The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 989: Sunro Peak

Latest website: Three months later, in the territory of Tianhe City, on the edge of a towering mountain peak, two escape lights galloped in one after the other.

The speed of these two escape lights was so fast that they landed on a trail on the mountainside in the blink of an eye. When the escape light dissipated, revealing the figures inside, it was indeed Liang Yan and Ma Wei who had rushed all the way here.

"This is Senluo Mountain?"

Liang Yan looked up at the direction of the top of the mountain, and couldn't help feeling a bit of doubt in his heart, because the spiritual energy was thin here, and the entire mountain was bare, and it didn't look like there was a world of blessedness.

Ma Wei seemed to see what he was thinking, and shook his head at this moment:

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Liang didn't know anything. After our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce discovered the hidden secrets here twenty years ago, we secretly made some tricks to hide the aura of the entire mountain. But for some reason, we finally leaked the news. , To let the people of the four major families know about this place, and only then has the'Siluo Covenant' once in twenty years."

"So that's it..." Liang Yan nodded and didn't ask too much about this. Instead, he asked: "Where is the entrance to the Secret Realm of Sen Luo?"

Ma Wei smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to take out a bell from his sleeve, and shook it lightly in front of him.

Jingle Bell!

With the sound of a bell rang, the surrounding mountain roads shook violently, and the mountain wall in front of them began to slowly open to the sides, as if a curtain was torn down, revealing a new world behind.

Behind the mountain wall is also a mountain, but the green grass and trees on the mountain are full of aura, completely different from the bare mountain just now.

At this time, Liang Yan understood. It turned out that the entire mountain that I saw just now was an illusion, and the real Senluo Mountain was behind this wall!

"Qingyun Chamber of Commerce takes it seriously, even I have concealed this method. I was standing on the barren mountain just now, and I didn't notice the slightest nuisance!"

Liang Yan was a little surprised. You must know that he has cultivated "Eight Branch Yanyuan" for nearly a hundred years, and his power of perception has far surpassed that of monks of the same level. Such a close distance can still hide from his eyes and ears. You can only say that the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger , The people who arranged this fantasy array back then were really extraordinary.

"Let's go, the entrance of Senluo Secret Realm is at the top of the mountain." Ma Wei said lightly.

Liang Yan nodded and didn't say much, but followed Ma Wei and climbed all the way up.

With the strength of the two of them, even though they did not fly in the air, they only spent a cup of tea, and they had already reached the top of the mountain.

Liang Yan looked from a distance and found that three people were waiting here long ago, and these people were all his acquaintances.

One of them was dressed in a red embroidered golden robe and dressed as an outside worker. It was Ge Dajin, one of the six envoys of the Golden Banner.

And the man behind him is a middle-aged man with a square face, broad nose, broad shoulders, and a figure that is half taller than ordinary people. It is Luo Xing, the yellow flag ambassador.

As for the last person, it was a young woman in a red skirt. Liang Yan remembered that this woman was named Yan Lianyun, who was among the red flag ambassadors.

"It seems that this time in the Secret Realm of Sen Luo, it is the task of several of our flag-holders..." Liang Yan said with a smile.

"Hehe, although the Senluo Agreement is a battle for spiritual herbs and medicines, it is in the interests of the Chamber of Commerce in the end. Those who can enter this secret realm are people who can be trusted by the Chamber of Commerce. Among the monks of the Golden Elixir period, they are naturally the first to hold the banner. Make."

Ma Wei glanced at Liang Yan as he spoke, then changed the conversation, and then continued: "Of course, like Young Master Liang, people who are valued by the young master are exceptions. Although they have only joined the Chamber of Commerce for less than three years, they can still be allowed to enter. In the secret world."

During the conversation between the two, they had already walked to the top of the mountain, and the three big flag-holders of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce were sitting on the ground very casually at this moment, without any ostentation at all.

Seeing Liang Yan and Ma Wei coming up, Luo Xing just nodded slightly in greeting, just as reticent as when they first met.

Ge Dajin laughed, and took the initiative to greet him, and he arched his hand toward Liang Yan: "Liang Qishi, you have been doing the best in the Chamber of Commerce in the past two years. Now everyone in the Chamber of Commerce knows that among the six banners. The Grey Flag makes the most difficult to mess with."

Before Liang Yan could answer, Yan Lianyun behind him chuckled and said: "Emissary Liang Qi is a penitent person. In the past two years, there are some tasks in the Chamber of Commerce. The concubine originally wanted him to take it together, but always I was told that I was in retreat, shouldn't Liang Qishi hide his concubine on purpose?"

Faced with the jokes made by the two, Liang Yan didn't care about it, but just dealt with a few words casually, and then began to look around.

After a while, his gaze fell on a stone tablet on the top of the mountain, and after careful observation for a while, he smiled and said:

"It seems that the entrance to the Secret Realm of Sun Luo is there, right?"


Ge Dajin looked in the direction he was pointing, nodded and said, "It's just that this secret realm has not yet been opened. Back then, we worked together to set a ban at the entrance. We would close ourselves every 20 years, and we had to wait for the Big Four. When all the members of the family are here, the secret realm can be restarted."

"So that's the case." Liang Yan glanced at the empty mountain top, and said: "It seems that our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce came early. So far, none of the four big families have seen one."

Ge Dajin smiled slightly, and was about to speak, but heard a flute sound in midair.

With the sound of the flute in his ears, Liang Yan felt his mouth dry, and an evil fire was born in his body for no reason, just wanting to kill people to vent his anger.

He was slightly startled in his heart, and hurriedly took advantage of the magical powers of the "Eight-Branch Yanyuan" and suppressed the unnamed fire. At this time, he heard Ge Dajin laughed loudly:

"The Nangong family is here!"

Before the words fell, I saw a ripple in the air, and then a huge monster bird appeared out of thin air.

The strange bird has a length of a hundred feet The first has two horns, four legs under the belly, and two wings, which gives it a feeling of covering the sky and the sun.

There were five people standing on the bird's back. They all looked young, and the men were handsome and the women were feminine. Each of them gave people a sense of elegance.

Especially the leading young man, wearing a set of icy blue splendid robe, sword eyebrows and star eyes, was extraordinary. He was holding a flute and playing gently by his mouth.

Obviously, the flute that disturbed the mind just now was made by this person.

"The Nangong family has practiced magic techniques for generations, and their magical powers are unpredictable. They are the most difficult to guard against among the four big families. Especially this Nangong Changge is said to be the leader of this generation. His cultivation has reached the peak of Jindan. It’s only one step away to become a true monarch. If you encounter this person in the secret realm, you'd better retreat and try not to conflict with him."

Ge Dajin's voice sounded directly in Liang Yan's mind. It was obvious that he knew that he was not familiar with the situation of the four major families, so he used the technique of sound transmission to mention it.


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