this.

Immortal Master Zhengyang mobilized the energy within his body, and then decisively struck Lin Changsheng with a palm seal.

Many disciples around him closed their eyes instantly.

Seeing such geniuses die is definitely a great loss to their Immortal Palace.


"Yes! If geniuses like Lin Changsheng do not perish, their achievements in the future will be limitless!"

"I really didn't expect Lin Changsheng to practice evil arts?"

"No wonder his cultivation has improved so quickly!"

Many disciples around him felt sorry for Lin Changsheng.


Just when the palm print was about to strike Lin Changsheng, a golden light rushed out of Lin Changsheng's body.

He actually resisted the power of Master Zhengyang's palm seal.

This makes Immortal Master Zhengyang very shocked?

Lin Changsheng could actually resist his attack? How can this be?

I saw golden rays of light slowly condensing in front of Lin Changsheng, and then evolved into the soul of Jian Lao.

When Immortal Master Zhengyang saw the phantom that appeared, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Senior Brother Liu?"

Immortal Master Zhengyang was extremely shocked.

Liu Jianxing had not fallen three thousand years ago, so how could he appear here?

If Liu Jianxing hadn't fallen back then, he might have been above him in cultivation.

"Liu Jianxing? Elder Liu? Why are you here? Weren't you three thousand years ago?"

Zhou Tong and others were also shocked.

They all knew each other at the beginning, but they didn't expect that Liu Jianxing, who died three years ago, would appear in front of them here.

"If you still have me as a senior brother in your eyes, just let Lin Changsheng leave peacefully!"

Liu Jianxing sighed helplessly.

He originally thought that wooing Lin Changsheng to go to the Immortal Palace would make the Immortal Palace bloom again with its former glory.

I just didn't expect that the sect leader Yu Qianxue would be so defensive.

In this case, it is better to let Lin Changsheng go to other sects to develop, maybe it will be better than developing in Immortal Palace.

"If he leaves, how will we explain to Lingshan?"

Immortal Master Zhengyang asked.

Lin Changsheng killed an elder and two deacons in Lingshan.

The other party will definitely not give up like this!

"Account? When will my Immortal Palace need to explain to others? It seems that in the three thousand years since I have been absent, you have long lost the arrogance you had back then!"

Liu Jianxing was also very dissatisfied with the current Immortal Palace and angrily scolded everyone.

At first, Immortal Palace was the most powerful force in the Immortal Realm, but now even the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm disdain it. It can be seen that Immortal Palace has long lost its former glory.

"Senior Brother Liu, since you are back, why don't you stay in the Immortal Palace? The sect leader must find a way to help you recast your body!"

Immortal Master Zhengyang suggested.

I feel that it is definitely better for Liu Jianxing to stay in the Immortal Palace than to be with Lin Changsheng.

"I'm afraid if I stay, you will even kill me!"

Jian Lao was also quite disappointed with the Immortal Palace. He had not returned for three thousand years, but it turned out to be like this when he came back.

"Senior Brother Liu is joking. The sect master has been waiting for you for many years. He will be very happy to know that you are back!"

Immortal Master Zhengyang could not help but raise a smile on his lips, like a flattering younger brother.


Just as he finished speaking, Jian Lao sensed a powerful aura rushing out of the Immortal Palace and heading straight for this place.

He also knew who the visitor was and immediately didn't want to stay any longer.


Jian Lao ordered Lin Changsheng to leave.

Lin Changsheng did not hesitate, put away the formation base and formation disk, and planned to leave.

"Lin Changsheng, don't you care about her life?"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave, Shen Yu stepped forward and said, and then called Zhao Shuang'er out.

Because he had captured Zhao Shuang'er in his hands, Zhao Shuang'er was struggling to breathe with both hands.

Seeing Zhao Shuang'er, Lin Changsheng was furious.

How dare this beast touch Zhao Shuang'er? It seems to have been planned for a long time.

This person must not be left here.

"Chang, brother Changsheng, don't worry about me, you, please leave!"

Zhao Shuang'er shouted anxiously, she didn't want to implicate Lin Changsheng because of herself.

She will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

However, even though Lin Changsheng wanted to save Zhao Shuang'er, he pretended to be indifferent.

"Do you think I care about her life? What does her life mean to me?"

Lin Changsheng mocked, then summoned the divine thunder bow, "If you don't dare to kill, I will kill for you!"

Too late——

Lin Changsheng pulled the divine thunder bow, and the surrounding lightning flashed.

Boo hoo hoo——

The next moment, thunder and lightning arrows pierced the sky, followed by a sharp whistling sound, and headed towards Shen Yu.


This never occurred to Shen Yu that Lin Changsheng didn't care about Zhao Shuang'er's life at all?

In this case, what's the use of blackmailing Zhao Shuang'er?


He hit Zhao Shuang'er on the back with a palm, sending Zhao Shuang'er flying away, trying to use her body to resist the arrows shot by Lin Changsheng.

However, his idea came to nothing in the next second, because the arrow shot by Lin Changsheng was no ordinary arrow. It drew an arc in mid-air, avoided Zhao Shuang'er, and then attacked Shen Yu from all directions.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shen Yu immediately summoned the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure in his hand to resist.

Bang bang bang——

Under the sound of collisions, a figure flew out upside down

By the time Shen Yu fell to the ground, there were already several holes in his heart, and blood was gushing from the corners of his mouth.

"No, it's impossible. I'm the genius of the Immortal Palace. How could I be defeated with just one move?"

Shen Yu had a look of horror on his face. Even though he had been severely injured by Lin Changsheng's arrow, he still didn't want to believe it.

He has never been defeated so easily.

"Impossible, impossible-"

Shen Yu struggled twice to get up, but his body was fragile. The more he struggled, the more blood flowed from his body.

The breath of life is also rapidly disappearing.

Fortunately, there were elders nearby who immediately tapped his acupuncture points and fed a pill into his abdomen, thus saving his life.

However, even if he is rescued, he will definitely become a useless person in the future and will be unable to practice for the rest of his life.

"Boss, I'll go with you!"

When Hou Shaojie saw Lin Changsheng was leaving the Immortal Palace, he rushed over immediately.

Although Immortal Palace is a giant sect, he would rather be with Lin Changsheng than the boss.

If Lin Changsheng had meat to eat, he would have soup to drink.

"None of you can leave!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave with Hou Shaojie and Zhao Shuang'er, a woman's voice sounded like thunder from all directions in the distance.

Liu Jianxing's heart trembled when he heard this voice.

"Let's go!"

Liu Jianxing seemed unwilling to meet the woman who said these words, and immediately scolded her. (End of chapter)

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