The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1025: Ancient bell

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"Senior stay!"

The voice of Master Lin Xin continued to ring in the valley, but the yellow-clothed old monk in front of him ignored him at all, and just ran forward with his feet.

At this time, the entire valley is collapsing, and from time to time there will be space storms and spatial turbulence around it. With the cultivation of Linxin Dashi, although he does not fear the power of these chaotic spaces, he must also use his supernatural powers to fight against it. Just work.

However, the yellow-robed old monk had no scruples at all. Often, with a random wave of his big sleeves, he would shake a space storm away, or a golden light would burst out of his body and rush directly through the cracks in the space.

Da Shi Lin Xin was dumbfounded, but he already knew the identity of the other party, so he wouldn't make a fuss at this time.

While avoiding the turbulence in the surrounding space, he accelerated his escape and followed closely behind the yellow-clothed old monk.

"Senior stay! Senior stay!"

This voice echoed in the valley, but did not stop the person in front even for a moment. The two monks, the old and the young, fled one after another, galloping through the valley.

After a few breaths, the yellow-robed old monk had already arrived at the other end of the valley. At this time, his palms slammed in the air, and the space was directly shattered by him!

The yellow-robed old monk didn't turn his head back, turned into a light, and went straight into the gap in the space.

Seeing this, the Master Linxin behind him did not hesitate, almost immediately following the old monk flying into it.............

In today's secret realm, the top of the fairy mountain in the sea had already disappeared half a figure at this time.

Whether it is the Murong family who controls and refines the corpse, the Nangong family who practices the magic way, or the Wang family who gathers the heads of hundreds of families, they have already left the mountain at this moment.

As for the Su family, the entire army has long since been wiped out...

After the previous battle between Qingyun Chamber of Commerce and the Su family, Ge Dajin and others tied back the princes of these families, so that the three major families could ransom their souls.

They would never know that there is actually another cave in this secret realm!

At this moment, there was a muffled sound at the top of the mountain, and the surrounding space began to crack inch by inch, and then an old monk in yellow clothes, carrying a big clock on his shoulder, jumped out of the crack in the space.

Behind him was a young white-clothed monk who looked anxious and kept calling out "Predecessors to stay", but the yellow-clothed old monk remained unmoved and just ran away in one direction.

These two monks, one old and one young, chased in the secret realm for most of the day, and at the speed of the two of them, they soon came to the exit of the secret realm.

Da Shi Lin Xin was also secretly impatient at the moment.

If you get out of this secret realm, it will be even harder to catch up with the opponent with his cultivation as the realm. When the sky is high and the sea is wide, where else can I look for this person?

When he thought of this, he gritted his teeth suddenly, his heart was crossed, the spiritual power in his hand gathered, and he actually punched the yellow-clothed old monk in the air.

The power of this fist to gather three thousand worlds is exactly the "criminalization of three thousand" in "Ba Bu Yan Yuan"!

"Senior is offended!"

Before the words of Lienxin Master, the impossibly powerful diamond boxing force was already surging out, as if the raging sea was violent, and it instantly came behind the yellow-clothed old monk.

The target of his punch was actually not an old monk in yellow clothes, but an ancient golden clock on his shoulder, to be precise, Liang Yan trapped inside the clock!

The yellow-robed old monk only used the ancient clock to collect Liang Yan, and did not close his breath. At this moment, there was still his crazy roar from the clock.

How shrewd Linxin was, he naturally guessed that Liang Yan was sealed in the bell by the old monk. Although he didn't know what the move was for, one thing was certain, that is, the old monk still didn't want Liang Yan to die.

Now that he knew this, Master Lotus Heart also moved his mind. With his current cultivation level, even a punch with all his strength would not be able to keep the old monk in yellow clothes. Only by aiming his punch at Liang Yan can it be possible. Let the yellow-clothed old monk pause for a moment.

Sure enough, the old monk in yellow clothes, who was running like flying, seemed to be slightly surprised after feeling this strong Buddhism power. He stayed in place for a moment, and then slowly turned around.

I didn't see how he moved, just opened his mouth and blew it lightly, and a black whirlwind immediately blew up in front of him. There were thousands of evil spirits in the whirlwind, each with their teeth and claws, as if they had been hungry for a long time.

With an unstoppable punch, Lotus Heart hit this black whirlwind, which immediately caused ghosts and wolves to cry, and saw countless black qi spreading out, as if one by one resentful souls went straight into the three thousand worlds in the golden light.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Just hearing the sound of bursting bubbles one by one, the three thousand worlds condensed by Lianxin Dashi, in just half a cup of tea, were actually broken one by one by the yellow-clothed old monk!

"How can it be!"

Da Shi Lin Xin said in shock, with an unbelievable look on his face. Although he knew that he was not the opponent of this old monk, he never expected his supernatural powers to be destroyed so quickly!

Without the Buddha's aspiration power in the three thousand worlds, that shocking punch is only a mere form, nothing but a manifestation.

At this time, the old monk in yellow clothes was still expressionless, suddenly raised his foot and stepped forward.

This foot stepped out, and the same huge footboard appeared immediately in midair. The whole body was golden light, and the soles of the feet were worn-out monk shoes. The texture was clearly visible, and even a few leaves in the seams of the shoes could be seen.

Da Shi Lianxin was taken aback for a moment, before he could react, the golden feet in mid-air had already fallen from the sky and landed directly on top of his head.

An unspeakable coercion came from mid-air, and Da Shi Lin Xin couldn't resist at all, and even the escape light was deadlocked and couldn't move at all!


Hearing a loud noise, the lotus-hearted priest, dressed in a moon-white monk's robe, with a chic and calm manner, was stepped on the ground with a foot in the air.

The big foot in monk shoes twisted slightly, it looked like he was rubbing against the ground...

At this time, the face of the lotus heart was flushed, and it seemed that even he had not expected that he would suffer such a shame and shame!

He tried his best, and the golden light all over his body flashed again and again, obviously trying to break free from the sole of his shoe, but no matter how he struggled, he was always stepped on the sole of his foot by this big foot and couldn't move at all.

"Qian...... Senior, you are also a famous expert! Why do you humiliate the younger generation so much!" Da Shi Lianxin said strugglingly.

However, the yellow-robed old monk in the air was expressionless at all, as if he hadn't heard him speak, his right foot stretched out and twisted slightly, seeming to secretly increase his strength.

Master Lotus Heart's face was already red at this time, with a trace of madness in his eyes, he suddenly shouted:

"Senior, if you want to kill, you have to kill you, you don't have to be so humiliated to me! The younger generation is defeated by you today because of my shallow practice, not that the angry monk is inferior to the senior!"

While he was speaking, his eyes were turning frantically, and the golden light in his body suddenly soared, as if he was about to fight to the death with the yellow-clothed old monk!

At this moment, the golden feet that were pressing on him suddenly shattered, and the golden light echoed around him. Da Shi Lianxin felt his body relaxed for a while, and the pressure that ruined the world had disappeared.

With a vigorous spirit, he stood up from the ground, looked up at the yellow-clothed old monk in the distance, and saw that the other party was slowly retracting the right foot that had stepped out. He couldn't help but his face was solemn, and he arched his hands and said, "Thank you for your mercy. The juniors came uninvited and took the liberty to interrupt, but they actually wanted to..."

Da Shi Lienxin was halfway through his speech. Before he finished speaking, he saw the yellow-clothed old monk retracting his right foot in mid-air, and at the same time he slowly stretched his palm forward.

The palm of this hand is spread out, five fingers are bluffed, and the two forces of one gold and one black form a vortex in the palm.

Da Shi Lianxin's face changed, and before he could say the rest, he could not help but flew high into the sky, and was brought to the palm vortex of the opponent by a strange force.

He is really confused now, and he doesn't understand what the old monk in yellow clothes wants to do with his expression unchanged for thousands of years.

In a short span of time, there was no time for Lien Xin Da Shi to think about it. Just when he was still a little bit angry, his monk's robe was already dragged by the yellow-clothed old monk in his hands.

At the same time, an extremely strong sealing power came from the opponent's palm, and his cultivation level actually dropped again and again, and finally fell into the Transfiguration Realm and came to the Tongxuan Realm!

"You..... You sealed my cultivation base!"

Master Lotus Heart cried out in silence.

But before he could say a word, the yellow-robed old monk had already grabbed his robe and slapped the man in the air, and he was actually thrown into the ancient bell!


A violent ringing of the bell reverberated in Lin Xin Da Shi's mind, shook him almost fainted, and when he recovered, the surroundings were already pitch black.

"This.........Where is this...........he seems to have thrown me into the ancient clock?"

Thinking of this, Master Lotus Heart suddenly moved in his heart and hurriedly turned his head to look at the other side of the darkness.

There, there really were a pair of scarlet eyes!

"Little Junior Brother?"

Master Lotus Heart yelled tentatively, but the other person in the darkness remained silent, staring at him with a pair of scarlet eyes.

He frowned slightly, quietly letting out his consciousness, his face changed suddenly, and he said in surprise:

"Are you enchanted?!"

As if to confirm his words, the figure in the darkness suddenly moved, at an incredible speed. Mr. Lin Xin felt only a monstrous demon qi coming surging forward, and he arrived in front of him in an instant.

"All dharmas are empty!"

At this critical moment, Lin Xin Da Shi also acted decisively.

He first unfolded the "all dharmas and voids", and a thick layer of golden light immediately covered his whole body. At the same time, the spiritual power of his right hand gathered, "Criminization of Three Thousands" gathered the strength of the diamond fist and punched his opponent.


Hearing a muffled sound, the two figures stopped in the darkness, each standing still.

Da Shi Lianxin looked solemn, because at this moment, his Buddhism diamond boxing strength was actually held by the opponent with one hand, and he couldn't enter or retreat!

"It seems that this kid is really enchanted! But how can he have such a tyrannical devilish energy?"

There are many questions in Linxin's heart, but no one will answer him at this moment.

In fact, if he was not afraid of Liang Yan after he was in his heyday, but now he was sealed and repaired by the old monk in yellow clothes, his strength was greatly reduced, and he could not win the opponent for a while.

The two sides stood still, one Buddha light surging, and the other demon energy. They competed with each other for half a cup of tea. There was a sudden explosion, and the two figures separated instantly.

Lianxin Dashi retreated back several tens of meters, looked down at his right hand, and saw that there was still a trace of demonic energy remaining on the surface of his palm, with a burning and rancid smell.

He shook his head, secretly driven the spiritual power in his body to dissolve these demon energy, and then looked up to the opposite side.

The opponent was also injured by his "Eight-Body Yanyuan" boxing power, but Liang Yan had already been enchanted at this time. He didn't know what the pain was, and he didn't care about his own injuries. After stabilizing his figure on the spot, he turned towards him again. Attack.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of hand-to-hand fights sounded. One of the two people is a Buddhist physicist and the other is a lunatic. They do not need any magical powers. They are all short-handed, fists to the flesh, in this small ancient clock, they are fast, in an instant. Hundreds of rounds were played against each other.

The more he fought, the more depressed Linxin Dashi was. It was not that he could not beat the opponent, but he felt that it was a waste of time.

The reason why he came here is actually to find out the whereabouts of something. He has spent hundreds of years looking for such a thing, and only this old monk in yellow clothes knows the whereabouts of this thing.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't give him a chance to ask questions at all, catching it was a good meal, and then sealing and repairing him, into this ancient bell, and let him fight with this enchanted junior... .......

He has the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" in his body, even if he falls into the realm, he is not very afraid of Liang Yan after being enchanted.

Just when both parties were a little exhausted, Master Lin Xin looked at the right time and made a false move to sway the enemy, and he was about to kill Liang Yan at his hand.

At this moment, a bell rang suddenly.


But the yellow-robed old monk outside, for some reason, slammed the ancient bell on his shoulder.

The timing of this moment was too coincidental. It was when Mr. Lin Xin punched Liang Yan in the chest, and he was about to defeat the opponent.

The ringing of the melodious bell sounded, for the two people who were caught in the bell, it was tantamount to a nine-day thunderbolt, shaking them out of their bodies and fainting at the same time.

At this time, the yellow-clothed old monk had already flown out of the entrance of the secret realm. After losing the "Hunyuan Xianxian" and a lot of spiritual energy, the entire Senluo secret realm was gradually disintegrating. , I’m afraid I won’t have it again in the future.

Regarding all this, the yellow-clothed old monk would naturally not have the slightest concern.

After he left the secret realm, he remained expressionless, just glanced towards the north, then took a big step, and ran away............... .

In a blink of an eye, three months later, on a certain mountain road in the territory of Tianhe City, an old monk in yellow clothes carried a huge clock on his shoulder, and was striding forward.

Inside the giant clock, there was a sound of "Boom Boom!", it sounded like someone was fighting fiercely inside.

At this time, Lien Xin Da Shi was already a little desperate, because he and Liang Yan could not tell the outcome at all!

Every time when either party was about to win, the yellow-robed old monk would bang the ancient bell violently, stunned both of them at the same time.

Then, after the two fainted for three or four days, and the spiritual energy in the body recovered seven or eight eighty-eight, the old monk would ring the ancient bell again, awakening the two at the same time, the cycle repeats, there is no end at all!

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