The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 469 Birthday? I think it's the time of death to destroy Sun Tiance

After all, these three treasures are still very attractive to some monks whose strength is only in the combined stage.

Especially the Tongtian Lingbao and Blood Dragon Pill.

If you can obtain either of these two treasures, your strength will be greatly increased.

However, these three treasures were not attractive to Lin Changsheng.

Unless it's a Tongtian Immortal Treasure.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Changsheng stood up and shouted.

"Sect Master Sun, I have a great treasure to send you. Congratulations on your birthday!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, the eyes of countless people around him suddenly fell on Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out a long sword. As soon as the sword came out, the color of the whole world changed.

This long sword is the Longyuan Sword obtained from the Sword Immortal Cave.

As soon as this sword came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Is this, is this the Tongtian Immortal Treasure?"

"Isn't it right? What is the origin of this guy who actually gave Sect Master Sun the Tongtian Immortal Treasure?"

"Which sect is this guy from? He is so generous?"

"I think he is crazy, right? How could anyone give him the Immortal Treasure of Heaven?"

Many monks around were shocked.

The Tongtian Immortal Treasure is a rare treasure that many monks have seen for hundreds of years. This guy actually wants to give it to Sun Tiance?

Sun Tiance was shocked when he heard this. He didn't believe that the other party was here to give away treasures.

The Tongtian Immortal Treasure is so hard to find. Many strong men in the Tribulation Period have never had it in their hands. How could the other party be so kind as to give it to him?

In addition, Sun Tiance also began to doubt Lin Changsheng's identity.

Although Lin Changsheng disguised himself as a middle-aged man, Sun Tiance felt that this man's aura was very familiar.

"This Taoist friend is so kind, how can I, Sun, refuse?"

Sun Tiance smiled and said, he wanted to see if the other party dared to give him the Tongtian Immortal Treasure?

"Sect Master Sun, where did you get to know fellow Taoist? Are you so generous? Can you recommend him to us?"

Duguhong of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect said flatteringly.

The person who can give away immortal treasures to heaven must come from the top ten immortal sects!

Even the hidden sect is stronger than the top ten immortal sects.

This kind of people are not simple. If they can be won over, it will undoubtedly not be a great good thing for them.

"That's right, Sect Leader Sun, you can't be stingy! You must introduce him to us!"

The elder of the Blood Clothes Sect beside him also said with a smile.

However, they didn't seem to realize that Lin Changsheng didn't really come to give gifts, but came to see Sun Tiance die.

A strong gust of wind hit, and Sun Tiance felt the fierce murderous intent on Lin Changsheng's body in an instant.

"Can't you hear the irony I said? How does this kid look like he's here to give a gift?"

Sun Tiance couldn't help but feel angry when he saw that these idiots hadn't reacted yet.

"What? He's not here to give a gift? That?"

Duguhong was very puzzled. Could he still be here to cause trouble?

It doesn’t look like the opponent’s cultivation is that strong! But in the middle stage of Mahayana, you dare to make trouble in front of the period of transcending tribulation? Isn't that asking for death?

"If I'm not mistaken, this fellow Taoist is here to take my life, right?"

Sun Tiance is still a little self-aware.

"Sect Master Sun has good eyesight, are you ready to die?"

The Yuan Power in Lin Changsheng's body began to mobilize, and he was already planning to take action.

"Death? I think it's you who will die!"

Sun Tiance shouted coldly, planning to strike first. He immediately mobilized his energy and punched Lin Changsheng quickly.

When Lin Changsheng saw this, he smiled disdainfully, raised the Long Yuan Sword in his hand, and then struck out with the sword.


A sound of dragon roar came out, and the golden divine dragon sword energy went straight towards the fist light.


In mid-air, the golden divine dragon's sword energy and fist light collided violently, causing a huge explosion.

The monks who were closer were blown away, and many of them were so shocked that blood spurted from their mouths and died on the spot.

This shows how overbearing the power of this attack is.

After the violent explosion, the sword light split open Sun Tiance's fist light like a broken bamboo.


Sun Tiance was shocked when he saw the golden divine dragon's sword light was so domineering and shattered his fist light in an instant.

This heaven-reaching immortal treasure is worthy of being a peerless magic weapon.

However, the opponent is only in the middle stage of Mahayana cultivation, so it is not that easy to kill him.

Seeing the sword light coming, Sun Tiance did not dare to greet it and could only duck and avoid it.

After all, the power of the Tongtian Immortal Treasure cannot be resisted by ordinary artifacts.


The powerful sword light fell on the mountain behind Sun Tiance, directly shattering the entire mountain and causing countless rocks to roll down.

Countless Tianlan Sect disciples who had no time to escape died on the spot.

"What a domineering sword energy!"

Duguhong was shocked when he saw such domineering sword energy. If he could obtain this treasure, his strength would definitely increase greatly.

"Whoever can kill this person will own the Heavenly Immortal Treasure in his hand!"

With one blow, Sun Tiance also discovered that this person was not good for the opponent, and his life would be lost if he was careless, so he immediately used the Tongtian Immortal Treasure to encourage everyone.

Many Mahayana monks in the surrounding area immediately became murderous when they heard that there was an immortal treasure up for grabs.

After all, this heaven-reaching fairy treasure cannot be seen everywhere.

If it can be won, it will definitely be reborn.

"Go! Kill this person!"

Duguhong scolded, and the two Mahayana elders around him rushed out instantly.

And Duguhong raised his hand and waved, and a huge tower appeared in front of everyone.



Countless monsters roared in this huge tower, making a deafening sound.

This thing is called the Spiritual Beast Tower, a mid-grade treasure of the Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure level.

There are many ferocious beasts imprisoned inside, and they can be controlled to kill enemies when necessary.

As Duguhong summoned the spirit beast tower, fierce beasts rushed out of the spirit beast tower one after another, killing Lin Changsheng.

Seeing the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the surrounding major sects took action. The major sect forces such as the Blood Clothes Sect and the Nine Sun Sect no longer waited. They all unleashed their sect's tyrannical magic and killed Xiang Lin Changsheng.

After all, whoever can kill Lin Changsheng will own this immortal treasure.

This temptation is still very attractive to second- and third-rate sects like them.

"court death!"

Beside Lin Changsheng, Gu Shan made a disdainful sound.

How dare these ants get their hands on the Tongtian Immortal Treasure? It's just a matter of life and death.

Gushan punched out, and the many Mahayana monks and countless monster beasts that were charging ahead were instantly thrown away, and some even died on the spot.

"A strong person in the tribulation period?"

Duguhong narrowed his eyes. No wonder Lin Changsheng dared to be so arrogant. It turned out that he was guarded by a strong man who had transcended the tribulation period.

But even so, with all their major sects coming together, it would be difficult for the other party to leave alive.

Sun Tiance saw that the other party was approaching fiercely, and there was a strong person in the tribulation stage accompanying him. It seemed that he was the target, so he couldn't help but take a few steps back, then hid in the crowd and planned to leave.

Duguhong didn't know how strong the other party was. He knew he was no match as soon as he touched it.

But if Sun Tiance wanted to leave, would Lin Changsheng let him go?

He directly put away the Longyuan Sword and summoned the Divine Thunder Bow.

Too late——

As soon as the divine thunder bow was drawn out, the surrounding lightning flashed, and Lin Changsheng's whole body was covered with dense thunder power.

"It's you?"

Sun Tiance saw Lin Changsheng's body flashing with lightning, and immediately recognized Lin Changsheng's identity.

The Divine Thunder Bow has almost become a symbol of Lin Changsheng's identity. Who else but Lin Changsheng would have such a thing?

Boo hoo hoo——

Lin Changsheng didn't say much to Sun Tiance. He released his bow and arrows and shot nine arrows straight towards Sun Tiance.

Seeing the nine thunder and lightning arrows coming, Sun Tiance's pupils widened and his heart was filled with fear.

When he first went to Jianxian Temple, Sun Tiance had been hiding in the dark. His target was not Jianxian Cave, but Lin Changsheng.

When Lin Changsheng was fighting with Jin Zhongchang, the elder of Zhentian Sect, he watched from the sidelines.

Lin Changsheng's strength simply refreshed his understanding.

If it weren't for the Heaven-Bearing Immortal Treasure Universe Formation in Jin Zhongchang's hand, it would have been difficult for him to subdue Lin Changsheng.

Sun Tiance originally thought that Lin Changsheng would definitely die after being taken into the Qiankun Formation by Jin Zhongchang, so he was in a good mood after returning. It happened to be his birthday, so he planned to celebrate it.

However, he did not expect that Lin Changsheng did not die in the Qiankun Formation. In this case, Jin Zhongchang must have been killed by Lin Changsheng later.

Even Lin Changsheng was able to kill the great elder of the Suppressing Heaven Sect, and Sun Tiance felt that he was definitely no match for Lin Changsheng.

So at the moment when the thunder and lightning arrows struck, Sun Tiance had only one thought in his mind, and that was to escape.

Sun Tiance used his body skills to the extreme and kept dodging.

However, these nine arrows seemed to have eyes, constantly following him.


Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Sun Tiance could only summon his long knife and slash it out, hoping to smash the thunder arrows.


The two thunder flame arrows shot from the front were indeed blocked by Sun Tiance with great difficulty.

But in the next moment, there were multiple arrows attacking from all directions. The angles were so tricky that Sun Tiance had no way to avoid them.

Sun Tiance could only use his energy to form a shield of energy in front of him to withstand such a powerful blow.

Bang bang bang——

Thunder and lightning arrows landed on Sun Tiance's Yuanli shield, causing roars.

Sun Tiance thought he had resisted Lin Changsheng's arrow, but when he opened his eyes, his own Yuanli shield was actually penetrated by the thunder flame arrow.

call out--

There was also an arrow coming from the back.


With no way to avoid it, Sun Tiance was hit by an arrow in an instant. A deep hole the size of a fist was punched through his back. The arrow passed directly through the hall, and blood trickled out.

"No, it's impossible. How could you still be alive?"

Sun Tiance could not figure out until his death how Lin Changsheng survived the Qiankun Formation.

And the power of this arrow is so powerful?

Even his Yuanli shield can be penetrated.

To be precise, Sun Tiance's Yuanli shield was not penetrated by the thunder flame arrows, but burned through by the five-flame holy fire on the arrows.

"You are not dead yet, how can I walk in front of you? Do you still like my birthday gift today?"

Lin Changsheng came to Sun Tiance and saw the flames rising from his body, knowing that he would not die soon.

The reason why he didn't use the Holy Soul Flag or the immortal power in Longyuan Sword to kill Sun Tiance instantly was because he wanted to live but not die.

"You beast, pfft——"

Sun Tiance felt that his body was constantly being swallowed by the flames, and he was in great pain. He was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of old blood.

I didn't expect Lin Changsheng to be so ruthless.

Many Tianlan Sect elders in the surrounding area were immediately frightened when they saw such an appearance.

Sun Tiance, the leader of the Tianlan Sect, was defeated miserably by this person in just a few moves. How could they be opponents?

This heaven-reaching fairy treasure is not something that ordinary people can take away. Life is still important.

In an instant, many sects and casual cultivators planned to flee.

It didn't matter that the other sects escaped. Lin Changsheng would not allow anyone from the Blood Clothes Sect and the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect to escape.


Lin Changsheng stepped on the tower and directly erupted the divine flame field.

In an instant, a raging fire ignited in a ten-mile radius, and the surrounding force field doubled.

The elders of the major sects, who were walking like flying just now, suddenly became very slow.

"Don't you want to seize the Immortal Treasure? Why are you leaving so soon?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully, and then pulled the divine thunder bow, and arrows shot out of the air, continuously harvesting the lives of the people in the Blood Clothes Sect and the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

Even Duguhong, the new head of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, could not escape the power of the lightning arrows and was killed instantly.

For a moment, screams could be heard from the surrounding sky.

Like dumplings being dropped, monks continued to fall from the sky.

"Lin Changsheng, you, you killed many elders of the Suppressing Sky Sect, do you think the Suppressing Sky Sect will let you go? It won't be long before we meet in Huangquan!"

Sun Tiance roared unwillingly.

"There's no need for you to worry. I'm afraid we won't be able to see each other on the road to hell, because it's hard for your spirit to enter reincarnation!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out the Holy Soul Flag.

Seeing this thing, Sun Tiance felt despair. He knew what this thing was used for.

This is the soul flag used by evil cultivators, which can store souls in it.

"You, you are indeed an evil cultivator, hahaha——"

After Sun Tiance saw the soul flag in Lin Changsheng's hand, he knew that he was doomed, and he suddenly became angry and smiled instead of being angry.

Unfortunately, before the laughter could stop, Sun Tiance spit out a mouthful of blood, stared up at the sky, and died on the spot unwillingly.

"You're getting an advantage!"

Lin Changsheng said with disdain when he saw Sun Tiance's death.

I wanted to torture him, but the thunder arrow that shot him from behind was too powerful, leaving him seriously injured and unable to heal.

As the five-flame holy fire continued to burn, Sun Tiance's life came to an end.


The next moment, Sun Tiance's soul flew out of Sun Tiance's body, and Lin Changsheng waved the Holy Soul Flag to directly absorb it.

The soul of this powerful man in the Tribulation Stage can help Lin Changsheng in his cultivation, so he will naturally not let it go.

"Sun, Sect Master Sun has fallen, run away -"

The other elders of Tianlan Sect felt that the sky was falling when they saw Sun Tiance's death.

Even their sect leader was no match for Lin Changsheng, so they were even more invincible.

The only way to stay is to die.

Facing these people from the Tianlan Sect, Lin Changsheng would naturally not be merciful.

To prevent them from retaliating in the future, although they did not pose much of a threat to Lin Changsheng.

But Lin Changsheng also knows that to cut weeds, we need to get rid of the roots, otherwise they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

Boo hoo hoo——

The Netherworld Thunder Flame Archery exploded, and the sky was densely covered with layers of arrow rain, falling crazily towards the elders and disciples of Tianlan Sect.



In an instant, countless elders and disciples of Tianlan Sect were hit by arrows and died on the spot.

The thunder arrows that Lin Changsheng burst out could pose a threat to those in the Tribulation Stage, let alone the elders in the Mahayana Stage and the disciples in the Void Refining Stage.

It was definitely an instant shock, with no way to fight back. (End of chapter)

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