The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 471 The Tianzhen Sect’s big move, the wave of sea monsters

Soon the news that Lin Changsheng was still alive spread to the ears of the major immortal sects.

Some were surprised, some were outraged.

Surprising natural fairy palace and divine elixir pavilion.

As a disciple of Immortal Palace, if Lin Changsheng can grow up in the future, it will definitely be the face of Immortal Palace.

Therefore, the place where Lin Changsheng hopes most to survive is naturally the Immortal Palace.

As a guest of the Shendan Pavilion, Lin Changsheng could refine the holy elixir at once.

This is also extremely important to Shendan Pavilion.

If Lin Changsheng survives, he may be able to refine god-level elixirs in the future, which has great potential.

The most angry person is the Zhentian Sect.

Zhentian Sect.

When Jin Qiandao learned that Lin Changsheng was still alive, the immortal power in his body suddenly began to riot, and it seemed that he might go berserk at any time.

"Lin Changsheng is still alive?"

Jin Qiandao's fist wrinkled, he couldn't believe that Lin Changsheng actually survived from the Qiankun Formation.

This formation was enough to kill the strong men in the Tribulation Stage. Who expected that Lin Changsheng did not die in it?

Isn't this guy proficient in formations?

"Yes, sect master, he also destroyed Tianlan Sect, and it seems that he went towards the Demonic Sea!"

The ninth elder said truthfully.

He was no match for Lin Changsheng, so he did not dare to pursue Lin Changsheng. He could only bring the news back to the sect leader to make a decision.

"Demon Sea?"

Jin Qiandao was a little surprised. The Demonic Sea was not easy to cross. Many Mahayana monks were in danger of dying if they were not careful.

What's more, waves of sea monsters and beasts often break out in the Demonic Sea from time to time, which is extremely dangerous.

Why did Lin Changsheng go to the Demon Sea? Are you seeking death?


The ninth elder responded.

"I want to see how big a wave he can make. Have you informed Elder Tang?"

Jin Qiandao's eyes flashed with cold light.

If he hadn't been able to leave the Tianzhen Sect easily, he might have gone out to kill Lin Changsheng himself.

"Elder Tang is making a breakthrough in seclusion, I, I dare not disturb him rashly!"

The ninth elder said with some palpitations.

The strength of Elder Tang is second only to that of the Sect Master in the Tianzhen Sect. His strength is at the peak of the late stage of Tribulation. He can break through Haojue and step into the realm of immortals with just a little less strength.

Many breakthroughs ended in failure, which made Elder Tang very grumpy.

Except for the sect leader who was able to listen to what he said, the rest of the staff said a few words that disturbed his practice, and one can imagine the consequences.

"Go down! I will inform you personally!"

After Jin Qiandao finished speaking, he saw a transparent figure flying out of his body, crossing thousands of mountains in an instant and arriving at the door of a mountain cave.

"Tang Zhongming!"

Jin Qiandao shouted.

The words were strong and powerful, and they were directly transmitted ten miles away.


The next moment, the entire mountain trembled violently, and a figure burst out from the top of the mountain, causing countless gravel to fly.


A figure fell in front of Jin Qiandao.

This man has a tall build, and his muscles are tightly knitted with an explosive sense of strength.

Although his hair was messy, his eyes were very sharp and cold.


Tang Zhongming clasped his hands together and said respectfully to Jin Qiandao. He punched with both palms bigger than his face, showing how powerful he was.

"I know that you are in seclusion and it is not easy to disturb you, but only you can handle this matter. Maybe it can help you break through Haojue!"

Jin Qiandao said slowly.

If you can't do anything about Lin Changsheng in the early stage of transcending the tribulation, then killing him in the later stages of the tribulation will be enough, right?

"Sect Master, just ask!"

Tang Zhongming said.

Since Jin Qiandao is looking for him, it means that Zhentian Sect has no one available.

And Jin Qiandao helped Tang Zhongming a lot.

It can be said that without the sect leader Jin Qiandao, Tang Zhongming would not be here now, so as long as Jin Qiandao orders, Tang Zhongming will do it without hesitation.

Jin Qiandao then told Tang Zhongming about Lin Changsheng.

While listening, Tang Zhongming kept showing signs of shock.

"Such a genius has appeared in the Immortal Realm?"

Tang Zhongming was very surprised.

This boy is actually able to kill people in the Tribulation Stage with his cultivation in the middle stage of Mahayana. His talent is truly astonishing.

"Go and kill this man and take back all the heaven-reaching immortal treasures. The treasures in his hands are enough for you to break through Haojue!"

Jin Qiandao said with a sinister look.

"As you command!"

Tang Zhongming responded, and then his figure rushed into the sky and disappeared.

"Lin Changsheng, don't die in the hands of Xianwu Palace, otherwise it will be easier for you!"

After Tang Zhongming left, Jin Qiandao said in a low voice.

Just when Zhentian Sect sent Tang Zhongming out of the mountain to shock and kill Lin Changsheng, Xianwu Palace also received news from the dark web.

"Lin Changsheng is heading to the Demon Sea? Is he impatient?"

After Guo Tiangang learned the news about Lin Changsheng, he was quite surprised. He did not expect that this kid not only did not hide, but also showed up in a big way.

It seemed like he didn't take him seriously at all.

"Palace Master, it doesn't matter if Lin Changsheng dies in the Demon Sea, but nothing will happen to Miss Yunchu! According to the report from the spies, Miss Yunchu is still safe and sound and is following Lin Changsheng!"

Zhang Yunhe said.

"This is exactly what I am worried about. Immediately gather the strong men who are closer to the Demon Sea to kill Lin Changsheng in Xianhai State!"

Guo Tiangang said anxiously.

If he waits for Lin Changsheng to enter the demon sea, it will be difficult to find him.


These words made Brother Zhang Yunhe embarrassed.

After all, the Immortal Martial Palace had already sent out three strong men in the Tribulation Stage, but they all failed to kill Lin Changsheng.

At this moment, it is estimated that the strong men in the early stage of the Tribulation are no longer willing to go and kill Lin Changsheng, and they will die if they go.

"Palace Master, this Lin Changsheng is extremely powerful. I'm afraid it will be difficult for ordinary strong men in the early stages of transcending the tribulation to kill him. It's better to let Luo Xianfeng take action!"

Zhang Yunsha suggested.

After all, ordinary people couldn't do anything to Lin Changsheng.

"Okay, you go and notify Luo Zongfeng and make sure he brings Yunchu back safely!"

Guo Tiangang ordered.


The two Zhang Yunhe brothers immediately retreated.

Tianming Sword Sect.

Among the endless mountains, a towering mountain sticks into the ground like a sword, majestic.

On the top of the mountain, there is a palace as dark as ink.

At the end of the hall, a short man was walking back and forth.


The next moment, a figure fell through the air into the hall and knelt down directly on the ground.

"Report to the sect master, Lin. Lin Changsheng is fine and alive!"

The man kneeling below said anxiously, but his heart was extremely panicked, fearing that Taoist Tianming would kill him if he was unhappy.

Taoist Tian Ming is a person with a changeable nature.

"What? Lin Changsheng is not dead? Where is he?"

Taoist Tianming was extremely surprised.

I thought Lin Changsheng was dead, but didn't expect that he was still alive?

Why is this kid so difficult to kill?

Can't even destroy the Qiankun Formation in the Heavenly Immortal Treasure?

"The information my subordinates found in Tianlan Sect is that after Lin Changsheng destroyed Tianlan Sect, he left towards the Demonic Sea!"

The kneeling person below responded immediately.

"Demon Sea?"

Taoist Tian Ming secretly thought, and finally a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "It is true that there is a way to heaven that he will not take, and there is no way to hell to break in. If he dares to step into the sea of ​​demons, I will definitely let him die without a burial place!"

Taoist Tian Ming now hates Lin Changsheng with all his heart.

Lin Changsheng beheaded many elders of his Tianming Sword Sect, causing their Tianming Sword Sect's overall strength to plummet.

If it weren't for him, a strong man in the Immortal Realm, it is estimated that their sect's comprehensive strength would no longer be strong enough to stand in the Immortal Realm.

"The sect master means to let those lurking in the Immortal Corpse Sect——"

"Talk too much!"

Before this disciple could finish speaking, Taoist Tian Ming waved his hand and unleashed a burst of immortal power, directly killing him into blood foam.

"Hmph, Lin Changsheng, you have offended the Tianzhen Sect and the Xianwu Palace. I want to see how you die! Even if you can escape the pursuit of the two major forces, you will definitely die once you step into the demon sea."

Taoist Tian Ming said coldly, and then a black light shot out from the center of his eyebrows and disappeared into the sky.

Ten days later.

Just when all the major sects were making big moves, Lin Changsheng had already arrived at the city closest to the Demon Sea.

This city is called Wanghai City.

Because from the city wall, you can see the sea in the distance.

This city was very prosperous at that time, and most of the residents were fishermen.

But now it is almost an abandoned city.

Because there are sea monsters here all year round, most of the residents have moved away, and most of the people who can stay here are monks.

And they are all very powerful monks.

"There are actually monks living here?"

Lin Changsheng discovered that in this long-abandoned city, silhouettes of people were leaving through the sky from time to time.

This shows that there must be an inn or a place to stay here.

Lin Changsheng planned to ask about the news about Demon Sea here so that he could be more prepared.

Otherwise, if you plunge into the sea, it may be difficult to come out again.

After Lin Changsheng put the Lightning and Thunder Eagle into his storage bag, the three of them fell into the city.

In order to avoid trouble, Lin Changsheng also dressed up Guo Yunchu so that she would not attract so much attention.

After all, Guo Yunchu's figure is incredible. Once he appears in a deserted place, he will definitely attract the attention of the bad guys.

After a while, Lin Changsheng found a rather shabby inn, opened the door and walked in.

Guo Yunchu, who was following behind, seemed a little out of place with the two of them.

After entering the inn, Lin Changsheng found that there were not many people in the inn, sitting in twos and threes on the side.

The thing in front of me is not a table, but a small fire pit.

This fire pit is not formed by burning ordinary wood, but by flaming star stones.

The Flame Star Stone can burn for ten years before burning out, and it is an extremely good material for refining elixirs and heating.

However, at this moment, the Flame Star Stone is not used in this inn for heating or refining elixirs, but for barbecue.

I saw that most of the people sitting around the Flame Star Stone were holding a large skewer of meat and baking it.

Oily flowers of ‘chichi’ kept popping up.

This meat should be the meat of monster beasts in the sea. After using it, the monks' physical strength and energy will be improved.

"Do you three drink or eat seafood?"

As soon as Lin Changsheng and the others walked into the inn, a strong man with a rough face walked up and asked.

"Ask something!"

Lin Changsheng took out two immortal crystals and placed them on the counter.

Seeing two fairy crystals, the rough man was very disdainful, "I just want to inquire about two fairy crystals. Isn't it too cheap? I think the three of you should have come from afar. To tell you the truth, I have a bowl of wine." Twenty fairy crystals, a skewer of meat, fifty fairy crystals! One hundred fairy crystals for asking for information!"

Consumption here is not cheap, as the saying goes, rare things are more expensive.

This Wanghai City is the only place to stay in a place hundreds of miles away.

"What a lion you are!"

Gu Shan said displeasedly.

How dare these casual cultivators, who are no better than those in the combined stage, dare to be so arrogant?

"The prices are clearly marked, no kidding! If you can afford it, come in, if you can't afford it, leave!"

The rough man didn't give Gushan any respect for his cultivation during the Tribulation Period, and he seemed to have someone to rely on behind him.

"you sure?"

Gushan's face was obviously unhappy, and he was already showing signs of taking action.

However, he was stopped by Lin Changsheng.

"Okay, are you sure you know everything?"

Lin Changsheng was not angry either, it was normal to spend money to buy information.

As long as the information given by the other party is true, Lin Changsheng will accept it.

"As long as there is anything about this area of ​​the Demon Sea, I don't know anything about it. I am known as the know-it-all about the Demon Sea!"

The rough man waved to Lin Changsheng and motioned Lin Changsheng to give the immortal crystal.

Lin Changsheng took out a hundred fairy crystals without any ink.

"What are the chances of crossing the Demonic Sea now?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

As soon as these words came out, the rough man kept looking up and down at Lin Changsheng.

"With your cultivation level, 10%, no, even 10% is difficult!"

The rough man said bluntly.


Lin Changsheng asked, there is only a 10% chance that he will reach the middle stage of Mahayana cultivation?

Is it so difficult to cross this demonic sea?

However, the rough man did not answer directly, but continued to wave, signaling Lin Changsheng to give the immortal crystal.

Lin Changsheng continued to take out a hundred fairy crystals before the other party continued.

"Because the wave of sea monsters is coming, let alone you, even the period of tribulation is probably difficult to pass!"

The rough man said bluntly.

Every year at this time, a wave of sea monsters comes.

Even they will evacuate the city and hide underground.

Therefore, he felt that if Lin Changsheng wanted to cross the Demonic Sea now, it would be no different than seeking death.

"Is there any other way to reach the other side of the Demonic Sea?"

Lin Changsheng continued to ask.

But this time, he offered a hundred immortal crystals directly.

"I don't have any here!"

After receiving the Immortal Crystal, the rough man responded decisively, "But if you are really anxious to cross the Demonic Sea, I can lead you to meet someone. Maybe he can help you!"

"That's troublesome!"

Lin Changsheng chose to believe one or two, although he knew that the other party might not have good intentions.

But maybe there really is another way.

After all, Lin Changsheng couldn't stay here forever.

Otherwise, if they stay where they are, all the major sects will definitely follow them, and a big battle will be waiting for them.

Although the Immortal Martial Palace and the Zhentian Sect will not send out the most powerful people in the Immortal Realm, they will definitely send out the powerful ones in the later stages of the Tribulation.

With Lin Changsheng's current strength, it would be okay to fight against the early stages of the Tribulation.

If the battle is in the later stage of Tribulation, there is no chance of winning at all. The difference in strength is too huge, so it is best to avoid it.

"Do you believe this? He obviously wants to trick you into immortal crystal!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave with the burly man, Guo Yunchu said dissatisfiedly.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of many people around the table.

Because in such a dangerous place, women are rarely seen.

And listening to Guo Yunchu's words, it seems that he is still very young, which is even more interesting.

"Little girl, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. How could I deceive you in the Mahayana and Tribulation Stages when I was in the Fusion Stage? If you don't believe it, you can leave directly and never force me!"

The strong man said impatiently that although their place was deserted, the business was legal, unless they went underground, that was another matter. (End of chapter)

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