The Greatest Performer on the Football Field

Chapter 867: The difference between Manchester United and Manchester City

As Sun Wu expected, the media reports the next day focused on Manchester United's injury to the opponent's players three times in a row.

What is Manchester United's undefeated derby for two consecutive years, what Manchester United is likely to win the league championship two rounds in advance again, even the blood-covered Milner didn't mention a few...Manchester local newspaper naked Stirling The picture of the cry covering his face appeared on the front page headline.

"The Sun" published a photo of Sun Wuchao Coleman's thumbs up, vowed to say that Manchester United's killing tactics were encouraged by Sun Wu in the dressing room.

To this end, the next night, after watching the Liverpool and Chelsea games, Sun Wu accepted the interview with Reinkel, this is a live broadcast, and also participated in Scholes and Carragher.

"First of all, I have to make it clear that this is not a killing tactic." Sun Wuxian denied this view. "I have to admit that Manchester City's tactical system is very good, and the player's condition is also very good. It is difficult for us to get the ball in the first half. , So we need to show a tough attitude to interrupt their rhythm in the second half."

"So, you guys took..." Rinkelton changed his words, "Foul tactics?"

"Fifteen minutes before the second half, Manchester United fouled a total of eight times." Sun Wu shook his head and said: "But in fact, Manchester United fouled 21 times in the game, Manchester City fouled 18 times, the gap is not big."

"But Manchester City only has 3 yellow cards, while Manchester United has 7 yellow cards and 2 red cards." Carragher countered.

"Uh, maybe the contrast between the first half and the second half made Atkinson unacceptable?" Scholes interjected and said: "And the Manchester United players have been overturned a lot of times, for example, Best was shoveled by Fernandinho. ."

"It's true that we can't just use the number of red and yellow cards and the injury of both players to judge whether it is a killing tactic." Reinkel nodded in agreement. "Manchester United players are not injured, while Manchester City players are injured. This is an accidental factor."

Sun Wu nodded his head without changing his color... Fortunately, he spent a lot of money in the second half of the season. The 14 players who played yesterday have basically used the medical insurance card. The only one that is useless... is Milner, who is broken.

"However, Sterling's injury has triggered public criticism of Manchester United's tactics, and even triggered the media's criticism of Coleman, Pochettino, and Best." Reinkel blinked cunningly, "Best, Do you have anything to say?"

Sun Wu twitched his mouth, and the legendary superstar is really not a good bird... Coleman is the party, Pochettino is the head coach, but Reinkel tied himself with the two.

Obviously, this is digging a pit. If Sun Wu didn't pay attention to jump down, it is equivalent to admit that his tactics in the second half were his idea.

Sun Wu glanced at Leinker obliquely, don't you just want to make a big news, just for you!

"I don't think Sterling is a man."

What Sun Wu said flatly made a small noise in the live broadcast room.

What a great topic!

Reinkel even saw the director on the sidelines excitedly throwing punches to celebrate!

"What is a man? What kind of talent is a man?"

Sun Wu turned his head to look at Scholes and Carragher, "If it's not that long, it can be called a man, or it can be a man who can sleep with a woman!"

"Real men need courage, courage and fighting spirit, and always have the most demanding requirements on themselves!"

"The most important thing is that real men never miss tears when they are frustrated and frustrated!"

"Good talk!" The first person who agreed was actually Liverpool's famous Carragher. This guy blushed and clapped at the table and shouted, "So, I insisted that Nani could never be the core player of Manchester United!"

Both Sun Wu and Scholes whispered their mouths speechlessly. They really deserved to be from Liverpool. They would never forget to stab Manchester United.

Carragher mentioned former Manchester United winger Nani. After Cristiano Ronaldo left, the outside media thought Nani was his successor.

In March 2011, the Double Red Society, Carragher flew to kick Nani, the latter's crying and runny scene was impressive, but in fact, although Nani was injured, he came back only two weeks later.

But since then, Nani can no longer be supported by fans, and it is difficult to get playing time. The total number of appearances in the next two seasons has not exceeded 15 times.

In short, after being seriously violated, Nani used his tears to end his prospects for the Red Devils.

Reinkel pulled the topic back, "Best, do you think Sterling is not a man, who is a man? Coleman who made Sterling cry?"

"It will only be a brutal foul, that is not a man's standard." Sun Wu's answer surprised Reinkel.

"A real man is cruel to the enemy, but more ruthless to himself!" Sun Wu waved his fists loudly, "Stirling used his tears to prove that he was not a man, and Milner told Stirling with his blood, what Such talents are real men!"

"Don't Milner know that his diving head is in danger of being shot by Walker?"

"Don't Milner know that even if he gives up, no one will blame him?"

"But Milner didn't give up. Even if his head was bleeding, even if his face was scratched by the spikes, he still went forward!"

"This is the real man!"

"True men pay only sweat and blood, not tears!"

The live hall was silent, and the roar of Sun Wu was oscillating back and forth. Reinkel thought about it. Scholes and Carragher both agreed.

"Guardiola has created a great set of tactics. In this respect, he may be the best in the world." Sun Wu continued: "But the players are not chess pieces, they are living people, they have their own brains and emotions. "

"They will be in a good state and will be in a bad state."

"They will be brave, but they will also be afraid."

"Guardiola can't even guarantee that his men are all men!"

"Guardiola can choose the player most suitable for the tactical system, but there is no guarantee that they will choose tears or blood at the critical moment!"

At the last moment, Sun Wu made a final conclusion.

"Tears and blood, this is the difference between Sterling and Milner!"

"It is also the difference between Manchester United and Manchester City!"

" I like you a little bit." Carragher said with a smile: "Everything you said...I very much agree!"

"But after boarding the Liverpool fans hate the leader of the leaderboard, Best, you will definitely become the one that Manchester City fans hate the most!"

This is 100% certain. Although it is a rival enemy in the same city, the hostility between Manchester United and Manchester City is not very strong.

The Double Red Club has a long history. The two of Ferguson and Wenger turned to relish, and the subsequent red and blue battle also impressed the fans.

And Manchester City Derby?

Roy Keane kicked Harland and Dennis Law's heel kick against Manchester United relegated Manchester United. These are the only two shots in Manchester City's derby history.

But now it is different. Sun Wu used his unique personal charm (pulling hatred) to make Manchester City Derby one of the most popular tournaments in the Premier League.

On the evening of Sun Wu’s live interview, the fans of both sides fought again, and Manchester police officially informed the two clubs that they should not take any more provocative actions in the form of documents.

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