The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 447: Shock and kill Liao Xinghu, a bumper harvest [Please subscribe! 】


After Liao Xinghu heard Lin Changsheng's words, he was immediately confused.

Their Zhentian Sect has a good relationship with Lingshan, so they both know each other.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yao would choose to help Yu Lanfeng?

"Don't you have a good hearing?"

Lin Changsheng shouted coldly, Lin Changsheng, a strong man in the Tribulation Stage, didn't take him seriously, let alone Liao Xinghu, who was in the Mahayana Stage.

"Elder Gao, do you want to help this bitch become an enemy of our Suppressing Heaven Sect?"

Liao Xinghu frowned and was shocked. Gao Yao would actually be with Yu Lanfeng? Even at the expense of becoming an enemy of his Tianzhen Sect?

"No, I just fell in love with the hammer in your hand! Didn't you say you had a treasure as a gift? Is it a lie?"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

Liao Xinghu wanted to kill Lin Changsheng last time, but unfortunately he failed, and Lin Changsheng still remembered it in his heart.

Since the other party wants to destroy him, Lin Changsheng will never let him go.

Otherwise it will cause trouble in the future.

As for offending the Tianzhen Sect, Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all.

After all, he has offended quite a few sects now, so why should he be afraid of a Suppressing Heaven Sect?

"How can you give away the Tongtian Lingbao to others casually? Isn't Elder Gao too pushy?"

Liao Xinghu's face was extremely gloomy, but he did not dare to get angry. He knew that he was no match for Gao Yao. It seemed that it would be difficult to win the Holy Pill today.

"So, you are unwilling to give me the treasure?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes turned cold, filled with fierce murderous intent.

"Elder Gao, don't bully others too much!"

Liao Xinghu clenched his fists and spoke word by word.

If his strength was superior to his opponent, he would probably have killed him long ago.

But he was no match for Gao Yao, so he looked extremely embarrassed.

Lin Changsheng's disguise technique is very powerful. As long as he doesn't reveal any flaws, the other party won't be able to tell the difference at all.

Therefore, Liao Xinghu always believed that Gao Yao was his true self.

"Didn't you just bully women? What happened to me bullying you? If you don't want to leave the treasure, then you can only leave your life!"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly.

This surprised Yu Lanfeng.

He doesn't seem to have any friendship with Gao Yao, right?

The other party would actually stand up for her?

Could it be that he was also planning on using the holy elixir on his body? Otherwise, how could the other party be so kind?

"This is too much of a deception! Gao Yao, you ruined my good deeds. I have written this down. When we meet again someday, I will make sure you repay it!"

Liao Xinghu said angrily. Although he was no match for Gao Yao, it was not a problem for him to escape.

Moreover, Liao Xinghu was a powerful person in the late Mahayana period, and he was not far away from breaking through the tribulation stage.

This revenge will be avenged after some time.

So after Liao Xinghu finished speaking, he planned to retreat directly.

However, Liao Xinghu wanted to leave, but Lin Changsheng had no intention of letting him go.

"In that case, I can't keep you!"

Lin Changsheng squeezed his palm, and the surrounding sky changed drastically, becoming extremely gloomy.

Too late——

Rays of thunder flashed, and in the next moment, countless thunder and lightning turned into the sky and blasted towards Liao Xinghu.

Facing this sudden divine thunder attack, Liao Xinghu did not dare to take it head-on, so he could only turn over and dodge.


However, there were more and more dense sky thunders, making it inevitable to avoid them, so I could only wave the giant hammer in my hand to resist them.

The divine thunder collided with the giant hammer in his hand, causing bursts of explosions.

Liao Xinghu felt his arms were numb from the shock.

Boo hoo hoo——

At the same time, Lin Changsheng summoned the divine thunder bow and shot out nine lightning arrows.

The arrow shot out of the air, as fast as lightning, and headed straight for Liao Xinghu's major vital gates.

After shooting nine arrows, Lin Changsheng also spread out the force field. Liao Xinghu, suppressed by the powerful force field, moved slowly and could not avoid the arrows.


Seeing the thunder and lightning arrow approaching instantly, but unable to avoid it, Liao Xinghu was shocked and could only immediately wave the giant hammer in his hand to resist.

Bang bang bang——

A series of arrows landed on the giant hammer, causing explosions.

Before Liao Xinghu could react, several more arrows penetrated from the left and right sides.

And there was a divine thunder striking above his head.

"Tiangang Shield!"

Liao Xinghu saw that there was no way to avoid it, and he roared angrily. A burst of light flashed around his body, and his powerful yuan energy actually condensed into a blue shield.


The next moment, countless thunder arrows landed on the Yuanli shield around Liao Xinghu, causing bursts of roaring sounds.

With a violent roar, Liao Xinghu was knocked to the ground, creating a deep pit.

It can be seen that the power of the thunder flame arrows and the thunder cannot be underestimated.


The next moment, Liao Xinghu jumped up from the pit and landed on the ground.

Although he was in a terrible state, he was not fatally injured.

"You are not Gao Yao, but Lin Changsheng?"

Liao Xinghu suddenly realized that he had been deceived by the other party.

The magic technique used by the other party was clearly that of Lin Changsheng.

And judging from the fluctuations in Yuanli, the opponent's cultivation level has not reached the stage of transcending tribulation at all.

"Only found out now? Is it too late?"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, now that he has taken action, Lin Changsheng has no intention of giving Liao Xinghu a way to survive, so he will no longer hide it.

"Lin Changsheng?"

Yu Lanfeng was surprised when he heard the other party's admission.

How could Lin Changsheng save himself? I have no interaction with him at all.

"You want to kill me? You little beast, I will get rid of you today, so that you will not go astray in the future and bring disaster to the fairyland!"

After Liao Xinghu learned that the opponent was not Gao Yao, but Lin Changsheng, he immediately lost his intention to escape and planned to kill Lin Changsheng.

After all, in his opinion, Lin Changsheng was only in the middle stage of the Mahayana. Even if he had the Heavenly Immortal Treasure in his hand, he would hardly be his opponent.

If he hadn't just thought about escaping, he wouldn't have been traumatized by Lin Changsheng.

"Then I want to see if you have this ability?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully that if he was not sure of killing him, he would not admit his identity.

"Suffer death!"

Liao Xinghu waved the giant hammer in his hand, the surrounding space was distorted, and wind and thunder surged.

Following Liao Xinghu's roar, a huge thunder hammer condensed in the void, and with Liao Xinghu's swing, it smashed down in the direction of Lin Changsheng.

This giant hammer is more than three hundred feet long and wide. Like the hammer of the gods, it is filled with extremely strong pressure.

Lin Changsheng saw such a powerful attack coming, and knew that fighting against it would consume a lot of his energy, so he planned to avoid its attack.

"Get out of the way!"

Before Lin Changsheng could make a move, Yu Lanfeng's anxious call came from behind him.

If Lin Changsheng wanted to compete with Liao Xinghu, it would obviously be unwise.

Because she suffered this loss just now.

The giant hammer in Liao Xinghu's hand, combined with the hammer magic of Zhentian Sect, was incredibly powerful.

There are few people at the same level who can be Liao Xinghu's opponent, let alone Lin Changsheng's cultivation level is lower than Liao Xinghu's.

Therefore, Yu Lanfeng believes that if Lin Changsheng confronts Liao Xinghu head-on, he will definitely be severely damaged.

Yu Lanfeng could think of this, how could Lin Changsheng not think of it.

After all, he is not a reckless man.

Under Yu Lanfeng's words, Lin Changsheng's figure flashed and disappeared directly.


The next moment, the thunder hammer fell on the place where Lin Changsheng had just stood, and a huge explosion broke out.

Countless rocks flew and the ground shook.

After he had settled down everything, Liao Xinghu found that Lin Changsheng was no longer around.

I thought he had been killed by the giant hammer.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Liao Xinghu said disdainfully.

Then he looked at Yu Lanfeng.

"Hand over the holy elixir obediently, otherwise it will be your turn next!"

Liao Xinghu's eyes flashed with a sinister light. In order to obtain this holy elixir, he spent a lot of effort.

"I think you don't have the chance to survive!"

Yu Lanfeng looked at Liao Xinghu and raised a smile at the corner of her mouth.

This made Liao Xinghu feel uncomfortable, and then he immediately turned around and swung the giant hammer.


However, Liao Xinghu's action was too late. Lin Changsheng's thunderous arrows instantly struck Liao Xinghu's body and sent him flying away.

By the time he stabilized his body, there were wounds on his chest with deep bones visible, and blood was constantly flowing from the wounds.

This is the power erupted by the thunder flame arrows.

If Liao Xinghu hadn't had the late Mahayana cultivation, these arrows might have been enough to kill him.

"You're not dead?"

Liao Xinghu looked into the distance in horror and found that Lin Changsheng was standing in the void safe and sound.

Seeing that Liao Xinghu was seriously injured, Yu Lanfeng took the opportunity to attack, and slashed at Liao Xinghu with sword gleams.

Liao Xinghu, who was severely injured, was no match for Yu Lanfeng at this moment. He was immediately beaten back and forth, unable to resist.

Even Yu Lanfeng's sword light continued to kill Liao Xinghu's body, causing blood to splash.

"Elder Yu, please be merciful. If I die, Zhentian Sect will never let you go!"

Liao Xinghu suddenly felt that the situation was not good, and he was no match for Lin Changsheng and Yu Lanfeng after being severely injured, so he could only beg for mercy.

"Why didn't I see you showing mercy just now?"

Yu Lanfeng would not let Liao Xinghu go easily. The sword light suddenly became stronger and he used the Piaomiao Sword Technique directly.

The Piaomiao Sword Technique is the pinnacle swordsmanship of the Piaomiao Sect. The sword radiance is unreal, real and fake, and it is difficult to distinguish.

The only way to resist it is to resist it all.

But how could Liao Xinghu, who was severely injured now, be able to resist them all?



The sharp sword light continuously penetrated Liao Xinghu's abdomen, heart, and neck, causing him to become more injured and losing his vitality.


Liao Xinghu wanted to say something more, but before he finished speaking, he fell down directly with all kinds of unwillingness.


The next moment, Liao Xinghu's soul separated from his body.

"Well, Yu Lanfeng, I will take note of this grudge. I will definitely destroy your entire Lingshan sect one day!"

Liao Xinghu said angrily, feeling very unwilling. He didn't expect that his boat would capsize in the ditch and die in the hands of Lin Changsheng and Yu Lanfeng.

After the words fell, Liao Xinghu wanted to run away, but the moment he turned back, he felt that the world was spinning and he was directly absorbed into the Holy Soul Flag by Lin Changsheng.

"Still want to take revenge? Then I have to give you a chance? Just stay in there!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

If Liao Xinghu is allowed to leave, he may have a powerful enemy.

As long as no one tipped off the news, who would know that Liao Xinghu's death was at his own hands?

"Soul flag? Are you really an evil cultivator?"

Yu Lanfeng was shocked when she saw Lin Changsheng using the Holy Soul Flag.

This soul flag is only used by evil cultivators, and Lin Changsheng actually has one. So he does have many connections with evil cultivators.

"The person who uses the soul flag must be an evil cultivator? Elder Yu's view is too one-sided, right? If I were an evil cultivator, how could I save you?"

Lin Changsheng was speechless. He was kind enough to save her, but he actually said that he was an evil cultivator?

"Then how do you know how to use the soul flag?"

Yu Lanfeng asked.

"This is not the place for talking. If you follow me, I will explain it to you slowly!"

Lin Changsheng put Liao Xinghu's body into the Holy Soul Flag and prepared to leave this place.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if other sects knew that he had killed Liao Xinghu.

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng left the place directly.

Yu Lanfeng wanted to find out what was going on, so she followed him.

However, the moment the two people left, a disciple of the Tianzhen Sect who had faked his death quickly stood up and left.

What happened today was too shocking, and he had to report this place to the sect leader.

After Lin Changsheng left, he ran thousands of miles away before finding an uninhabited cave and hiding in it.

The harvest this time is not small.

Lin Changsheng killed three powerful men in total, including Zhou Yuan of the Blood-clothed Sect, Zhao Yang of the Tianlan Sect, and Liao Xinghu of the Suppressing Heaven Sect.

These three people are all elders in the sect, so there must be a lot of treasures in the storage bag.

"I wonder if I'm dead?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that if the Tiangui elder of the Tianming Sword Sect dies, he might have even more treasures in his hands.

However, when Lin Changsheng entered the space of the Nine Heavens Soul-eating Immortal Formation, he found that Elder Tiangui was not dead yet.

"You're resisting so tenaciously? You're not dead yet?"

Lin Changsheng was quite surprised. Since he was not dead, he would use himself to add fuel to his anger.

Lin Changsheng controlled the spirits of He Jie, Gao Yao, and others to continuously attack the elder Tiangui.

This made Elder Tiangui even more confused.

After all, the souls of He Jie and Gao Yao are also in the tribulation stage, and their power is extremely powerful.

"No, don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want!"

Elder Tiangui immediately begged for mercy.

This made Lin Changsheng laugh.

Wouldn't you get the same thing if you killed him? Still need the other party to give? Do you think you are stupid?

"Kill you and I can get everything you have!"

Lin Changsheng sped up the speed of killing the Heavenly Ghost elders. Lin Changsheng liked the soul-devouring technique in his hand. Once he obtained this method and swallowed all the souls in the soul flag, his cultivation level would definitely increase dramatically.

After just half a stick of incense, Elder Tiangui became invincible. His soul became weaker and weaker, and was finally swallowed up by countless monsters. Lin Changsheng controlled He Jie to slash out with his sword, killing Elder Tiangui directly.

The soul of the deceased Tiangui elder was also imprisoned here and could not escape.

After Elder Tiangui died, Lin Changsheng took out all his storage bags and those of Zhou Yuan, Zhao Yang, Liao Xinghu and others, intending to take a look at the harvest this time.

When Lin Changsheng poured out all the contents of the four people's storage bags, he couldn't help but feel a little amazed.

There are so many treasures in the hands of these four people!


The next moment, a figure entered the cave.

This person is none other than Yu Lanfeng who came here with Lin Changsheng.

This actually surprised Lin Changsheng. He didn't expect that Yu Lanfeng would actually follow.

"Yu Lanfeng, you have merit in killing Liao Xinghu. You can choose any three of the treasures here!"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly, without any hesitation. (End of chapter)

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