The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1065: Discussion before assessment


The Ji Lai next to her was taken aback for a moment, apparently she didn't expect this woman to talk so easily, Liang Yan just asked casually, and she immediately agreed.

"You don't ask about our cultivation base and strength, so you agreed so readily?" Ji Lai couldn't help but said.

"Brother Liang is a person I admire. When he was still in the Qi refining period, he did not hesitate to commit dangers to save the lives of mortals. He bravely cultivated himself as a scarlet ghost who was several realms higher than himself! Hopefully he has cultivated for a hundred years. It is rare to see monks like Brother Liang, and the entire Wushuang City territory is probably comparable to Cang Yueming.” Li Xiran said sincerely.

"real or fake?"

Ji Lai looked suspicious, turned his head and looked at Liang Yan again, and said in disbelief: "We have known each other for a long time. Why can't I see that you are like this?"


Liang Yan touched his nose with some embarrassment, and said indifferently, "It's all because of my youth and confusion. I don't need to mention the past, Li Daoyou."

"Yeah...It's been a hundred years since the last time we said goodbye. I didn't expect you and I to be able to make golden pills."

When Li Xiran said this, her face was filled with emotion, and then she smiled slightly: "Thank you very much just now. I didn't expect that when I was in danger this time, the person who saved me would be Brother Liang... ........."

"Eh, wait!"

Before Liang Yan could reply, Ji Lai had already called out: "You are not right. The person who saved you just now is obviously me. What does it have to do with him? If you want to thank you, you should thank me, right? "

"That's it, you haven't asked Taoist friend Zun's name yet?" Li Xiran laughed softly.

"It's a small count."

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Ji, I am now Li Xiran, thank you for saving me just now!" Li Xiran said with a bow.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Ji Lai chuckled, it seemed very useful.

"Okay, don't stand here anymore, come in and talk about it."

Liang Yan waved his hand and led the two into his attic. He placed multiple restrictions around the room to ensure that no one would be snooped and monitored. Then he walked to the table and gave Li Xiran and Ji Lai to each other. A cup of tea.

After Li Xiran drank a cup of tea, she heard Liang Yan say: "I remember you are not from the Nanchui Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce? Why does Antarctica Xianzhou also have your business?"

"Brother Liang didn't know that the Scented Fragrance Chamber of Commerce was originally the cultivation force of the Antarctic Xianzhou, and the part of Nanchui was just a very small branch." Li Xiran laughed while tasting tea.


Liang Yan frowned, and then asked: "Then have you heard of Qingyun Chamber of Commerce?"

"Of course I have heard that Qingyun Chamber of Commerce and Luowang Chamber of Commerce are all competitors of our Smelling Chamber of Commerce, but the sphere of influence of Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is mainly distributed in the three cities of Qixing, Tianhe, and Wushuang. There are also business contacts in the region, but most of the time it still cannot compete with the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded and said: "No wonder the internal regulations of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce are strict, and even the establishment of six major envoys in a territory, it turns out that there is competition between the chambers of commerce!"

"That's natural. In fact, the Chamber of Commerce is a place where monks can communicate with each other and exchange cultivation resources. The so-called irregularity is not a place. If the chamber of commerce is not well managed, how can you win the trust of other monks? So for the chamber of commerce. Say, sometimes word-of-mouth reputation is more important than short-term benefits!"

Having said this, Li Xiran suddenly thought of something, and then said: "Huh? It seems that Brother Liang has been in contact with Qingyun Chamber of Commerce before?"


Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, recalling, and said: "This young master of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is a bit mysterious. During an expedition to the secret realm before, even Liang Mou lied to him. Although he was not malicious to me, this He has a deep mind and is definitely not a good person to get along with."

"This is weird..."

Li Xiran frowned upon hearing Liang Yan's words, and said, "As far as I know, the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce has a history of thousands of years. I have only heard of a mysterious president, but never heard of a young master. ........"

"Huh?" Liang Yan raised his brows when he heard it, and couldn't help asking: "Is this true?"

"Of course!" Li Xiran said with affirmative expression: "It is said that Shenlong, the chairman of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, has not seen the head and the end, and all the affairs of the meeting are in charge of the four directors and supervisors. It can be said that these four directors and supervisors are the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. The real power figure in, I have never heard of any other'young masters'!"

Hearing this, Liang Yan's expression on his face changed uncertainly, as he tapped the table top, while secretly thinking in his heart:

"Then Luo Xing's identity is a problem? But if he is not the real power figure of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, how can he mobilize six envoys? And... how can this person know me? In Qixing When I was in the city, I still knew my whereabouts, and even sent someone to **** me to the territory of Tianhe City?"

Because of this series of questions, Liang Yan would naturally not speak out because of his own involvement, and could only confuse himself.

Li Xiran and Ji Lai saw his face changed, and they didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, they heard Li Xiran continue to say: "If Brother Liang is interested, when Xiran returns to the Scenting Chamber of Commerce, he can help secretly. Check it out and see if the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce has really added a'young master' in the past few years."

"Okay.........then there will be fellow workers."

Liang Yan nodded slowly. Suddenly the conversation turned around and asked about Li Xiran's own affairs: "Aren't you from the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce? Why did you come to participate in the Wushuang City selection assessment this time?"

"It's not my master's order..." Li Xiran sighed and said: "I don't know what the master his old man thinks. I have to join Wushuang City. And he seems to be with Wushuang. A predecessor of the Transformation Tribulation Realm in the city greeted him, and then let me work for that predecessor."

"Then you mixed into the'Neighboring Mountain Residence', is also the master's instruction?"

"That's not true." Li Xiran shook his head and said, "Mu Hanxue is despicable and cunning. She doesn't like my brother at all, but deliberately seduced with beauty, and even took advantage of him to steal an important treasure from the Chamber of Commerce. , My brother was punished for this. I came to Wushuang City this time and happened to meet this woman, so I wondered if I could retrieve the treasure for my brother, so I concealed my cultivation and got mixed into the'Neighboring Mountain Residence'... ........."

Liang Yan listened to Li Xiran's explanation and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "It's also because of you, a monk in the Golden Core Realm, who is willing to endure the humiliation and pretend to be a servant girl, lurking in other people's houses for a hundred days... .... If it weren't for me and Brother Ji to visit today, I'm afraid you will be lurking for some more time, right?"

"That's true, I would like to thank the two fellow Taoists." Li Xiran smiled slightly, and suddenly turned his gaze, and fell on Li Xiaosong again.

"Brother Liang, you haven't answered me yet. How could Li Xiaosong come to Xianzhou, Antarctica with you, and still live in the wooden house on your waist?"


Liang Yan looked at Li Xiaosong, who had turned into a white civet cat, and his eyes flickered slightly.

It’s impossible to tell the truth with Li Xiran, I can’t say that I made your precious teacher nephew into a spirit beast..........

Liang Yan thought about it for a moment, and then replied: "In fact, it is a question of Li Xiaosong's practice. It has practiced the'Shenhuo Physical Training Art' in Yungangzong. Conquering and refining all kinds of sacred fires, so I went to sea with me to the Antarctic Xianzhou."

"It turned out to be like this..." Li Xiran smiled slightly: "Brother Liang, you also know that my nephew is a bit special. I must have caused you a lot of trouble along the way. Now that I have met him. Come on, I plan to bring her back to Wenxiangzong, and give her to the master and his old man to train..."


Before Li Xiran finished speaking, she was interrupted by a voice.

It was not Liang Yan who spoke, but Li Xiaosong, who had turned into a small white beast.

The civet cat shook his big tail, jumped out of Li Xiran's arms, and then sat on Liang Yan's shoulders again.

"Uncle Xiaoshi............I can't follow you back. The smell of Xiangzong is too boring, besides, Li Xiaosong is a man of loyalty, and I have been with a stinky face over the years. Wandering around the world, his cultivation level has also improved a lot, how can he leave him alone at this time?"

"Huh?" Li Xiran blinked and re-examined Li Xiaosong and Liang Yan, as if she couldn't believe it.

"My nephew was abducted by you like this? Why didn't you even want to return to your own sect?"

"Haha, this is Komatsu's own choice, and Fellow Li Daoyou should not persecute her." Liang Yan smiled slightly, and didn't want to say anything more.

Li Xiran looked at Liang Yan, then at Li Xiaosong on his shoulder, and sighed slightly after a long time, seeming to accept this fact.

"Well, since Komatsu is willing to follow you, then just follow her. But don't treat my nephew badly, otherwise our Scent Chamber of Commerce will not let you go!" Li Xiran said half jokingly, half warning. .

"Don't worry, Li Xiaosong will follow me. I won't let her suffer." Liang Yan patted Li Xiaosong on the back, and then said: "For this Wushuang City selection assessment, what else do you have to say? Is it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Lai folds a fan in his hand and slowly speaks:

"According to the intelligence I have been investigating over the time, the starting point of this assessment is said to be at the entrance of the canyon in the'Fanghu Fairy Valley'. The first round of assessment should be a test of personal strength, and the second round, The third round should be a test for the team to pass. As for the fourth round, no news has been released so far, and I don’t know what kind of assessment it is..."

"'Square Pot Fairy Valley'?"

Li Xiran pondered and said: "According to rumors, it is very mysterious. The monks in the ordinary Golden Core Realm can't fly in the air at all. Until now, few people know what is in the canyon."

After listening to the introduction of the two, Liang Yan couldn't help frowning, and slowly said: "It seems that the content of the Wushuang City assessment is really confidential, and the intelligence of brother Ji can't detect much. But with two The strength of the position should not be a big problem through the first round. What we have to do is to make sure that if the three of us are separated, there is a way to get together."

"It's easy, I've been prepared!"

Ji Lai smiled, stretched out his hand to take out three compasses from his sleeve, let Liang Yan and Li Xiran breathe into each compass, and then gave them each one.

Liang Yan stretched out his hand to take his compass, looked down, and saw that there were two pointers on it. At this time, one pointed to the calculated direction, and the other pointed to Li Xiran's position.

Looking at the compasses in Li Xiran and Ji Lai's hands, the same is true. The two pointers point to the directions of the teammates.

At this time, he listened to the plan and said: "This gadget is very useful. You have injected your breath into it just now. The pointer on this will always point to your position, and the longer the pointer, the longer the distance. Yes. With this thing, even if the three of us are far apart, we can still know where our teammates are."


Liang Yan played with the compass in his hand, and his face showed satisfaction.

"With this thing, I'm not afraid that the three of us will be separated." Liang Yan said, putting the compass in the storage ring, and then said: "As for Li Daoyou.........we are already teammates. , If I take the liberty to ask, can your Dragon Tiger Fighting Heavenly Art be used at will, or is it the same as before, with restrictions on the use of this technique?"

After hearing this, Li Xiran hesitated for a while, but finally said:

"Originally, this matter involved the secrets of my practice, so I shouldn’t disclose it to you, but since we are already in a team, it’s not easy to conceal this matter... Let me tell you, I can only use the supernatural power of Dragon Tiger Fighting Heaven Skill once every three hours.

"Three's barely enough, but after entering the assessment this time, you don't want to use this magical power at will, let alone act recklessly. You have to listen to my command in everything. "Liang Yan said groaningly. UU reading

He said this because he knew Li Xiran. Although this person is a woman, he is a real brash man. If he is allowed to mess around during the assessment, he will have to clean up the mess for her, and then he will have to. Expose his supernatural powers.

Li Xiran also trusted Liang Yan very much. At this time, there was no dissatisfaction. Instead, he nodded and said: "Okay, after arriving in the examination room, everything will follow Daoyou Liang's instructions!"

Ji Lai also laughed and said: "Well, now we have added another strong support. Brother Liang, your supernatural powers are enough to match the monks in the late Jindan period, and this Li Daoyou's dragon and tiger fighting skills can even suppress Mu. A master like Hanxue. This time the assessment may be unexpected and pass the test smoothly!"

After listening to the plan, Liang Yan and Li Xiran both smiled slightly.

"I hope everything goes well."

Liang Yan groaned, and then he arched his hands at the two of them: "I have discussed this until today. After we have passed the first round of assessment, let's make the next step."


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