
There was a loud noise, and the ghost head of Tiansha's grandmother, Tong Jiao's colorful peacock, and Hao Tiande's punching power were all blocked by Liang Yan's supernatural power with the appearance of "Crimination of Three Thousands".

These three people each used their strongest magical powers, but did not take the slightest advantage in this fight. Instead, they felt that the magical power of the King Kong in mid-air was stronger than waves, as if it was boundless, and could not be defeated at all.

"How is it possible...what is the origin of this kid? When he was on the top of the Falling Mountain, he could only draw a tie with the third child. Why is he so strong today?"

Hao Tiande murmured secretly in his heart, but there was no way to back down at this time. If he took a half step back, the delicate balance between the two sides would immediately be broken, and all three of him would be severely injured.

"It's careless! I thought that Xiao Nizi wearing a Taoist robe was already the strongest of the three of them, but I didn't expect this to be even more ruthless!" Grandma Tiansha flashed her eyes and secretly thought in her heart: "My old lady, I can't be planted in this ghost place all my life....It's nothing, I have the right to avoid the edge for the time being, and I will find the place in the future."

She is stronger than Tong Jiao, Hao Tiande and others, but this person is very insidious, even when this kind of enemy is approaching and going through difficulties together, she secretly kept a hand, and did not use her full strength.

Therefore, when the other two struggled inextricably, she still had free time and quietly took out her candidate token from her sleeve.

As long as she smashed this token, she would be able to escape from this place of right and wrong. Although Wushuang City's position as an apprentice was very attractive, after all, her own life was more important.

However, when Grandma Tiansha was about to crush the token in her hand, there was a melodious sound of flute in her ears.

The flute statement was clear and crisp, and it turned to listen softly, but somehow, Tiansha's grandma's consciousness appeared blank for a moment, and her hand movements were also slow.

With such a short delay, she would never have a chance again.

Because a small white beast had already come behind her, at this moment, opened his mouth and sprayed out a sea of ​​five-colored fire, instantly engulfing Tiansha Grandma, Tong Jiao, and Hao Tiande.


Hao Tiande was the first to react. Hao Dawei was injured by the divine fire that day, and has not yet recovered his vitality, so he had to give up this assessment.

He no longer cared about the alliance agreement, and hurriedly reached out and took out his candidate token from his sleeve, trying to escape from here.

However, on the side of the mountain road, Ji Lai held the long flute in his forehand, lowered his head and played slowly. Everyone heard the flute sound, and their consciousness was confused for a moment. Before the token was crushed, he was burned by the five-colored fire.


In the raging sea of ​​flames, screams and screams sounded one after another, and the figures of Grandma Tiansha, Hao Tiande, and Tong Jiao squirmed frantically, seemingly suffering from boundless pain.

The three of them didn't have the slightest strength to fight back, only a few breaths, they were all burned into fly ash by Li Xiaosong's sacred fire.

At this time, the sound of the flute in the field slowly stopped, Ji Lai took the long flute in his hand and walked over.

"Brother Liang is really a good method! I knew you had such supernatural powers, what effort would I have to spend to ask Cang Yueming, Mu Hanxue and others?" Ji Lai laughed.

Liang Yan shook his head and raised his hand with a slight move. Li Xiaosong leaped over and sat on his shoulder.

This white civet cat still had three storage rings in his mouth. It was obviously Liang Yan's secret order just now to let her keep a hand and didn't destroy these things.

Liang Yan also took the storage rings of Hao Lianyun, the yellow-faced man, and the handsome boy.

These three are not casual cultivators. Among them, Hao Lianyun is the next successor whom the Patriarch of the Hao family would like to succeed. The yellow-faced man and handsome boy are also disciples of the Eighteen Caves of Lianyun Mountain. A famous force.

Liang Yan only used his spiritual knowledge to scan it, and found a lot of valuable treasures in it.

Although the plan is not rejected by those who come, Li Xiran shook his head and said: "It is not my intention to kill people and steal treasures, but these people are too hateful. Looking at the circle just now, they didn't even think about leaving alive. Now that these six people are buried here, it is considered to be blamed for themselves..."

Liang Yan knew her character, and did not force it, so he divided the magic weapons, spirit stones and pills of several people a little more from Jilai. As for the Hao family's physical exercises, there are also the secrets of the exercises of the Eighteen Caves in Lianyun Mountain. , But kept it for myself.

"Are you all right? You look a little weak?"

After Liang Yan put the things away, he looked at Li Xiran again, and saw that her face was very pale, so he couldn't help but ask.

"I'm okay, it's just that the spiritual energy in my body has been consumed too much. After I adjust my breath, I can move on."

Li Xiran said that he took a pill to replenish spiritual power from the storage ring and took it, and then said: "It's just that after this time the'Dragon and Tiger Fighting Heaven' skill, it will take three more hours to be unable to perform this magical power. .........The next step is to rely on the two daoists."

"It's okay."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, squeezed the two colorful crystal spirit stones in his hand, and then said: "We have already obtained two'Linglong Stones' in this battle. We only need to defeat one more team to pass this assessment. "

"Brother Liang's words are wrong. The three exquisite stones are not considered to have completed the assessment. You still need to bring these exquisite stones to the top of the mountain, and the enemy who gets to the top must be more difficult to deal with." Ji Lai added. .

"Well, Brother Ji is right."

Liang Yan nodded, and instantly understood that some teams were close in strength and would not fight to the death at the beginning, and some candidates might not meet other teams at all at the intersection ahead.

All these people who have not obtained the Linglong Stone will set up an ambush at the intersection near the top of the mountain. As long as they can defeat the team with three or four Linglong Stone in their hands, they will be able to sit back and enjoy their achievements and pass the assessment directly.

And those teams that had worked hard and grabbed a few Linglong Stones, it was indeed a bit difficult to deal with these candidates who were waiting for work.

"It seems that the rules of this assessment are simple, but there are many ways of it." Li Xiran listened to the explanation of the two, showing a suddenly realized expression. "In that case, we won't be able to fight to the end with the opponents we meet on the mountainside. We must save our strength so that when we approach the top of the mountain, we will be tricked by those teams with ulterior motives?"

"That's right, but we shouldn't meet a team that needs to work hard."

Liang Yan said with a slight smile, then looked up at the mountain road leading to the top of the mountain. The whole road was winding and winding, and it was covered by clouds and mists at the back, which looked a little mysterious and unpredictable.

"Let's go too."

As Liang Yan's faint voice sounded, the three of them set foot on the mountain path again and began to march towards the top of the mountain......


At the same time they set off, at a certain intersection halfway up the mountain, two teams were fighting fiercely at this time.

One of them was a barefooted man with a yellow robe and bare breasts. This man had a shabby beard and a rough appearance. Although he looked a little shabby, his identity was the head of Wuwei Dao Sect, Pang Zhaochun!

Two monks in the same team, one is dressed in secular knight clothes, the other is dressed as an ordinary farmer. Although they are dressed differently, they all use the orthodox true traditions of Taoism, and they are obviously disciples of Wuwei Taoism. .

As for their opponents, they were three disciples from Cangming Cave.

Cangming Grotto is located on the southwest border of Wushuang City. Most of the monks in the gate are good at ghost magic, and the secret "Cangming Soul Technique" can communicate with ghosts and evil spirits, which can be called strange and unpredictable.

Although these two sects have different ethics, they are both large and famous forces in the Wushuang City territory. There is no deep hatred between each other. It stands to reason that in this kind of assessment, they will never fight each other. The most likely thing is Click to end.

But at this moment, Wuwei Dao Zong and the two teams of Cangming Cave are fighting together, you come and go with all kinds of magical powers, magical magical magic and the spirit of ghosts and ghosts across the mountain road, every move is murderous. He didn't keep his hands at all.

With the intensity of this battle, I am afraid that if you are careless, you will hate it on the spot, and you may not even have the opportunity to smash the tokens. He will never give up unless he kills the other person.

And the most weird thing is that whether it is the three Taoist monks of Wuwei Dao Sect or the three ghosts monks of Cangming Cave, their eyes are all red at this time, as if they have been caught in a magic trick, and there is no trace of clarity in their eyes. color!

"Huh, what is there to see in this kind of fighting! Wuwei Dao Sect, Cangming Cave? They are all sects who cheat the world and steal their names, there is no real talent at all."

By the side of the mountain road, a voice rang slowly.

It turned out that outside of this battlefield, there was another team of monks present!

The speaker was a tall and thin black-robed monk with prominent cheekbones and a cold complexion, and he looked inhumane.

And beside this person stood a man and a woman. Among them, the man was big-waisted, and his face was full of flesh, with fierce light flashing in his eyes from time to time.

As for the woman, she was wearing a red gauze dress, with a calm and elegant manner. Although her appearance was not stunning, a smile and even a subtle expression could trigger a man's endless desires.

At this moment, in the eyes of the woman in red, there was occasionally a burst of light flashing, and every time at this moment, the six people fighting in the field would fight more fiercely.

"As a man, you naturally don't understand. The so-called confidant smiles as a bosom friend. If a man is willing to die for you, that would be a sad and beautiful thing." The red sister smiled while watching the fighting in the field. .

"Fox Thirteen, don't just be greedy and forget our business!" The mad man with a wild face suddenly reminded him.

"Yes! We are not here to play, let's see if there is anyone we are looking for among the six people?" The tall and thin man had already become a little impatient, and he also urged.

"Hmph, you two are really impatient."

The red-dressed woman known as "Fox Thirteen" curled her lips, seemingly reluctant, but she reached out her hand to take out a blood-red orb from her sleeve and punched a magic trick into the orb.

The orb immediately spread, and a blood-red light swept across the Wuwei Dao Sect and the Cangming Sect, and finally returned to silence.

"There is no response... It seems that none of these people are." Hu Shisan shook his head and said.


The full-faced man snorted and screamed: "We have been busy for a few games, why can't we find the target. It's not my old bear who complained that the things above have been a little weird recently, just take this mission as an example. There is too little information for us. The target is male or female, what kind of school, what kind of cultivation is not known, only rely on such a broken bead to confirm, when do you want to find this?"

"Xiong Ba, you can't talk nonsense about these things!" After listening, the tall and thin man suddenly said coldly: "Have you forgotten Gui Jiu's lessons from the past? We only need to perform the tasks, and we must not be random about the above decisions. talk!"

Xiong Ba also calmed down when he heard the word "Gui Jiu". At this time, he stopped being noisy. He just glanced at the six people who were fighting in the field and said impatiently: "Since these six people are not what we are looking for. Goal, don’t drag yourself here and go to the next intersection."


Hu Shisan nodded slightly, his eyes flashing red, and the three people in Cangming Grotto seemed to have received some hint, and they stopped their hands at the same time and did not resist.

They stood where they were, letting the magic of Wuwei Dao Zong three enter their bodies, and their bodies collapsed in an their souls dissipated, and they died completely.

"Good job!"

Fox Shisan clapped his hands happily, and smiled at Wuwei Daozong's three people: "You killed the enemy for your concubine body, and your concubine body will reward you. So, let you, the senior brother, kill first. Two younger brothers, and then self-determination."

As soon as she finished speaking, Pang Zhaochun slowly raised the banana fan in his hand and turned to aim at his two juniors.

Facing these two people, hesitation appeared in his red eyes for the first time, and the expression on his face gradually became distorted, as if he was struggling desperately.

The right hand holding the magic weapon trembled slightly, and Pang Zhaochun stood in a stalemate, seemingly not wanting to execute the order of Fox XIII.

"Huh? You are a bit different."

Hu Shisan smiled, and flicked his right hand, a red light pierced Pang Zhaochun's eyebrows.

With the red light entering the body, there was no hesitation in the eyes of this Wuwei Daozong master. With a wave of the banana fan in his hand, he slapped two gang winds from left to right, and instantly cut his two juniors in the middle.

After doing all this, Pang Zhaochun didn't hesitate at all, raised his hand and patted his Tianling Gai, not only smashed his head, but also shattered the primordial spirit in his body. So far he was completely dead... ....

The six people who originally fought were all killed in battle, but the three people who watched the fight seemed to have no interest in their exquisite stones and storage rings.

"Let's go, we have to find the goal of this trip before the others reach the top of the mountain. After all, the examiner in the fourth round is not a good person to deal with..." Gao The thin man spoke lightly.

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