The Greatest Performer on the Football Field

Chapter 813: Psychological counseling

Carrington base.

Griezmann sat on the lawn and complained, "It was obviously he who shoveled Best, but the media all the time accused Best!"

"Just because Bo Yang was injured, but Best was not hurt!?" Herrera snorted.

Sun Wu lay lazily there, "Media, sometimes complimenting the strong, sometimes shielding the weak... The key is, how can I write to sell a few more newspapers."

"That's true." Griezmann patted Sun Wu's leg being shoveled. "Best, did the inspection result come out?"

"It should be okay." Thomas Mueller spat out: "You forgot to group against him and knocked you off today?"

"However, today is really strange, the amount of training is much lower."

"Yeah, just now Mane wanted to train the coach and didn't agree."

The topic was biased, and the players began to discuss why the amount of training is so low today, discussing the upcoming fourteen consecutive league games and the next double red.

If the next two leagues win, Manchester United will replace Arsenal to create a Premier League winning streak, fifteen consecutive victories... Gee, only a total of 38 rounds of the league.

The reduction in training volume today was recommended by team doctor Dr. Swell. Most of the players in the team are not in a normal state of mind. The emotions of tension and excitement have come in advance, which has affected the players' competitive state.

After chatting for a while, everyone went back to each home to find their mom. Of course, the latter word specifically refers to Phil Jones, who returns to Preston’s home every day. He now goes to the restaurant to take dinner before returning home every day. Come back home.

Sun Wu slowly walked towards the office building, instead of going to the office on the second floor, but went to the third floor. This floor is mainly the archives room, data analysis room, editing room, and psychological counseling room.

After the game before yesterday, Dr. Sver took Sun Wula to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. The report has come out without any problems.

But what surprised Sun Wu was that Dr. Sver asked Sun Wu to do a psychological counseling.

"Hi, Susan." Sun Wu knocked on the door and entered, "Wonderful name, a piece of "Miserable World"?"

"This is to praise me... but my singing always makes friends frown." A graceful middle-aged woman got up and smiled: "Best, I finally waited for you. Only you in the team have never been here."

"I have been here except me?"

"Of course." Susan nodded. "For example, Lingard came last time, and thank you very much for your encouragement; and Thomas Mueller, a German who has a heavy mental burden."

"Thomas?" Sun Wu frowned. "Is it about leaving Manchester United?"

"Yes, of course, all I said...I think you have the right to know." Susan blinked. "In the club, you are more than the captain."

Sun Wu smiled and wanted to ask Erwa what he planned, but he still didn’t ask for the was Bayern who abandoned him and Manchester United saved him, but it was difficult to refuse the temptation to return to Bayern after being worth his money. .

Taking a deep breath, Sun Wu said, "But I don't think I have a problem..."

"People who walk in here say that they have no problems... often this proves that he really has problems." Susan smiled and took a folder and handed it over, "Come on, little test."

Half an hour later, Susan looked at the test question seriously, and sighed after half a ring: "Best, are you usually tired?"

"Sometimes, occasionally."

"Whether physical or mental... or as a player or as a coach?"

Sun Wu hesitated for a while, "Not necessarily, but the latter is a little more, after all, the coach needs to consider more things."

Susan looked at the youth in front of her with undetectable prying eyes. "Best, I'm curious why you can dig up so many young and promising new stars, such as Obameyan who was unknown in the past... This has become a legend. Story."

Sun Wu simply replied: "Can I not answer?"

"Of course." Susan's voice was soft. "But I did a lot of homework, right?"

Sun Wu's expressionless default.

"Best, I have been a Manchester United fan since I was a kid. I was lucky to be here, but I have never been in Pochettino's office." Susan changed the subject. "You are in the coaching team in addition to scouting. What is responsible?"

"Tactical discussion, part of intelligence gathering, explaining tactics to the players, and conducting tactical exercises in training." Sun Wu said slowly: "Sometimes I will discuss details with teammates through video materials..."

Susan was sensitive to realize that Sun Wu used different words to refer to the same group of people.



This represents a different identity of Sun Wu.

"Is this the same before coming to Manchester United?"

"It may be slightly less, but there is always. From Wolfsburg, Magath allowed me to participate in tactical discussions, and also allowed me a high degree of tactical freedom to adjust power on the spot."

Susan smiled and said after a moment of silence: "Okay, let's talk about something else. When will you and Kristin get married?"

"The second year of receiving the Golden Globe Award." Sun Wu's face appeared the first sincere smile after entering the room.

"Then what do you usually do, on average every few days?"

The smile on Sun Wu's face froze, "We live next door and can meet every day..."

"What are you doing after meeting?" Susan smiled. "Of course, except sports."

Sun Wu's head hung down slightly, "basically in the study."

"What are you doing in the study?"

Sun Wu's pace of answering questions is getting slower and slower, "I do my homework every night."

"It's still about football?"


Susan never asked any more questions.

And Sun Wu's eyes revealed.


Eight o'clock in the night.

Knocking on the door of Pochettino's office, Susan put a report on the table.

"How is it?" Dr. Swell asked first.

“It’s hard to say, but it’s safe to say that because of the switch between player and coach for a long time, Best’s mental state has been greatly affected. After all, these two roles are a commander and an obedient, and sometimes this The two roles will also conflict."

After a pause, Susan continued: "Although it looks normal from the outside, but in this mode for a long time, Best has paid more than ordinary people...not just energy, time and sweat."

Pochettino knocked on the table, "What about the conclusion?"

"Overall it's good, but it continues..." Susan shook her head. "It's hard to say, after all, there has never been a precedent before. There are many examples of players serving as coaches, but most of them are at the end of their careers, like Best. In the golden period of his career, he was deeply involved in the work of the coaching staff... never before."

Susan hesitated and said, "However, this has something to do with Best thinking too much and doing too much. His work involves almost every corner of the work scope of the coaching staff, and he has to go back every night. Do your homework."

"Not only that," said Jesus, shaking his head. "After taking over as captain, he always pays close attention to the status of his teammates and visits the wounded from time to time in the medical room."

Miguel pouted, "So, sometimes, with him, I feel that there is nothing to do."

Mike Ferran's brow furrowed tightly, "Treatment plan?"

"First, rest, you need to relax physically and mentally, at least you can't study tactics for a long time every night."

"Second, as a coach, his scope of work needs to be adjusted, and perhaps a circle of demarcation is needed."

"Third, he needs to adjust his mindset. I noticed an interesting answer in his test.

Who can beat you? The options include the major European giants. "

Miguel asked curiously: "Who did he choose?"

Susan shook her head. "He didn't choose anyone, but wrote Manchester United."

There was silence in the office. Sun Wu's arrogance surprised them, but they also made them worried.

Half an hour later, Pochettino made a decision. Sun Wu’s assistant coach position in the coaching staff remained, but most of the work was taken over by **** and Miguel.

Pochettino emphasized that this does not mean that Sun Wu's power has shrunk. He still has the power to participate in various tasks.

The corner of Mike Ferran's mouth moved slightly, and he first noticed that this adjustment...

No hard work, but you can participate, if you have the power to coordinate Sun Wu and Pochettino will be no essential difference.


Sun Wu, who had returned home, did not enter the study room today, but sat in the living room with Kristin to watch TV. The two had a long time in the room before entering the room.

Sun Wu also noticed that today's psychological counseling is aimed at himself for a long time and with high intensity, and he also shares the pressure brought about by the two positions.

As a traverser of the Associate Professor of 985 College in the past, Sun Wu is very clear that this state cannot be sustained for a long time.

Two years ago, Guardiola decisively dismissed Sun Wu as the assistant coach. This did not make Sun Wu frustrated, but inspired his fighting spirit. He proved with facts that you may be right, but I am also right.

After coming to Manchester United, Sun Wu was deeply involved in all aspects of the coaching team's work, from tactics and recruitment to negotiation and training. He was even more worried than Pochettino and spent more effort. More... All this puts Sun Wu under great mental pressure.

Lying in bed, hugging Christine's waist, Sun Wu knew he should make a change.

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