After glancing at the ball and taking Fernandinho, Sun Wu suddenly caught the pass from Xavi Alonso.

But Fei Fei turned straight to give the ball to Stones behind, Klose just ran two steps, Stones passed to Walker.

Walker glanced at Douglas Costa in front of his eyes, and reached out to move a little closer, but when Griezmann forced it, Walker passed the ball to Bravo...

Sun Wu is a little helpless, and the situation is completely different from the last round of playing Chelsea. Without Oscar's full-field mark, David Silva will not do this kind of thing, and there will not be a Matic, like a copper wall, Fernan in front Dinho's greater role lies in the defense of the two sides and the transfer of the ball. The positive defensive ability itself is not top.

But Sun Wu has very few ball catches, it's almost 10 minutes, and he hasn't touched the ball more than 5 times. The reason is, of course, Manchester City is very skilled in ball control on the one hand, and on the other hand is very cautious in passing .

Looking at Guardiola at the side of the field, Sun Wu remembered very clearly that Manchester City killed Tottenham just two weeks ago.

However, Sun Wu is also very patient. On the one hand, Manchester United will not press up to grab high, as long as there are no mistakes, the chance of losing the ball is not high.

On the other hand, Manchester City’s ball control tactics will not always be so secure. After taking the ball, they have the opportunity to create a threat. It is for this reason that Pochettino discharged the main attack combination last season... for this!

As long as there are no mistakes, Manchester City will be difficult to create a threat in a short time.

As long as there are no mistakes, it is difficult for Manchester United to take the ball and organize an effective offensive.

But then, these have been verified!

In the 15th minute, Manchester City transferred the ball from the middle to the left through a series of transmissions, and then passed back to the middle. To the right, David Silva sent a return pass under Milner's personal harassment.

Then Stones suddenly got up and sent a long pass!

"Oh, Manchester City's long pass, very rare... very precise, Stirling's beautiful stop!"

Sun Wu was retreating at high speed while observing the running position of Manchester City players...Aguero did not enter the penalty area, but pulled out. David Silva entered the penalty area, Fernandinho and Adriano Both are approaching Stirling, and Douglas Costa on the other side is diagonally inserted into the penalty area.

Watching Stirling continue to fake Coleman, Sun Wu secretly thought it should be ok... but the next moment, Coleman slipped and fell on his sole!

"Coleman missed...this opportunity!" Mortson yelled: "Stirling...he has entered the penalty zone!"

After Coleman was thrown away, Sterling, who had entered the penalty area, made a speeding action again, and a dial on the outside of his right foot... David Silva who received the ball tapped on his left foot!

The ball rolled past Alder Vereld and Sterling's toes pounced into the penalty area!

"Two after one... bad!" Zhang Lu said nervously: "Stirling... De Gea!"

Facing De Gea, Sterling chose a small angle shot. He deliberately wanted to hit the upper corner, but the ball just hit De Gea's face and popped!

Sterling also wanted to take the ball for a supplementary shot, but Alder Vereld kicked the ball out of the penalty area with a kick, and the ball flew towards the middle circle.

Aguero in the middle of the small penalty area held his head in both hands to express his regret. He did not blame Sterling for shooting and not passing. Because when he reversed into the penalty area, Sun Wu closely followed him and seized his position. !

But then, Aguero suddenly reached out and pulled Sun Wu... er, Sun Wu saw the ball flying in the direction of Otamendi and Klose, he was anxious to support it, Adriano had not yet Time to go back.

Being dragged by Aguero, Sun Wu stopped and then fell down... There are many people in the penalty area, and I don't know who's shoes have been scratched on Sun Wu's face. Well, Sun Wu fell on his face. He refused to get up on the ground.

Otamendika overcame the position and gave the ball to Stones, who sent it back to Bravo, when the whistle sounded.

Mike Dean ran into the penalty area and frowned and bowed to ask a few words.

Sun Wu sat up but covered her face, "Someone pushed me, and then someone stepped on my face... I want to call the police, they want to disfigurement!"

"Uh, sorry, Best...I didn't pay attention..."

Hearing this sentence, Sun Wu was also drunk. Schneiderlin's brain was flooded!

You can't admit it even if you step on it!

Aguero happily laughed at the side, and even the old man, Mike Dean, laughed.

Sun Wu propped up the lawn with his hand, complaining with dissatisfaction: "But someone pushed me behind...Aguero!"

Aguero snorted, "I didn't push you, I just pulled!"

"Have you heard Mike? He admitted!"

"I dragged you. You can actually move forward. What is this?" Aguero sneered. "This is deliberately framed! Mike, he should be given a red card!"

On the Manchester City bench, Patrick and Guardiola looked at this scene expressionlessly, and on their stands, Sun Juhai covered his face... a familiar scene.

After a period of confusion, Mike Dean called Sun Wu aside and said a few words before signaling the game to continue.

"Obviously, I was fouled and made me fall like a fake!" Sun Wu murmured in dissatisfaction.

Although he complained, Sun Wu felt that his performance just failed very much... How could he fall forward when others dragged him!

This violates basic common sense!

This time, I was too distracted. Sun Wu could already imagine how many people would be joking about this matter in the media and social networks after the game!

"Coleman, don't worry!" Sun Wuding told Coleman that he just made a mistake. "If Sterling pulls the edge, don't care about him, let him pass, cut into the inside and stick to him, don't let him pass at random , As long as it is outside the restricted area, move a little bit more."

Coleman wiped the sweat from his head and nodded fiercely. In the tactical details of the pre-match deployment, his side is the most difficult to defend, because under Guardiola, Sterling is not a pure winger. Pass the ball often after pulling the edge, then run without the ball and cut inside.

After a thrilling game, the game fell into silence again. Manchester City was still passing slowly. Manchester United was still firmly within the 40-meter area. Griezmann and Thomas Mueller on both wings retreated sharply, leaving only Clo A single soldier harassed in the frontcourt.

Sun Wu has been observing the positions of Xavi Alonso and Fernandinho during running again and again. These two lower backs are completely different types, one is organized like Pirlo, the other is like A filter like Busquets.

The positions of the two people are also different. The former has few forwards because of age, the latter will go forward to meet David Silva, then Otamendi or Stones will come up, the other The side defenders will be included to increase the number of midfielders to protect the midfielder.

There is such a proverb in English football ~ ~ The so-called goals are all because the opponent made a mistake. "

Sun Wu vaguely remembers many years ago, in La Masia, Guardiola and Vilanova used to disdain this sentence. In their view, precise tactical arrangements, accurate passes, wide vision and Strong execution is the reason for scoring.

But in the faster pace of the game, against the more intense Premier League, this sentence still makes sense.

When the game enters a deadlock, whoever makes fewer mistakes will win.

As strong as Guardiola, after making almost all the preparations before the game, the players can not guarantee that they will not make mistakes.

After experiencing the defeat of the Champions League final that year, after suffering a double kill last season, Guardiola is too aware of Sun Wu's ability. He is more aware that Sun Wu has a deep research on his own tactics, so in In this stalemate, mistakes are likely to be the key.

Therefore, when Otamendi, who has been critically acclaimed this season, passes the ball, Guardiola looks ugly.

"Oh, Otamendi made a mistake!"

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