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qu) 0#9ecql=,dp6gbvp7rwehv g The corridor was extremely quiet, and the echo of the footsteps was invisibly amplified. Elliott tried his best to lighten his pace, but did not slow down, his eyes were busy searching. At the same time, the brain began to work fast. \\r

He has been around for fifteen minutes, but still has nothing to gain. The entire building of the hospital is really not small, and it is not a solution to continue going around aimlessly like this. To find someone is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack. He must think of a more effective screening method, and maybe it's a good idea to ask someone to inquire. But who should be called? \\r

Nurse? patient? Rehabilitationist? cleaner? \\r

One by one, the information was sifted in his mind. Suddenly, Elliott's footsteps could not help but pause. What did he catch just now? He took another two steps back, looked to his right, and saw Renly sitting on the bench. \\r

The young man leaned on the back of the chair and raised his face, the afternoon sunlight fell lazily, and the light dust fluttered above the handsome eyebrows, covered with a thin golden halo, and the contours of the facial features changed. It's blurry, and I can only capture the faint smile on the corner of the mouth. Time seems to hang on the soft corner of the mouth, shaking recklessly, but it never leaves. \\r

Youth is young. \\r

Elliott was stunned for a moment. He almost forgot that Renly was only twenty-one years old this year. Although everyone is emphasizing Renly's youth, in fact, Renly's demeanor and demeanor always make people forget his age. until now. \\r

After being stunned, a surge of ecstasy swept through his chest, filling his chest, he found it, and he really found it! \\r

Elliott couldn't wait to meet him, but the joy didn't have time to climb his brows, panic and fear stopped his steps abruptly, and the sudden pause made the soles rub against the ground with a sharp sound, and Elliot only felt blood Immediately frozen into ice, the whole person was stiff in place, cracking and muscles tense. \\r

That was Renly Hall. \\r

So far, Elliott has fought Renly twice, the first time after the Emmy Awards, when he foolishly paid for a taxi and was dumped outside the gate of the celebration party. The security chased everywhere; the second time, in Hawaii, Renly's unhurried, unflappable performance made him look like a clown, and he fled in a frenzy. \\r

It was a shame to say it, but to be honest, he was a little scared of Renly. Because I can't eat. \\r

In fact, not only him, but also his colleagues in the journalistic circle - although journalists never regard paparazzi as their colleagues - also think so. In the short one year since Renly appeared in front of everyone, he and the reporter have In many fights, reporters not only have no way to take advantage, but also fall behind, and even feel embarrassed. \\r

Those reporters who try to get the news out of Renly's mouth are often inflamed and overwhelmed. It is rumored that the reporters of "Entertainment Weekly" have repeatedly been deflated by Renly's hands and have become the laughing stock of the industry. You must know that the same "Entertainment Weekly" has recently made Natalie Portman's troubles. \\r

Those vivid memories flooded into his mind, and Elliott's whole person was frozen, and he seriously thought about an extremely serious question: Did he have water in his brain? He actually took the initiative to deliver it to the door, and ran all the way to Seattle, asking for trouble? Does he have masochistic tendencies? If he turned his head and ran now, would it be too late? \\r

"Good afternoon, since we have already come, are you not going to say hello before leaving?"\\r

That's too late. \\r

The warm and mellow voice came from his ear, and Elliott's muscles couldn't help but stiffen, and then he realized that he was still maintaining a fixed motion, which looked really funny, so he shyly withdrew the motion and pretended not to care. Looking at it, I still have a trace of impulse deep in my heart: Is it not good to run away now? \\r

He looked at Ren Li again, and then saw that he closed his eyes again, feeling the warmth of the sun, without the slightest panic, sitting on the bench elegantly and quietly, with a contented demeanor, one could see that , he enjoyed the rare tranquility of this lazy afternoon. This made Elliott puff out his chest a little and regain his courage—\\r

He's a paparazzi, he's the strong side, he doesn't need to be afraid of Renly at all, not to mention his age advantage, just that the pen and the camera are in his hands, and after the interview, he wants to write an article. Why should he worry about it? Renly was the one who needed to be cautious. \\r

He comforted himself so, cheered himself up, then stepped forward and walked over. \\r

Looking left and right, Elliott was a little hesitant, not knowing how to position himself. If he stood like this, although the height advantage could have the upper hand, he didn't know why, but he always had a feeling that he was a subordinate and Renly was the boss delusion; but if he sits down, where should he do it? \\r

Elliott's eyes fell on the bench, which could accommodate at least four people, while Renly sat on the left, leaving a large space on the right, as if he was invited to sit down. \\r

Which artist would invite the paparazzi to sit down and have a long talk? \\r

Elliott felt a little confused, but he still sat down, leaned to the right as much as possible, cleared his throat, "What are you doing here?" Blindfolded, this is really a

Not professional at all, even a rookie who has just entered the industry would not bring up such a boring topic without nutrition, so he quickly made up for it. \\r

"I mean, why are you in Seattle? Aren't you supposed to be in Los Angeles? Not only did you miss most of the awards season buzz, but you also missed the nominees luncheon. It wasn't that long ago that you harvested yourself 's first Oscar nomination, you should stand in the spotlight and enjoy the focus, not sit here and bask in the sun. If you want to bask in the sun, wait until Al Pacino's age, there will be a lot of A lot of time."\\r

"Do you have a problem with Al Pacino?" Renly's rhetorical question made Elliott stunned, his eyes widened, and he didn't know how to respond. He just said all that tirade, and that's Renly's response? this\\r

Ren Li opened his eyes, and just closed his eyes for a while, basking in the warm sun, the coldness of his limbs gradually dissipated, the tense muscles began to ease, and the feeling of boiling in his internal organs gradually calmed down, although My head was still aching, but my whole body finally recovered. \\r

Looking at Elliot who appeared within sight, a slight smile leaked from the corner of his mouth. He recognized it immediately. This is the paparazzi. Although he said that he did not intend to cooperate with the paparazzi in the interview, nor did he intend to expose his private life, but after all that happened just now, and now seeing a familiar face, I feel a little inexplicable. Kind - \\r

Eliot's presence reminded him that he was Renly. Not Adam, not Chu Jiashu, but Renly. \\r

Renly didn't respond to Elliott's meaning, so he simply ignored a large paragraph just now and asked back.

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