The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 994: completely annihilated?

The latest website: "Your Wang family is really shameless. You actually set up an ambush while we were hunting Leiyin 9 Yanlang. If you had the courage, you would withdraw from the formation, and come to make gestures in an upright manner!"

Ge Dajin shouted loudly while the imperial magic weapon attacked the giant black net in the air.

After hearing this, the chicken-skinned old woman didn't look ashamed at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Being upright? This is not like what someone from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce said. You didn't even design the Nangong family for the last time. People? The so-called Feng Shui turns, this year you should be considered by others!"

"Yes! Everyone in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is cunning. He hopes that everyone else is a gentleman, and then he can be a despicable villain!"

The other female cultivator of the Wang family who was presiding over the formation also sneered. Looking at her expression, she seemed to be extremely resentful towards the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce.

The chicken skin old woman laughed and said, "Have you heard? Even my younger niece can see your thoughts, and want to stimulate me with words so as to distract the minds of our main front? Hahaha, tell you, this' Huangquan Ghost Prison Array', you can't break it!"

As soon as she finished her voice, she pinched her hands swiftly, and the brilliance behind her was released, and a yellow flag went straight into the air!

Densely dense ancient spells emerged from the flag, and all the black giant nets that had been submerged in mid-air, even if Ge Dajin, Ma Wei and others tried their best, they couldn't shake this giant net at all.

At the same time, countless black shadows rushed out from the cracks in the abyss under the crowd. Liang Yan looked intently and saw monsters resembling apes, born with two heads and four arms, holding chains, iron hooks, machetes, etc. Waiting for the weapon, looks extremely cruel.

The people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce no longer cared about the black giant net in the air, and hurriedly sacrificed their own magic weapons, turning around to deal with these monsters that ran out of the cracks in the yellow spring.

Liang Yan also sacrificed the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword at this moment, and before he could look carefully at it, there were more than a dozen monsters rushing towards him.


With a low drink from him, the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword turned into a sword gang, with countless sword lights lingering, only slashing horizontally in front of him.

The first monster approaching Jiangang was chopped into powder directly, but the following monsters went forward and succeeded, taking advantage of the moment his sword light was weakened, and continued to rush forward.

Liang Yan fought with them for a while, and soon discovered that these monsters are only the strength of the late Ju Yuan realm, even if the aura is a bit strange, they can't stop his sword light.

But the problem is that these monsters flying over seem to have no idea what the fear is. Even if they see the entire army in front of them annihilated, the monsters behind still have no intention of shrinking.

Liang Yan's sword of light was faster than one, and corpses that had been cut in half continued to fall around, but the surrounding monsters had a tendency to increase!

He felt a little anxious, and blue aura flowed in his eyes.

When the Wang Qi method was unfolded, it was soon discovered that the corpses that had been chopped into pieces had all turned into a thin plume of black smoke, which continued to sink downwards, and finally returned to the cracks in the ground.

After seeing this scene, Liang Yan couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and he thought to himself: "When these monsters die, they will not dissipate directly, but will turn into weird black energy and return to the underground. Is it a backfeeding the big formation?"

He is also proficient in formations. Although he has limited knowledge in Xianzhou, Antarctica, he can understand it. If it continues like this, the formation is endless, endless, and will never stop unless the spiritual power in their bodies is exhausted. .

Liang Yan was surprised and couldn't help but glanced at the other members of Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, and found that their situation was similar to his own. They were all surrounded by the three and three layers of these monsters, as if they were struggling to deal with it.

Among them, Ge Dajin and Ma Wei seemed to have discovered the horror of this formation through their own means, and looked at each other, both of them showed worrying expressions on their faces.

However, before they could come up with a countermeasure, there was a flash of brilliance at the top of the array, and then an old man appeared out of thin air.

The person narrowed his eyes, pinched the Fa Jue with his hands, and was still muttering words.

The next moment, I saw the black light behind him suddenly, turning into a ten-foot-long ghost black knife in mid-air, and slashed towards Luo Xing below.

This ghost-headed black knife seemed to be unaffected by the giant net in mid-air, and it rushed in easily, but in the blink of an eye, it had already reached Luo Xing's head.

When Ma Wei, Ge Dajin, Yan Lianyun and others saw this, their expressions changed drastically, and they exclaimed anxiously:


While the three people reminded them aloud, they also pinched the magic formula with their own hands, and shot out a piece of spiritual power, with the intention of blocking the black blade carving, to help Luo Xing buy some time.

However, before their magical powers arrived, there was a sword of light coming first. This sword light was as thin as a cicada's wings, silver and white without a trace, but its speed was surprisingly fast. In just a moment of effort, it stopped on Luo Xing's head and fought against the ghost head black knife.


There was a sound of swords intersecting, and the old man's ghost-headed black sword shook, and paused for a moment in mid-air. The sword aura in that silver sword gang was extinguished one after another, and the flying sword flew backwards and flew back several tens of feet.

Liang Yan urged the lightsaber to fight the old man, and he was actually at a disadvantage!

In fact, it's no wonder that the old man is the leader of the Wang family, Wang Long, who has reached the late stage of Jin Dan in his cultivation.

He did not retain the slightest bit of this sword, fully exerting the strength of Jin Dan in the later stage, and Liang Yan himself had to deal with the infinite underground monsters, and he could only save him with a fixed light sword. He couldn't combine three swords into one. Naturally, he couldn't beat this. Old man.

However, in this way, it was considered as buying time for Luo Xing to react. When he raised his hand, he threw a yellow oil paper umbrella from his sleeve.

The cover of the oil-paper umbrella was opened, and when he turned it gently in the air, a yellow glow shot out, covering Luo Xing's whole person. In the next moment, his figure disappeared.


The Guitou Black Sword was blocked by Liang Yan's Dingguang Sword, and it was able to arrive at this time. This blade only slashed on Luo Xing's afterimage, which was considered empty.

At the same time, Luo Xing's figure slowly appeared again at a distance of a hundred feet away from the ghost head black knife.

His movements were a little stiff, his arms were slightly raised, and he played a magic trick to retract the oil-paper umbrella floating in the air.

"Thank you Daoist Liang!"

Luo Xing's expressionless face seemed a little moved at this moment.


Wang Long in mid-air snorted coldly. He hid in the dark for a long time. This sword was sacrificed. It was originally necessary to take Luo Xing's head, but Liang Yan was ruined by Liang Yan.

He was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring, but he was helpless at this time, his own breath had leaked out, and it was impossible to hide him for a sneak attack.

Amidst the giant black net, a masterpiece was made for a time.

Originally to deal with the endless underground monsters, Wang Long's ghost knives were added at this moment, and the pressure on the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce suddenly increased.

Even Liang Yan gradually felt a little exhausted. At this moment, his three flying swords had already produced two, and even so, he could only resist.

"How can this'Huangquan Ghost Prison Array' be so powerful? If it continues like this, the spiritual power in the body must be exhausted!"

Liang Yan lowered his head and glanced at the cracks in the ground, and saw that the black monsters climbed up to the ground like a tide, and the corpses of the monsters killed by the people continued to turn into faint black smoke and returned to the ground. .

"No, there is only one dead end if this goes on, you have to find a way to break their big formation, there will be a ray of life!"

Liang Yan murmured in his heart and looked around. Among the four who presided over the formation, only the female of the Wang family in the north had the weakest cultivation level.

"You are the one!"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes slightly and pinched one-handed tactics eagerly. The "all dharmas and voidness" were unfolded, and the golden light of Buddhism shone around, and for a while, dozens of monsters that flew toward him were blocked from the golden light.

Those monsters are called Lianlian, and they seem to be a little afraid of this golden light, but at the same time they are afraid, they are still rushing forward, ignoring their own life and death.

However, in this way, Liang Yan also bought a certain amount of time for himself. He patted the empty gourd on his waist with one hand, and a black sword gun galloped out.

In the Jian Gang, there are countless black lotus flowers blooming slowly, with a breath of decay and death.

Liang Yan had no reservations at this moment. The Black Lotus Sword, the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, and the Ding Light Sword were combined into a three-color sword river, and went straight to the Wang Family's female repair in the north of the array.

All the people in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce present were human spirits who had been cultivating for hundreds of years. Seeing Liang Yan's move at the moment, they didn't understand what he meant.

Without Liang Yan's words, Ge Dajin, Ma Wei, Luo Xing and others gritted their teeth and used their gods at the bottom of the box. While resisting the continuous tide of monsters below, they pushed their own magic weapons to the extreme. Also attacked towards the north of the big formation.

The magic weapons of the five people merged into one place, and they all hit the position guarded by the sister of the Wang family, causing the woman to turn pale, and a trace of panic appeared in her eyes.

"Huh! The trapped beast is still fighting, but it's self-defeating!"

The chicken skin old woman snorted, suddenly took out a mottled ancient mirror from her sleeve, and shouted: "Please ghost king!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the other three people in the Wang Family's main formation immediately understood, and almost at the same time took out an ancient mirror from their sleeves, and then pinched with one hand, injecting their spiritual power into it madly.

The four ancient mirrors vibrated at the same time, each emitting a jet of black light, which merged with the giant black net in mid-air.

The big formation that was originally attacked by everyone, and some precarious, stabilized at this moment.

At the same time, a weird sound came from a crack in the ground, like a giant hiding in the dark and grinning his teeth, making people shudder.

Liang Yan, Ge Dajin, Ma Wei and others all looked down at the same time, and saw that deep in the crack in the ground, there seemed to be a huge black door!


There was another muffled noise, and the huge black door slowly opened to both sides, and a cold air spread out from the door, making the backs of everyone present chill.

"Well, Huang Quan is dead!"

Ge Dajin was very knowledgeable and was the first to exclaim at this moment.

After Ma Wei, Yan Lianyun and others heard this, their expressions changed drastically. This Huangquan death aura is a part of the reincarnation heaven. With their Golden Core Realm cultivation base, they can't resist this death aura at all.

However, Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was not much turbulence in his heart.

Over the years, he has been accompanied by death qi, and the two qi cycles in his body are reciprocating and fighting endlessly. It can be said that he is too familiar with it anymore.

Therefore, although these death breaths are terrible in the eyes of others, in his eyes, they are like drinking water on weekdays.

Just when several people in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce were a little panicked, the huge black door in the crack in the ground was suddenly completely pushed open from the inside, and then a big gray hand suddenly protruded out and grabbed it halfway.

This big gray hand was hundreds of feet in size, almost covering the entire "Huangquan Ghost Prison Array", and it was so fast that it had fallen into the palm of the big gray hand before everyone could react.

Liang Yan was also caught by this giant hand, and countless lifeless auras spread from all around, but did not cause any damage to his body. It's just that in the middle of the giant hand, the surroundings are covered by thick gray fog, and you can only see the sight of ten meters from the farthest.

"This giant hand is not an entity, but is composed of pure lifelessness!"

Liang Yan saw through its details almost immediately, and was about to speak out to remind everyone, but suddenly heard a scream.


This scream seemed to be Ma Wei's voice, and then one after another, Ge Dajin, Yan Lianyun, Luo Xing, and everyone in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce seemed to have encountered an accident...

At this moment, outside the large formation, the five members of the Wang family were looking at the scene inside the formation with a smile on their faces.

Everyone in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce has now disappeared, replaced by a big gray hand, firmly pulling everyone in the palm of the hand.

"Huh, what Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, I think it's just a bunch of straw-made rice buckets, but that's all!"

The chicken skin old woman sneered, and then punched a magic trick into the ancient mirror in front of As this magic trick entered, the giant gray hand in the big formation seemed to have an order, immediately The five people who dragged the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce down, only a few breaths of effort, they have already reached the door of the underground gate.

Seeing that these people were about to be dragged into the giant gate, a tiny hole was suddenly opened on the back of the gray giant hand, and a sword light burst out from it.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Wang Long was the first to discover that something was wrong, and soon the others noticed, with a look of surprise on his face. One of the wretched men with inverted triangle eyes couldn't help standing up, his gaze toward the bottom of the earth. Look everywhere.

In the next moment, I saw a three-color sword light bursting out of the sky, and a man in gray followed the sword light, who was Liang Yan who had just been dragged into the ground!


The faces of the Wangs changed drastically.


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