The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1042: Iron Box Controversy

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As a monk in the Tongxuan Realm of Wushuang City, Song Ru often walks outside, and naturally he has also heard of the name of Xuan Ye Lao Dao.

It is said that the pink brilliance emitted from the "Albizia Treasure Mirror" has the effect of bewitching people's hearts and provoking **** desires. Unless the Daoist is extremely strong, or the Buddhist monks who are familiar with Buddhist scriptures, they will be swept by this evil light. Affected by it.

Song Ru was besieged by the masters of the Four Great Profound Realms at this moment. If he was further affected by the "Hehuan Treasure Mirror", numerous flaws would be revealed immediately, and the end of the game would be conceivable.

She did not hesitate, the spiritual power in her body circulated all over her body, and she was a palm in the air.

I saw a water-blue wave spreading from his palm, and his spiritual power gathered into a river, lake, and sea, stopping the "Poison Lady" who was approaching quickly in mid-air.

"Big Whale Cangming Palm" is a secret technique of Bihai Palace in Wushuang City. It is said that a senior master who has practiced water attribute techniques, spent ten years in the East China Sea to watch and comprehend divine whales. It took ten years to create a magical power.

Practitioners of this technique are all law-physical double rests. When the wind blows out, it is like a stormy sea and a whale roaring. Although the poisonous lady is good at poisoning skills, the other party's spiritual power is vast and endless. , Sealing her whole person in the air, there is no chance to use poison power at all.

At the same time, Song Ru hurriedly pinched his left hand technique, and another aqua-blue vortex appeared next to him.

Taoist Xuanye's Baojian evil light just shot, but was sucked in by the blue whirlpool that suddenly appeared, and the evil light dissipated and disappeared.

"What a great little girl!"

Old Tao Xuan Ye was secretly shocked, raised his head and glanced at the "Poison Lady" in the air, only to see that the other party was also trapped by Song Ru in the dark blue waves, and suddenly became a little anxious.

You must know that although the four people on the top of the mountain all came to besie Song Ru, they were all for their own interests, and they couldn't really work together.

After all, Song Ru had only one "six-finger bones" in his hand. Once the woman was captured, the four who had originally cooperated naturally became opponents.

Among the four, Xuan Ye and Poison Lady are old concubines, and they can barely be regarded as the same camp. Now that the Bliss Boy and Wan Xinghai are standing by, of course the two of them are not happy.

"Two fellow Taoists, don't do anything at this time, do you want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?" Old Taoist Xuan Ye sneered: "This person is a monk from Wushuang City. Without me and the Poison Lady, relying on you two I can't eat her!"

"Hahaha! Daoist Xuanye joked, how dare Wanmou not help, here is to help you!"

Wan Xinghai made a haha, raised his hand to take out a treasure bottle from his sleeve, and threw it in the air.

The treasure bottle grew in the air in the wind, and then the mouth of the bottle opened, shooting out hundreds of silver threads.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless silver threads came through the air, and Song Ru, who was fighting against Poison Lady and Xuan Ye Lao Dao, saw this, turned around and flew back.

But those silver threads seemed to have eyes, they were always chasing after them, and they were so fast that they arrived in front of her in a blink of an eye.

Song Ru narrowed his eyes and pinched the tactics in her hands, and immediately a crystal clear jade plate flew out of her sleeve and blocked her.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Countless silver threads fell into the jade plate, making a crisp sound, and in the end they were all reflected by the jade plate, hitting the mountain peak, immediately piercing the mountain and cracking the rock, cutting off most of the entire mountain top.

"Protect the remains of senior!"

Song Ru jumped forward, admonishing Fang Liren and the unheard layman while using his supernatural powers to resist the joint siege of Xuan Ye, Poison Lady and Wan Xinghai.

She didn't have any room to breathe. Just as her voice fell, a fishy wind rushed behind her. She saw the boy of Bliss stepping on two blood-red skulls and holding a flag of the sky, carrying a mighty devilish energy. Charged at himself.

"Hey, Fairy Song still has a leisure time to take care of others, first take care of yourself and talk about it!"

The boy of bliss sneered again and again, and with a wave of the flag in his hand, he immediately burst into the sky with billowing magic energy, and attacked Song Ru in mid-air from behind.

Facing the front and back flanking attacks of the four masters of the Profound Realm, Song Ru's eyes were also very solemn, and she saw her hands gently sway in front of her, her spiritual power surged like a tide, and she suddenly slapped forward.

hold head high!

With a long cry, a giant blue whale galloped out from its palm.

This blue whale was not a physical object, but was urged by Song Ru with his own spiritual power. The "Large Whale Cangxi Palm" pays attention to the combination of spirit and energy. Once this move is performed, it is like a **** whale swallowing the sea, with a magnificent momentum.

All the people present only felt a mighty water-attribute spiritual power rushing towards their faces, and then they saw the blue whale shaking its head and tail, unexpectedly turning the poisonous devil cloud of the poisonous lady, the billowing devilish energy of the boy of bliss, and the treasure of the Myriad Stars Sea. The bottle of silver silk, as well as the treasure of Xuan Ye’s old way, all shattered!

The four masters of the Profound Realm snorted at the same time, spit out a mouthful of blood, and their eyes were full of shock.

"The master of Wushuang City is so fierce, is she going to fight the four of us alone with her own strength?" Xuan Ye's tone carried a clear panic.

"How can it be!"

The boy of Bliss had sharp eyes. At this moment, he saw Song Ru's face pale, her right hand hidden in her sleeve, shaking slightly, and she couldn't help but sneered: "Her'tyrannical whale palm' is powerful, but we have just taken a blow from the four of us at this moment. I'm afraid it's worse than us. Let's not worry, we just need to make some water milling efforts, and when she can't hold on, it's time for me to win!"

In fact, what the Boy of Bliss said was right, and Song Ru's calmness at the moment was just pretended.

Her right hand is hidden in the sleeve, and the upper part is charred, and the devilish energy is constantly eating into the body. If she had not used her spiritual power to suppress the injury, I am afraid that she would have been attacked by the devilish energy.

"These four teamed up, it is really impossible to guard against..."

Song Ru was upset at the moment. Although she shattered everyone's supernatural powers with a single palm, she was also greatly backlashed. Eventually, she was taken advantage of by the devilish energy of the boy of bliss, causing serious internal injuries.

"It's not a way to fight for a long time, you must find a chance to escape here!"

Thinking of this, Song Ru glanced at the other four people, and finally fell on the old Tao Xuan Ye.

This person cultivates the technique of absorbing yin and replenishing yang. Although the speed of diligence is not slow, his foundation is not very strong, especially the supernatural power is the weakest among the four.

"The only way to get this person done first is to use the thunder method to make a living!"

Thinking of this, Song Ru didn't hesitate. As the exercises in the body were running, the giant blue whale screamed, stirring up the surging blue waves in the air, and rushed towards the old path of Xuan Ye.

"Be careful! She is desperate, looking for us to come desperately!"

The poisonous lady exclaimed, the magic tricks in her hands continued, and a large poisonous cloud rolled over, combined with the magical power of the old Xuan Ye, and hit the blue giant whale together.

After seeing Song Ru's power, Bliss Boy and Wan Xinghai also understood that there was absolutely no way to keep each other behind with the power of the three of them, so they all offered to help at this time, without any reservation.

As for the dozen or so monks that Wan Xinghai had brought, they had already surrounded Fang Liren and the unheard layman group, and various magical powers were shot out one after another, hoping to **** the iron box from them.

It’s just that although their number is large, their cultivation bases are uneven.

On the other hand, although Fang Liren and Lay Buwen are only two, as Wushuang City monks, their supernatural powers far exceed the same level, and they cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding. At this moment, under the siege of more than 20 people, they are not let down. .

The field entered the stage of a melee for a while, a group of Golden Core cultivators on the ground were grouped together, and the five cultivators of the Profound Realm in mid-air were also fighting fiercely.

I saw Poison Lady, Wan Xinghai and other four people using their own methods to trap Song Ru in the middle. If the woman tried her best to attack one of them, the other three would join forces to save her, making her still unable to succeed.

After a short half-day of fighting like this, Song Ru has gradually become somewhat powerless, and has fallen behind in the contest with the four of them.

At this moment, in a corner of the top of the mountain, someone asked softly:

"Brother, I think the time is almost right now, do you want to make a move?"

The person who asked the question aloud was Wei Jun, one of the "Kunshan Three Sages". He had been lurking here for a long time, and he was already a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, second brother, don't be impatient, I think that Song has a little more energy, wait for her to help us consume a little more of everyone's strength!" Chu Xuanfeng said with squinting eyes.

"But eldest brother, Song Ru seems to be unable to hold on anymore. Once she dies, the other people will madly **** the'six-finger bones', and then we will lose the opportunity!" Wei Jun said again.

This time, Chu Xuanfeng's eyes flickered slightly, as if hesitated.

At this moment, there was a muffled hum from the top of the mountain, but under Song Ru for a long time, a flaw was finally revealed. He was shot in the right arm by the silver thread in the Myriad Star Sea Aquarium, and blood immediately gushed out.

But at the same time, her "Battle Whale Palm" palm wind also broke through the defense of the four, beat the Poison Lady and the Bliss Boy with blood, and retreated hundreds of feet.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xuanfeng immediately narrowed his eyes, no longer hesitating, and shouted in a low voice:

"Do it!"


Wei Jun and Du Meng had already waited impatiently. At this moment, they received the order of their eldest brother, and they showed their escape at the same time and flew out of the shadows.

The faces of the five people who were fighting on the top of the mountain all changed.

They really didn't expect that there would be an ambush here!

"Who are you guys!"

Wan Xinghai yelled, his hand technique changed, countless silver threads spurted out of the treasure bottle, and hit the two rushing people.

"We? Hehe! I haven't even heard of the name of the'Kunshan Three Sages'. I think you are the master of the'Shuiyun Sect' for nothing!"

Wei Jun sneered again and again, and pinched the tactics in his hand, a wave of awe-inspiring righteousness came out, turning into a blue palm in midair, and patted the silver wire shot from the opponent.

Jingle bells!

He only heard countless crisp sounds, and the silver thread shot from the ten thousand star sea aquarium was actually stopped by this palm.

At the same time, a black light flew out from the shadow corner, not towards Wan Xinghai, Song Ru and others, but a group of Golden Core cultivators who were fighting against each other.

This person is naturally Chu Xuanfeng, the boss of the "Kunshan Three Sages".

At this time, he sneered again and again, and with a vicious wave of the mourning stick in his hand, immediately there were countless yin winds rising from the ground, involving several Golden Core cultivators who were closest to him.

The few elite disciples under the poor Wan Xinghai gate did not even have time to scream, they were drawn out of their souls by this person, and they were imprisoned in his weeping stick.

"Bring it!"

Chu Xuanfeng yelled, stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air. The iron box behind Fang Liren's back had already rushed into the air and flew towards his location.

Fang Liren, who was still at war with the "Shuiyunzong" disciple, never expected that this iron box would be gone!

His face changed drastically, and his whole body rose into the air, and he wanted to take back the iron box that was flying high. Unexpectedly, Chu Xuanfeng held a mourning stick in his hand, and he was a stick in front of him!


He only heard a loud noise, but it was Fang Liren's imperial imperial Purple Hill who stood in front of him and took the blow of Chu Xuanfeng for him.

The originally impenetrable purple hill was cut in half by Chu Xuanfeng's casual blow!

This force continued to hit Fang Liren's body, spitting blood out of the mouth, and flying backwards.

In the midair, a dog-headed swordsman hurried over and dragged Fang Liren from behind, but still couldn't resist the coercion of Chu Xuanfeng's mourning stick, and the two flew out at the same time.

Chu Xuanfeng repelled Fang Liren and the unheard layman with a single move, and he also whispered in his mouth, secretly said:

"This purple-robed boy has a few tricks! He is only the cultivation base of the Golden I am going to take his soul after this, but I didn't expect to give him alive! "

This thought just passed by in a flash, and Chu Xuanfeng did not come here to kill people, but to seize treasure.

Now that the iron box containing the "six-finger bones" was in hand, he didn't want to stay for long, so he immediately shouted:

"Two virtuous brothers, the things are already in hand, leave here quickly!"

The two brothers, Wei Jun and Du Meng, took advantage of everyone's loss and made a sneak attack, the purpose of which was to buy time for their eldest brother Chu Xuanfeng.

Now that they heard that the treasure had already been obtained, they didn't have a half-hearted relationship either. They only collected their supernatural powers, and flew down the mountain following the Chu Xuan wind.

These three people came suddenly and walked even more suddenly. The process was not half muddled, and the timing was just right. Obviously, they are familiar with this kind of "fishing in troubled waters and reaping profits".

Seeing this, Xuan Ye Lao Dao, Bliss Boy and others were so angry that their faces were ashamed. People like themselves worked so hard to fight for life, but they didn't expect that they would give someone else a wedding dress in the end.

"The three thieves go away!"

Xuan Ye Lao Dao shouted, and immediately drove the escape light and chased it back.

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