The Great World

Chapter 168: .018. Moon Bud Miss

"Are you really ready?" General Yue looked at the determined girl with a solemn expression.

"General, I'm ready!"

Yueya assumes a standard military posture, against the military uniform, her unmake-up eyebrows exude heroism.

"Well, it's my daughter.

You go out first. "

General Yue gave a smile.

Yueya turned and left the room.

"Hey." General Yue, who was still smiling just now, had sadness on his face in a blink of an eye.

Not long ago.

Multiple high-level abyss channels erupted.

There were countless dead and wounded soldiers. Among these warriors were Beastmasters and ordinary people.

The Generic Bullet that can break through the shell of ordinary Genesis Beasts is not worth mentioning in the eyes of these Genesis Beasts.

The resulting power is indeed the case, at most it only leaves a little white spot on the shell three.

As for the important parts such as eyes.

High-level source beasts will naturally pay attention to protecting those vulnerable areas.

Simply covering the source force is enough to make these source force bullets useless.

A large number of death messages will inevitably be spread in the army with panic.

There is no way to suppress this news, because it erupts all the time.

It was an impressive day.

It has not erupted so violently in more than ten years.

And it also increased its power once.

After the outbreak, all channels were as agreed upon, and the strength of the source beasts sent out was higher than before.

This change was as expected.

However, it appeared too early.

At this time, the college students have not graduated, and there is no young blood to join, and it is inevitable that there will be a phenomenon of failure to pick up.

The most intuitive example is the reduction in the number of beast masters and the increase in the number of channels that each high-level beast master needs to be responsible for.

In this way, the daily range of activities of the high-level beast masters who did not need to move is increased from one channel to two.

The most terrifying thing is not high-end.

But low-level beast masters and ordinary people.

Their spirit and will are not as high as those of high-level ones, which causes their minds to be shaken and their will is not firm enough.

Therefore, a representative must be erected in the military, and an image must come to support them.

Humans will not lose to these **** source beasts.

Yueya, she has been working hard in this direction from the beginning.

It's just that it was naive at the beginning, and it was beautiful.

In an attempt to combine with Zhang Jian, give birth to genetically excellent children to face the next wave of terrifying beasts.

Now, Yueya sees through.

She gave up.

She decided to rely on her own source beast to defend the rear and guard the humanity.

Following the trend and a series of propaganda, Yueya gradually became the goddess of war among the soldiers.

Every time she arrives, she must be resolved by her.

The source beast rushes out of the channel, and the kill is not left!


Yueya walked back silently.

There are thick dark clouds all year round over this valley.

Arrow-like eyes couldn't pierce the gloomy light coming in either.


Yueya stretched out her tongue and tasted a little blood from the corner of her mouth.

Source beast blood.

A kind of scarlet sweet that is different from ordinary people.

This sweetness brought back memories deep in Yueya's mind.


Practice for seven days.

The night is like ink, with little stars.

The bonfire was burning quietly.

The young man panicked holding the grilled fish on the branch.

The fish is very small, only slap big.

Belongs to the fish in the small ditches.

It took Zhang Jian two hours to catch the fish in a stream.

One hour is Yueya's rest time for him.

However, Yueya herself was almost sleepy, and fell asleep after squinting.

With the moon wheel shining, the moon bud feels safe.

The source beast of the heavenly system has a long time, and the wisdom of the source beast after it has evolved is not weaker than that of ordinary adults.

Seeing Yueya pumping her little nose and opening her sleepy eyes.

Like Zhang Jian hurriedly offering treasures, he carefully handed over the two branches.

Yueya is indeed attracted by the fragrance, she has a lot of appetite.

Otherwise, it would not be able to maintain the strength to interrupt a large tree in the basin.

Moon buds have grafted branches.

The fish on the branch had its tail poked out of its mouth, and its abdomen did not open.

The fish body is quite clean, without a single scale.

Yueya didn't hesitate, the viscera was just a trivial matter.

When she was training, she swallowed many of the entrails of wild beasts alive.

However, watching the fire sway down the boy's face.

There was a slight throbbing in Yueya's heart.

"He is obviously very tired, so why bother to catch fish?"

There were no traces of electric shock to these fish, which indicated that Zhang Jian caught them with bare hands.

In this world full of vitality, ordinary fish are more swift and sensitive, and humans want to catch them empty-handed, which is difficult to do without certain training.

Because Yueya thought that he would spend a lot of effort to catch fish for herself.

As for why for yourself.


Yueya held two skewers, and Zhang Jian held half.

"Is it delicious?" Seeing Yueya's eyes swept, he asked.

"Yeah." Although it was just sprinkled with salt, it still tasted good.

"Then I will make it for you every day from now on?" Zhang Jian asked with a smile, at this time he was used to verbosity.

You don’t need to spend money anyway, just say it and you’re done.

How can I make people happy?

Of course, how come your mouth smells when facing an enemy.

Yueya smiled.

There are many scenes like this, all of which happened in seven days.

I have to say that burning girls are deeply impressed by men, and it is often easier to chase girls with less effort.

Zhang Jian benefited from his amazing and even terrifying talent for mental power. The activation speed of the pineal gland, which has never been seen before, left an indelible and irreplaceable impression in Yueya's heart.

It's just that, after this, he has the impression of his hippie smiling face and taking care of others.

In a gloomy environment.

The dust on the ground was picked up by the front wheels.

Fluctuations appeared in Yueya's heart.

She really wanted someone to stand beside her and gently embrace her.

It is best for the princess to hold her, because that would not make her short.

It would be even better if that person was Zhang Jian.

Thinking about it, Yueya felt her nose sore, and her tears were about to fall.

Feel the worship gaze projected from all directions.

Yueya knew that she couldn't cry, let alone stop.

She walked on, without a smile on her face, only a faint cold color on her face.


Zhang Jian found that several penguins had been sent to Yueya, and they all sank to the sea.

I couldn't help but worry about what happened from time to time.

His worry is not unreasonable.

In the morning, he accidentally saw the bib.

Two beast tides broke out on the front, and the level of ordinary beast tides increased again.

In the future, the D-class animal tide should disappear.

Ordinary animal tide will be replaced by C grade.

This means that the warriors who will fight the beast tide will work harder and more dangerous in the future.

The D-class beast tide is below a thousand, mostly bronze or silver, and the strength is generally one to three.

There are thousands to tens of thousands of C-level beast tides, mostly gold, occasionally mixed with dark gold, dark gold is often only one or two, representing the beast tide initiators, and the strength is generally in the third to fifth ranks.

The B-level beast tide ranges from 10,000 to a million, mostly dark gold, diamonds, and occasionally epic, legendary source beasts, and their strength is generally from sixth to eighth.

The A-level beast tide is a legend, and once it appears, it is a battle to destroy the world.

Usually the B-level animal tide is enough for humans to suffer.

A-level, it is said that there will be a god-level source beast!

And the wave of source beasts with no bounds like a vast ocean!

Appearing is the end of the human world!

The time when the tide of beasts erupted was very close to the time when he woke up from the illusory space created by the leader of dawn.

Does this mean...

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