The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1020: Exterminate Buddha

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"Right on my mind!"

Liang Yan chuckled and punched forward suddenly, but the punch was not the middle-aged scholar, but the rockery scroll on the wall.


Hearing only a crisp sound, Liang Yan's fist struck the picture scroll, but did not damage it by half, instead it caused the scroll to tremble slightly.

After a while, a blue light shot out, illuminating the entire attic in an instant.

Liang Yan was bathed in this blue light, just feeling a little dizzy and had no other reaction, but the middle-aged scholar exclaimed, his eyes full of horror, and the whole person flew back.

It’s just that although his speed is fast, he can’t escape the internal space of the "Nine-curved Yellow River Tower". After hitting the attic wall, he was still bounced back. At this time, the blue aura was just shining, and his whole person Are covered in it.

Liang Yan only heard a scream, and saw that the middle-aged scholar's skin was gradually festering in the blue light, and bubbles of various sizes emerged from him, like a rotten swamp, exuding a stench. Gas!

In just a moment of effort, this middle-aged scholar, who was handsome and handsome not long ago, has turned into a dense white bone with a few pieces of rotten meat hanging on the skeleton, which looks disgusting.

"It really works for him!"

Liang Yan couldn't help showing a hint of excitement in his eyes when he saw this scene.

Since entering the ninth floor of the attic, he has been secretly observing the middle-aged scholar, and found that after he came here, he never dared to approach the two pictures, so he judged that there must be special restrictions against this person.

Give it a try now, sure enough!

It just didn't wait for him to be happy for long, the blue light from the wall paintings had gradually extinguished, and the white skeleton was still standing in place at this time, and it did not disappear as expected.

"Good boy, you are bold and careful, so you dare to be the first to start with this seat!"

As the bone skeleton's upper and lower teeth opened and closed, the middle-aged scholar's voice came again, but this time there was a sense of resentment in the voice.

"Well, since you are not willing to cooperate with me obediently, let you try the methods of this seat! Hey, when I torture you so hard, let's see if you are still so hard!"

As soon as the bone skull fell, he stretched out his hand to pull a bone spear from his chest and threw it towards Liang Yan's location.

"Oh, why is this portrait not working..."

Liang Yan raised his head and glanced at the scroll above his head, wanting to use his supernatural powers again to inspire the restriction in that picture, but the opponent's bone spear has already been shot, and he will not be given this opportunity at all.

"All dharmas are empty!"

Liang Yan muttered the tactics silently in his heart, and the spiritual power of his body was running, and immediately there was a layer of golden light covering the whole body, and the bone spear that came from stabs slammed into it three feet away.

"The image of the angry monk? Humph! When I was in his heyday, he was not afraid even when he came. Now you kid has only learned a little bit of fur, and you want to stand up in front of me?"

While the bones were speaking, the whole person suddenly bullied himself, and the two slender large hands of white bones plunged into the golden light. They were not hindered at all, and they reached Liang Yan's chest in an instant.

"How can it be?!"

Liang Yan was shocked. This was the first time he had been so easily broken by the opponent since he had learned to "the void of all dharmas," and he didn't even stop the opponent for even a moment.

Sensen Bone Claw had reached Liang Yan's chest. The next moment, Bone Claw suddenly pierced his chest, groping in his body, and after a while, he took out a **** beating thing. .

Liang Yan only felt a pain in his chest, and couldn't help but lower his head, and saw that the other person was holding his own heart in his bones and claws!


Seeing that his heart had been held in his hand, Liang Yan's eyes were red, and his backhand grasped the opponent's bones and claws.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in his mind:

"Return to God! Don't follow his way!"

This voice was so familiar to Liang Yan that it was from the old tree spirit in Taixu Gourd.

And as this voice sounded, a cool air hit his forehead, Liang Yan's originally flushed eyes, also gradually recovered at this moment.

"Look carefully! He hasn't broken your face!"

With this burst of shout, it was like an initiation and a blow to the head. Liang Yan suddenly returned to his senses. At this time, he looked at him, there are no bone claws in front of him, and his chest is clearly good and there is no wound at all!

But the bone spear had already pierced into the golden light unconsciously, and was approaching him bit by bit.

At this time, Liang Yan still didn't understand that he was hit by the opponent's illusion. Although the bone skeleton had a arrogant tone, he couldn't break his own dharma in a short period of time.

The reason why he was the first to win is because he wanted Liang Yan to believe that he was far inferior to the opponent, so as to make Liang Yan fall into illusion.

When Liang Yan mistakenly thought that his law was broken and he was going to fight him desperately, he would be pierced into his body by the bone spear that he had shot before.

"so close!"

Liang Yan whispered in his heart and pinched the bone spear eagerly with one-handed technique. At the same time, he secretly transmitted the voice and asked: "I called you for a long time and didn't respond. How can this be done? Have you spoken?"

"That's because the entire Taixu Huo was sealed by this fellow before!"

The old tree spirit’s voice said angrily: “I also blame you for your lack of strength and being secretly manipulated. After he introduced you to this place, he used magical powers to seal Taixu gourd until you just used the restriction here to hit him hard. If the seal on Taixu Gourd is weakened, I can restore contact with you!"

"I see!"

Liang Yan's heart moved when he heard that, the tree spirit old man said that the seal on Taixu Gourd was weakened, so wouldn't he be...

Thinking of this, he immediately pinched the sword art with one hand, and as expected, he heard the sound of the sound of the sword crying from the gourd!

Liang Yan's face was joyful, and he immediately increased his spiritual power. After a while, he saw three sword lights flying out of the Taixu gourd one by one, turning into purple, black, and silver streamers in mid-air, surrounding him.

These three streamers are the three swords of Purple Thunder, Black Lotus, and Dingguang!

Liang Yan Feijian was in hand, his fear was completely eliminated, and he thought that since the other party had to rely on conspiracy to calculate himself, it just showed that he was not sure of winning!

"Your Excellency is really a good calculation!"

Liang Yan sneered and didn't talk too much with him. With one-handed sword art, the three sword gangs immediately rushed out, slashing towards the bones and skeletons on the opposite side from different angles.

The bone skeleton almost caused Liang Yan to fall into the illusion just now. Unexpectedly, the situation reversed in an instant. Not only did the other side wake up inexplicably, but also sacrificed three flying swords.

"Damn it, it must be the gourd on his waist!"

Bone Skull cursed secretly in his heart, in fact, since he first brought Liang Yan into the cave, he wanted to remove this gourd.

But there seemed to be a strong force in the gourd, who tried every means to hinder him, and the person in the underground cave intervened, and finally had to give up this plan and seal the gourd instead.

Unexpectedly, this incident has become a foreshadowing of my own!

At this time, he couldn't tolerate any more thoughts. In the midair, three swords galloped forward, and in an instant, they arrived in front of the skeleton and cut to the right arm, the heavenly spirit, and the waist and abdomen.

Seeing that his retreat was completely sealed, and there was no way to avoid it, the bone skeleton suddenly shouted:


As soon as the voice fell, his whole body frame crackled, and after a while he actually scattered around, turning into hundreds of white bones of various sizes.

Of the three sword gangs, two of them flew into the air, and only one fell on the top of each other's head, but the neck of the bone skeleton stretched suddenly, turning into a long bone snake, traversing the void, and heading straight towards Liang Yan. The location rushed.

At the same time, the bone spears scattered in the air also shot out, like a white rainstorm, piercing towards Liang Yan in the golden light.

"Be careful! He is desperate, and he is coming desperately with you!"

The voice of the tree spirit elder rang in his mind. After Liang Yan listened to it, he naturally didn't dare to be indifferent at all.

When he thought about it, countless black lotus flowers bloomed in mid-air, and strands of black lotus sword aura swept all around, leaving many sword marks on those white bone spears.

Slashed by so much sword energy, some of the bone spears burst open in midair, but some of them were casted unabated, still stabbing forward.

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and pinched his left hand Fa Jue eagerly. The Buddhism spiritual power in his body rushed like a river. The golden light formed by the "empty phases of all laws" expanded once again, blocking this part of the remaining bone spear.

At the same time, his right hand sword art was drawn, and the two sword gangs, Zi Lei and Dingguang, flew back, chasing the bone python in the air, and chopped it three inches away.


The bone python twisted in the air, and was not afraid of the sword aura of the two swords, but wrapped the two flying swords in a strange posture.

The purple thunder sword gang and the fixed light sword gang, which were originally like a rainbow, were entangled by the bone python, and the surrounding sword energy instantly dissipated.

Liang Yan was in the golden circle at this time, seeing this scene from a distance, his face changed drastically.

He knows how sharp his flying sword is. Not to mention wrapping around the sword, even if he gets close, it will be slashed by the sword energy, I am afraid it will be broken into pieces.

But the bone python in front of him was not afraid at all. Not only did he entangle the two flying swords to death, he even extinguished all the sword energy in the sword gang!

At this time, the bone python gave a long laugh, and the snake's head twisted for a while, unexpectedly changed back to the appearance of a middle-aged scholar.

"Boy, if you toast and not eat fine wine, don't blame me for being cruel!"

As soon as the voice fell, his neck stretched suddenly, and he reached the top of Liang Yan's head in an instant, and then opened his mouth, spitting out a thick black smoke from it.

As soon as this black smoke appeared, Liang Yan had a bad premonition, but before he could react, the black smoke had already dispersed in the air, and finally turned into countless black threads of thumb length, falling down. On his own golden circle.

Liang Yan was shocked in his heart. At this time, he looked at it intently and saw that the black silk threads were clearly earthworm-like worms, gnawing his Buddhist golden light crazily at this time.

"No, it's ‘killing the Buddha’s insects’!"

A scream came from Taixu Gourd, and the tree spirit old man, in panic, even forgot to use the sound transmission and yelled directly.

"Hey, little thing, there really is something tricky in your gourd! Wait until I get you off first, and then take a closer look!" The middle-aged scholar obviously heard the voice of the tree spirit old man, with a sneer on his face.

"What is'killing buddha insects'?"

Liang Yan asked eagerly in his heart.

"I only heard that there were several wars between the demons and the human races, and the four human races joined forces against the enemy. Among them, the Buddhism made the most effort, and finally attracted twelve demons led the army to jointly attack and kill. Exterminate the Buddha's birth."

"If you want to break the law, first destroy the way!'Exterminating the Buddha's insects' means to destroy your foundation of Dharma from the inside out, and then destroy the strange insects of your magical powers. As long as this thing penetrates into your body, then you are close. The Buddhism practice that has been practiced for a hundred years is about to be destroyed!"

The voice of the tree spirit old man resounded in Liang Yan's sea of ​​knowledge, and his tone was rapid. Obviously, the development of the situation had exceeded his estimation.

"Unexpectedly, this person's magical powers were blocked, and there is actually such a method! The three flying swords are now restrained by him. If he breaks the foundation of my'Babu Yanyuan' again, it will be true. I'm powerless!"

Seeing those black loach-like worms constantly eating away at his golden light circle, Liang Yan became nervous and couldn't help but urged: "Does the predecessor have a way to restrain this worm?"


The answer from the tree spirit old man was concise and concise.

At the same time desperate.

"Then I am not dead this time?"

"Huh! I can't live if you die. It's really unlucky to follow you. This old monster may refine me into a magic weapon, and even my consciousness will be gone by then!"

The ill-tempered voice of the old tree spirit came, and the implication was that Liang Yan was killed and he was captured.

"Usually unpredictable, it's useless at critical moments!"

Liang Yan sneered in his heart, and did not pay attention to the tree spirit old man in Taixu gourd, but glanced around in a circle.

Suddenly, he thought of something vaguely.

"You can't restrain this worm, there may be something in this room!"

Liang Yan's eyes flashed brightly Suddenly the only Buddhist spiritual power left in his body was circulated, the golden circle of "all dharma and the void" suddenly skyrocketed, and the crazy gnawing "destroying the buddha" Shocked back a bit.

At the same time, Liang Yan turned into Escape, the speed was incredible, and he disappeared in the same place in an instant.

In the next moment, his figure appeared in front of the desk in the center of the attic. The "two fish twin array" in his body was swiftly rotating.

The "Exterminating Buddha and Insects" behind him were like a shadow, and he didn't give him a chance to breathe at all. This blink of an eye had already eaten up most of the golden halo of "all dharma in the void", and he could only get into his back by just a little bit.

But Liang Yan didn't care about it. The Confucian spiritual power in the "Two Fish Twins" came out, and all of them were injected into the inkstone in front of him.

Suddenly, in the silent attic, there was a sound of reading...

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