Before Luo Juetian could think too much, the corpse puppet's attack was already in front of him.

Luo Juetian hit the blade with a wave of his hand, and charged out with a powerful blade.


The sword light and the corpse puppet's attacks collided violently, and powerful Yuan Power spread out, shaking the ground.

This time, Luo Juetian was not knocked away by the corpse puppet's attack. Instead, the corpse puppet was forced back by this tyrannical sword.

And there was a huge wound on his arm, obviously injured by the Tongtian Immortal Treasure.

It can be seen how overbearing the power of this immortal treasure is.

The strength shown by having the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in hand is not at the same level as that without the Tongtian Immortal Treasure.

"It's not that easy to deal with me with corpse puppets alone!"

A smile appeared on Luo Juetian's lips, and then he walked towards Lin Changsheng step by step.

With every step forward, it seemed as if the entire earth was trembling violently.

Luo Juetian had already released the pressure from the late stage of the Tribulation and spread it towards Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression coming over him.

Both feet sank into the dirt on the ground.

Fortunately, he was unable to move without suppression, but his arms could still move.

Seeing Luo Juetian approaching step by step, Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all. He directly took out the Holy Soul Flag with a wave of his hand, intending to put Luo Juetian into the Holy Soul Flag so that he could kill him with a large formation.

However, Lin Changsheng waved his hand and failed to include Luo Juetian.

Luo Juetian's figure was seen slightly twisted, but he was safe and sound.

"This treasure is not simple, it actually contains a formation? It's a pity that my soul is strong enough, otherwise you might really succeed!"

Luo Juetian was surprised, he didn't expect Lin Changsheng to have such a treasure on his body.

Seeing that it was impossible to directly put Luo Juetian into the Holy Soul Flag, Lin Changsheng directly called Guo Yunchu out and strangled his neck.

Since the Holy Soul Banner cannot contain Luo Juetian, this is the only way to do it.

"You, what are you doing? Ahem——"

Guo Yunchu was immediately choked by Lin Changsheng and was unable to breathe.

Guo Yunchu never expected this.

Didn't he die in the Qiankun Formation? Could it be that he died in the hands of Lin Changsheng?

"Are you here just to save her? If you take one more step forward, I will kill her!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Luo Juetian and said coldly, if the other party's pressure was all on him, Lin Changsheng might not be able to bear it.

The other party came here not only to rescue Guo Yunchu, but Lin Changsheng's purpose of keeping Guo Yunchu was now.

With Guo Yunchu here, how dare the other party touch him?

Or die together.

Sure enough, the moment Guo Yunchu appeared, Luo Juetian stopped.

"If you join the Immortal Martial Palace, you will enjoy many generous benefits. It is only a matter of time before you become an immortal. The door to immortality has been opened for you. All you have to do is walk in. Why insist on being an enemy of our Immortal Martial Palace?"

Luo Juetian said slowly.

He admired geniuses like Lin Changsheng very much, just like appreciating a treasure.

It would be difficult for a genius like this to appear even in ten thousand years, let alone a thousand years.

At such an age, he has already reached the late stage of Mahayana, and is very close to being an immortal.

Not to mention that it takes a hundred years to achieve an immortal body, but a thousand years can definitely lead to it.

If he died like this, it would be a tragedy for the fairyland.

Therefore, if it weren't for the palace master's order, Luo Juetian wouldn't have the heart to kill talented people like Lin Changsheng.

"That might disappoint you!"

Lin Changsheng smiled, and then put a little more force on his hands, "You have only two choices now, either let her die, or capture her without mercy!"

"Luo, Uncle Luo, save me——"

Guo Yunchu's face turned red and she was on the verge of suffocation.

"Okay! As long as you let Yunchu go, we can have a good chat!"

Luo Juetian said worriedly.

If Guo Yunchu died, I'm afraid he would also suffer the wrath of the palace master.

"Get in!"

He waved the Holy Soul Flag in his hand, intending to let Luo Juetian enter it himself.

"Is this really true?"

Luo Juetian looked unhappy. He knew that this formation was not simple. Once he entered it, he would probably have a narrow escape from death.

"Otherwise you think I'm joking?"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

The strength in his hand increased even more, and he almost broke Guo Yunchu's neck.

"If Yunchu makes any mistakes, I can't forgive you!"

Seeing this situation, Luo Juetian had no choice but to enter the Holy Soul Flag space.

Lin Changsheng let go of Guo Yunchu when he saw this.

"Cough cough cough——"

After landing, Guo Yunchu coughed violently, "You, you bastard, do you really want to kill me?"

Guo Yunchu glared at Lin Changsheng. This guy actually threatened Uncle Luo with himself?

Don't you want to kill him?

"Otherwise, why do you think I'm keeping you here? Do you think I like you?"

Lin Changsheng turned around and entered the space of the Holy Soul Flag with his spiritual thoughts. He wanted to see if the formation of the Holy Soul Flag could kill Luo Juetian.

After all, even Tang Zhongming can break through this formation and escape, but the opponent may not be able to trap him.

It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the cultivation of formations.

"You know that this formation can't trap me? Why do you still insist on letting me in?"

After Luo Juetian felt Lin Changsheng's spiritual thoughts entering it, he taunted.

In his eyes, these monsters are like ants and can be killed at will.

Even as long as he releases the coercion around him, these monster beasts that can be suppressed lie on the ground, unable to move.

"Not always!"

He still doesn't believe that the other party can keep releasing pressure, which requires constant consumption of energy. As long as the other party does not break through the immortal realm, there is no way he can escape from the formation.

Consumption can also consume the opponent to death.

"What I said, you can think about it carefully. Joining our Immortal Martial Palace will definitely be much better than staying in the Immortal Palace!"

At this moment, Luo Juetian couldn't forget to remind Lin Changsheng, which shows how much he hopes Lin Changsheng can join the Xianwu Palace.

"We'll see if you can come out alive!"

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng withdrew from the Holy Soul Flag.

However, as soon as he came out, Guo Yunchu was very dissatisfied and kicked him, "Where is my divine fluid?"

Guo Yunchu knew that Lin Changsheng was still alive, so the Shentian Sect must have been destroyed by Lin Changsheng, so he would naturally be able to obtain the divine liquid.

"What does the treasure I took myself have to do with you?"

Lin Changsheng was dissatisfied.

Guo Yunchu was from the Xianwu Palace, so there was no need for him to give the opponent divine liquid to repair his meridians.

Otherwise, waiting for the opponent's meridians to repair, he might cause a lot of trouble for himself.

It is more suitable for the other party to cut off the pulse, so that they can't cause too much trouble and can be controlled by themselves.


When Guo Yunchu heard Lin Changsheng's words, she was immediately very angry. She didn't expect Lin Changsheng to change his face so quickly?

Without giving Guo Yunchu a chance to say more, Lin Changsheng once again took her into the ring.

Gushan could tell that this was not what Lin Changsheng had thought, but was forced by the situation.

"Can this formation trap the opponent?"

Furuyama asked.

"You shouldn't be sleepy for long!"

Lin Changsheng saw that Luo Juetian was so confident, so he must have some trump cards.

Since he couldn't kill the other party, he could only threaten Guo Yunchu.

That's why Lin Changsheng would not give the divine liquid to Guo Yunchu now, otherwise Guo Yunchu might join forces with Luo Juetian to deal with him if the broken veins were repaired.

Although he had been getting along with Guo Yunchu for a while, Lin Changsheng had put down his guard against her and had a little affection for her.

But now is not the time to be sentimental.

Solving the current crisis is the right thing to do.

"What should we do?"

Gu Shan had no way to deal with the strong men in the late stages of the Tribulation.

"Don't worry, Xiaobai will take action at the critical moment!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

"Xiao Bai? You mean?"

What did Gu Shan suddenly think of?

While he was taking the divine liquid, a mysterious woman appeared in the cave.

This woman's cultivation was indeed extraordinary, which made him feel tremendous pressure. He didn't know how Lin Changsheng got to know such a powerful person.

And it seems that they have a good relationship.

In the formation.

As time passed, Luo Juetian felt that his soul was slowly being suppressed, as if it was about to break away from his body.

The pressure he released gradually became less powerful than it was at the beginning.



Many powerful monsters burst out roaring after breaking free from Luo Juetian's pressure.

Then came a flood of people.

Luo Juetian could only keep waving the fairy treasure in his hand to kill the monsters one by one.

However, these monsters are endless and they kill more and more.

And the monsters after death can condense into stronger monsters.

"Is this formation so powerful?"

Luo Juetian couldn't help but be impressed by this powerful formation. If this formation was arranged by Lin Changsheng, then Lin Changsheng's attainments in formation would be too high.

He felt that this formation required at least the realm of an immortal to break through.

It is simply unbelievable that a late Mahayana person could deploy such a powerful formation.

Fortunately, Luo Juetian saved a hand. Luo Juetian took out a golden elixir from his storage bag and then drank it with his head held high.

After the elixir entered his stomach, the light around Luo Juetian increased greatly, and a huge phantom of the god appeared behind him.

And Luo Juetian's strength continued to increase, and in just a few breaths, he had already broken through to the realm of immortals!


Luo Juetian shouted angrily and blasted out a palm, directly shattering the formation.

Then he rushed out from the Holy Soul Flag.

After rushing out of the Holy Soul Flag, Luo Juetian instantly spread the power of the immortal, directly suppressing Lin Changsheng and unable to move.

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Luo Juetian breaking the formation so quickly.

"Young man, I am asking you for the last time, if you are willing to follow me back to Xianwu Palace?"

Luo Juetian asked again.

If Lin Changsheng doesn't want to, then he can't be blamed.

With his immortal power, he can easily kill the opponent with one finger.

"Stop wasting your breath!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

Even if he goes to Xianwu Palace, he may not have a good life, because Xianwu Palace does not have the final say.

But Guo Tiangang has the final say.

Lin Changsheng and Guo Tiangang have some connections, and the other party will never let him go.

"Then you're going to die!"

Luo Juetian shouted coldly and planned to kill Lin Changsheng directly so that he could find Guo Yunchu so that he could return to his life.

After all, he will fall into a period of weakness after taking this pill.

This matter must be resolved quickly.

"You can try!"

However, just when Luo Juetian was about to kill Lin Changsheng.

Xiao Bai's cold voice came out, and then a white light rushed out from Lin Changsheng's spirit beast bag.

The next moment, he landed not far in front of Lin Changsheng and looked at Luo Juetian.

But when Luo Juetian saw Xiaobai, he frowned.

This woman has an extraordinary figure, and there is nothing she cannot do without, and she is definitely not something that human beings can possess.

"Monster clan?"

Luo Jue was surprised that there was such a powerful demon clan beside Lin Changsheng?

And it seems that the opponent's strength is very extraordinary.

Just judging from the aura emanating from the other party's body, it was different from him at this moment.

"I think it's not easy for you to cultivate, so retreat quickly, otherwise——"

After Xiaobai finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the 100-foot-high mountain in the distance was immediately split into two and collapsed.


Luo Juetian was shocked, no wonder the palace master sent many strong men to kill Lin Changsheng, but in the end no one could successfully kill Lin Changsheng.

It turns out that there is a big fairyland monster protecting Lin Changsheng next to him?

"No wonder you don't want to join my Xianwu Palace. It seems that I underestimated you. The mountains will remain green and the water will flow forever. Let's wait and see!"

Luo Juetian left behind a word and ran away.

He knew that he could not kill Lin Changsheng as long as this powerful demon clan man was here.

The best thing to do now is to escape while still being supported by the power of the elixir. Otherwise, if the power of the elixir wears off after the attack, it may not be so easy for him to leave by then.

However, what Luo Juetian didn't know was that Xiaobai was just scaring him.

If a fight really breaks out, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose.

After all, Xiaobai's current strength has not yet returned to its former peak.

Luo Juetian was seen disappearing into the sky instantly.

"Xiao Bai, why don't you kill him?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

If you kill this person, you will definitely get a lot of treasures.

"He took the elixir to break through to the immortal realm. Fighting against him will consume too much of my immortal power, which is not worth it!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaobai went directly back to the spirit beast bag.

Lin Changsheng had no choice but to give up!

"It's better to break through the tribulation period as soon as possible!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, after breaking through to the early stage of transcending tribulation, Lin Changsheng can use the power of the dragon to enter the middle stage of transcending tribulation. By then, even if he is facing the late stage of transcending tribulation, he will not be so passive.

Although the Corpse Puppet can easily deal with the general Tribulation in the later stage, it is a bit weak to deal with the Tribulation in the late stage with the Tongtian Immortal Treasure.

After all, the power of the Tongtian Immortal Treasure is so powerful that it can easily split the body of a zombie.


There was such a violent roar here that Lin Changsheng did not dare to stay here anymore. After summoning the lightning and thunder eagle, he flew towards the distant sky.

"Where to go now?"

Furuyama asked.

"Go to Bingxuezhou!"

Lin Changsheng went out this time not only to seize the divine liquid, but more importantly, to go to Bingxue Continent to see Yan Zhen.

Long time no see, I wonder if Yan Zhen is okay now?

When they parted ways, Yan Zhen told Lin Changsheng that if Lin Changsheng reached the Mahayana stage, he could go to Hanbingzhou to find her.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Lin Changsheng felt that Yan Zhen would definitely not harm him.

"Ice and Snow State?"

When Gu Shan heard about this place, he couldn't help but feel surprised, and it could even be said that his heart trembled.

"you've been to?"

Lin Changsheng had an obvious reaction when he saw Gushan and asked curiously. It seemed that Gushan must have been here before.

"I did go there once back then. This place is not a good place to go!"

Thinking back on the experience of going to Bingxue Island, Gu Shan was frightened for a while.

I hope Lin Changsheng will not go to that forbidden area. (End of chapter)

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