The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 466 Fusion of Immortal Techniques, God-killing Immortal King Fist

After putting Jin Zhongchang into the Nine Heavens Soul-Eating Immortal Formation, Lin Changsheng finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell forward.

Fortunately, Gushan supported Lin Changsheng and prevented him from falling to the ground.

At this time, Lin Changsheng was already very weak, because being in the formation had consumed a lot of his energy.

When it came out, there was only a wisp left.

In the end, after Lin Changsheng activated the Holy Soul Flag, all his energy was exhausted.

If Gu Shan launched a sneak attack at this time, he might be able to seriously injure Lin Changsheng or even kill him.

However, Gu Shan did not dare to take action against Lin Changsheng.

He had been with Lin Changsheng for so long, and Lin Changsheng had saved his life many times.

If he were to attack behind his back, would he still be a human being?

Furthermore, he was not sure whether Lin Changsheng was really that weak.

If he was pretending, wouldn't he have fallen into Lin Changsheng's trap?

In his eyes, Lin Changsheng had many scheming plans.

"Are you OK?"

Furuyama asked.

"You can't die yet. This place is safe for the time being. Let's restore some energy first!"

Lin Changsheng said weakly, and then took out the innate fire veins.

This innate fire vein is even more domineering when absorbed.

Gushan didn't say much. The two of them sat cross-legged, intending to restore some energy first.

As long as they have Yuan Power in their bodies, they will be able to deal with it even if other changes occur.

If they don't recover their energy in time, a monster will be enough to tear them apart.

Lin Changsheng burst out with the Taixu Holy Flame Art, and his whole body turned into a bottomless black hole, and the spiritual power spread out from countless innate fire veins was absorbed by it crazily.

In just one stick of incense, Lin Changsheng recovered more than half of his energy, which shows how powerful this technique is.

Fortunately, he took action quickly enough, otherwise the weak Lin Changsheng and others would definitely not be Jin Zhongchang's opponent.

After recovering half of his energy, Lin Changsheng had time to check the injuries of the unconscious Guo Yunchu.

It was found that Guo Yunchu's whole body was exhausted and his meridians were broken in many places. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was reduced to a cripple.

It is impossible to recover unless there is the help of powerful elixirs.

Lin Changsheng spent a little energy to enter Guo Yunchu's body, and then she suddenly opened her eyes in a state of unconsciousness.

"I, I'm not dead yet?"

Guo Yunchu couldn't believe it. They actually came out of the formation alive?

"Don't be too happy, you are no different from dead now!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

Guo Yunchu then began to look at herself up and down, and found that many meridians throughout her body were broken, and she could not raise any energy.

"My cultivation, why is my cultivation gone-"

Guo Yunchu said in horror.

If you live without any cultivation, there is really no difference from death.

What's more, death is the end of the world, but living has to endure all kinds of pain.

Lin Changsheng was able to refine the elixir to make Guo Yunchu recover as before, but he didn't want to tell her.

He just wants to kill this girl.

Aren't you usually extremely arrogant?

Now her meridians are cut off and her body's vitality is gone. Let's see how arrogant she will be in the future.

"It seems that you have no chance to practice cultivation in this life!"

Lin Changsheng retracted his hand and said disdainfully.

"Since she is of no use, just kill her!"

Gushan had long been unwilling to carry this oil bottle with him, and he was still busy protecting him on the road.

"You have to do it yourself to kill him. Just throw her outside to feed the monsters!"

Lin Changsheng winked at Gushan.

Gushan nodded and planned to throw Guo Yunchu out.

There are many monsters here. If a mortal appears here, he will be eaten up by the monsters in a short time.

Hearing this, Guo Yunchu was so frightened that he almost cried, and immediately backed away.

"Don't, don't kill me, I'm still useful, kill me, my father will not let you go!"

Guo Yunchu said in horror.

If he had died just now, maybe it wouldn't have been so painful.

When she learned that she was going to be thrown out to feed the monsters, her survival instinct made Guo Yunchu extremely scared.

"Then tell me, what's the use of keeping you? We can't let us carry a tow bottle with us along the way, right?"

Lin Changsheng asked with his eyes closed.

"In the Shentian Sect, there is a divine tree reaching the sky. This divine tree will drop a few drops of divine liquid every three hundred years. Taking this divine liquid can increase your cultivation and longevity, and can heal all injuries in the world."

"This Shentian Sect is attached to my Xianwu Palace. I can take you to obtain this divine liquid. Maybe this thing can also repair my meridians and help you increase your cultivation."

Guo Yunchu said anxiously.

Severed meridians cannot be repaired by ordinary pills.

Therefore, Guo Yunchu placed her hope on the sacred tree of Shentian Sect. Maybe the divine liquid from this sacred tree could repair her broken meridians.


This attracted Lin Changsheng's attention, and this divine liquid?

"I've heard that the Santian Sect is far away from here, and it's not just a few drops of divine liquid that only flow out in three hundred years, but only one drop in a thousand years. Are you sure that the Santian Sect will give you such precious things?"

Furuyama asked.

"Yes, they have to pay tribute to my Xianwu Palace in order to protect the prosperity of the sect! Otherwise, if the strong men from my Xianwu Palace step in, they will crush the Shentian Sect!"

Guo Yunchu said proudly.

It seems that all sects should surrender to his Xianwu Palace.

"In that case, I will spare your life! If you don't get the spiritual liquid from the towering sacred tree, you know what will happen!"

Lin Changsheng said simply.

Guo Yunchu felt as if he had been forgiven, and his hanging heart finally relaxed.

Now that Guo Yunchu has become a useless person, Lin Changsheng no longer has to guard her. Even if a useless person with no cultivation level is given to her, she will not be able to make a big splash.

So Lin Changsheng began to sort out the loot this time.

In this battle, Lin Changsheng killed many powerful people in the Tribulation Stage, including Du Yan and Xu Tiancang. The treasures in the hands of these three people were enough for Lin Changsheng to consume for a while.

The total number of immortal crystals in the hands of these three tribulation-transcending warriors is as many as 100,000.

There are also some magical treasures and many elixirs and rare medicinal materials.

Lin Changsheng swept them all away, and also rummaged through the fairy books for a while, and found that several fairy books were very good.

A copy of the Nine Poison Supreme Divine Palm, a copy of the Four Directions Immortal Flame Fist, and a copy of the Heaven-Suppressing Hunyuan Shield.

It just so happens that when these three immortal arts are cultivated to perfection, they can be integrated with the Ten Directions Dragon Divine Fist, the Burning Tiger Divine Dragon Palm, and the Wuji Immortal Yuan Shield.

After fusion, its power will definitely be greatly increased.

[Introduction to the Nine Poisons Supreme Divine Palm! 】

[Introduction to Sifang Xianyan Fist! 】

[Introduction to the Tianzhen Hunyuan Shield! 】

Five hours later, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the three immortal arts to the entry level.

[The Nine Poisons Supreme Divine Palm has been detected. Do you want to spend 9000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Four Directions Immortal Flame Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 9500 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Heaven-Suppressing Hunyuan Shield has been detected. Do you want to spend 8500 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

A prompt pops up on the panel in the next moment.


Lin Changsheng decisively clicked yes on them all.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine Poisons Supreme Divine Palm begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Nine Poisons Supreme Divine Palm == wave the palm! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Four Directions Immortal Flame Fist begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Four Directions Immortal Flame Fist == punch! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Sky-Suppressing Hunyuan Shield begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Sky-Suppressing Hunyuan Shield == operating elemental power! 】

"Waving your palms? Waving your fists? Running your energy?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, this simplification is too simple.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng began to punch with his left hand and wave his palm with his right hand. While waving his palm, the skills in his body were running!

Nine Poisons Supreme Divine Palm experience value +1!

Sifang Xianyan Fist experience value +1!

Sky-Suppressing Hunyuan Shield experience value +1!

The experience points of the three major magic arts are constantly increasing crazily.

Although Guo Yun on the side looked a little puzzled at first, what was Lin Changsheng doing? But I didn’t dare to ask more questions.

If she offends Lin Changsheng with a word, I'm afraid her life will be in danger.

Gushan was already accustomed to Lin Changsheng's actions. In his opinion, they might be one of Lin Changsheng's special ways of cultivation.

[Nine Poisons Supreme Divine Palm is complete! 】

[The Four Directions Immortal Flame Fist is complete! 】

[The Tianzhen Hunyuan Shield is perfect! 】

After half a day of hard training, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the three great magical arts.

[The Nine Poisons Supreme Divine Palm (Perfection) and the Burning Tiger Divine Dragon Palm (Perfection) were detected. Are they fused with each other to form a new immortal technique? 】

[The Heaven-Suppressing Hunyuan Shield (Perfection) and the Wuji Immortal Yuan Shield (Perfection) were detected. Are they fused with each other to form a new immortal technique? 】

[The Four Directions Immortal Flame Fist (Perfection) and the Ten Directions Dragon Divine Fist (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new immortal technique? 】

Just when the three great magic techniques were completed, the system popped up a prompt.


Lin Changsheng decisively clicked fusion again.

[Nine Poison Supreme Divine Palm (Perfection), Burning Tiger Divine Dragon Palm (Perfection), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, get the new immortal technique Poison Dragon Burning Sky Palm! 】

[Tianzhen Hunyuan Shield (perfect), Wuji Immortal Shield (perfect), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, get the new immortal skill Nine Heavens Divine Shield! 】

[Four Directions Immortal Flame Fist (Perfection), Ten Directions Dragon God Fist (Perfection, fusion begins. Fusion is in progress. Fusion is completed, obtain the new Immortal Technique: God-killing Immortal King Fist! 】

"Poison Dragon Burning Heaven Palm? Nine Heavens Divine Yuan Shield? God-killing Immortal King Fist?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, the name is quite domineering, how powerful is it?

[The Nine Heavens Divine Essence Shield has been detected. Do you want to spend 10,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Poisonous Dragon Burning Sky Palm has been detected. Do you want to spend 11,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Immortal Killing King Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 12,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng continued to click Simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine Heavens Divine Essence Shield begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Nine Heavens Divine Essence Shield == Breathe! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Poison Dragon Burning Sky Palm begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Poison Dragon Burning Sky Palm == beats the dragon with a wave of the palm! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Immortal Killing Immortal King Fist begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Immortal Killing Immortal King Fist == punching the gods! 】

"Breathe? Hit the dragon with your palms? Hit the gods with your palms?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, these three are very simple.

Immediately afterwards, a dragon and the word "god" were carved on the ground, and they began to beat continuously.

Nine Heavens Divine Yuan Shield experience value +1!

Poison Dragon Burning Sky Palm experience value +1!

The experience value of the Immortal Killing King Fist +1!

The experience points of the three major magic arts are constantly increasing crazily.

"Isn't this guy stupid? Why did he start fighting with rocks?"

Guo Yunchu watched Lin Changsheng slap the ground continuously, and suddenly felt that Lin Changsheng was a little confused.

What kind of hobby is this?

Guo Yunchu couldn't help but come to Gushan's side, "Is this guy usually like this?"

She was very curious, was this how Lin Changsheng practiced on weekdays?

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Gushan didn't have a good attitude towards Guo Yunchu.

Gushan only worships the strong, and he despises people like Guo Yunchu who rely on the sect but have little ability.

"What's so great!"

Guo Yunchu felt ashamed and immediately hid aside.


When night falls, wolves howl outside, making the entire mountain range look extremely scary.

At this moment, Guo Yunchu, who was without any combat power, couldn't help but move closer to where Lin Changsheng was.

Although Lin Changsheng was sometimes very annoying to her, at least he was very principled. He would definitely not kill her before he obtained the spiritual sap from the sacred tree.

Lin Changsheng also felt Guo Yunchu's approach, but said nothing and continued to practice his immortal skills.

This practice lasted a whole night.

[The Nine Heavens Divine Essence Shield is complete! 】

[The Poison Dragon Burning Sky Palm is completed! 】

[The Immortal Killing King Fist is complete! 】

Finally, the sky was just beginning to light up, and Lin Changsheng had finally mastered the three great immortal arts to a state of perfection.

The ancient mountain not far away also recovered all the consumed energy.

Guo Yunchu, on the other hand, curled up behind Lin Changsheng and fell asleep. The temperature dropped sharply at night, making her so cold that she would often reach for her arm on the first floor.

This scene made Lin Changsheng want to laugh.

As the daughter of the master of Xianwu Palace, she never thought that she would be here today.

Lin Changsheng stood up, then exerted force on his feet and left the cave directly.

Gushan watched Lin Changsheng leave and immediately followed.

Guo Yunchu was shocked when she saw the two people leaving, "You, don't leave! I don't have any cultivation now, what should I do if I encounter a monster?"

Guo Yunchu shouted and chased after him.

Lin Changsheng had no intention of running away, but went out to see how powerful his newly enlightened three magical arts were?

Lin Changsheng first planned to try the Poison Dragon Burning Heaven Palm.

Lin Changsheng saw Yuan Qi gathering inside his body, and a stream of green fireworks suddenly rose from his palm.

Lin Changsheng charged up and struck out with his palm, and the power of the fireworks surged instantly, turning into a green dragon and charging towards the mountains ahead.


When the poisonous dragon hit the distant mountains, a violent roar erupted.

I saw that several mountains in the distance suddenly collapsed and melted, and all the vegetation and rocks within ten miles were corroded away, leaving only a deep huge pit with green smoke constantly rising from it.

"What a powerful corrosive power!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

The power of this palm may not be so overbearing, but the corrosive power of the poisonous palm is quite astonishing.

It was a pity that Elder Poison was included in the formation to be killed by Lin Changsheng. If he had not been included in the formation, it might be much more troublesome to deal with him than Elder Yan.

After trying the power of the Poison Dragon Burning Heaven Palm, I decided to try the God-killing Immortal King Fist.

This fist was extremely powerful. As soon as Lin Changsheng activated it, golden light bloomed all over his body, like a god king coming to the world, and his whole body was filled with an extremely powerful pressure.


Lin Changsheng shouted loudly, and the light from his fist flew out.

As soon as this punch was released, the golden light of the fist flashed, like a huge meteor, piercing the sky and hitting the ground.


The ground trembled, and the impact range directly spread for twenty miles.

All vegetation within this range was destroyed.

Many monsters died on the spot before they could escape. (End of chapter)

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