The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 441 Fusion Formation, Nine Heavens Soul-eating Immortal Formation [Please subscribe! 】

[Introduction to Soul-eating Illusion! 】

[Introduction to the Nine Fox Sacred Code! 】

[Introduction to the Phantom Soul Nine Heavens Formation! 】

Five hours later, Lin Changsheng finally reached the entry-level level in two major immortal arts and one major formation.

[The soul-eating illusion has been detected. Do you want to spend 8,000 fairy crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Nine Fox Sacred Code has been detected. Do you want to spend 10,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Phantom Soul Nine Heavens Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 9,000 fairy crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively clicked Simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Soul-eating Illusion begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Soul-Eating Illusion == seeing things! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine Foxes Sacred Code begins. The simplification within the simplification is completed. The Nine Foxes Sacred Code == touch the fox! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine Heavens Formation of the Phantom Soul begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Nine Heavens Formation of the Phantom Soul == Soul Control! 】

"Seeing things? Touching foxes? Controlling souls?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, these three things don't seem difficult.

Especially for the first one, there is no need to deliberately brush up on proficiency.

As long as you look at something, the experience value of the soul-eating illusion will continue to increase.

As for controlling the soul, it was also very simple. Lin Changsheng summoned a soul from the Holy Soul Flag and then commanded it.

The most difficult thing was to touch the fox. Lin Changsheng wanted Xiaobai to let him touch it, but the other party ignored him at all.

In the end, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to look at Xiao Mu's body.

Although this old fox died, he was still a member of the fox clan after all, so putting your hand on his body should count, right?

So Lin Changsheng controlled the soul with one hand and touched Xiao Mu's body with the other.

Soul-Eating Illusion Experience Points +1!

Nine Fox Sacred Scripture experience value +1!

Phantom Soul Nine Heavens Formation experience value +1!

In this way, the experience points of the two major magic arts and one major formation are constantly increasing crazily.

[The soul-eating illusion is complete! 】

[The Nine Fox Sacred Code is complete! 】

[The Nine Heavens Formation of Phantom Soul is complete! 】

Half a day later, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the two major magical arts and a large formation.

[The Nine Fox Sacred Scripture (Perfection) and Taixu Hunyuan Jue (Perfection) have been detected. Should they be integrated into a new technique? 】

[The Phantom Soul Nine Heavens Formation (Perfection) and the Qiankun God-Destroying Heavenly Formation (Perfection) have been detected. Should they be integrated into a new formation? 】

Just when the magic and formation had just been completed, a prompt popped up on the panel again.


Lin Changsheng chose fusion again.

After this fusion, the power of both skills and formations will increase dramatically.

[Nine Fox Sacred Scripture (Perfection), Taixu Hunyuan Jue (Perfection) fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, new technique Taixu Holy Yuan Jue obtained! 】

[The fusion of the Nine Heavens Formation of Fantasy Soul (Perfection) and the Heavenly Formation of God-Destroying Universe (Perfection) has begun. Fusion is in progress. Fusion is completed. Obtain the Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation! 】

"Taixu Saint Yuan Jue? Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, the name of this great skill and formation is not simple at first sight.

Moreover, the formation has been upgraded from the Heavenly Formation level to the Immortal Formation level.

Could this formation be able to trap the powerful in the fairyland?

If this is the case, it is too outrageous.

[Taixu Shengyuan Jue has been detected. Do you want to spend 12,000 immortal crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 11,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

"It's amazing! Simplification actually requires more than 10,000 fairy crystals to simplify it?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, but the more immortal crystals needed, the stronger the simplified immortal technique will be.


Lin Changsheng once again chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Taixu Shengyuan Jue begins. The simplification within the simplification is completed, Taixu Shengyuan Jue == the movement technique! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation == Look at the Soul! 】

"Operation technique? Look at the soul? This is simple!"

Lin Changsheng began to run the Taixu Holy Yuan Art, and then summoned Xiao Mu's soul from the Holy Soul Banner with a wave of his hand.

He wanted to get some news about the Fox Clan from Xiao Mu.

"I really didn't expect that your kid actually has something to control the soul in your hand? Where did you practice it? Are you an evil cultivator?"

When Xiao Mu came out and saw Lin Changsheng, he was immediately shocked.

If Lin Changsheng didn't have the soul flag in his hand, even if his physical body died, his soul would definitely be able to escape.

Unexpectedly, he was imprisoned in the soul flag by Lin Changsheng and could not escape.

However, Lin Changsheng would not answer Xiao Mu's questions.


Lin Changsheng slapped him across the face, causing Owl Mu's soul to twist.

"Bitch, I'll kill you!"

Xiao Mu was so angry!

No matter how you say it, you are a strong person and a respected person in the Fox Clan, but you never expected that you would be so humiliated by Lin Changsheng.

The moment Owl Mu rushed out, Lin Changsheng waved the Holy Soul Flag and directly imprisoned him in place.

"Don't toast and eat as a penalty. I didn't ask you to come out to ask questions!"

Lin Changsheng expressed dissatisfaction, "From now on, you will answer whatever I ask. If the answer is satisfactory, I will let you return to the soul flag safely. If the answer is not satisfactory, you know the consequences!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

"It's a joke. If you can, kill me. Empress Qingyou will avenge me!"

Xiao Mu showed no fear at all and scolded angrily.

"Oh, is it so?"

Lin Changsheng seemed to have expected Xiao Mu's tough attitude, so he was not surprised at all.

"First question, what is the relationship between Empress Qingyou and Qingqiu?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

However, Xiao Mu remained silent.

Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry. He snapped his fingers and saw a ball of flame burning at his fingertips. The flame was like a blue lotus, which was quite gorgeous and beautiful.

This flame is the Qinglian True Fire, which combines the power of the four major flames.

Lin Changsheng slowly brought the flame closer to Xiao Mu, and could clearly see Xiao Mu's fearful expression.

Lin Changsheng would not give him a chance to regret, and directly fired the Qinglian True Fire on Xiao Mu.


In an instant, the screams of Owl Mu could be heard.

The power of this Green Lotus True Fire is very extraordinary. Even though Xiao Mu's soul is at the level of transcending tribulation, it is still melting under the blazing flames.

The pain of the soul being swallowed by the flames is no less painful than the pain of the body being swallowed by the flames.

"I said, I said-"

Just when Owl Mu's soul burned into his chest, the severe pain made him finally give in.

Lin Changsheng waved his sleeves and extinguished the Green Lotus True Fire.

"Say it!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

"Qingyou is the sister of Empress Qingqiu!"

Xiao Mu responded briefly.

Although there are very few words, it is good for the other party to answer truthfully.

"Why do you want to harm Xiaobai?"

Lin Changsheng continued to ask.

"Xiao Bai? You mean Empress Qingqiu?"

Xiao Mu was a little confused and said, this human really dared to name Empress Qingqiu like a pet.

If the people of the Fox clan knew that Lin Changsheng called their original empress Xiaobai, I wonder what they would think?

He probably wanted to tear Lin Changsheng into pieces.

"Asking knowingly? I take it you still want to taste the fire?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes turned cold, so Xiao Mu didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Empress Qingyou showed pity for the throne and attacked and killed Empress Qingqiu when she was at her weakest in nine reincarnations. But in the end, it was to no avail. Empress Qingqiu fled to an abandoned place and then disappeared! I thought that Empress Qingqiu would never come back. In the Immortal Realm, I didn’t expect that Empress Qingqiu would come back in just a few short years, and Empress Qingyou sent me to kill her!”

Xiao Mu told everything he knew.

Only then did Lin Changsheng understand a little bit.

It turns out that Xiaobai has a younger sister. It seems that now that Qingyou has unified the fox clan, it will not be so easy to regain the throne.

It is estimated that at least it will have to wait until Xiaobai recovers all his strength.

"If there's no other problem, just let me go back, okay?"

Xiao Mu asked tentatively.

"Also, where did you learn this phantom formation?"

Lin Changsheng continued to ask.


This made Xiao Mu hesitate immediately.

However, under Lin Changsheng's questioning, Xiao Mu did not dare to hide it.

"It was obtained by killing several demon cultivators when passing through the Demon Sea. In addition to destroying enemies, this formation can also continuously absorb the power of dead souls to practice! It is really an evil method! I advise you to It’s better not to practice!”

Xiao Mu told everything he knew.

This surprised Lin Changsheng.

Unexpectedly, this formation can continuously absorb the power of dead souls to practice?

"Okay, you stand aside!"

Lin Changsheng told Xiao Mu to stand so that Lin Changsheng could practice the formation.

When it reaches consummation, Xiao Mu may be able to achieve enlightenment himself without having to tell him.

Taixu Shengyuanjue experience value +1!

Nine Heavens Soul Immortal Formation experience value +1!

As Lin Changsheng continued to run the Taixu Holy Yuan Art and watch the soul, his proficiency in immortal arts and formations continued to improve.

[Taixu Holy Yuan Jue is complete! 】

[The Nine Heavens Soul Immortal Formation is complete! 】

It took him until dawn the next day for Lin Changsheng to master the magic and formation techniques to perfection.

But when Lin Changsheng used Taixu Holy Yuan Jue again, his cultivation speed was more than twice as fast as before.

"It's so cool!"

Lin Changsheng was pleasantly surprised.

In the past, the training speed of Taixu Hunyuan Art was already very terrifying.

Today's Taixu Saint Yuan Jue is actually twice as fast as before. You can imagine how terrifying the speed of practice is.

Lin Changsheng felt a hundred-foot-long immortal vein, and it only took half a month for Lin Changsheng to refine and absorb all of it.

After the Nine Heavens Divine Soul Immortal Formation was completed, a stream of information about how to set up the formation crazily poured into Lin Changsheng's mind.

This made Lin Changsheng very clear about the formation.

Just as Xiao Mu said, by constantly grabbing the soul into the Holy Soul Banner and running the formation, you can continuously absorb the power of the soul to support your body.

Not only can it strengthen the physical body, but it can also increase longevity.

"Although this evil cultivation method is evil, the effect is indeed obvious. No wonder so many people are willing to follow other methods!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

In this world where the weak eat the strong, people with average cultivation talent will definitely be trampled under the feet of the strong.

There are only two ways to get ahead. One is to encounter a huge opportunity, change the foundation, and soar into the sky.

The second is to choose the path of evil cultivation, which can quickly improve your cultivation level in a short period of time.

There are naturally pros and cons to taking the evil path.

The advantage is that it can quickly improve the cultivation level, but the disadvantage is that it will reduce life span.

Lin Changsheng was not happy with traditional evil cultivation. The exercises he practiced had nothing to do with evil cultivation. He only practiced some corpse refining techniques, so his lifespan would not be reduced at all.

The arrangement of the Nine Heavens Soul-eating Immortal Formation is also very simple.

Use the Holy Soul Flag as a formation plate to draw the opponent into the formation, and then use the formation to kill them.

And this formation is also very difficult to break, unless all the souls inside are eliminated, or you have to wait for 7749 days for the power of the formation to be exhausted before the formation can be broken.

Generally, monks in the Mahayana period cannot persist in it for such a long time, even in the early stages of tribulation.

Inside, he has to endure constant attacks from the soul, and after Lin Changsheng's formation fusion, his own soul will continue to be consumed.

"Surely attract a strong tribulation master to enter the formation and give it a try someday!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that if he wanted to know how powerful this formation was, he would have to recruit a strong person in the tribulation stage to enter it.

"It's time to go back!"

After practicing both the immortal arts and formations to perfection, Lin Changsheng planned to return to the Shendan Pavilion.

For Lin Changsheng, the distance of five hundred miles was only a few breaths away.

When Lin Changsheng arrived at Longyangcheng again, he found that Longyang City was already bustling with activity.

Especially the Shendan Pavilion was even more crowded.

After asking, Lin Changsheng learned that an auction was going to be held soon, and the elixir being auctioned was the Hunyuan Golden elixir refined by Lin Changsheng.

Shendan Pavilion invited all major sects to participate.

There are even people from the ten major immortal sects among them.

Lin Changsheng discovered that people from Tianming Sword Sect, Lingshan Mountain, and Immortal Palace were coming.

I wonder if this auction will cause any big commotion.

"Isn't it? You, you have actually been promoted to the Mahayana stage?"

Just when Lin Changsheng was stunned, a shocking voice sounded from behind Lin Changsheng. Lin Changsheng looked back and found that this person turned out to be very familiar, it was Gu Shan.

"It's just the Mahayana period!"

Lin Changsheng responded lightly.

This shocked Gushan greatly. He also came to look for it after hearing about Lin Changsheng being besieged by the Nine Immortal Sects.

I hope Lin Changsheng will not die, otherwise there will be no hope for the Immortal Cave he has always hoped for.

Unexpectedly, after arriving at the Shendan Pavilion, he discovered that Lin Changsheng not only was not dead but had been promoted to the terrifying Mahayana stage.

In just about a year, Lin Changsheng has broken through multiple realms in a row. This kind of cultivation talent is simply too terrifying.

"Then can we go to Sword Immortal Cave?"

Gushan is full of expectations.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Perhaps only by finding the Immortal Cave Mansion can he hope to break through Haojue and reach the stage of transcending tribulation.

"That's natural, but not now!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

I originally thought of searching for the cave alone and quietly, so that I wouldn't have to share the benefits with Gu Shan.

I didn't expect that the other party actually came to my door, so it wouldn't hurt to take the other party with me.

Now, as long as Lin Changsheng wants to, he can kill Gushan at any time.

I hope that after finding the Immortal Cave, Gushan will not be ignorant of praise.

The reason why Lin Changsheng didn't want to go right away was because he saw people from Tianming Sword Sect and Lingshan.

Since these two major sects dare to appear in front of him, they must not be allowed to leave unharmed.

Maybe one of their purposes for coming this time was to shock and kill him.

In this case, it is better to strike first.

After Lin Changsheng returned to his room, he took out the Holy Soul Flag and waved it. (End of chapter)

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