The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1047: Arrived in Wushuang City!

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As soon as Song Ru said this, all the people present nodded and said yes, and one of the old men in Mai also arched his hands:

"Senior Song is right. Although the'Kunshan Three Sages' stole the remains of Senior Six Fingers, they will not be able to get out of Wushuang City's territory for a while. I will go to'Jian Tiansi' to send news. I believe they are very Something will happen soon."

As soon as his voice fell, he turned around in midair and drove a light to fly towards Liangyue City.

Fang Liren saw Liang Yan's puzzled expression and explained on the side: "Liangyue City is under the jurisdiction of Wushuang City. There is a special communication formation in the city, and you can get in touch with the'Jiantian Division' in Wushuang City. Just now, you The old man in Mai I saw was the City Lord of Liangyue City, and he was going to report the news of the looting of the'Six Finger Remains' to the'Supervisor Tiansi'."

"I see!"

Liang Yan showed a suddenly realized expression, nodded slightly, but what he thought in his heart was: "The'Kunshan Three Sages' have been killed by me a long time ago, and now even the corpse does not exist, even if you are the Superintendent of Heaven. 'With the power to reach the sky and the earth, it is impossible to find out the whereabouts of the three of them? And the'six-finger bones' are not in the iron box at all. This trip to Wushuang City is destined to be a waste of work.. ........."

As the only insider, he couldn't tell everything, he could only smile slightly and pretend that nothing happened.

After a while, Liang Yanchuan asked: "Brother Fang, this... Senior, who is this?"

Among the people present, except Song Ru and the foolish girl, the rest were all monks in the Golden Core Realm. Liang Yan naturally asked the foolish girl when he asked.

"That is Senior Ye Jingye, with a very advanced cultivation base..."

Before Fang Liren finished speaking, he saw the girl's eyes roll, and she turned her gaze towards Liang Yan, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"This elder amazing! Raised four beasts? Sister...not an opponent."

As soon as she said this, the others were fine, but Liang Yan was shocked!

He knew his own situation. Since the Hunyuan Indestructible Golden Pill was refined, now between breathing and breathing, the spiritual power of the four major genres in his body can be converted and called at will, so the spiritual power of the whole body is unfathomable.

This also became one of the reasons why he could slaughter the Tongxuan realm monks by going beyond the ranks.

Originally, with his current cultivation base, coupled with the cover of the Heavenly Mystery Bead, Liang Yan was confident that even if the cultivator of the Tribulation Realm came, as long as he did not deliberately investigate, he would definitely not be able to discover the secrets in his body.

But the girl who looked silly and stupid in front of him actually broke his mystery with a single word!

Liang Yan was shocked in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be very calm, and asked with a puzzled face: "What are the predecessors talking about? What beast?"

When he said this, he looked confused, as if he was really confused by the girl.

When the other people saw this, they all smiled. They seemed to have been used to this girl's nonsense. Song Ru took a step forward, took the girl's arm, and whispered: "Senior Sister Ye, I haven't seen you for many years. Now, I didn’t expect your cultivation level to be diligent again. After returning to Wushuang City this time, you will have to accompany me through the tricks."

Ye Jing stretched out her hand and scratched her head, and finally looked back at Liang Yan, then ignored him, and walked into the city with Song Ru talking and laughing.

When Liang Yan saw that everyone didn't take the girl's words seriously, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He secretly made up his mind that if he enters Wushuang City this time, he must stay far away from this girl so as not to cause trouble to his upper body.

After Ye Jing and Song Ru entered the city, the others also greeted each other, among them the middle-aged Taoist priest hehe smiled and said:

"The Teleportation Array in Liangyue City is opened three times a day. Now there are about two hours before the next opening. A few fellow daoists might as well go to the cold house and sit. Yu just happened to have a new batch of spirit wine. I would like to invite you Friends tasting tasting!"

"Fang Daoyou, I haven't seen him for many years. I still remember that the last time I had a drink with you was 30 years ago. This time we have to have a good drink!" Another tall man also said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, okay! You all hooked Fang's wine bugs! We are going to have a swig today!"

Fang Liren smiled openly, and did not refuse the invitation of the few people in the slightest. The monks who came out to greet them seemed to be very familiar with Fang Liren. After exchanging a few words with each other, they agreed to go to someone's cave for a drink.

As for the unheard of the layman, it seems a bit out of place. He has no friends in Wushuang City except Fang Liren, and he is not keen on making friends with other colleagues.

Others seemed to know his temper, and no one came to invite him at the moment.

After entering the city, Song Ru and Ye Jing were nowhere to be seen, and Fang Liren had an appointment with several other monks to drink and drink tea. The only four who came together were the layman and Liang Yan.

"Aren't you going with them?" Liang Yan asked casually looking at everyone leaving.

After listening to the unheard layman, he shook his head blankly and slowly said, "Except for Fang Liren, I have no friends in Wushuang City."

Liang Yan had already guessed it, and he smiled after hearing that: "Then we find a place to have a couple of drinks?"


Unheard Jushi nodded, and soon took Liang Yan to a wine shop. Although the spirit wine served here is not a fine wine, but fortunately, there are not many spirit stones needed, and the taste is very pure, which satisfies a lot. The appetite of low-level monks.

After the two settled down, they ordered two pots of spirit wine at random and savoured each leisurely, without any intention to speak.

After a long time, he still ignored the layman and broke the silence:

"Do you have any questions to ask?"

Liang Yan nodded and smiled: "There is more than one."

The unheard layman lowered his head and drank a sip of wine, and said: "I guess the first question is: ‘Why are you a member of the monster race, you can join Wushuang City ceremoniously and become a Wushuang City disciple?’"

Liang Yan's eyes flashed lightly, and then he laughed.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist is really a wonderful person. Liang did have this question in his heart, but he didn't know if he would offend you, so he never spoke."

"If there is any offense or not, I have nothing to do with the monster clan..."

The unheard layman is still expressionless, but his eyes are a little erratic, as if he recalled a long time ago.

"Back then, I was abandoned by the Monster Race. It happened that the master of Bihai Palace was traveling in the East China Sea. He saved my life and brought me into Wushuang City. From then on, I belonged only to Wushuang City, and only loyal to the descendants of Bihai Palace. ."

"I see........."

Hearing him talk about his past, the joke on Liang Yan's face gradually faded, and then he arched his hands and said, "Do not mind fellow Daoists, I have no prejudices against the monster monks."

The unheard layman waved his hand and said, "You don't have to explain so much. I'm not a good person to get along with. After so many years in Wushuang City, Fang Liren is the only friend."

After he finished speaking, he drank the wine glasses on the table, and then he said: "I guess your second question is about the entrance examination, right?"


Liang Yan gave a light huh, and then laughed: "Dao has friendly eyesight, and I can see through Liang's thoughts at a glance, yes! I was just about to ask, what is the selection of Wushuang City like?"

"The selection and assessment of Wushuang City will be held every five years. Those who participate in the assessment are all Golden Core cultivators. Speaking of which, your luck is pretty good. The most recent selection and assessment was half a year later, and we arrived from Liangyue City. Wushuang City, there are several teleportation formations that can be borrowed on the way, and they should be able to arrive just before the start of the selection and assessment."

"After half a year..."

Liang Yan murmured, and then asked: "But I don't know the specific content of this assessment?"

"I have nothing to say about that."

Buwen lay shrugged his shoulders and made a helpless look.

Seeing his dog-headed expression, Liang Yan couldn't help but smile, jokingly: "What? With our mutual friendship, can't reveal a little bit of gossip?"

"That's not true." Lay Buwen sighed and said, "Because even I don't know what the assessment is?"

"You don't know?!" Liang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then revealed a suspicious look.

"There are four rounds of selection and assessment in Wushuang City, and each round has a chief examiner. The content of this round of assessment is completely set by the chief examiner based on his own interests, so the content of the annual assessment is varied and never repeated. Passed." The unheard layman said helplessly.

"There is such a thing!"

A look of interest appeared on Liang Yan's face. You must know that according to his past experience, there are only two tests for joining the sect force, one for testing spiritual roots and the other for testing xinxing.

But the rules of this Wushuang City seem to be unpredictable!

But he changed his mind and found it reasonable. After all, the disciples of the Xiuxian sect he met in Nanchui before were almost all mortal children, and apart from spiritual roots and xinxing, there was indeed nothing to test.

However, those who participated in the Wushuang City selection and assessment were all successful cultivators, and were able to cultivate to the Golden Core Realm or above. Which spiritual root and xinxing was not one of the best in a hundred? Naturally, there is nothing to test.

Therefore, the examiner in Wushuang City must have his own set of rules to determine whether the opponent is the type of monk that Wushuang City needs.

After thinking about this, Liang Yan also smiled slightly. With his current strength, it would hardly be surprising to pass this kind of assessment.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to make yourself too conspicuous.

"You have to be more careful."

At this moment, the unheard layman suddenly looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "In fact, there are still some risks in Wushuang City's selection assessment. After all, magical powers have no eyes. Even if there are monks in the Profound Realm presiding over the exam, some participants have died violently in previous years. You must remember not to force yourself. If you encounter a danger that you cannot cope with, you can smash the jade pendant sent to you by the examiner in time, and you will naturally be sent out at that time."

Seeing his serious expression on his face, Liang Yan couldn't help but put away his jokes, and said, "Thank you for not hearing the advice of fellow daoists. It seems that this assessment is not that simple..."

"You don't need to think too much, just do your best."

The unheard layman stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder and slowly said: "With Fang Liren and I, and Senior Song, as long as you don't behave badly, we will help you fight for it."

"Haha, then thank you fellow daoists!"

Liang Yan laughed and toasted a glass of wine from the layman, and both of them drank it in one go...........

Then came the time for drinking and chatting. As the sunset went west, two hours passed quickly, and the people who had left separately returned back together.

Song Ru led Fang Liren, the unheard layman, and Liang Yan, standing in front of a teleportation circle, behind the foolish girl Ye Jing, the city lord of Liangyue City, and a group of monks in the Golden Core Realm.

"Sister Song, you are going to leave...a bit reluctant to let you go!" Ye Jing seemed to like Song Ru very much. At this time, she followed behind her, pulling her arm unwillingly. The appearance of loosening.

"Well, it's not that you will never see you again. When you return to Wushuang City, come to Bihai Palace to play." Song Ru said with a smile.


Ye Jing nodded repeatedly and said, "My mission here will be completed soon, and I will definitely go to Bihai Palace to see my sister!"

Song Ru smiled slightly, reached out and touched Ye Jing's head, turned around and brought Liang Yan and others to the teleportation circle.

"Brother, you are so powerful, don't bully sister, otherwise..."

Ye Jing's last sentence was actually addressed to Liang Yan.

But at this time the teleportation circle had been activated, and the dazzling aura and roaring sound filled the surrounding area, and no one could hear what she said clearly.

The next moment, the surrounding aura suddenly disappeared, and Liang Yan and others were missing with him...........

In the following days, because the iron box containing the "six-finger bones" had been lost, and without the mark of Lin Qinghui, Song Ru and others were naturally not pursued by anyone.

And as their journey gets closer and closer to Wushuang, no one dares to be presumptuous.

One day five months later, Liang Yan followed Song Ru and others on the teleportation circle for the third time, and then flew north for hundreds of miles, and saw a rolling green hill.

Although Liang Yan had seen a lot of majestic mountains, it was the first time he saw a mountain like the one in front of him.

These mountains stretch for tens of thousands of miles. Among them, there are thousands of peaks and peaks, and each of them is like a stone pillar that can reach the sky, straight up into the clouds.

The mountains that exposed the clouds are floating like islands in clusters, like a fairyland of clouds, which is so beautiful.

If Tianhe City is a city built by the river, then Wushuang City is built near the mountains!

Large and small palaces, pavilions, towers and pavilions are looming among the clouds on the top of the mountain; streets, shops, and merchants are bustling on the mountainside cloister; monks’ caves and altar rooms are hidden in the mist of the valley, and they are pure and pure. .

There is also a ladder connecting the major mountains; the monks shuttle between them, and a beautiful river flows back and forth between the peaks, which seems to be full of mystery.

"Thousands of peaks stand in the wild, and one water embraces the city. The sky is in harmony with all things, and the world is unparalleled!"

Fang Liren's refreshing laugh suddenly came from the side:

"What the poem says is Wushuang City!"

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