"Get out of the way!"

Lin Changsheng shouted loudly and instantly pushed Gu Shan away.

I saw the giant frost beast charging from a distance spitting out its breath, turning into a stream of extremely cold air that filled the sky and killed Lin Changsheng.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng had no time to dodge, so he could only burst out the five-flame holy fire to compete.


The two attacks, one fire and one ice, instantly collided violently in mid-air, erupting into bursts of roaring sounds.

Although the five-flame holy fire controlled by Lin Changsheng was powerful, it felt that its strength was not as good as that of the other party.

The strong cold current continued to approach Lin Changsheng.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Changsheng immediately dodged to avoid it.

Otherwise, if you are hit by this extremely cold air current, you will definitely turn into an ice sculpture instantly.

The frost giant beast flew past the place where Lin Changsheng had just stood.

After the giant frost beast flew away, Lin Changsheng took a closer look at the beast.

I saw that this beast was huge, shaped like a Western dragon, and had huge wings like a bat.

The wings spread out to be more than ten feet long, and the whole body is covered with thick ice armor, making it indestructible.

"Is this the Frost Demon King?"

Lin Changsheng looked at it and found that this monster had a terrifying level of cultivation in the Tribulation Stage.

Without any time to think, Lin Changsheng immediately came to the crack in the formation and threw all the Tianmai stones in the storage bag into it.

I saw the sky vein stone blooming after entering the void crack, flashing with dazzling red light.

The cracks then continued to heal.



It seemed that Lin Changsheng's actions angered the Frost Clan, and countless monsters roared in terror.

I saw more and more Frost Demon Kings gathering in the later stages of the Tribulation.

From one head at the beginning, it has become five heads.

Lin Changsheng knew that he and Gu Shan could not fight against so many monsters in the Tribulation Period, so he instantly summoned three corpse puppets and two powerful wolf tribesmen.

With the help of corpse puppets and strong men from the wolf clan, Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan were greatly relieved, and then began to search for the guidance of the soul-inducing lamp.

As long as you find the soul-inducing lamp, you can leave this square formation space.

"Is it over there?"

Lin Changsheng discovered that in the distance, three hundred miles away, there was a huge iceberg. This iceberg was quite similar to the soul-inducing lantern.


Lin Changsheng called Shanggushan, and then quickly fled into the distance.

The longer they stay here, the less likely they are to escape.

The ones coming now are all the Frost Demon King. If even the Frost Demon King is alerted, it may be even more difficult for them to escape.

When the Frost Demon King discovered that Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan were about to escape, he commanded a large number of Frost Outposts to block Lin Changsheng's path.

These frost outposts were densely packed and instantly covered the sky, surrounding Lin Changsheng and Gushan three levels inside and three levels outside.

From time to time, he rushed towards Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan, seeming to want to severely injure them.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng had the Divine Dragon Bell in hand. Apart from their fast speed and sharp beaks, these frost outposts did not have very strong attack power.

But the large number also made Lin Changsheng a little annoyed.

"Divine Flame Domain!"

Lin Changsheng directly exploded the power of the Divine Flame Domain.

The powerful force field spread out, instantly suppressing all these frost outposts to the ground.

I couldn't even get up.

As the divine flames erupted from the ground, these frost outposts were instantly burned to death by the divine flames.

Such powerful divine flames erupted from the ground, melting the thousand-year-old black ice in this place.


The five frost demon kings planned to stop Lin Changsheng from leaving, and continuously launched bursts of ice attacks.

However, they were all resisted by the corpse puppets and the strong men of the wolf tribe.

The distance of three hundred miles is not far, but it is a bit difficult for Lin Changsheng at this moment.

In addition to the attacks from the Frost Demon King in the air, there are also densely packed frost demon beasts on the ground that are constantly attacking the sky.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng was protected by the Dragon God Bell, and he finally arrived here half an hour later.

Lin Changsheng discovered that there was a stone gate in the iceberg, and the stone gate was still open.


Lin Changsheng jumped into the mountains with Gu Shan.

Then he waved his hand to call back the three corpse puppets and the two powerful wolf clan men.

"Ouch, ouch——"

Just when the Frost Demon King was about to continue attacking the iceberg, two low roars came from the distance.

The five frost demon kings stopped attacking instantly.


The next moment, a huge monster beast was seen coming across the sky.

The whole body of this monster is crystal clear, like a diamond, shining brightly.

Her figure is much larger than that of the Frost Demon King.

After arriving here, the monster directly evolved into a human form and turned out to be a woman with white hair and white clothes.

The woman has a tall and straight figure and an outstanding temperament. If placed in the human race, she would be a rare and peerless beauty.

The five frost demon kings also evolved into human bodies, becoming five strong men.

"My lord, please forgive me, but my subordinates were incompetent and failed to prevent them from escaping!"

A frost demon king responded.

The woman in white didn't take it seriously when she heard this, and even showed a contemptuous smile at the corner of her mouth.

"They can't escape! They might be able to do us a big favor!"

An intriguing smile appeared at the corner of the woman's mouth.

Because she knows what is hidden in this iceberg.

They just have to wait here.

After entering the iceberg cave, Lin Changsheng kept walking along the passage, but he found that it seemed to be bottomless, extending to the depths of the mountain.

"Did you look in the wrong place?"

Lin Changsheng said suspiciously.

"You're here, keep walking! It's safer inside than outside!"

Furuyama responded.

At least there are no monsters here, but there are so many monsters outside that it will definitely lead to death.

Then Lin Changsheng stopped thinking about it and walked all the way towards the passage.

"There's a formation ahead, maybe it's where we're going to leave!"

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness detected that a huge space appeared in front of him. There was a formation in this space. Maybe this formation was the exit from this place.

When Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan blocked the stone chamber space in front.

I found that the formation here was very similar to the formation outside, with three huge stone platforms surrounding it.

Unfortunately, there is no strong person guarding the stone platform, and in the center of the formation, there is a woman bound by iron chains.

This woman had no hair on her body, but her whole body was covered in frost.

The woman seemed to have noticed the arrival of Lin Changsheng and others, and slowly raised her head.

When she saw Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan, the woman was obviously a little surprised.

"You, are you a human race?"

The woman stared, as if she saw a glimmer of hope in her despairing eyes.

But then he shook his head with a wry smile, "I actually still have a glimmer of hope? Xiaoshuang, no matter how you lie to me, I will never tell you where the treasure left by your father is. You will give up on this idea." Bar!"

These words made Lin Changsheng and Gushan confused. This woman seemed to be from the Frost Clan, but why was she imprisoned here?

"You may have misunderstood. We are indeed a human race. We came here to repair the cracks in the formation. The outside is now surrounded by the Frost Clan, so we entered here by mistake!"

Lin Changsheng explained.

However, the woman still didn't believe it.

Seeing that there was no other way, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to cut his finger with a wave of his hand and hand out a drop of bright red blood.

Seeing such a scene, the imprisoned woman suddenly believed it.

Because they, the Frost Clan, would not have such bright red blood.

"Are you really a human race? Great! It's not too late to stop Xiao Shuang now. If Xiao Shuang gets the Frost Scepter, there will be a huge disaster in the fairyland!"

The woman said anxiously.

The Frost Clan was able to be suppressed by the human race in the first place precisely because Xiao Shuang failed to find the Frost Scepter.

It is said that this frost scepter is made from the leg bones of a giant frost dragon. It contains extremely powerful ice power and can freeze everything in the world.

"Don't worry, the cracks in the formation here have been repaired, and they can't escape from here!"

Lin Changsheng comforted him.

It seems that not all monsters in the Frost Clan believe in war.

"Things are not that simple. The reason why she didn't go out is because she didn't get the whereabouts of the Frost Scepter. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to be sealed here!"

"In another hundred years, my soul will be swallowed by this formation. At that time, Xiaoshuang will be able to obtain my memory and find the whereabouts of the Frost Scepter!"

The woman looked anxious.

This actually made Lin Changsheng a little unexpected.

This formation can't seal the Frost Clan? So what's the point of him repairing the cracks?

"Then how can we stop her?"

Gushan asked curiously.

"Either destroy this formation or kill me. You must not let Xiaoshuang get my memory!"

The woman said slowly, her eyes full of prayer.

Without understanding this person, Lin Changsheng couldn't kill her blindly.

"Then destroy this formation!"

Gushan said.


Just when Gushan was planning to destroy this formation.

Lin Changsheng immediately stopped him.

Lin Changsheng always felt that something was wrong.

This formation cannot be ruined just because of the opponent's one-sided words.

"Who are you talking about, Xiao Shuang? Is he the Frost Demon Emperor?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

The woman nodded, "It's her!"

"What's your relationship with her? It's just to get the Ice Scepter, so she sees you imprisoned here?"

Lin Changsheng continued to ask.

"Xiao Shuang and I are biological sisters. Back then, my father discovered that Xiao Shuang had great ambitions, so he did not tell her the location of the scepter. Instead, he told me. He was afraid that Xiao Shuang would win the scepter and destroy the immortal. The domain will bring catastrophe.”

The woman said slowly, her eyes full of sincerity.

However, Lin Changsheng is not that easy to fool.

"Then tell me the location and I'll go see if the scepter really exists. If it is true, how about I come back to rescue you?"

Lin Changsheng analyzed.

There is still a hundred years, enough time for him to find the scepter. If there is really the frost scepter in her mouth, it means that what the other party said is true. If not, it is false.

Hearing Lin Changsheng's words, the other party's expression became obviously unhappy.

"This scepter is extremely powerful! How do I know if you will do whatever you want with the scepter?"

The woman looked unhappy and said, "I don't intend for you to tell Lin Changsheng the location of the scepter."

"I don't think there is such a thing as a scepter at all, but you just made it up. All you want is for us to let you out!"

"And you are not Xiaoshuang's sister. I think it is true that you are the Frost Demon Emperor, right?"

Lin Changsheng guessed.

This monster can be sealed by the formation, which shows that it is very powerful.

Lin Changsheng, a human being who knows how to use formations, still believes that even monsters can use formations. That is to think that Lin Changsheng is stupid.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng felt that this monster was sealed here intentionally by the human race, rather than being imprisoned here by Xiao Shuang as she said.

"You, what are you talking about?"

After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, the woman suddenly became manic.

"I think you're the one who's talking nonsense, right? If you don't tell the truth, I'll send you on your way!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and directly summoned Long Yuan Sword.


When the woman saw Lin Changsheng's actions and knew that the other party had seen through her lie, she burst into laughter.

"Although the treasure in your hand is extraordinary, it's not that easy to hurt me!"

The woman said disdainfully.

"You can try it!"

Regardless of whether it works or not, Lin Changsheng planned to give it a try. He swung the Longyuan Sword in his hand and directly struck out with an immortal power attack.

Seeing the sword light coming, the woman raised her hands to resist.


The powerful sword light struck the woman's arm and knocked her away.

If it weren't for the iron chains and formations, it would probably be able to fly several hundred feet away.

When the opponent fell to the ground, Lin Changsheng discovered that there was only a small wound on the opponent's arm.

"You can actually hurt me?"

When the woman saw the injury to her arm, she became furious.

Following her roar, the woman's figure instantly grew in size, transforming into a monster beast that was exactly the same as the woman outside who was covered in ice crystals.

Lin Changsheng's guess was not false at all. This woman was the Frost Demon Emperor who invaded the Immortal Realm that year.

In order to prevent her from returning to the fairyland, a formation was set up here to imprison her.

"How did you catch me lying?"

The Frost Demon Emperor asked. She didn't understand where the flaw in her lie was.

"Because monsters don't know how to form formations!"

Lin Changsheng responded simply.

This made the Frost Demon Emperor understand immediately. He thought his lie was perfect, but he didn't expect such a big loophole to appear.

"Since you are unwilling to help me destroy the formation, then I will kill you!"

The Frost Demon Emperor roared angrily, and the demon power around him instantly became violent, and he continued to attack Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan with tyrannical attacks.

Fortunately, the Frost Demon Emperor was imprisoned, so the attack did not pose a great threat to Lin Changsheng and the two of them, so they dodged away.

As the Frost Demon Emperor used his demon power, the surrounding formations began to flash with radiance, and countless flames rose up, burning them continuously.

Until the iron chain turned into fiery red and the strong black ice armor around the Frost Demon Emperor began to melt, the Frost Demon Emperor could only give up the attack.

The formation slowly stopped functioning.

Lin Changsheng originally wanted to destroy the Frost Demon Emperor, but found that his power was difficult to destroy, so he had no choice but to give up!


Just as Lin Changsheng continued to look for an exit from this place, there was a violent shaking of the iceberg.

"They should be chasing us!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, and then accelerated his search for an exit from the formation.

However, after searching for a while, there was no result.

Lin Changsheng set his sights on the three stone platforms.

These three stone platforms are carved with many mysterious lines, and there are many grooves underneath, which seem to be used to place fairy crystals to activate the formation.

"Go up and try!"

Lin Changsheng asked Gu Shan to go up and give it a try, and then put five fairy crystals into the grooves.

The next moment, after the formation absorbed the power in the fairy crystal, it bloomed with brilliance and instantly enveloped the ancient mountain. (End of chapter)

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