The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1033: Siege

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"Where is the Taoist fellow stealing my pill room, why don't you come out and see it?"

"Where is the Taoist fellow stealing my pill room, why don't you come out and see it?"


This sound echoed in midair seven times, each time like a thunderbolt, and the surrounding houses trembled.

Only the Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda did not move, and there was no response from beginning to end.

"Senior brother............I'm not mistaken, isn't that the "Swallowing Sea God Ao" of True Man Lingao?"

At a place extremely far away from the pill room, a little Taoist stopped his steps and looked up into the air with a look of astonishment.

A Taoist boy next to him also raised his head and looked up, his face also showing a shocked expression.

"'Swallowing Sea God's Ao'... Senior brother has never seen it with his own eyes. I have only been in Tianhe City for more than a hundred years, but this spirit beast and the statue at the entrance of the pill room The stone statues are exactly the same!"

"It's almost impossible. We were instructed to make alchemy for the'Lingao True Man'. For so many years, we have never seen what his elderly parents look like. I didn't expect to be fortunate enough to see the true face of the Dharma body today!"

When he said this, he craned his neck, stood on tiptoe, and murmured: "But why can't I see the appearance of his old man? Brother, can you see the figure on the back of Lingao clearly?" "

"Look at a fart!"

The boy next to him jumped up and knocked a note on the back of his head, and said angrily: "The'Sea Swallowing God Ao' has not been dispatched for a thousand years. Now this posture is obviously something big. With the cultivation base of the two of us, it is still Don’t run as far as possible, otherwise you won’t know how you will die!"


The boy earlier responded with a grievance, but he didn't look up again, but ran away with the boy next to him...........

In the midair at this time, the real person Lingao stood with his hands behind, with a gloomy look on his face.

There was a cloud of blue aura in his eyes, and the magical powers were unfolded at this time, and there was nothing to hide from his eyes.

Except for the Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda below!

This was originally Lingao Zhenren's alchemy center, the entire tower was his magic weapon, but now it has been cut off, so that his own master can't see what's going on inside.

"It seems that your Excellency is not going to show up for a while? Okay! If that's the case, then don't blame the old man for being ruthless!"

The real person Lingao gave a cold cry and tapped with one hand. In the high sky behind him, hundreds of water vortexes appeared immediately.

Each of these vortices has a radius of one hundred feet, and they can be counted at a glance. They are arranged in the mid-air as if the stars are in the sky, and they are still connected with each other, forming a weird killing array.

And the hub of the entire vortex array is on the body of the real man Lingao!

Seeing a flash of light on his body, those hundreds of water vortices shot out a surge of water at the same time, and each wave contained the essence of Daomen's true water, like the long sword of Tianhe, which stabbed the Yuan below one after another. Yangtian Golden Pagoda.

Under these countless currents, that small tower seemed insignificant, small and fragile.

However, when these water waves came to the top of Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda, a golden light shot out from the tower.

After this golden light rushed out of the pagoda, it suddenly exploded in the air, turning into countless fist-sized Buddhist mantras, forming a golden scripture.

In the scriptures, countless words resembling tadpoles beating constantly, with a few miles in front and back, covering the entire Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda under the scriptures.

In the high altitude at this time, hundreds of Daomen real water rushed down, as if the river was flowing backwards and the sea was collapsing, and the momentum was extremely powerful.

However, the true water of these Taoist gates fell to the top of the tower, but was dragged by the scroll of scripture!

Countless real water rushed down, but only aroused layers of halo on the surface of the scriptures. It was impossible to break through the barriers of the scriptures. There was even a part of the true water that was interpreted by the scriptures and turned into pure spiritual water. Sink into the Tianhe.

"Osumi's Salvation Sutra! You are from Luo Tianzong!"

Lingao's face changed slightly, but at the same time he shouted sternly: "We Tianhe City has always been in the same water as Luotian Mountain. Your Excellency is a guest at my Tianhe City. Just pay a visit to the door. Why sneak? Even if you want an old-fashioned gourd. Pills, you can also negotiate with me upright. If you do this, are you not afraid to lose Luo Tianshan's face?"

He asked two questions in a row, but the people in the pagoda didn't hear of it, and there was no response at all. Only the volume of scripture still traversed in the air, blocking all the real water of his own door.

Just as the real person Lingao frowned slightly, in the middle of the air, a voice suddenly called:

"Brother Lingao, I'll help you!"

As soon as this voice fell, a ten-foot-long flame flying knife came through the air.

The flying knife was still in the distance, and there was a raging sea of ​​fire that dyed the sky red, and an overbearing aura swept over it, like a beast in the fire, and would never give up unless it swallowed and wiped out everything it could see!

"Junior Brother Zhu!"

Real person Lingao looked at the midair vision, his face was happy, and his heart suddenly became calmer.

There are a total of nine cultivators in Tianhe City. The visitor is the second-ranked "Vulcan Sabre" Zhu Mang. This person is a pure martial artist, and the "Nine-Day Burning Heaven" Qi that he cultivates can be burned. The spiritual power of refining opponents can be said to have a miraculous effect of restraint for such supernatural powers as Osume's Salvation Sutra.

At this time, the long sword of flames had cut through the sky and came to the top of the scroll of scripture. The mantra in the scripture was beating, and it seemed to feel a slight threat. Numerous golden lights rushed upwards and rolled the long swords of flames inside.

However, the flames above the blade were steaming, and as soon as the surrounding golden light approached, it was completely steamed by these blazing flames, and finally turned into a few wisps of dust and smoke, floating in the air.

"Sure enough!"

The real person Lingao's eyes brightened, and he was about to say a few flattering words, but when he glanced at the corner of his eyes, he found that the mantra in the scripture was still beating.

The next moment, the brilliance of the scripture flashed, and a three-foot-tall golden arhat popped out of it!

After the golden body of Arhat appeared, he flew in the air and kicked it against the blazing long sword.


Hearing a crisp sound, that fierce long knife was kicked so much that it trembled and flew backwards!

Amidst the raging sea of ​​fire, a figure flew out at an unbelievably fast speed. In an instant, he grabbed the long knife that flew backwards and came to Lingao's side and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

This person was wearing a brown outfit, a burly figure, a rugged appearance, and long fiery red hair dancing in the wind. He looked quite graceful.

"Brother, I rushed over when I received your message. Who on earth is there in this Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda?" Zhu Mang stared at the golden Arhat in front of him, and said without looking back. Asked.

"I don't know either!" Lingao Zhenren shook his head and said, "This person is unwilling to show up until now!"

"Refusing to show up? Humph! Then beat him to show up!"

Zhu Mang's brows were upside down, and the whole person's momentum suddenly soared, turning into a fiery red afterimage, and instantly disappeared in place.


At the moment when Zhu Mang's figure disappeared, the golden Arhat also moved at the same time.

In the midair, two afterimages of gold and red were intertwined with each other, and a loud noise erupted. Then the two sides retreated dozens of feet, obviously in the previous confrontation.

At this moment, Zhu Mang was holding a long knife, and his whole body was covered by the raging flames, and there was no trace of underestimating the enemy in his eyes.

Although he didn't know the origin of the golden Arhat in front of him, he could still see that this was just a manifestation of the person in the tower with supernatural powers, and was not at all personal to the deity.

"A single respect to the Fa can take over my'Nine Days Burning Heaven' True Qi. It seems that the cultivation level of the people in the tower is unfathomable!"

Zhu Mang's pupils shrank, but there was no fear on his face, but he bullied himself again.

This time he didn't have any reservations, "Nine Days Burning Heaven" infuriated, and the sword light in midair was like a blazing flame burning the sky, with a magnificent aura.

On the other hand, the golden body Arhat, although only a ray of golden light protection from the beginning to the end, every time the Zhu Mang long sword was cut, it was easily resolved by him with the simplest punch and kick.

The two sides intersected shortly in mid-air, one was extremely fast and the other was extremely slow.

In the distant place, some Dao Tong raised their heads to look towards the sky, and saw the red afterimage back and forth, shuttled in the sky, unable to capture his position at all.

But that golden light figure always guards the top of Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda, and every time a punch is slowly punched, it will force the sword energy and flames in the red afterimage by dozens of feet, making it impossible for the opponent to get close.

At this time, Zhu Mang became more frightened as he fought. He urged his "Huang Ji Sword Art" with his "Nine Days Burning Heaven" true energy.

However, the golden Arhat seems to be strong when he is strong. No matter how he makes a move, he can always be resolved by the opponent within a square inch, and he has a long spare time. Can not burn the other side's golden light.

Just when the two of them were fighting inextricably and inextricably, two more rays of light flew quickly in the air.

One of them was a middle-aged man, wearing a purple and golden robe, wearing a dragon and phoenix crown, sitting on a luan car, looking very majestic.

The other was a half-old man, dressed in linen, tall and thin, and walking on auspicious clouds.

"Junior Brother Yue, Junior Brother Tong!"

Zhenren Lingao has always hit a checkpointer and greeted him in his mouth.

The two people who came were Yue Wankun, ranked fourth in Tianhe City, and Tong Kunshan, ranked fifth.

That Yue Wankun sat high in the luan car, glanced down, and then frowned slightly: "Oxume Salvation Sutra? People of Luo Tianzong? No! That'cause the world's Buddha puppet' is definitely not on Luotian Mountain. Supernatural power!"

Lingao's face condensed slightly when he heard it, and he said solemnly, "Junior Brother Yue, do you know the origin of this supernatural power?"

Yue Wankun nodded and said: "Back then, I had a meeting with a master in the capital city, and I was lucky enough to have seen this magical power. Don’t be fooled by the appearance of this golden body of Arhat, it’s actually the Buddha nature has been lost, it’s just that It is a puppet of the people in the Demon Sect against Buddhism and Taoism."

"There is such a thing!"

After hearing this, Lingao Zhenren and Tong Kunshan both showed a hint of surprise. After all, the golden Arhat in front of them was upright, and it didn't look like a puppet of a man in a magic door.

"Hehe, it's easy to prove it!"

Yue Wankun smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and took out a small white jade bottle from his sleeve. After pulling off the cap, he placed it in his palm and poured it down.

I saw a ray of cyan glow falling from the mouth of the vial, directly on the top of the golden body of Arhat, and everyone's eyes followed and found that the golden body of Arhat was under the rays of the green glow. The appearance has changed.

There was still some Buddhist demon descending Arhat in front of him. It was clearly a magic body with a demon head, completely dark, with three heads and six arms, and many magic patterns on his body, which looked extremely strange.

"It turns out that this is the real body........It's really the devil!"

The others present took a deep breath, among them Tong Kunshan slowly said: "This demon is occupying the image of the Arhat, but it is the demonized Buddha and entered the Buddha's dojo. Isn't this the dove occupying the magpie's nest?"


Yue Wankun nodded and said, "The essence of the ‘Buddha Puppet’ is a demon and not a Buddha. There is no way to deal with it. Let me help the brothers."

While he was talking, he suddenly slapped his seat in the car. In the middle of the air, only the dragon and the phoenix could be heard, and then a phantom of the blue dragon and the phantom of the purple phoenix appeared at the same time.

"You go!"

Yue Wankun stretched out his hand and pointed, and the purple phoenix phantom was immediately aware, and immediately dived down from a high altitude, at the same time Fengming sounded, and opened his mouth to spout a mouthful of purple clouds.

These purple clouds turned around in the midair, and suddenly turned into thousands of filaments, as if a continuous drizzle had fallen from the midair.

The golden Arhat obviously also noticed that something was wrong, and was ignorant of the Zhu Mang who was fighting against him, and suddenly leaped forward, trying to escape from the coverage of these purple silk threads.

However, with Zhu Mang's knife in his hand, how could he escape so easily. At this time, "Nine Suns Burning Heaven" true energy The golden Arhat besieged in the middle, fundamentally Don't give him a chance to escape.

Thousands of purple silk threads fell from the sky and soon came to the top of the golden body Arhat. Although the Arhat rose to his power and blocked most of them, a very small number of threads still bypassed his magical powers. Finally, Drilled into the body of the golden Arhat.

Lingao Zhenren, Zhu Mang, and Tong Kunshan were all watching attentively. After the purple filament entered the body, the golden body Luohan's eyes became a little numb, and his movements became slower and slower, with the golden light on his body. All dimmed.

"Sure enough!"

Master Lingao brightened his eyes, clapped his hands and laughed: "Junior Brother Yue is really knowledgeable, and even this kind of evil spirit can't hide your eyes and ears!"

Yue Wankun sat in the Luan's car, and there was a hint of triumph on his face when he heard that, at this moment he laughed and said:

"The so-called **** of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest! This evil Buddha puppet uses magical thoughts to control the body of the Buddha. Although it is said to be terrifying, it will eventually create a gap between the two and cannot do whatever it wants."

"My'psychic purple phoenix' has spiritual eyes, and can see the subtleties, even if there is a trace of dissonance in the body of the scourge Buddha puppet, it will also be found. I can use this as a guide to make it Collapse from the inside, so that I can win without fighting!"

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