The Greatest Performer on the Football Field

Chapter 370: Ranick's get out of class

On September 1o, the Rhine-Neckar Stadium, Schalke o4 challenged Hoffenheim away.

After a "country miracle" was staged, Hoffenheim succeeded in gaining a foothold in the Bundesliga. Although he could not participate in the European competition, he was not ranked low, and the style of advocating offense attracted a large number of fans.

However, this season, the Hoffenheim club executives sold Gustavo without the knowledge of coach Rannick, and then sold the absolute main players Eduardo, Denpabar, and even the goalkeeper Hildebrand. ...Lannick Thunder but helpless.

Only three minutes from the start of the game, Schalke o4 succeeded.

Westman accidentally chose a long pass in the backcourt. The opposing center defender missed the top. Holtby took the ball from the left and chose to pass back.

Sun Wu, who is plugged in, is adjusting his pace... Sun Wu's long-range ability is already well-known. Hoffenheim's two defenders pounced, one hand covered the crotch, one jumped up and tried to block the ball with his back.

But Sun Wu immediately smashed the ball to get rid of the defender who jumped up, and then picked his toes, the ball flew over the defenders' heads.

This was a very tacit cooperation in passing and running. Raul, who didn't serve as the center of the national team, was instantly killed from the crowd, and the goalkeeper easily put the ball into the far corner.

"Good job!" Sun Wu hugs Raul. He hasn't assisted his teammates for such a long time. The previous tactical characteristics of Kuranyi are difficult to get such a single-handed ball, and Manjukic's cooperation is not enough.

Lannick on the sidelines was expressionless. He could tolerate the loss of Eduardo, Denpabar and even Hildebrand, but could not tolerate the loss of Gustavo. This Brazilian midfielder is too important for the attacking Hoffenheim.

Although Sun Wu has performed wonderfully in the face of Hoffenheim several times, there is no doubt that Gustavo has a restraining effect on Sun Wu. Look at the performance of Sun Wu just now. ...

After leading 1-0, Sun Wu directed the team to recover. On the one hand, Hoffenheim’s offensive strength was not weak, Salihović, Ibisevic, Vukosevic were excellent, on the other hand, Schal Ke o4 this game is a large-scale personnel adjustment.

Farfan, Hevedes, Matip, Manjukic did not appear in the lineup, Holtby, Hao Junmin, Metzelder got the chance.

Although it was a substitute player, under Sun Wu’s command, the ball was transmitted smoothly in the midfield and backcourt. Although Lannick kept instructing the players to press for the press, but Sun Wu was always able to pass the ball in the appropriate position to reverse the ball stand up.

In the last five minutes of the first half, Hoffenheim made a big push. Sun Wu immediately sent out a two-foot penetration with a straight pass. Raul and Holtby both got a good shot, but unfortunately they missed one time. , Once in the center column... Hoffenheim deflated immediately, and Lannick spread his hands on the sidelines.

In all fairness, Lannick's commanding ability is not weaker than that of Magath. In this case, he still directed the team to play several good offenses, but unfortunately, the clever woman is difficult to cook without rice, and finally returns.

The score of 1-0 continued until 7o minutes in the second half, and Mandzukic, Farfan, Draxler came off the bench 6 times.

Mandzukic's training in the previous two weeks had a good effect, and the accuracy of the pass and running was significantly improved, and Farfan also learned Mandzic's running habits through training.

In the 78th minute, Sun Wu and Mandzukic slanted the right rib after playing a match in the middle, Falvanga made a pass to the bottom and started a sudden forward manduk from the outside of the penalty area.

The strength is not great, but the shot is very clever, the ball flew over the goalkeeper's feet and went straight to the far corner.

After the goal, Mandzukic was relieved, holding Falfan with an assist.

On the sidelines, Magath sitting on the coach seat buttocks didn't move. In his view, Hoffenheim is obviously not a Schalke o4 opponent. It is reasonable to win.

And Lannick, who has been standing and commanding, finally sat back on the coach's bench. In the tactical arrangement before the game, he specially put two players in the waist position...but the effect is similar to none.

Sun Wu is not a traditional front waist and has a very wide range of activities; nor is it a pure attack player, so he chooses the forward insertion timing very carefully, often with a strong suddenness and purpose, and lays heavy soldiers in the back waist position It can't contain Sun Wu's swing.

Lannick looked at the coach's coach seat with envy and jealousy. Magath was lucky enough to pick up this kind of baby, and after leaving, the baby will follow... Lannick's reputation in the German coaching profession It's not small, the friends are very wide, know that Dortmund coach Klopp appreciates Sun Wu very much.

In the final stage of the game, Farfan used a direct free kick to freeze the score at 3 o.

At the press conference after the game, Lannick believed that Schalke's o4 win was justified, and the Hoffenheim midfielder who lost Gustavo could not compete with Best, even if Schalke o4's midfielder The field is not the main force to play, Rakitic national team was slightly injured in the game did not enter the big list.

The following reporters are all surprised. Although Lannick is called a "professor", it is not as elegant as Wenger... Sure enough, the next moment, Lannick announced his departure and left Hoffenheim, who has been coaching for four years. .

Sun Wu did not know that all of this had anything to do with him. In the original time and space, it was also because the club chairman Hope sold Gustavo to Bayern without Lannick's knowledge that Lannick would choose to leave. But that was the beginning of 2o11. The arrival of Sun Wu led Bayern Munich to dig away Gustavo in advance, which also led to the early departure of Lannick, the "country team of Hoffenheim" "From the Bundesliga all the way to the Bundesliga, and the departure of the legendary coach who has occupied the standings for a long time, has caused a lot of shock in the Bundesliga.

In fact, Lannick's nickname "Professor" was not a commendatory word. At first, Lannick was considered to be just an academic coach. His theories are far less than the traditional magical will of Germany.

But after the legendary experience of Hoffenheim, the nickname "Professor" deserved its name, and the Bundesliga clubs began to tentatively contact Rannik, including Bayern Munich, Gustavo, who had just transferred, and even In the interview, he claimed that he hoped to reunite with Rnick in Munich...

Bayern Munich's lucky last round of the first round of lore was Wolfsburg, but then was defeated by the newly promoted Kaiserslautern o-2, and the third round was tied by Werder Bremen who lost Ozil. With three wins, one draw, one loss, and a poor record, Van Gaal's handsome position was crumbling.

The media has given Van Gaal’s class schedule and a list of successors... Leverkusen head coach Heinkes, who has won three games in the rankings, is ranked first in the list. Under his hands, Thomas Mueller and Kiessling's partner is very powerful, and the three rounds of the league jointly contributed five goals and three assists!

Unlike the previous life, these two years of traversal Sun Wu did a very ghostly thing. He deliberately highlighted that Heinkes should be the most suitable head coach for Bayern Munich, which directly led to Henes’s The dislike of the candidates...their relationship is not good!

However, these have nothing to do with Sun Wu. When the Bundesliga discusses Lannick's next goal, Sun Wu has already flown to Madrid, and he will set foot on Bernabeu's turf for the first time.


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