The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1005: Grey Flag Envoy!

"Do not!"

   Following Su Muyun's scream, the nine green old trees surrounding him began to shake violently.

boom! boom! boom!

   There was a series of explosions. Among the nine ancient trees, six suddenly burst, and finally turned into bits of debris, falling down from the air.

   Liang Yan looked back, and saw the hundreds of sealed twigs that he had been chasing after him. At this moment, he seemed to have lost his motivation. They all looked lazily and flew backwards.

   He has a clear mind, and he wakes up in an instant. It turns out that the place where this divine mind clone is stored is the talisman in Su Yan's body!

   the talisman is damaged, the strength of this divine mind clone will also be affected.

   Today's Su Muyun is no longer that unattainable existence, but has become the same Golden Core monk like himself, and there are only three of the nine powerful sacred trees left.

   "Who is this Ma Fei? Why does it seem to have known the details of this divine mind clone? Why did you forbear it until now?"

A series of questions appeared in Liang Yan's mind. At this time, the situation in the field was too weird. He didn't know which side he should stand on, so he could only forcibly retract the three swords, guarding them in front of him, and putting them forward. Deputy defensive posture.

   At this time, Su Muyun has been relieved from the pain just now, his gaze crossed Liang Yan, and he stared at Ma Fei in the distance, his face was gloomy as water.

   "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, in my Su's family, there is such a traitor as you!"

   Su Muyun shouted in a cold voice: "Wu that thief, you can hide deeply, who is it, what are you trying to sneak into my Su family?"

After Ma Fei heard this, he didn't change his face. He only said indifferently: "I know that Su Yan can't be killed. You can integrate the'Yuwei Tianshu Talisman' into her body, as long as your divine thoughts are immortal. The monk can't kill her at all!"

"But things are relative. Since the'Yuwei Tianshu Talisman' is integrated with her, as long as her limbs are cut off, the four corners of this talisman can be broken. The talisman is damaged, and the strength of the predecessor will be greatly reduced. ............. Now it seems that the younger generation's guess is really good, there is no absolutely reliable means of life-saving in this world!"

   Su Muyun listened to Ma Fei's words, the original anger gradually faded, and the whole person actually became calm.

   He squinted his eyes, and said in his heart:

"This son actually understands my Su family's secret talisman'Yuwei Tianshu Talisman' so clearly, it must be prepared! If I remember well, he was introduced by Su Yi eight years ago. Later, he was asked to go to the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce for a period of internal support, and it was considered a lot of credit. This was the trust of our Su family..."

   Su Muyun was able to cultivate to the realm of tribulation, and his mind was naturally far beyond ordinary people. At this moment, after a little thought, he had already noticed that something was wrong. Now in this situation, it is clear that someone has deliberately laid out!

   When he thought of this, he suddenly moved in his heart and couldn't help but shout: "Boy, you are from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce!"

   "Hahaha, seniors have good eyesight!"

  Ma Fei did not answer, but there was a loud laugh in the air.

   Hearing this sound, Liang Yan's heart moved, and he hurriedly raised his head and looked up, only to see water waves rippling and figures flickering in the sky outside the palace.

  In just a moment of effort, four figures appeared from the void. The first one was dressed in a red embroidered golden robe with large sleeves, and dressed as a staff member. It was Ge Dajin, one of the six great envoys of the golden flag.

  The few people behind him are naturally the yellow flag ambassador Luo Xing, the red flag ambassador Yan Lianyun, and the white flag ambassador Ma Wei!

   "It really is them!"

   Liang Yan exclaimed in his heart, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

   Hearing Ge Dajin’s laugh just now, he actually had some doubts, but after all, he had seen with his own eyes that everyone from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce was buried in the "Huangquan Ghost Prison", so he still couldn't believe it.

   Until this moment, when he saw Ge Dajin, Ma Wei and others "resurrected" in front of his eyes, he woke up. It turned out that the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is the one that hides the deepest among the five forces entering the secret realm this time! I really underestimated them before!

   After Ge Dajin appeared, he first blinked at Liang Yan, then turned around, clasped his fists, and bowed respectfully to Su Muyun's divine mind incarnation:

   "The junior Qingyun Chamber of Commerce Ge Dajin, dare to calculate Senior Su, and ask Senior Su to be magnanimous. Forgive me!"

   He said this very politely. If you change the place, you think it is the younger generation who is begging for the predecessors, but here and now, there is a great irony.

"Okay, okay! Your Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is so courageous that you dare to place in my Su family, so you are not afraid of Su Muyun's anger?" Seeing the master behind him, Su Muyun's divine mind incarnation is already angry. To the extreme.

   "Hehe, in the Senluo agreement 20 years ago, our five parties had already laid down rules to only allow monks in the Golden Core Realm to enter. Neither the upper level of the Chamber of Commerce nor the elders in the family should intervene in the fight without authorization."

Ge Dajin said neither humble nor arrogant: "But up to now, it is the predecessors who have not abided by the rules and entered the secret realm with their divine mind without authorization, interfering with the order of the competition. Since our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is a business organization, how can we have no other players? "

"Unruly? Humph! If you don't agree, you can also arrange for your own masters to enter. As long as you can hide the five-square golden seal at the entrance to the secret realm, Su Muyun has nothing to say! But you arranged for the internal response in my Su family, which is a bit shameless. Bar?"

As soon as his words fell, Ma Wei of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce sneered: "What a shameless man! Humph, the previous envoy of Langya City was secretly compromised by you, using your Su family to mix into our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Are you aware of the matter? Is it possible that only your Su family is allowed to respond in my Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, but our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is not allowed to respond to your Su family?"

   Liang Yan heard Ma Wei's words, and he suddenly realized that he had indeed guessed before that the previous holding of the banner made a big change in temperament, will he no longer be himself? Now it seems that he really guessed it!

"Good! Good! The juniors have sharp teeth. After all, they are not trying to compete for the opportunity in this secret realm, but since the old man's divine mind clone is here, how can you let the clowns do what you want? Want to suppress you? Wait, just relying on the cultivation base of the Golden Core Peak is enough!"

   As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, an ancient tree phantom in mid-air flew out in an instant, it was the "Evil God Tree" that had suppressed Liang Yan before!

   This giant tree whizzed out, carrying the wood-attribute spiritual power like the stormy waves, as if it was a pillar of the sky, and it was majestic, but the target was not a few people in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, but Liang Yan who was seriously injured!

   Even though Su Muyun is a cultivator in the Realm of Tribulation, this divine mind clone now has only the strength of the Golden Core Peak. Although he was tough on his lips, he actually knew that he was not sure of winning.

   And the strength that Liang Yan showed before has already made Su Muyun a little jealous. If he and the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce join hands, then this battle will add a few more variables.

Su Muyun is also a delicate-minded person with a fierce personality. He knows the truth of "taking your life while you are sick". Therefore, he ignored Ge Dajin, Ma Wei and others. The goal of his shot was Liang Yan, and he wanted to hurry up before the decisive battle between the two sides. Kill this child first to eliminate future troubles!

   At this time, the "Broken Evil God Tree" whizzed out, but in the blink of an eye, it came to Liang Yan's head again.

  The tide of wood-attribute spiritual power swarmed, like a mountain peak suppressing it. Before Liang Yan was in his heyday, it was difficult to resist this blow. Now that he is seriously injured, where can he resist it?

   Just as the "Broken Cthulhu Tree" plummeted downwards, Luo Xing, a yellow-clothed man who had been silent in mid-air, suddenly raised his hand and patted his forehead, and an oil paper umbrella rushed into the air in an instant behind him.

   Although this oiled paper umbrella looks ordinary, but when the umbrella cover is opened, it shoots out a thousand rays of light, like a starry river rewinding, dazzling.

   These rays of light are extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they have already caught up with the "Cracking Evil God Tree", and before it falls, they curled up Liang Yan.

   Liang Yan was also a little cautious at the beginning, but when he realized that there was no malicious in the light, he simply let go of himself, let the yellow light in the umbrella wrap himself, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.


   "Broken Evil God Tree" fell from the sky and pressed **** the top of the mountain, almost flattening half of the mountain. However, Liang Yan's breath had long since disappeared, and he was completely gone at this moment.


   Su Muyun's brows were slightly furrowed, his eyes scanned back and forth, and after a while, he cast his sights on the people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce.

   Behind Luo Xing, a yellow light flickered, and a figure staggered out of it. It was Liang Yan who had disappeared before.

After    Liang Yan reappeared, his expression was a little weird.

   He settled down, and secretly recalled that at that moment, he was involved in Huang Mang and disappeared directly into the same place. It was not a blindfold or extremely fast movement spell, but really broke into the void!

  Although the entire process was extremely short and was not under his control, Liang Yan was still able to determine that he was indeed led by someone with a magic weapon just now and shuttled through the void, otherwise it would never be possible to escape under the suppression of the "Cracking the Evil God Tree".

   This kind of feeling, he had only experienced it once in the underworld, and that was when using the "Boundary Breaking Talisman"!

   "Space shift!"

   Liang Yan was extremely surprised, and couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at the oil-paper umbrella behind Luo Xing. It was the first time he saw this kind of magic weapon that could travel through the void in a monk in the Golden Core Realm.

   "The people of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, as expected, are all hidden deeply. Now they know it. The reason why Ge Dajin and the others can escape from the "Huangquan Ghost Prison" unconsciously, I am afraid it is this Luo Xing!"

   Liang Yan whispered in his heart, and then he arched his hands towards Luo Xing:

   "Thank you for your help!"

   Luo Xing looked at him, barely squeezing a smile on his indifferent face, and nodded stiffly.

   This person has always been unsmiling, since the first meeting in Seven Star City, Liang Yan has long been used to it, and he didn't say much at this time, and turned his gaze to Ma Fei again.

   Before he could speak, Ma Fei smiled slightly:

   "I've seen Fellow Daoist Liang when I'm under the banner of the gray flag!"

   "What? You are the original Grey Banner Envoy!"

   Liang Yan's expression changed, and vaguely remembered that the reason why he temporarily replaced the gray flag envoy of Tianhe City was because the original gray flag envoy was "delayed" by things and it was difficult to reach Tianhe City.

   Now, it seems that this person was delayed by things, and he came to Tianhe City early, and he also got into the Su family as a double-faced spy.

   And the "Grey Flag Envoy" on my own face, I'm afraid it's just to cover people's eyes and ears!

"Okay, Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is a good calculation, and fellow Taoists are also a good method! It's just that Liang has been concealed by this. Is it because he thinks he is good to talk, so he uses me as a pawn?" Liang Yan squinted his eyes, and his tone was extremely flat. , I can't hear the anger at all.

   "No wonder fellow Taoists!"

Ma Fei smiled and said: "We don't want to keep you secret, but this matter is related to the secrets of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, and you have been reluctant to join the Chamber of Commerce. I can only keep you secret for the time being, but we have never done any harm. Your heart, you can rest assured!"

   Liang Yan snorted coldly after hearing this. Qingyun Chamber of Commerce had ever thought of harming him, but he did not know, but he was indeed used by others. This kind of taste would be uncomfortable for anyone.

   However, before he could even think about it, Su Muyun in mid-air already coldly shouted:

"You wait for juniors! I thought I broke my'Yuwei Tianshu Talisman' and suppressed the realm of my divine mind clone in the Golden Core Realm. Is there no way for the old man to take you? Humph! I will let you see. Look at the methods of the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm!"

   As soon as his voice fell, UU Reading flattened his palms upwards, and a wave of blue spiritual power poured out like a tide, urging all the three sacred trees left in the air.

   Su Muyun practiced the Su family’s secret teaching method "Nine-Nine Gui Yuan Dao Jue", and evolved nine ancient sacred trees with his own spiritual power, each of which has infinite magical effects.

   Although his divine mind clone was calculated by Ma Fei, so that the realm fell drastically, and the nine divine trees also exploded six, but the remaining three are still not to be underestimated.

Among them, the "Evil God Tree" emphasizes breaking the law with force and specializing in killing and cutting; the "Huayuan Spirit Tree" emphasizes the use of softness to overcome rigidity and specializing in banning. Contains extremely strong toxicity, and is colorless, tasteless, and invisible.

At this time, under Su Muyun's full urging, three ancient trees flew out together. Among them, the "Evil God Tree" went straight to Ge Dajin, Ma Wei, and Liang Yan, but the "Huayuan Spirit Tree" was against Ma Fei and Ma Fei. Luo Xing and Yan Lianyun.

   As for the third "lifeless ancient tree", at this time, it spread in the wind, and an invisible poisonous mist spread out, like the hand of hell, quietly reaching out to everyone.

   "Friend Liang Dao! No matter what happened before, but now we have a common enemy, how about I give you a reasonable explanation after passing this level?" At this critical moment, Ge Dajin suddenly said.


   Liang Yan snorted coldly: "There is no need to explain it. When this matter is over, I will also pay back the salvation of you all. From then on, we will not owe each other!"

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