The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 478: Immortal’s Secret Technique, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect! Kill [please order

After obtaining the treasure from Lu Shan, Lin Changsheng left here immediately.

He knew that the spiritual consciousness of the powerful in the late stage of the Tribulation was enough to explore more than 100,000 miles, and they had to escape beyond the range of Tang Zhongming and Mou Yuntao's spiritual consciousness to be safe.

"It should be almost done here!"

Lin Changsheng drove forward another hundred thousand miles before he felt safe enough, and then began to check the harvest.

Naturally, the Tongtian Lingbao in Lu Shan's hand cannot enter Lin Changsheng's eyes.

The most interesting thing is the treasures in Sanxian Cave.

The first item is the Demon Blood God-killing Spear.

This is a low-grade Heaven-reaching Immortal Treasure with very powerful power. I don’t know if it’s because of the inner demons imprisoned in it, or because the power of this treasure is so powerful.

The inner demon continued to tempt Lin Changsheng, but it had no effect at all.

The second is the Blood Essence, which is where all the cultivation base of the Blood Fiend Loose Immortal lies.

The spiritual energy in this blood is extremely majestic, and Lin Changsheng feels that after absorbing it, he will definitely be able to break through to the late Mahayana stage.

The third is the corpse of the Blood Fiend Sanxian.

Although this corpse has been sitting here for thousands of years, there is not only a withered skeleton left.

No changes can be seen except that the skin is a little dry.

It can be seen how powerful this Sanxian body is.

"Isn't it beautiful to use this corpse to refine corpse puppets?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, but he does not have the ability to refine the Immortal Corpse Puppet now.

At most, it can only be refined to the middle stage of transcending the tribulation.

After rummaging around for a moment, Lin Changsheng discovered that there was a ring on the finger of the Blood Fiend Sanxian.

This ring is ancient and vicissitudes of life, and on the surface it looks no different from an ordinary ring.

However, as Lin Changsheng's energy penetrated into it, a milky white light shone out, making it seem to be reborn.


The next moment, a red figure flew out of the ring and stood in mid-air.

This man holds a spear in his hand, and his whole body is filled with an extremely strong evil spirit, as if a demon god has come to the world, which is intimidating.

"Blood evil loose immortal?"

Lin Changsheng thought.

"Yes, it's me. It's been four thousand years, and someone has finally been able to open the secret realm I set up. It shows that your talent is extraordinary!"

The Blood Fiend Loose Immortal looked at Lin Changsheng with great satisfaction. At such an age, this man had achieved mid-level Mahayana cultivation, and his future achievements would be limitless.

Obtaining his inheritance is considered a qualification, not burying his treasure.

"Senior, I'm sorry. May I ask how you can leave this place?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

What he is most concerned about now is how to leave here.

Because he had been observing for a long time and could not find a way to break this formation.

Moreover, he felt that as the fight between Mou Yuntao and Tang Zhongming caused the Blood Demon Palace to collapse, the entire secret realm became unstable and trembled from time to time.

It seemed like it would collapse at any time.

"The way to leave this place is very simple, it depends on your luck!"

The Blood Fiend Loose Immortal responded. Lin Changsheng was speechless for a moment when he said this, as if he had said it but not at all.

"Senior, please give me a clear explanation!"

Lin Changsheng continued to ask.

"Since it is the Blood Demon Cave, this place is naturally related to blood. Do you understand?"

The Blood Fiend Loose Immortal said slowly, and then his figure became a bit darker.

It can be seen that every word he speaks will consume some spiritual energy.

"Is it related to blood?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, but he still didn't understand.

"Remember not to release the inner demons. You are not strong enough to fight the inner demons. Don't let them disturb your mind. I failed to kill the inner demons back then, so I became a loose immortal. I will never be able to enter the realm of immortals in my life!"

The Blood Fiend Loose Immortal reminded.

"It's time, I wish you good luck!"

After the words of the Blood Fiend Sanxian fell, the entire figure began to slowly dissipate.


Lin Changsheng originally wanted to ask some questions, but in the end, the Blood Fiend Loose Immortal had disappeared.

Helpless, Lin Changsheng could only use his spiritual mind to enter the ring's space, and found that the inner space of the ring was actually very vast, larger than ten storage bags. It could not only hold items, but also live items.

So Lin Changsheng waved his hand and directly put Guo Yunchu in, and threw everything in the storage bag into it.

"If you can accommodate all things, let's call you Najie!"

Lin Changsheng gave this ring a name.

Then he began to study the formation here, and he had to find a way to break the formation before it collapsed.

Otherwise, if the formation is destroyed, they will also die together.

[Introduction to the Blood Fiend Locking Immortal Formation! 】

After Lin Changsheng studied for two days, he finally had a general understanding of this formation.

"The Blood Fiend Immortal Locking Formation?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that this formation was actually created using the essence of blood as the formation disk.

No wonder the formation was slowly collapsing. It turned out to be the reason why the Blood Essence was obtained, not the collapse of the Blood Evil Palace.

"Could it be that the only way to leave this place is-"

Lin Changsheng suddenly thought of something.

Then he turned around and rushed to the Blood Demon Palace.

This has obscured the ancient mountains on the side. Isn't returning to the Blood Demon Palace asking for death?

You must know that Mou Yuntao and Tang Zhongming were fighting near the Blood Demon Palace.

No matter who wins or loses in the end, Lin Changsheng will definitely not be let go in the end.

After all, all the treasures now belong to Lin Changsheng.

"The Blood Demon Palace is the only way to leave this place!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

When Lin Changsheng arrived not far from the Blood Demon Palace, Mou Yuntao and Tang Zhongming were still fighting.

This battle lasted for two days and two nights, and both of them were exhausted, with very little energy left.

And both of them were still injured.

However, Mou Yuntao's injuries were more serious. There were sword marks on his thighs, arms, and abdomen.

But Tang Zhongming only had a scar on his arm.

It can be seen that during the two days and nights when the two fought, Tang Zhongming's strength was superior to Mou Yuntao's.

"Lin Changsheng, I didn't expect you to dare to come back?"

Tang Zhongming was surprised when he saw Lin Changsheng returning. He thought Lin Changsheng would run and hide somewhere where he could not find him.

But I didn't expect that he would come back now?

"Why don't you dare to come back? The Zhentian Sect sent you here just to die."

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully.

If it were Tang Zhongming in his heyday, Lin Changsheng might not be his opponent, but after being hit hard, Lin Changsheng was not without the strength to fight.

"Death? I want to see how capable you are!"

Tang Zhongming suddenly became angry and hit the sword with a wave of his hand. The sword energy went straight towards Lin Changsheng.

Seeing Tang Zhong's sword energy coming to kill, Lin Changsheng directly sacrificed the Dragon God Bell and enveloped himself in an instant.

Bang bang bang——

The sword rays fell on the Dragon God Bell, and bursts of bursting sounds continued to be heard.

However, no matter how domineering Tang Zhongming's swordsmanship was, he could not break the Dragon God Bell.

"This, is this a middle-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasure?"

Tang Zhongming was shocked.

A small Mahayana monk actually has a middle-grade Heaven-reaching Immortal Treasure in his hands?

Where did he get it?


Mou Yuntao saw Tang Zhongming attacking Lin Changsheng.

He immediately waved the halberd in his hand and killed him.

call out--

A half-moon shaped halberd light tore through the sky and headed towards Tang Zhongming.

At this time, Tang Zhongming had no power to fight back and could only dodge immediately.


But even so, Tang Zhongming still slowed down a bit, and was killed by the tyrannical halberd light on his waist, causing a splash of blood.

"City Master Mou, Lin Changsheng is right in front of you, how about you and I join forces and kill him to get what we need?"

"I only need to kill Lin Changsheng, and the rest of the treasures will be yours!"

Tang Zhongming wooed Mou Yuntao.

It would be no good to anyone if they continued to fight.

On the other hand, if two people join forces to deal with Lin Changsheng, both of them can benefit.

However, there was no treasure in Mou Yuntao's eyes at this moment. What he wanted was to avenge Lao Wu.

"What I want most right now is your life!"

Mou Yuntao's eyes fell firmly on Tang Zhongming.

Tang Zhongming didn't expect that he would provoke such a madman.

"Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Tang Zhongming scolded angrily.

If he uses his strongest killing move, he will also suffer backlash, and his strength will drop to a small level.

He would never use it unless absolutely necessary.

But at this moment Mou Yuntao was unwilling to give up, and he could not let go of this opportunity to kill Lin Changsheng.

Therefore, Mou Yuntao needs to be dealt with immediately.

"Just use your full strength!"

Mou Yuntao said coldly and disdainfully.

"Okay, you forced me to do this!"

Tang Zhongming bit his finger and the bright red blood smeared directly on the blade of the sword.

"Swords coming from all directions, ups and downs from all directions, nine heavens and ten earths, ten thousand swords return to the clan! Kill!"

As Tang Zhongming's scolding sounded, the area ten miles around became turbulent, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a giant sword from the sky slowly appeared.


Thunder rumbled around the sword, showing how powerful the sword was.

"He is burning his own longevity to forcefully use powerful magic that only immortals can use!"

Gu Shan thought.

The life span burned by such magic is very terrifying, lasting for thousands of years.

"A magical technique that only immortals can use?"

Hearing this, Lin Changsheng was quite shocked. You don't need to think about the power of this move to know how terrifying it is.

Fortunately, it was not intended to kill him, otherwise Lin Changsheng felt that even the Dragon God Bell might not be able to withstand it.

"The angry sea is roaring to the sky!"

Seeing Tang Zhongming use such a powerful blow, Mou Yuntao would naturally not wait to die.

Gather all the energy around your body on the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in your hand.

As he shouted angrily, the halberd in his hand bloomed with brilliance, and all the power in the world seemed to be condensed together, evolving into a monstrous divine halberd that blasted towards the giant sword in the sky.


The next moment, the giant thunder sword and the monstrous divine halberd collided violently, causing a violent explosion.

The powerful impact directly knocked Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan away. All the mountains on the ground were shattered by this attack, which shows how terrifying this attack is.

In an instant, sand and rocks flew, smoke and dust billowed, and the area ten miles away was instantly reduced to ruins.

After all the dust settled, a deep pit hundreds of feet long and wide appeared in front of them.

Mou Yuntao has disappeared on the ground.

Lin Changsheng knew that Mou Yuntao was defeated miserably in this collision.

He probably fell into the deep pit.

But even so, Tang Zhongming was not much better.

After one move exploded, his aura suddenly became extremely weak, and his state fell directly from the late stage of transcending tribulation to the middle stage of transcending tribulation.

Seeing the opponent's decline, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He couldn't resist in the late stage of transcending the tribulation, but it would be a piece of cake in the middle stage.

Too late——

Lin Changsheng summoned the Thunder God's Bow, and immediately pulled the bow, thunder and lightning flashed, and the silver snake rolled.


Lin Changsheng scolded, released the bow in his hand, and shot the divine thunder arrows straight towards Tang Zhongming.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Tang Zhongming saw Lin Changsheng's attack and gave a disdain.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng was only in the middle stage of the Mahayana. Even if his realm fell, he would still be in the middle stage of the Tribulation. It would not be difficult to kill Lin Changsheng.

After finishing his words, Tang Zhongming slashed out with his sword, intending to smash the thunder and lightning arrows that Lin Changsheng was blasting towards him.

Bang bang bang——

The next moment, thunder and lightning arrows hit the powerful sword light and were instantly defeated.

However, there were still a few arrows that avoided Tang Zhongming's sword light and struck right in front of him.

This surprised Tang Zhongming. He didn't expect that the arrow could change its trajectory in mid-air?

Without any time to think, Tang Zhongming clapped his palm again, trying to shatter the arrow that struck in front of him.

However, what surprised him this time was that the lightning arrow was so overbearing that it shattered the palm prints he blasted out.

Bang bang bang——

Three lightning arrows struck him directly, and the powerful impact directly knocked Tang Zhongming away.

Tang Zhongming breathed blood in mid-air.

"How can this be?"

Tang Zhongming stuck the long sword in his hand into the ground and slid for a hundred meters before regaining his balance.

My heart was filled with shock.

Why was Lin Changsheng, a middle-stage Mahayana monk, able to unleash such a tyrannical attack?

Even he couldn't resist such attacks!


Before Tang Zhongming could think too much, Gu Shan's Taikoo Chang Fist had already struck behind him.

Tang Zhongming wanted to turn over and dodge, but it was too late and he was blown away.

Tang Zhongming felt a surge in his body, as if his meridians had been severely damaged.

However, even so, Tang Zhongming still stood up with difficulty and never fell down.

"No wonder the sect wants to send me to shock and kill you. It seems that you are indeed not simple!"

Tang Zhongming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said slowly.

"If you are in the late stage of the Tribulation, I may not be able to do anything to you! In the middle stage of the Tribulation, it is not certain who will live and who will die!"

Lin Changsheng came to the edge of the pit, took a look, and found that Mou Yuntao was not dead yet, and was still breathing.

It has to be said that the physical body in the later stages of the Tribulation was very tyrannical.

If the blow just now had landed on Gu Shan, he might have died.

"Do you think I only know the magic of Immortal Realm?"

Tang Zhongming raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This gave Gushan a bad feeling.

The power of the magic used by the immortal was so overbearing that it was basically impossible for him and Lin Changsheng to compete.

Fortunately, the blow just landed on Mou Yuntao. If it had landed on him and Lin Changsheng, they would definitely be dead.

As he finished speaking, Tang Zhongming began to turn his palm prints over, forming a seal, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood on it.

"The gods of heaven and earth, the Five Elements come to court and transform!"

Following Tang Zhongming's angry scolding, the blood in his body seemed to be burning up, and his whole body turned red.

The realm that he just fell from has actually improved again, reaching the late stage of transcending the tribulation in an instant, and the upward trend has not stopped, and it looks like he has broken through to the realm of immortals. (End of chapter)

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