The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1099: different opinions

There was a lot of discussion in Bihai Palace, almost all of them condemning the Nine Martial Schools, some of them were grumpy, and even suggested that the monks from the five major palaces should go out of the city to destroy the Nine Martial Arts.

Lin Yueque is now the acting palace lord of the Bihai Palace. His attitude is very important. After listening to everyone’s discussion, he nodded slightly and said: "You guys don’t be impatient. Can't swallow this breath. Our Bihai Palace specializes in the attack, and once made great achievements for Wushuang City, now it's time for us to show our methods."

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the hall rose even more. Among the eight true masters of Tongxuan, at least five also spoke in agreement. Obviously these people have long been uncomfortable with what the nine major factions do. At this time, They are all passionate and unanimous to the outside world.

It didn't take long for Liang Yancai to join Wushuang City. Naturally, he would not be as emotional as these monks. Instead, he was very calm at this time and kept secretly observing everyone's reactions.

He found that the monks in the main hall didn't seem to be all in favor of Lin Yueque, and a small number of people frowned slightly, standing still and silent.

At this moment, listening to the steps, a gentle woman's voice said: "Brother Lin is dedicated to the public, and the younger sister admires it! It's just that this matter is not so easy to handle..."

As soon as this voice sounded, the discussion in the hall was suppressed again and gradually became quiet.

The person who spoke was Ning Xia, another cultivator of the Tribulation Realm in Bihai Palace.

Just listen to her gentle voice and continue to say: "Today's Wushuang domain undercurrents are surging, and various forces are intricate, not only the Nine Martial Arts, but also the participation of various forces outside the domain. It can be said that it will affect the whole body. If we Rushing action will only intensify the conflict between these forces, and on the contrary give some people with ulterior motives an opportunity to take advantage. It is better to watch the changes first and let the people in the Yunjin Palace ascertain the information before making a decision."

Her words were not rushed, and some of the indignant monks calmed down a little bit.

"Hmph, what Junior Sister said, shouldn't we just watch the people of the Nine Schools stir the wind and the rain outside, even deceive us in Wushuang City, and stay unmoved?" Lin Yueque snorted angrily. With a cry, it was obvious that she was a little dissatisfied with her junior sister.

"Senior brother, don't be angry. I am not indulging in the Nine Martial Arts, but I feel that up to now, many things are too coincidental. There is still too much fog in the whole Wushuang domain, and our Wushuang city tree is so big that it is not suitable to act rashly." Ning Xia slowed down. Explained.

"Then we can't let others ride on our heads!"

Lin Yueque was obviously a violent temper. At this time, he snorted coldly: "When the city lord was with his old man, the Sect Master of the Nine Martial Arts received a lot of favors from him. , Lin Yueque is the most uncomfortable! Humph, our Bihai Palace doesn't make a move, these native chickens are still in Wushuang City!"

His words were sonorous and powerful. Many cultivators present nodded secretly, and some even responded. Obviously these cultivators recognized Lin Yueque from the bottom of their hearts.

Only monks who were close to Ning Xia like Song Ru were silent all the time, but the number of these monks was so small that they were completely obscured by the voices of other people.

Ning Xia looked at the reactions of the people in the main hall and knew that Lin Yueque was what everyone expected. No matter how much she persuaded, it was useless. She couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Since the master and his old man disappeared, the senior has always been the acting palace owner of Bihai Palace. , Since you want to lead Bihai Palace out of this position, you have nothing to say as a junior."

When she said this, she paused for a while, and then continued: "There are 15 cultivators in the Tongxuan realm in Bihai Palace, 75 cultivators in the Golden Core realm, and 968 cultivators in the Juyuan realm. Except for that. Except for the seven teams that perform tasks outside, the rest of the power is in this hall.........I hope Brother Lin will be cautious and not hurt us because of some enthusiasm disputes. The manpower of Bihai Palace."

"I understand this naturally!"

Lin Yue nodded with a shortcoming, glanced over the eight True Monarch Tongxuan present, and slowly said: "Although there are still three years left in the Cangnan Mountain Covenant, there are some things we can do in advance. As far as I know, The Nine Martial Arts have colluded with each other, and they have secretly eaten away our territory and resources outside the city. I want you to take back these things that belong to Wushuang City. If the Nine Martial Arts is blocked, they will all be killed!"


The eight Tongxuan True Monarchs in the hall, whether they recognized Lin Yueque's approach or not, all agreed at the same time, even Song Ru was no exception.


Upon seeing this, Lin Yueque nodded slightly, and then in the hall, he announced the tasks that he had planned a long time ago.

Song Ru's team quickly received their own task, with the goal being a vein in the southwestern border of Wushuang Region.

This vein was originally mined by the nearby Daxia Kingdom. Every year, they handed over the mined spirit stones to Wushuang City according to a predetermined share. However, this year not only did not hand in the spirit stones, nor even the news came back. .

According to Lin Yueque's inference, someone should be taking advantage of the Wushuang domain's chaos to secretly manipulate the secular country of Daxia Kingdom in an attempt to take the spirit mine as his own.

And the man behind this manipulator is most likely a member of the Nine Martial Arts.

The order Song Ru and the others received during their trip was to go to Daxiaguo to investigate the matter.

In the main hall, Lin Yueque was well organized and explained the plan that had been drawn up a long time ago step by step. Soon, all the eight true monarchs of Tongxuan received their own tasks.

"Everyone already understands? You have to perform the task fast. You can't give the Nine Main Schools time to react, and let them know that Wushuang City is not a paper tiger. Whoever dares to break ground on Tai Sui must pay the price!"

Having said this, Lin Yueque glanced across the crowd, with a breath of majesty on her body, and finally she said: "These tasks that I just mentioned are all secrets of Bihai Palace. If anyone dares to leak them out, press The crime of treason to the city is punished!"

These words were cold and cold, and everyone present was shocked, almost at the same time clung their hands to answer:

"Follow the palace lord's decree!"

Seeing everyone's reaction, Lin Yueque's face showed a hint of satisfaction, he nodded lightly, and then raised his hand and flicked his sleeve, indicating that everyone can withdraw.

The eight true monarchs of Tongxuan each said goodbye, and left Bihai Palace with their men.

Liang Yan followed Song Ru, walked out of the hall, and out of the valley.

"Hey, today's Wushuang Domain is already eventful..." Song Ru sighed lightly, and said a little angrily: "It's all the so-called'telephone box'! You said it was early Not to be born, not to be born late, just at the time when the city lord disappeared, and still causing such a big disturbance in Wushuang domain, is this a test of heaven to our Wushuang city?"

After Liang Yan and others listened, their faces were not so good.

Fang Liren and Buwen Layers are loyal to Wushuang City. Now that Wushuang City is worried about internal and external troubles, their mood will naturally not be much better.

Liang Yan frowned because the incident was so violent that it disturbed his cleanup.

The reason why he came to Wushuang City, in addition to investigating the marks on his chest, was to take advantage of the coolness of the tree and prepare to use the resources of Wushuang City to practice quietly. As for the disturbances from the outside world, it has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, since joining Wushuang City to the present, he has not taken the initiative to accept a task.

Originally thought that this kind of cleansing could continue, but who would have expected that after only two and a half years of cultivation, Wushuangyu's situation has changed drastically, and now the nine major sects have joined forces to force each other, and the situation is very delicate.

And Lin Yueque, the acting lord of the Bihai Palace, was obviously an active main combat faction, and he would not wait for the Cangnan Mountain agreement three years later before starting to attack the Nine Martial Arts faction.

At his command, Liang Yan, as a cultivator of Bihai Palace, couldn’t hide even if he wanted to hide, so he could only bite the bullet and finish it.........

Therefore, after coming out of the main hall of Bihai Palace, Song Ru and the others were worried, and Liang Yan's expressions were not pretty.

Several people had their own thoughts, and they talked a few words at the mouth of the valley. They were nothing more than their opinions on the development of Wushuangyu.

Although Song Ru is usually reluctant to speak, he is a monk who cares about his subordinates. He has a lot of warnings to Liang Yan and others, so that they must take self-protection first.

While she was nagging and talking, two maidservants in palace costumes walked up on the sidewalk and interrupted the words behind her.

"See Uncle Song, several seniors!"

The two maidservants bowed to everyone, and then continued: "Palace Master Ning invites you all to come forward."


Song Ru was taken aback for a moment, and said with some doubts: "Master is looking for me?"


One of the maids nodded and said, "Uncle Song, come with us."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and led the way. Song Ru knew that the two of them were Ning Xia's personal servant girls, and did not hesitate to follow them. When Liang Yan and others saw this, they naturally didn't ask too much, and they also followed closely behind.

Several people passed through the dense forest outside the valley and came to a side hall of Bihai Palace.

Ning Xia was leaning on a wooden chair at this time, and when she saw Song Ru leading Liang Yan and the others inside, she nodded and waved to make the two maids retreat.

"See Master!"

"I have seen Senior Ning!"

Song Ru, Liang Yan and others saluted each.

"Forget it, don't use these polite things." Ning Xia waved her hand, and then continued: "The situation in Wushuang Domain is complicated now. I want to know what you guys think?"

"The disciple and the master thought the same." Song Ruyan was concise.

Liang Yan and Jilai are both smart people, and they can understand almost immediately after hearing them. At this time, they all responded to Song Ru and showed their attitude.

When Ning Xia saw this, there was a hint of satisfaction in her eyes, and she nodded slightly and said, "You are still a few sober people. In fact, the series of things that have happened recently from the birth of the celestial receiver to the slaughter of candidates have been quite tedious. The behemoth in Wushuang City is staring at every move and every move. Our best response is not to go out in a big way, but to investigate in secret, wait for the opponent to show his feet, and then wipe it out with the momentum of thunder."

"What the master said is extremely true, but it is a pity that Master Lin disagrees with you. He is the acting palace lord, and I can only follow orders." Song Ru said with some regret.

"Hey, Brother Lin has a hot personality, he is jealous of hatred, no sand can get in his eyes...Although I have tried to persuade him many times, it still has no effect."

Ning Xia sighed, and then continued: "Although the chaos outside has turned into a pot of porridge, even with their ten courage, I dare not really hit Wushuang City. I am afraid that we will go out of the city and take the initiative to leave the city. The Wushuang domain is full of mists, and it is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If one is not handled properly, it will be trapped by those with ulterior motives."

"The master meant..." Song Ru became more confused as he listened, and couldn't help asking.

"As far as I know, the Nine Schools are not all of one mind. Some schools are for the remains of six fingers, and some schools are only encouraged by others. There may be room for maneuver. I call you here this time, that is I want you to grasp a certain degree when performing tasks. It is best to use peace talks as the top priority. If it is not a last resort, it is best not to kill." Ning Xia said slowly.

Everyone understood what she meant when she said these words.

The attitudes of the two cultivators in Bihai Palace towards the Nine Martial Arts are completely different. Lin Yueque pursues the principle of "Those who violate my unparalleled city will kill without mercy!" but Ning Xia It is to advocate peace talks and reduce unnecessary conflicts.

Song Ru is Ning Xia’s disciple. At this time, she was naturally standing on her master’s side. He barely hesitated and nodded and responded: "The disciple will obey the master’s orders. Kill people, fight for the soldiers to regain the veins without blood."

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved as a teacher." Ning Xia nodded in satisfaction.

"But..." Song Ru hesitated for a while, and said with some worry: "There are a total of eight teams sent by Master Lin this time, and the disciple can only guarantee that my team will not As for the other seven teams..."

"You don't need to worry about this. Although the teacher usually doesn't care about the affairs of the palace, he still has a few confidants. Then he will naturally tell them one by one. Only those few who listen to Brother Yu Lin's advice are left. Mr. Xuanzhen, I am helpless."

When Ning Xia said this, she sighed softly: "This is also something that can't be helped. After all, the lord of Linghu City has disappeared, and we have no leader in the Wushuang City. In fact, it is not only Bihai Palace, but the other four palaces also have different opinions. We can only Strive to do your job well, and hope Wushuang City can tide over this crisis safely."

"It can only be so..."

Song Ru nodded, knowing that the master had other things to deal with, so he didn't stay here much, and said goodbye to Ning Xia, and led Liang Yan and others out of the side hall.

"Give you one day to prepare. We will set off for the Great Xia Country tomorrow morning. This trip must be kept confidential, and even relatives and friends can't disclose anything."

After Song Ru left these words, he went away without looking back...

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