The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 484 Obtaining Divine Liquid, Fairy Spirit Fruit, and a Great Harvest

Under the bursts of explosions, Bai Baihe was blown away by the powerful impact of the thunder arrows.


Before he hit the ground, Bai Baihe spat out a mouthful of old blood, obviously being seriously injured.

Although Lin Changsheng's cultivation has not yet reached the stage of overcoming the tribulation, the divine thunder bow in his hand is a treasure of the level of the Heavenly Immortal Treasure and is extremely powerful.

Although it is not enough to kill a strong person in the Tribulation Stage with one arrow, it is still enough to cause extremely strong lethality.

When Bai Baihe landed on the ground, he saw several bloody holes on his back.

"As expected of the body in the middle stage of the Tribulation!"

Lin Changsheng saw that Bai Baihe didn't fall to the ground after landing, and was a little surprised at how powerful Bai Baihe's physical body was in the middle of the tribulation.

He actually received nine thunder arrows from him with his physical body and was still able to stand.

If it were in the early stages of transcending the tribulation, I might not even be able to bear it.

"Lin Changsheng, don't bully me too much. Don't you just want the Divine Liquid? I'll give you just one drop. It's absolutely impossible to get two drops! If you push me too hard, no one can get it!"

Bai Baihe threatened.

When life and death were at stake, he would not leave the divine liquid to Lin Changsheng. At worst, he would take the divine liquid directly or even destroy it in a desperate situation.

There are only four drops of divine liquid in his hand now. It is naturally impossible for them to take two drops at once.

Many elders of the sect have repeatedly requested for divine liquid breakthrough, but Bai Baihe has refused.

Because every drop of this divine liquid is very precious.

After all, it only takes a thousand years for a drop to fall from the towering sacred tree.

Such precious things can only be reserved for the peerless geniuses of the Shentian Sect. Only by cultivating a great peerless genius can the sect prosper.

Even if an elder with ordinary talent reaches the late stage of Mahayana practice, even if he is given the Tongtian Divine Liquid, he will only reach the stage of transcending tribulation after breakthrough.

There is no chance in this life to be promoted to the realm of immortals.

What Bai Baihe wants is a genius who can become an immortal.

It's a pity that the Shentian Sect has produced very few geniuses over the years. Although the few people it has cultivated are very outstanding, they are far behind Lin Changsheng.

Being over thirty years old is only in the early stages of integration.

It is probably very difficult to cultivate an immortal.

"Okay, then you hand over a drop of divine fluid and I will spare you!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

He is also worried that Bai Baihe will act excessively at a critical moment of life and death.

If he destroyed the divine liquid directly, the gain would outweigh the loss.

It's okay if you can cajole him a little now, at least it won't be in vain.

"Is this true?"

When Bai Baihe heard Lin Changsheng's words, he was immediately dubious. Is this guy so easy to talk to?

"That's natural. I can't be like you and go back on my word!"

Lin Changsheng mocked.

"Okay, I hope you mean what you say!"

The next moment, Bai Baihe waved his hand and took out a dark green medicine bottle.

This medicine bottle is about the size of a fist and is filled with green liquid.

This green liquid exudes extremely thick streams of pure heaven and earth spiritual energy. When you smell it, this psychic feeling rushes straight to the top of your head, and it seems that the power of your spiritual consciousness has increased a bit.

It seems that this divine liquid not only has the effect of repairing injuries, but also enhances spiritual consciousness after taking it.

"How can one drop of divine fluid contain so much?"

Lin Changsheng was a little curious, thinking that a drop of divine liquid was only the size of a drop of water.

However, I didn't expect that there would be such a big bottle.

However, when Lin Changsheng looked at the pavilion built on the towering divine tree branches, he suddenly felt relieved.

This towering sacred tree is so huge, and a drop of divine liquid from the sacred tree is naturally small.

call out--

The next moment, Bai Baihe threw the towering divine liquid to Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng reached out to catch it, with a smile on his lips.

"Can I leave?"

Bai Baihe asked with a solemn expression. He was worried that Lin Changsheng would go back on his word.

"Of course. I told you to let you go, so of course I will let you go! As for whether they agree or not, I don't know!"

Lin Changsheng put the divine liquid into the Najie and said with a smile.


When Bai Baihe heard Lin Changsheng's words, his eyes suddenly widened in anger.

Around Lin Changsheng, there are corpse puppets from the late stage of the Tribulation and ancient mountains from the early stage of the Tribulation.

It is not easy to escape from this man and his corpse.

"In that case, I will fight you to the death!"

Bai Baihe waved his hand again, took out a bottle of divine liquid, and then drank it directly.

This made Lin Changsheng feel bad.

This divine liquid can have the effect of repairing injuries, and Bai Baihe's strength may also be greatly increased after taking it.

If you break through to the late stage of Tribulation, it will be a bit difficult to deal with.

Lin Changsheng controlled the corpse puppet and went to stop it, but it was too late.

After Bai Baihe took the divine liquid, his injured body healed miraculously quickly, and his body seemed to be filled with a mysterious power.


After resisting the corpse puppet's powerful blow, Bai Baihe recovered from the injuries he had just suffered in just three breaths, and all the energy consumed in his body was replenished to its peak.

The meridians, bones, flesh and blood in the body seemed to have greatly increased in an instant, and the whole person seemed to have taken on a new look, transforming from a cocoon into a butterfly.

Fortunately, he didn't break through to the late stage of Tribulation, otherwise he would have been a bit difficult to deal with.

"Is this divine liquid so magical?"

Gushan was quite shocked to see such a scene.

If he could get a bottle of divine liquid, it would definitely help him improve his cultivation.


Gu Shan stopped killing the surrounding disciples and punched straight towards Bai Baihe.

However, Bai Baihe returned to his peak state at this moment, and with one strike of his ax, he had the potential to open up the world, and the tyrannical light of the ax cut through the sky.

At this moment, Bai Baihe's strength was much more powerful than at the beginning.


When the fist light and the monstrous ax light collided together, it was like two giant thunders colliding together in the sky, and the sound that erupted was deafening.

It seemed like the whole sky was about to collapse.

Under the violent collision, Bai Baihe's attack exploded and directly shattered Gu Shan's fist light.

Seeing such a powerful ax light coming, Gu Shan did not dare to be careless and immediately summoned the Nine Star Divine Halberd to resist.


The powerful ax light struck the Nine Star Divine Halberd, and there was a burst of explosion.

Gushan was instantly shaken back by such a powerful blow.

Fortunately, there was a nine-star divine halberd to block it. Even if the opponent's attack was strong, it could not hurt Gushan at all.


When Bai Baihe saw that Gushan also had the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in his hand, he immediately turned red with anger.

If it weren't for the protection of the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in Gushan's hand, I'm afraid this blow would be enough to severely damage Gushan.

What are the origins of these people? Everyone actually has a fairy treasure that reaches heaven?

This is a treasure that many powerful people who have overcome tribulations can only dream of!

Before Bai Baihe could think too much, the zombies were already killing him behind him.

The biggest threat to Bai Baihe now is the corpse puppet in the late stage of the Tribulation. This corpse puppet is invulnerable. Even if he exerts all his strength, he can't break through the corpse puppet's defense.

I am afraid that only the Immortal Treasure of Tongtian can fight against this corpse puppet.

So Bai Baihe immediately dodged and avoided.

However, in Lin Changsheng's divine flame domain, Bai Baihe's speed was greatly reduced. The zombie punched him on the shoulder, and was instantly blown away by the punch.


With the roar, Bai Baihe directly hit the ground.

A deep pit was created directly on the ground.

On the ground was the five-flame holy fire that Lin Changsheng had just erupted.

Bai Baihe's whole body was instantly wrapped in the five-flame holy fire.

At first Bai Baihe didn't take it seriously, thinking it was a simple flame.

However, he soon discovered that this flame was not simple, it could burn through his skin and penetrate deep into his bones.

"What kind of flame is this, and its power is so terrifying?"

Bai Baihe immediately felt something bad and wanted to use his Yuan Power to drive away the divine flame.

However, no matter how he used his Yuan Power, the five-flame holy fire was like a tarsal maggot, firmly sticking to his body and constantly burning.


Bai Baihe screamed repeatedly as he was burned by the five-flame holy fire.

Gu Shan found the opportunity and swung the nine-star divine halberd through the sky to directly hit Bai Baihe.

The powerful spear light cut through the sky, making a whistling sound. This shows how sharp the attack of these immortal treasures is, as if the sky is being torn apart.

The corpse puppet not far away, under the control of Lin Changsheng, also punched Bai Baihe.

The fist light was strong and powerful, like a mountain suppressing it.

Facing two fatal attacks, Bai Baihe could no longer dodge and could only instinctively slash out an axe.


The two attacks suddenly landed on Bai Baihe's attack, and a violent roar erupted, shaking the entire earth with violent tremors.

Naturally, one person could not withstand two attacks, and the ax beam was shattered in an instant.

The two attacks suddenly landed on the ground.

In an instant, the ground was filled with dust and sand, and stone chips were splashed.

After all the dust dispersed, a deep pit with a radius of 100 feet appeared on the ground.

Bai Baihe in the deep pit had lost his breath, and his body was a bloody mess under the impact of the two major attacks.

The next moment, Bai Baihe's soul flew out of his body.

Lin Changsheng immediately waved the Holy Soul Flag to include it.

Lin Changsheng was naturally most concerned about Bai Baihe's storage bag, and immediately started rummaging through it.

Sure enough, he found it after a while, and then his spiritual consciousness entered it. He didn't know if there was any divine liquid in it.

If it weren't for Guo Yunchu, she would have to consider herself unlucky.

After all, it was naturally impossible for Lin Changsheng to give the bottle of divine liquid to her.

Fortunately, after some inspection, Lin Changsheng found the remaining two drops of the towering divine liquid in Bai Baihe's storage bag.

And also found a pool of very viscous spiritual essence.

Waves of very rich spiritual energy continued to spread from the spiritual marrow, filling the tip of Lin Changsheng's nose for a long time without dissolving.

"What a strong aura of heaven and earth!"

Lin Changsheng was overjoyed, but he didn't expect an unexpected gain.

Lin Changsheng knew that if he took it out, it would be sensed by Xiao Bai, and he would probably not get a bite by then.

I plan to find out what kind of spiritual essence this is before deciding whether to give it to Xiaobai.

In addition to the Heavenly Divine Liquid and Spiritual Marrow in the storage bag, Lin Changsheng also discovered a fruit tree not far away that exuded rich spiritual energy.

The fruit tree is two feet high, with a few fist-sized green fruits scattered on it, which look like they are not yet ripe.

Lin Changsheng looked at it for a while but didn't know what the fruit was. He planned to find a safe corner to question Bai Baihe carefully.

This fruit tree is definitely not simple either.

In addition to these three items, there are more than 100,000 fairy crystals, several books of fairy arts, and major spiritual treasures in the storage bag. There are almost everything a monk can use.

It can be said that killing Bai Baihe this time can be regarded as a great harvest. After all, this man is the leader of a large sect.

"How's it going? Do you have any extra divine fluid?"

Gushan watched Lin Changsheng observe for a while, with a smile on his lips, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

It would be best if he could get a share of the pie.

After all, he also saw with his own eyes the changes in Bai Baihe after taking the divine liquid.

It's no exaggeration to describe it as a rebirth.

"Leave here first!"

Lin Changsheng responded, then waved his hand to collect Bai Baihe's body and planned to leave directly so that he could find a place to interrogate Bai Baihe's soul.

The sound of fighting here will definitely attract the attention of other sects.

If they wait for the other sects to arrive, they will be in trouble if they want to leave.


However, when Lin Changsheng was about to leave, he looked at the towering sacred tree not far away.

Can this sacred tree be included in the Najie?

After all, the space for holding the ring is also very huge.

If he could take it in, wouldn't all the Tongtian Divine Liquid belong to him in the future?

Lin Changsheng tried it and found that the towering sacred tree had no reaction at all.

After it seemed that he could not accept the reward, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to give up!

This is normal. If it could be taken away, I'm afraid the towering sacred tree would no longer be outside, but would be carried around by a strong person.

Seeing that he could not collect the sacred tree, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to escape.

Gushan also immediately followed and left.

Just half a day after Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan left here, a golden figure cut through the sky and landed here.

This person is a middle-aged man wearing gold clothes. Even his pupils are golden, making him look quite divine.

This extremely powerful energy flow filled his body, and it seemed that it would break out of his body at any time.

"Is this kid so powerful?"

The middle-aged man with golden eyes was quite surprised and frowned slightly.

He thought that no matter how strong a young man was, he might only be able to reach the sky in the Mahayana stage.

Unexpectedly, he destroyed the Shentian Sect all by himself.

This is a second-rate sect!

The sect master even has the strength to reach the middle stage of transcending the tribulation.

"Huh? Is this the aura of corpse evil?"

The middle-aged man with golden eyes discovered that there was a deep pit not far away, and there was an extremely strong corpse evil atmosphere around the pit.

This is obviously the evil spirit emitted by the corpse puppets refined by the Immortal Corpse Sect. Why does it appear here?

"Could it be that?"

Suddenly, what did the middle-aged man with golden eyes seem to think of?

"How is this possible? How can a disciple of the Immortal Sect know such evil magic?"

The middle-aged man with golden eyes was puzzled. If it wasn't the corpse puppet refined by Lin Changsheng, who could it be?

And judging from the strength of this corpse demon, this corpse puppet has obviously reached the stage of transcending tribulation.

It can be seen that this corpse puppet is not simple.

A disciple of the Immortal Sect can refine a corpse puppet that has transcended the tribulation stage. Such a talent is simply monstrous!

"It's interesting. Such geniuses are rare to see in thousands of years. If they can return to the Xianwu Palace, their achievements in the future will be limitless!"

"If you don't surrender, there will only be death!"

After the middle-aged man with golden eyes finished speaking, he immediately chased in the direction Lin Changsheng left.

This person is none other than Luo Chongfeng, who was sent by Guo Tiangang of Xianwu Palace.

He is also a peak powerhouse in the late stage of transcending the tribulation. He has practiced immortal arts in the Immortal Martial Palace for many years, and his abilities are very extraordinary.

Compared with Tang Zhongming, he is only stronger but not weaker. (End of chapter)

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