The Greatest Showman

2492 Desert Boom

.mianhuatang. "To Indio!"

Tens of thousands of netizens on the social network issued a call, and then spread it from ten to ten. This has also evolved into the hottest annual topic on social networks. It is like a belief, like a symbol, comparable to a paragraph. The journey made the blood of young people start to boil.

It's a real carnival! This is not New Century New Age Woodstock, this is the contemporary pioneer village.

Not only North America, but people from all corners of the world are flocking to Indio, California, and a mighty upsurge is flocking to the same direction from all directions. It is obviously late autumn, but it is incomparable to the midsummer. The heat wave is burning hot.

Not to mention Don Quixote, even Gavin Hunter was not able to suppress his excitement and anticipation.

Regarding the Pioneer Village Music Festival, major media have sent people to report on the scene, but considering the desert environment of Indio, the weather and the scene are bound to be a severe test, sending interns or young reporters to the front line to endure hardships , this is the normal operation of the media.

"U.S. Weekly" is no exception. They sent a team of five to Indio to report two days in advance——

Based on past experience, all events related to Renly must be fully prepared, otherwise the main point may be missed; the fact has also proved this point of view, even forty-eight hours in advance, still can not catch up with the enthusiasm of Don Quixotes, even some people in advance Came to camp on the edge of town for a week, and came to Indio early for a party.

A week is not early, and it is not alone.

From the photos of netizens on the photo wall, it can be seen that hundreds of Don Quixotes arrived in the Indio Desert early in the morning, and there are also hundreds of young people holding "Participate in Woods" Tok” came to the Indio desert early, and the party had already started early, talking, singing and dancing, revelling all night, just like celebrating the end of the world, and finally indulging in the edge of the isolated desert.

That excitement can be felt just through the photos.

By the time Gavin Hunter arrived in Indio, it was the first day of the Pioneer Village Music Festival, but it had not yet begun.

Gavin did not come to the music festival as a reporter for "US Weekly", but came to participate in this event in his personal capacity. He always felt that if he missed it, he might regret it for the rest of his life. Even if he didn't buy a ticket, he still came impulsively. When I arrived in Indio and slowly entered the town, I began to hesitate - if there is no ticket, how should I enjoy the music festival? Is it a futile effort to arrive at the scene?

But soon, Gavin put the idea behind him for a while: because the pomp before him was attracting all the attention.

In the distance, two miles from the town, you can see motorhomes and vans neatly parked on the side of the road, bustling on both sides of the road, with a two-way lane in the center and a patch on either side. The vast parking lot and countless vehicles are laid out endlessly as far as the eye can see, which makes people think of "The Matrix", but it is a version of "Mad Max", showing mechanical grandeur above the uninhabited desert.

After the endless array of cars, we officially entered the campsite.

Although it is said that there is already a campsite near the RV and van, the large and small tents in front of them are another magnificent scene.

The high and low, staggered tents stretched out along the two sides of the long yellow sand road, like a huge nomadic people camping in the desert. The morning sun has just fallen, and the soft golden color outlines a golden border for the countless tents. Early risers stretched their waists to greet the dawn.

Obliquely ahead on the right, a group of young people are surrounding the extinguished bonfire, beating soup pots and wooden benches, singing to their heart's content, "We will! We will! We will shock you (e-ill-rock-you) )", which is a classic song of Queen, and people who just got up around subconsciously slap their palms together, which is really lively.

A little further forward, the crowd in twos and threes was slowly moving forward, keeping in the same direction as Gavin, and heading to the performance venue. They were red-faced and constantly arguing, and when they got close, they could hear that they were arguing about "Boom Drummer" and "Boom Drummer". Which work of "Drunken Country Ballads" is better.

On the left hand side, a tent was pulled down and a chicken coop head emerged, which startled Gavin. The other party rubbed his eyes and asked loudly, "What time is it now?" After the answer, he immediately raised his voice, and woke up the friends in the surrounding tents, "The horn sounded!" Then Gavin could see that the tents were shaking one after another, full of vitality mixed with the smell of sunshine Come on.


Even the well-informed Gavin was still stunned. He had already imagined the picture in advance:

Seventy thousand people? Although the Pioneer Village Music Festival only sold 70,000 sets of tickets, there were definitely more than 70,000 enthusiastic audiences who arrived in the Indio Desert. A conservative estimate of 200,000 should be the bottom line; and Gavin's own point of view should be able to exceed 250,000 people.

Don't underestimate this set of data. Now the top music festivals in the world have a throughput of around 100,000 people. The most sensational German Nürburgring music festival (rock-am-ring) ), the number of mobilized people is capped at 150,000 people - and this set of data is difficult to achieve in any performance venue in the world.

Indio's venue is located in the desert, and there is no trouble with the upper limit for the time being, but 200,000 people are still

It's an extremely terrifying forecast.

And Gavin's prediction of 250,000 was already insane. However, when he arrived at the scene, he realized that he was too naive.

More than 250,000 people?

At this time, when he was in it, Gavin really understood what a sea of ​​people is. He now strongly hopes to have a helicopter's God's perspective, overlooking the panorama of the entire desert. Only in this way can he see the overall situation. scene.

If you look down from the top, you can see a yellow ribbon-like stream winding up and down to outline the majesty of the entire desert. , If you look carefully, you can see that the dense crowd is like a huge wave rolling and rushing towards the dark blue black hole, so the deep blue is so rich that it is almost blue-black, and the quiet but turbulent whale swallows all the light, the whole The vastness of the world is all gathered there, and the mystery of the universe makes people small.

People, everyone.

Those colorful dots are all people, like the countless gravels in the desert, the small particles gather into a vast ocean.

According to the data released by the "Los Angeles Times", the small town of Indio has attracted a frenzy of 500,000 people, unbelievably more than the 450,000 of Woodstock that year, and truly wrote its own history. But the paper admits that the stats are only vague estimates, and that the actual numbers could be higher, and in just three days, the barren desert is more noisy than half the cities in the United States.

Gavin, who was in it, was willing to believe that the sea of ​​500,000 people could easily drown him.

Even if tickets are not available, fanatics from all over the world still gather together. In these three days, Indio has transformed into the heart of the earth, and all blood is pumped towards the heart, even if it is impossible to reach in person At the scene, there is still a line of sight.


Gavin stared greedily and shocked at the grand scene in front of him, the hot air drilled into the blood vessels along the pores, and then he couldn't help but jump for joy, as if he had returned to his youthful years again, the throbbing and scalding of the youth hormones made the heart feel constantly. All the while hitting his chest hard and powerful.

In the past, he believed that blood could change the world; now, he is willing to believe it again.

"Hey, hey! Dude!" Gavin was a little rusty, he had almost forgotten how young people talk and party, but he clumsily rediscovered that feeling, "Do you have tickets? If you don't have tickets? , what should I do? Uh... I'm not asking the scalpers."

Gavin was worried that his words might cause misunderstanding, and quickly explained with additional explanation, which made the group of young people burst into laughter.

"Trust us, no one will sell scalpers here, and no one will buy it."

"Standing here with both feet is the best ticket!"

"Tell you, this is an open-air music festival, as long as we show up at the scene; we can party together, even if we can't see the stage performance in person."

"Yes, yes, after the music starts, you can also enjoy it outside the venue. We have our own party."

"Come here, join us! We don't have tickets either, we're going to the back of the venue, where there's an open space where we can party and listen to the main stage."

The young people didn't give Gavin a chance at all, and they were talking nonsense. Before Gavin could react, they had already greeted Gavin and moved forward together.

Gavin followed in a confused manner, but was still a little impatient, "Well, I came here to appreciate Renly."

"Haha, of course!" Everyone laughed.

Gavin doesn't know why.

One of the young girls with explosive hair said cheerfully, "More than half of the audience came for Renly, or, who didn't come for Renly?"

Gavin also laughed.

"We asked, and the organizers also realized that the scene was a bit beyond expectations, and they were thinking about a solution. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to enter the infield to see Renly, but on the last evening, they Temporary admission should be opened on the spot, allowing queues to enter the venue, first come first served, this is the current temporary plan, and the specific implementation still needs to wait for notification, but for sure, we still have a chance."

Then, she turned to look at the little friends beside her, and everyone said in unison, "No one can refuse Renly!"

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