The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1092: Bihai Palace

Hearing Gong Yehong's compliment, Liang Yan's face was calm, and he smiled slightly: "Senior praised him, the younger generation just did what they deserved."

"You don't need to be humble." Gong Yehong waved his hand and said: "Our Wushuang City has always been rewarded for merits, and penalties for any passing. You performed well in this assessment and ranked first. After several palace owners discussed and decided Reward you one hundred thousand spiritual stones, contribute two thousand points, and you can choose any exercise in the Buddhist scripture pavilion of your palace!"

"Thank you senior!"

Liang Yan was overjoyed when he heard it. He had just chosen Bihai Palace. According to Gong Yehong, he was naturally going to choose the exercises in the Bihai Palace's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

In fact, one hundred thousand spiritual stones is not a huge sum for him now, but two thousand contribution points and a superior technique of Bihai Palace are what he urgently needs now.

On the way here, he heard Nan Tianxing mention that the entire Wushuang City, except for the city lord's own treasure house, is the most attractive of the five palaces. It records all the techniques created by the masters of Wushuang City in the past dynasties, and some of them can even be cultivated to the Realm of Tribulation.

Liang Yan is now just at the bottleneck stage. His "Tao Jian Jing" has only two articles, "Sword Raising" and "Sword Fighting", and he can only cultivate to the Golden Core Realm. If his realm needs to be improved, he lacks major skills. Law. So when he came to Wushuang City during this trip, he had this thought in mind, and wanted to find a practice that suits him.

Unexpectedly, Gong Yehong would directly award this as the top prize, which gave Liang Yan a surprise.

After announcing the top prize, Gong Yehong took a step back, but Fazheng, who had been silent before, stepped forward and said coldly: "You will be a member of the city from today. It is important to know that Wushuang City’s laws are like a mountain, with a total of 109 prohibitions. If you violate any of them, you will be punished accordingly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his sleeve and waved his sleeve, and saw a white light flying out of the sleeve, splitting into six in the air, and flying to Liang Yan and the others.

Liang Yan looked intently and saw that the thing in the white light was a bamboo slip. He stretched out his hand to take it, and put it on his forehead, and soon one after another bans were passed into his spiritual consciousness.

It is forbidden to communicate with foreign enemies, disclose secrets, and prohibit private fights with colleagues..........

In just a moment of effort, everyone had already remembered Wushuang City's decrees in their hearts.

"From now on, I will wait and do it for myself. I don't want to see you in the Xing Hall of the Shura Palace." After Fazheng dropped these words, he stepped aside blankly.

Upon seeing this, Gong Yehong smiled and said: "Senior Fazheng is selfless and selfless, you juniors don't have to worry too much. As long as you don't violate the ban, you can get what you want in Wushuang City."

All the monks present, including Liang Yan, nodded in response: "I have to remember the decree and dare not violate it in the slightest!"


Gong Yehong nodded approvingly, then turned around, and said to Fazheng and Ning Xia on the side: "That's all for today's affairs. The old man will take these three juniors back to Yunjin Palace first."

"Friends of Gongye, please!" The two responded at the same time.

Gong Yehong smiled slightly, and a cloud of white mist suddenly appeared under his feet, engulfing Cang Yueming, Huangfuqi, and Mu Hanxue in the hall, and then the white mist rose into the sky, disappearing without a trace in an instant. .........

"There are still important things in the Shura Palace, I'm leaving too!"

Fazheng threw a cold sentence and didn't wait for Ning Xia's answer. With a pinch of the Fa Jue in her hand, the person turned into a purple light and soared away into the sky.

In the hall at this time, only Ning Xia was left with a monk who transformed the Tribulation Realm.

This beautiful woman in aqua-blue palace costume glanced lazily at the people in the audience, and suddenly smiled: "You juniors, you have a good vision. You know that you choose our Bihai Palace. This is the only reason. It's much stronger than the three people just now."

Her gaze rolled in the crowd, and finally fell on Liang Yan, with a greater smile on her face.

"Especially you, stinky boy, can actually be allowed to enter the Buddhist scriptures pavilion of Bihai Palace. You must know that the capital of any previous ranking is not eligible. You have to give me a good grasp of this opportunity. Don't go too far, you have to choose. A practice that suits you, understand?"

Although Ning Xia looked a little lazy, she was actually very caring for a few people, and now she began to exhort Liang Yan with earnestness.

"Thank you Senior Ning, this junior knows it well." Liang Yan nodded and smiled.

"Well, since you have chosen Bihai Palace, then I will be my subordinates from now on, so let's take you back and have a look."

Ning Xia smiled slightly and raised her hand to play a magic trick, only to see a delicate boat flying out of her sleeve, rising in the air in the wind, and suddenly turning into a size of ten feet.

Upon seeing this, Liang Yan and the others said goodbyes to Nan Tianxing, they all jumped onto the spacecraft, and under Ning Xia's control, they turned into a blue rainbow and flew eastward.

The four of them traveled east on the ship, all the way through the clouds and fog. After flying for about two hours, they saw a majestic mountain range in front of them.

In the mountains, the clouds were steaming and misty, and the sun was overflowing. The divine consciousness could not see the whole picture, and the sound of the water waves and waves could be heard faintly. It gave people a strange and magnificent feeling.

"Thousands of miles around here are all the tops of my Bihai Palace."

Ning Xia played a magic trick, and the spacecraft fell downward. When passing through the mountains and clouds, everyone felt as if they were in the vast ocean, waves surging by her side, and there was actually a kind of Unspeakable sense of comfort.

"What a pure water aura!"

Liang Yan was slightly surprised, knowing that Wushuang City was built on the hillside, and there is such a pure and rich water aura here, which is really unbelievable.

"This is the handwriting of the first ancestor of Bihai Palace. Her old man took 1,300 fine stones from Donghaihai's eyes, sealed them in our Bihai Palace with secret methods, and used four personal magic weapons as the front eyes to lay down the water. Array, I just want our doormen in Bihai Palace to practice better." Ning Xia seemed to see everyone's doubts, and slowly said.

"I see."

Everyone nodded silently, with a little more expectation in the Bihai Palace. At this time, the spacecraft had passed through the clouds and mist, and finally landed in a majestic palace halfway up the mountain.

Ning Xia took Liang Yan and the others down the spaceship and entered the palace again. She saw that it was magnificent and magnificent, not much worse than Lingyun Palace.

"This is the residence of this seat. If you have any important things in the future, you can directly report to me here."

Ning Xia sat down casually on a pale golden wooden chair, took out three tokens from her sleeve, and handed them to Liang Yan, Ji Lai and Li Xiran.

"This is the identity token of Bihai Palace. With this token, you can not only walk around in Bihai Palace and most areas of Wushuang City, but you can also get some discounts in the Fang Market of Wushuang City."

After Liang Yan and others listened, they all smiled and reached out to take the token.

"When we go out to perform missions in Bihai Palace, we are all in the form of small teams. Generally speaking, a cultivator of the Profound Realm leads five cultivators of the Golden Core Realm. Let me think about which team I should assign you to... ........" Ning Xia put her cheek in one hand and tapped the corner of the table with the other, looking lost in thought.

"Senior Ning."

Li Xiran suddenly took a step forward at this time, and said, "Junior has a request. I want to be in a team with Liang Yan, and seniors should be fulfilled!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ji Lai also said: "The juniors think so too. In this assessment, the three of us are in the same boat and cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding. Can seniors arrange us under the same person? This will be implemented in the future. The task is more convenient."


Ning Xia raised her brows, and looked at Liang Yan with a smile, and then she said: "I can't tell, you are quite popular? Hmm...let me Think about it, it's not impossible to be in a team, but now the several Profound Realm cultivators in Bihai Palace are almost overcrowded, and there is only one vacant seat at most. It is impossible for the three of you to join at the same time... ......"

When she said this, she paused suddenly, and then she seemed to think of something again, her eyes lit up, and she smiled and said, "By the way, why forgot my good apprentice!"

As soon as the voice fell, before the three of them could react, Ning Xia had already taken out a talisman from her sleeve, threw it into the air, turned into a yellow streamer, and flew away directly through the air.

Liang Yan and the others looked at each other. They didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd in Ningxia. They could only wait in the hall. After about Mozhancha, there was a sound of breaking through the sky outside the palace.

The three of them turned their heads and looked, only to see a blue light bursting through the air, and they were outside the hall in a short while.

The light faded, and a woman in a blue outfit appeared, with her hair **** high, and she looked sassy and heroic.

"See Master!"

The woman in blue bowed respectfully outside the temple.

"It's her!" Liang Yan was taken aback, because the woman in front of him was not someone else, it was Song Ru who brought herself to Wushuang City!

"Good apprentice, come in, and let the teacher see how you have cultivated during this period of time." Ning Xia said lightly.


Song Ru nodded, walked into the hall, glanced across the crowd, and soon found Liang Yan.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Song Ru was taken aback for a moment, then immediately reacted, and said with a look of surprise: "You actually passed the assessment and joined our Bihai Palace?"

"Senior Song, we meet again." Liang Yan smiled slightly and hugged Song Ru.

"Oh, you still know each other, so it's easier!" Ning Xia chuckled, swept Song Ru with her spiritual sense, and then nodded and said: "It seems that the last time you were in Tianhe City, what you have suffered The injury has been well cultivated."

"Thanks to the master who gave me the pill and condescended to heal my wounds, otherwise it might really hurt the foundation this time." Song Ru said quickly.

Ning Xia waved her hand and said, "Stupid apprentice, I am your master. Who won't you help you? In fact, you have done a good job in this trip to Teemall. Although the sky is not as good as people want, it is not something you can control. of.........."

When she said this, she paused slightly, and then continued: "Speaking of which you have been practicing as a teacher for more than 500 years, you should go out and practice more. I know that there are only Fang Liren and the unheard layman in your team. People, and there happened to be three more people here, so I just leave them all to you, how about?"

Song Ru couldn't help but smile when he heard this. You must know that among the other monks in the Profound Realm of Bihai Palace, there are almost five monks in the Golden Core Realm, and only her own qualifications are the most junior. Up to now, there are only Fang Liren and the unheard layman. Two henchmen.

Although these three people are only the cultivation base of the middle Jindan, but it is better than nothing, so that when performing tasks in the future, they can also have a few more helpers to share for themselves.

"Thank you, Master!" Song Ru almost nodded and agreed.

Ning Xia smiled slightly, turned her head and looked at Liang Yan and others.

"From now on, you will be the monks under Song Ru. No matter what task she receives, you must assist her and complete it with all your strength, understand?"

"I will understand!"

Liang Yan, Ji Lai and Li Xiran responded at the same time.

Actually joining Song Ru's subordinate, Liang Yan didn't oppose it in his heart. Although this woman was not strong, she was old acquaintance with herself, and her heart was not bad, and she should not regard herself as cannon fodder.

What's more, her Fang Liren and Buwenjushi or her old acquaintances ~ have no suspicions between each other, so that it is much easier to get along with each other or perform tasks outside.

"There are not many tasks that we have to perform in Bihai Palace. Sometimes we can only receive one in five or six years. The rest of the time, you will be good at practicing. Don't waste your time. You must know that your own cultivation and supernatural powers are the foundation of your life. Please remember. ."

Ning Xiayu urged several people earnestly, and then waved her hand again: "Come here today, Song Ru, you take them to your own cave."


Song Ru took the order, led Liang Yan and the others out of the hall, then swept the three people away and flew over the mountains under the jurisdiction of Bihai Palace.

After a short while, the four of them came to a mountain with verdant trees and a beautiful bell.

Song Ru led a few people down on the top of the mountain and pointed to the Qingshan Road at the foot: "This mountain is called Yunyin Mountain. There are a total of 12 caves in the mountain, all of which are uninhabited. Now it is all three of you. You can use it as you like."

Liang Yan and the others took a closer look and found that there is a large spiritual vein under this mountain peak, which is full of spiritual energy, and it is more than enough as a cave for three people.

"Thank you Senior Song, the environment here is good, it is indeed a suitable place for cultivation." Ji Lai arched his hands.

"Don't say thank you, you are the people under my hand, I will naturally do my best to take care of them. What's more, Liang Yan still has an old relationship with me, Fang Liren and the unheard layman often mention you." Song Ru smiled.

"Are they two okay?" Liang Yan asked with a smile.

"Well, it seems that I have some sentiments when I come back from Tianhe City. I have been in retreat for this period of time, and I can't even see them..."

Song Ru shook his head, and after a few more polite words with Liang Yan and others, he left.

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