The Greatest Showman

007 Pioneer Village

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The spacious four-lane road became extremely crowded due to the rush hour, and the densely packed vehicles were clumsily stuck in place like iron cans. Watching the sea of ​​people like sardines pouring into the subway station, it was as tragic as the world. Doomsday is like fleeing, but it is not clear whether it is the working people of public transportation who envy the working class who drive private cars, or it is the other way around.

At this moment, a teenager stepped on a skateboard and walked along the slightly sloping road of Broadway Avenue, skillfully looking for the gap between vehicles and pedestrians, and then quickly passing through, his flying shirts squeaked in the wind. , a messy, slightly curly hair is full of youthful wanton and debauchery, like a strange color that ignites the endless crowd.

Inadvertently, whether it was sitting in a tin can or flocking to the subway pipe, all eyes were turned towards the figure, but they could only capture a back shadow that quickly disappeared, and there was a little envy and nostalgia in the bottom of his eyes. I don't know what to envy and what to miss.

Skateboarding is a new thing that Renly learned after he came to New York. He quickly fell in love with this kind of sport that was widely popular among young people. Between the world's leading bad traffic matrix, let the mood fly against the sun.

The streets and alleys of Manhattan, New York, are like an orderly chessboard. Streets run east-west, numbered from south to north, from 1st Street to 222nd Street; north-south is called avenues, numbered from east to west, From First Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, there are also a few avenues that are not named after numbers, such as Madison Avenue, Broadway Avenue and so on.

This is absolutely perfect for skateboards, straight and spacious roads, clear and clear directions, and of course, smooth and disciplined surfaces, which are completely effortless to traverse.

Leaving the audition venue at the Broadway Theater in the middle/city area, Renly slid all the way towards the lower city area. The height changes and different styles of the buildings on both sides turned into a streamer in sight, condensing the history, culture and customs of the city, showing A magnificent and magnificent picture.

Gradually, the exotic scene of Greenwich Village emerges in front of the eyes along with the gradually intricate streets, and the taste of wandering artists full of gypsy, hippie and folk rock styles is revealed in the streets and alleys, showing the same as above/ The image fragments of the city, the middle/city are completely different, entering a bizarre and whimsical world.

Unless you are in it, it is really difficult to describe with your brain, extreme order and extreme chaos, extreme brilliance and extreme abject casualness, appear on the small island of Manhattan at the same time, except for the Bronx and Queens. In addition, New York City has such a corner full of history.

Crossing the crowded Fifth Avenue, entering the confines of Fourth Avenue, and then making a sharp turn at Fourteenth Street, Renly traversed the streets skillfully, and finally stopped at the entrance of a remote alley. Footsteps, lightly stepping on the head of the skateboard with my left foot, I took the skateboard in my hand, and walked quickly into this alley with two giant garbage cans. The towering mottled brick walls on both sides could vaguely see that. The dark red primary color and the smell of hemp/hemp in the air made him frown slightly, raised his head and looked around. This man must be troubled. Withdrawing his gaze, he familiarly pushed open the silver door covered with mud spots next to him, and Renly's figure disappeared.

"Hey Jack, what's the recommended entree for tonight?" "Stanley, how was your date with Britney last night?" "Chuck, have you got your tickets for the Giants game tomorrow night?"…

This is a kitchen with a retro style, still retaining the Victorian design style. At this time, everyone in the kitchen is actively preparing for the busy dinner time. Renly walks through and greets all the way, and the steamy kitchen is getting hotter and hotter. Get up; pass the locker room, lean the skateboard behind the door, continue walking, push open the big red partition door, and enter the interior space of the bar.

This bar called "Pioneer Village" is a well-known jazz bar in Greenwich Village. Founded in 1935, it was one of the first jazz bars to appear in New York. Many music lovers and performing artists like to gather in Therefore, in history, many jazz celebrities have chosen this bar to produce their own live performance albums, not only because of its long history and unique atmosphere, but also because of the irreplaceable quality of the audience. Art lovers in the city of New York The list goes on and on, but only a small group of professional, senior people come to the "Pioneer Village" to enjoy great music.

Of course, the so-called jazz bar is not just for jazz performances. At the moment of the 21st century, folk, bluegrass, blues and other niche and retro music types are also performed here, and even rock bands that have been gradually excluded by the times will perform here occasionally.

The bar opens at 3:00 pm every day and operates until 2:00 a.m. with live performances for two hours every night. of independent musicians come to showcase their talents and meet face-to-face with the most professional audiences in New York.

Renly has been working here for three months. Due to the flexible working hours, the tips are generous, and the income is enough to support Renly's daily life in New York, allowing him to participate in Off-Broadway performances in his spare time. .

There are more similarities between New York and London than the flashy fret and eagerness of LA. Artists are always dedicated to chasing professional achievements, and they are willing to

I calm down and polish my skills, I am willing to participate in more actual battles, and I am willing to learn from each other to make progress.

In the city of New York, the daily theater performances, the performances in bars and clubs, the exchanges in galleries and museums...even the topics of gossip in the streets of Greenwich Village, it is all about art. This kind of atmosphere flowing in the blood is not available in Los Angeles.

New York, like London, has always been full of rejection to the death of Hollywood's commercialization and entertainment. Of course, does art need commercial packaging and promotion? The answer is yes. However, before commercializing everything, calm down and polish the quality and connotation of the product, can it make the value of the product more effective in preserving its value? Therefore, Woody Allen (woody-allen) has always stayed in New York, New York in his heart.

"Pioneer Village" can be said to be a microcosm of New York.

It is lucky for Renly to be able to work here. Here, he can exchange professional experience with real artists, and he can quarrel with real enthusiasts. This kind of artistic atmosphere is invaluable.

Renly looked at the customers in the bar, and walked to the bar, "How was the audition?" The bartender Neil-Tucson, who was standing in the bar, was wiping the beer mugs he had just washed, and his face was wearing Looking forward to the light.

"Wait for the announcement." Renly didn't complain, didn't hide it, just said the result, and then saw Neil roll his eyes, "God, are you serious? Tom-Hanks and Sti Is Vin Spielberg blind? Missing out on actors like you, I'm not optimistic about their prospects for this work."

"How can you be sure that Tom and Steven showed up at the audition?" Renly's rhetorical question made Neil stunned. He didn't know how to refute for a while, and then Renly laughed brilliantly, "In fact, , they did appear. But unfortunately, I was not able to impress them."

Neil laughed dumbly and made a smashing gesture with a beer mug, "Like I said just now, it's their loss for missing you."

Renly waved his hand, not intending to continue on this topic, "Who is the guest performer tonight?" In order to prepare for the audition for "Pacific War", he didn't come to work yesterday and the day before yesterday, and he has nothing to do with today's schedule. Know.

"Jason-mraz is going to play the second half." Neal's words instantly made Renly's eyes light up, the red-haired man who played "i'm-yours" last year All over North America, and refreshed the record for the number of weeks in the singles chart, which is really amazing, and is known as "Wizard".

Although it became popular last year, Jason has always maintained his usual low-key. Most of the time he performs live in major bars or small theaters, keeping the closest distance to the audience at all times. This is really too rare in the entertainment industry in the United States, where entertainment is dead and interests come first.

"I hope he doesn't perform 'I'm yours'." Renly raised his eyebrows and said with a look of disgust, which made Neil laugh out loud, "I hope no tourists and audience will come in tonight. , otherwise..." The real professional audience appreciates the music, the scene, and the singers themselves, but in order to join in the fun, the tourist audiences appreciate what they are "familiar with".

Renly didn't answer, but raised his right hand, crossed his index and middle fingers, and made a gesture of prayer. The two looked at each other and smiled. After that, Ren Li turned around and walked towards the four guests who had just entered. Another waiter was about to start walking not far away, but Ren Li waved to the other party, and the other party's footsteps were also It stopped - Renly showed up according to the time, which also meant that she didn't have to continue to take care of the area that belonged to Renly.

After entering 8 o'clock, the bar began to get busy one after another, not only because dinner time was up, but also because the live performance every night started from 8:30, the real regular customers would arrive at the right time. The afternoon audition questions were put aside for now, and Renly went back to his daily routine, as it had been for the past three months.

After handing the pepper shaker to table 8, Renly saw the usher and two customers sit down at table 14. He quickly pulled out the menu and greeted him, "Good evening..." But seeing Tom and Steven in front of him, he couldn't help slowing down, and even his words paused for a moment.

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