The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 489 Breaking the formation and bloody battle with the Taoist Corpse Demon

This actually made Lin Changsheng somewhat unexpected that this formation could be so domineering.

"This is?"

Gushan suddenly discovered that a black line appeared on his wrist. This black smoke slowly spread upwards as time went by.

"Is this evil spirit?"

Gushan was curious, if this was evil spirit, wouldn't it wait until it spread to his head.

Will the soul be swallowed up by this powerful evil spirit?


Master Shisha laughed loudly, "Feel your last days well!"

However, Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry. Three days was enough for him to simplify the formation to perfection.

When the understanding of this formation reaches a perfect level, we will definitely be able to find a way to break it.

[The Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Array has been detected. Do you want to spend 12,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

A prompt pops up on the panel in the next moment.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify, although he was a little distressed by the consumption of fairy crystals.

But this is their only chance to leave here alive.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Formation begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Formation == Control the Corpse Puppet! 】

"Control the corpse puppet?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, this is simple!

The next moment, Lin Changsheng controlled the corpse puppet and started jumping up and down.

The experience value of the Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Array is +1!

The experience value of the Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Array is +1!

As Lin Changsheng continues to control the corpse puppet, the experience value of the corpse evil world-destroying heavenly formation is constantly increasing.

Although Taoist Shisha looked a little puzzled, he didn't pay much attention to it.

The day flies by.

As time passed, the black line in Lin Changsheng's hand became longer and longer, spreading to his shoulders and arms, and then the black line split into two.

One spreads towards the heart, and the other spreads towards the head.

If the black line reaches the heart, the heart will definitely be eroded by evil spirits.

If the black line reaches the head, the spiritual consciousness will definitely be swallowed up by the evil spirit.

So no matter where the black line spreads, it will be a devastating disaster for Lin Changsheng.

[The Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Formation is complete! 】

Finally, after a day of improving his proficiency, Lin Changsheng finally reached perfection in practicing the Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Formation.

"The cracking method actually requires the cooperation of four people?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked after he suddenly realized the Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Formation.

To break this formation, four people need to stand in four different directions, southeast, northwest, and use their strength at the same time to break the formation.

However, there are only Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan in this formation. How to find the other two?


Lin Changsheng looked at the Holy Soul Dimension for a moment, wanting to see if Luo Juetian was dead.

As a result, Luo Juetian was not trapped and killed by the formation. This guy was really able to hold on, but Luo Juetian was already very weak at this moment.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng rescued Luo Juetian from the formation in the Holy Soul Flag with a wave of his hand.

After Luo Juetian was rescued by Lin Changsheng, he was quite puzzled.

"Are you so kind?"

Luo Juetian said in confusion.

He obviously couldn't hold on anymore, but he didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would rescue him.

"It's not really good intentions, but now I'm in bigger trouble!"

Lin Changsheng pointed to the sky.

Luo Juetian looked up and saw that the sky was shrouded in darkness. It was obvious that they were in a large formation.

Seeing such a scene made Luo Juetian sneer.

It seemed that Lin Changsheng wanted something from him!

"Do you want me to help you beg for mercy?"

He didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would also ask him for help.

"If this formation is not broken, you and I will both die. Do you want to take advantage of others?"

Lin Changsheng did not believe that Luo Juetian would not care about his life or death. After all, if he died, Luo Juetian would never survive.

"Master Shisha, remove this formation!"

Luo Juetian shouted.

However, how could Master Shisha miss the opportunity to kill Lin Changsheng just because of Luo Juetian?

"Cancel? Hahaha——"

Taoist Shisha sneered.

As long as Lin Changsheng can be killed, what if Luo Juetian is killed?

He did not have a deep friendship with Luo Juetian.

"Do you want to be an enemy of Xianwu Palace?"

Luo Juetian didn't expect that Taoist Shisha would go back on his word and even risk his life.

"After you die, who will know that you died in my hands?"

Taoist Shisha smiled disdainfully.


These words made Luo Juetian very angry.

"It seems the result is already determined!"

Luo Juetian said helplessly, it seemed that none of them would survive.

"I have found a way to break this formation!"

Lin Changsheng said.

"Since you have found a way to break this formation, why did you call me out?"

Luo Juetian was puzzled.

"This formation requires the combined efforts of four people to break it!"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly.

"Four people working together?"

When Luo Juetian heard this, he glanced around. There were only three of them. Who was the other one looking for?

Lin Changsheng planned to ask Xiaonan to come out and give it a try.

Then the four people stood in four different areas of east, west, north and south, and then began to exert force.

"How is this possible? How could he find a way to crack it in such a short time?"

After seeing the actions of Lin Changsheng and others, Taoist Shisha was shocked. What kind of monster was Lin Changsheng?

Can you actually find a way to crack this formation in just one day?

Fortunately, there are only three people on the other side, and the other one is a large monster. The monster's power cannot break through this formation.


Sure enough, the four people bombarded with all their strength, which could only make the formation tremble, but they were unable to break it.

"Does it have to be four people?"

Lin Changsheng hesitated for a moment and then summoned Guo Yunchu.

"Uncle Luo, are you okay?"

Guo Yunchu asked immediately when she saw Luo Juetian was a little weak.

"You can't die yet, but you won't be dead for a while!"

Luo Juetian responded.

If this formation is not broken, they will all die here.

"This is?"

Only then did Guo Yunchu realize that they were in a formation.

"This formation is called the Zhisha World-Destroying Heavenly Formation. This place is full of evil spirits. After a certain period of time, the evil spirits will enter the body and die!"

Lin Changsheng opened his mouth to explain.

"So, it won't be long before you die?"

Guo Yunchu looked at Lin Changsheng curiously.

It turns out that this guy is not incapable of being killed!

"Don't you want to die here too?"

Lin Changsheng took out a drop of divine liquid and threw it to Guo Yunchu, "After recovering the severed pulse, we will break this formation together!"

Guo Yunchu took the divine liquid and was quite surprised. She didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would actually give it to herself.

Are you concerned about yourself, or are you worried that he will die here?

Without any time to think about it, Guo Yunchu was worried that Lin Changsheng would regret it, so she immediately raised her snow-white neck and drank the divine liquid directly.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that with the help of the divine liquid, Guo Yunchu could restore the severed veins in less than half a stick of incense, and then they worked together to break the formation.

However, the reality is quite different.

Not only did Guo Yunchu fail to recover his severed pulse quickly, but his whole body turned red and his face looked very painful.

"No, the power of the divine liquid is too powerful, and Yunchu's body can't bear it!"

Luo Juetian immediately realized something was wrong.

Lin Changsheng then remembered that Bai Baihe had indeed said that taking this divine liquid before the integration stage was just seeking death. It seemed that he was not being alarmist.


Lin Changsheng immediately summoned Bai Baihe.

"What's happening here?"

Lin Changsheng immediately asked Bai Baihe that there must be a way to alleviate this situation.

"You guys are really brave! I said at the beginning that this divine liquid can only be taken after at least the integration period. You didn't believe it, but do you believe it now? What a waste of divine liquid!"

Bai Baihe had a look of regret on his face.

What he regretted was not Guo Yunchu's life, but the divine liquid.

Every drop of divine liquid is very precious. It takes a whole thousand years to get one drop, but now you are watching helplessly as one drop is wasted.

"I'm asking you for a solution? If not, you don't have to live anymore!"

Lin Changsheng burned a ball of flame in his hand and threatened Bai Baihe.

Seeing the Five Flame Holy Fire, Bai Baihe felt a little calmer.

"It's not that there is no solution. The power of the divine liquid is too overbearing, as long as there is only one person to share it with!"

Bai Baihe said slowly.

"How to share?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

"Of course it's to suck out the excess divine fluid power! You don't need me to teach you how to suck it, right?"

Bai Baihe laughed.

Lin Changsheng was not in the mood to joke with Bai Baihe and directly took him back again.

"You do it!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Luo Juetian.

Luo Juetian pointed his finger at himself and said, "Stop joking. If Yunchu knew that I did this to her, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to get around me!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Gushan, who consciously turned his head to the side, as if to say that this had nothing to do with me.

Lin Changsheng had no choice but to do it by himself.

"Hot, so hot——"

Guo Yunchu said in pain, and even started to scratch himself.

Lin Changsheng could only approach Guo Yunchu's nose, open his mouth and inhale.

Suddenly, the excess divine fluid power in Guo Yunchu's body was continuously sucked away by Lin Changsheng.

Guo Yunchu, who was still struggling in pain just now, felt much relieved and slowly became stable.

Guo Yunchu's broken veins are also being repaired quickly.

After Guo Yunchu's broken veins in his body were repaired and the power of the divine liquid gradually weakened, he slowly opened his eyes.

However, as soon as he opened his eyes, he found that Lin Changsheng was right in front of him, and when he was right next to him, Guo Yunchu's pupils suddenly widened.

This scene shocked Guo Yunchu's little heart and kept beating.

Lin Changsheng had a powerful skill in his body, so absorbing this divine liquid power was nothing to him, and it was all refined within a short time.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng also opened his eyes.

When the two people's eyes met, their eyes were full of panic.

"what are you doing?"

Guo Yunchu immediately pushed Lin Changsheng away, showing an unhappy look. She didn't know why, but she felt a little happy.

"What else can I do to save your life? Don't think too much!"

Lin Changsheng simply responded, but Guo Yunchu clenched his fists in anger.

"Huh? Not only did my broken veins repair, but I also made a breakthrough?"

As soon as Guo Yunchu clenched her fist, she immediately found that her strength had doubled, and she had suddenly reached the late stage of void refining, just shy of reaching the integration stage.

This discovery immediately wiped away Guo Yunchu's previous dissatisfaction.

"Once you've recovered, go to work! Stand with me!"

Lin Changsheng commanded.

Although Guo Yunchu was angry at Lin Changsheng's actions just now, he didn't care anymore when he thought that his meridians had been repaired and he had broken through the realm.

As the four people exerted their strength together, the blood of the four people soared into the sky. When the top of the formation met, a roar of huge thunder erupted.


Under the violent roar, the Corpse Evil World-Destroying Heavenly Formation instantly shattered.

"How is this possible? How could the formation that I have been studying for thousands of years be broken so easily?"

Master Shisha still can't believe that Lin Changsheng was able to break his formation so easily.

"What's impossible? I said, you can't trap me with your formation!"

Lin Changsheng mocked.


Master Shisha's fists were clenched.

No wonder the Tianming Sword Sect sent people to kill Lin Changsheng many times, but they all ended in failure. This kid does have some skills.


Lin Changsheng didn't want to talk to Taoist Zisha, so he immediately pulled the divine thunder bow and shot arrows straight towards Taoist Zisha.

However, Taoist Shisha's strength is extraordinary. When he saw nine lightning arrows coming straight towards him, he didn't panic at all and shot them out with one palm in an instant.

The powerful Yuan Power condensed into a huge skeleton palm print in the sky.

There are many skeletons struggling in pain and wailing on the palm prints, which is extremely terrifying.


Thunder and lightning arrows erupted into bursts of roaring sounds as they struck the huge skeletal palm prints.

But it failed to break open the skull palm print.

After all, the cultivation level of this Taoist Zisha is comparable to that of Luo Juetian, and he has the cultivation level in the late stage of transcending tribulation.

It is not easy for Lin Changsheng to shoot Taoist Zisha.

"Little beast, if the formation can't kill you, I will kill you with my own hands!"

Taoist Shisha's eyes turned cold, and he planned to kill Lin Changsheng.

After all, Luo Juetian is very weak now and will definitely be unable to compete with him.

Besides, Luo Juetian may not stop him.

Killing Lin Changsheng was their common goal.


Luo Juetian saw Taoist Zisha charging towards Lin Changsheng, and immediately took Guo Yunchu to escape.

His purpose was now half accomplished.

Although Lin Changsheng was not killed, Guo Yunchu was rescued.

Faced with Master Shisha's full blow, Lin Changsheng naturally did not dare to take a direct hit and directly dodged and retreated.


The Taoist Corpse Demon's attack landed on the ground, smashing the entire ground into pieces and sending countless rubbles flying.

When the dust dispersed, only a huge skeleton palm print was left on the ground.


Lin Changsheng once again controlled the corpse puppet to kill.

This corpse puppet's physical body is extremely powerful. No matter how powerful the physical attack of the corpse puppet is, it is impossible to hurt the corpse puppet.

Unless he also has the blessing of this heaven-reaching fairy treasure in his hand.

Bang bang bang——

In an instant, Taoist Corpse Sha Taoist and Corpse Puppet were fighting together, and the sounds of fighting ebbed and flowed with each other.

The whole world was in turmoil.

After a few moves, Taoist Corpse Sha seemed to realize how powerful the corpse puppet's physical body was, and he could not hurt it with his Yuan Power.

He waved his hand and took out a skull spear.

On this spear, there are countless skull patterns, as if the entire spear is made of countless skulls.

It was filled with extremely thick evil spirits, and it seemed that countless innocent souls would rush out of the skeleton spears in the next second.

"Another heaven-reaching fairy treasure?"

Lin Changsheng felt a little dizzy when he saw this treasure.

Is it possible for these powerful people in the late stage of transcending the tribulation to have a heaven-reaching fairy treasure? (End of chapter)

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