The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1103: Yomi 7 Demon

After listening to Liang Yan's opinion, Song Ru did not object, but nodded and said: "Then go in and have a look."

The two of them reached an agreement, and the rest of them naturally had no objections, and at this time they walked toward the depths of the passage again.

When I arrived at this place, I could vaguely hear some fighting sounds, as well as the scattered sword aura and magical aftermath spreading out. Everyone had been vigilant, and at this time they all escaped very easily.

After walking half a stick of incense, I found that the passage in front suddenly opened up, and a huge cave appeared.

Liang Yan, Song Ru and others glanced at each other, without hesitation, they came to the entrance of the cave almost at the same time and looked inside.

Inside the cave was brightly lit, and there was a statue in the middle, almost exactly the same as the giant sculpture on the cliff outside.

There were seven monks standing around the cave, tall, short, fat and thin, men, women, and children. Some have blue-faced fangs with ugly appearance, while others are white-faced niche, handsome and extraordinary.

These seven people were scattered in different directions, and surrounded a middle-aged monk with a thin face and a gray-white robe in the middle.

Facing the siege of the seven, the middle-aged monk had an extremely indifferent expression on his face, without any fear at all. A silver long sword clanked above his head with awe-inspiring killing intent!

On the contrary, the faces of the seven people around him frightened and their eyes flickered. Many of them were injured, and some of them even had their right arm severed. At this time, the blood was flowing and it was shocking.

After Liang Yan glanced around, he couldn't help but was stunned. Although he didn't know any of the seven besieging people, the monk standing in the middle of the siege was an old acquaintance.

"Situ Kuangsheng? How could he be here?"

The main reason for Liang Yan's surprise was not that the other party would appear here, but that the person's aura had broken through the peak of the Golden Core and became a genuine Tongxuan true monarch!

When they came to the entrance of the cave, the two sides in the battle naturally found them.

Situ Kuangsheng turned his head and glanced over Song Ru and others, seeming a little surprised. But soon, his gaze passed everyone, and finally he was firmly locked in Liang Yan's body.

"Unexpectedly, say goodbye to Fanghu Xiangu, we will meet here!"

Situ Kuangsheng ignored the seven besieged people around him, and said with a smile while looking at Liang Yan.

"Neither did I expect that in just two and a half years, Your Excellency actually broke through the bottleneck of the Golden Core Peak and became the true monarch of Tongxuan who is admired by thousands of people." Liang Yan said lightly.

"It's pure luck." Situ Kuangsheng said dismissively: "Remember what I said before, my swordsmanship is a life to death. Although Fanghu Xiangu was seriously injured in the battle, he survived by chance. After I came down, I grasped the perception between life and death, and I managed to break through to the Tongxuan Realm by luck."

"It's really gratifying that Daoist Situ made a breakthrough!" Liang Yan arched his hands, then turned around and asked, "I don't know why Daoist Situ came to this Qiyun Grotto because he was so elegant."

"Hmph, it's not just these demons and clowns, who is not good to kidnap, but tied to the monarch of the Great Xia Kingdom." Situ Kuangsheng stared his eyes, revealing the murderous intent in his eyes.

"The last name...The last name Situ...Don't deceive too much! This is a matter between our Huangquan Palace and Daxia Kingdom, I advise you not to come here. This muddy water, otherwise there is absolutely no end to it!" Among the seven besieged, a middle-aged man with blue faces and fangs said viciously.

Another white-robed old man with oddly long eyebrows and a bald head also echoed: "Yes! Situ Kuangsheng, don't think you know how to do swordsmanship, we are afraid of you. If the seven of us join forces, we can also fight with you. If the fish die and the net is broken, it's just that both sides will be hurt by that time, but it will be cheaper for the others here!"

This person meant something, Liang Yan and the others naturally heard the implication, knowing that he was going to provoke a divorce, and then listened to Song Ru with a slight smile and said: "Who am I? It turned out to be the'Evil Ghost in Tsing Yi' and the'Long Eyebrow'. Old ghost'! What? You all the seven ghosts of Huangquan have arrived? That's good, it saves us Wushuang City a lot of tricks!"


Hearing Song Ru's words, the seven people present all changed their colors, and one of them, an old woman with a stubborn skin, said in a bitter voice: " are actually from Wushuang City!"

"Impossible, the messenger going to Wushuang City has been stopped by us long ago, how can I get the news?"

"Wu Shuang City is now too busy to take care of itself, and will send people out of the city?"

The seven people talked a lot, but Song Ru took out his identity token, and then shouted: "Song Ru in Bihai Palace in Wushuang City is here. You and others kidnapped the monarch and interfered in secular affairs without authorization. It is already a violation of the rules. Quickly release Monarch Xia, and follow me back to Wushuang City to listen to it!"

Seeing Song Ru's identity token, Huang Quan's seven ghosts all changed their expressions, and they had no doubt about her identity.

"Oh, it's another true monarch Tongxuan!"

Among the seven ghosts of Huangquan, the "old red-eyed ghost" who ranked first was anxious and secretly thought: "With the strength of our seven ghosts, if we join forces to form an array, we can completely deal with a monk in the early stage of the Xuan Dynasty. If Situ is born crazy. No longer intervene, the seven of our brothers are not the few who can't deal with Wushuang City."

Thinking of this, the red-eyed old ghost rolled his eyes and said to Situ Kuangsheng in the middle: "Senior Situ, there is no grudge between us. Just now you were indiscriminately trespassing here. The seven of our brothers made a big fight. There is no need for us to fight, as long as you withdraw from here, we will have to thank you again in the future!"

"Can't go." Situ Kuangsheng shook his head, then pointed the sword and said lightly: "Unless you let Zhou Jinnian go, I won't leave."

"Why is this again?" The red-eyed old man said with a puzzled look: "As far as I know, your Situ family is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and has never interacted with this Great Xia country. What is your relationship?"

After hearing this, Situ Kuangsheng revealed a rare embarrassment on his face, then shook his head again and said: "You don't need to worry about this. Anyway, this Zhou Jinnian I am in Baoding."

After hearing this, everyone was puzzled. In fact, they didn't know that Situ Kuangsheng did this because he was entrusted by the elders in the family.

His third-in-law, Situ Qing, was a passionate seed. She liked playing games in her early years and used to be merciful. Once she wandered to the territory of the Great Xia Kingdom and met the then monarch Zhou Zhengyang.

That Zhou Zhengyang was born with a talented person and an outstanding appearance, but at that time Situ Qing was not able to do enough, and he was not out of the ordinary. The two men, talented and female, attracted to each other, and they had a romantic and dewy marriage.

In the short time to get along, Situ Qing gave birth to Zhou Zhengyang and named Zhou Jinnian.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, Situ Qing was sentimental and romantic, and being with Zhou Zhengyang just wanted to have a good night, and then left the Great Xia Kingdom to pursue his own fairyland.

However, Zhou Zhengyang was an infatuated temperament. He did not marry another wife and have children in this life. Only Zhou Jinnian was the only child who passed the throne of the Great Xia Kingdom to him.

After Situ Qing returned to the family, although Zhou Jinnian was seeking the truth, Zhou Jinnian was her illegitimate child outside. She occasionally had concerns in her heart. She would send people to Daxia Kingdom to inquire about the news. After knowing that he was safe and sound, she would not interfere too much. .

It was not until this time that Zhou Jinnian was taken away by the people of Huangquan Palace, which alarmed Situ Qing. Valley

She is now the cultivation base of the late stage of the Tongxuan Realm, and she is also a unique elder in the Situ family. She is reluctant to admit this past due to face, but she has the nephew Situ Kuang, who has the best relationship with her, come to rescue her.

Situ Kuangsheng once owed Situ Qing a favor. He had the character of repaying gratitude and revenge. After learning about this, he naturally rushed over without stopping.

It's just that this incident is not a glorious thing for the Situ family. Situ has a cold and arrogant temperament, so he will naturally not tell the matter in public, but he has brightened his attitude and must bring Zhou Jinnian with him today. go.

The red-eyed old ghost heard it inexplicably. He didn't want to get it, there were so many twists and turns in the middle, and he was going to persuade Situ to be crazy, but Song Ru on the side couldn't wait any longer.

"Hmph, it seems that you are toasting and not eating or punishing wine, and you are still lucky by this time. Well, let you know the methods of Wushuang City!"

While she was talking, the person was already flying into the air, and the "Tyrant Whale Palm" slapped out, with an extremely powerful force, it made a circle of azure-blue ripples in the surrounding void.


The red-eyed old ghost's two red-eyed pupils shrank, and he suddenly shouted.

The other six ghosts immediately understood, and almost sacrificed their own magic weapons at the same time. Some were a ghost fire banner, some were a ghost paper umbrella, and there were six magic weapons in total, including a gong, a chain, an ancient mirror, and an evil jade.

As for the red-eyed old ghost himself, he raised his hand and threw out an ancient scroll. The scroll slowly spread out in the air, revealing the picture inside. It was a tall evil spirit with three heads and six arms, and a terrifying face.

The six magic weapons in mid-air flew into the picture almost at the same time, and the evil spirit in the painting had three heads and six arms. At this time, each arm grabbed one magic weapon, and then roared, it sprang out of the scroll.

When Ji Lai, Li Xiran and others saw this, their expressions changed slightly, because the evil spirit that rushed out of the picture had a surprisingly powerful aura and had reached the level of the Tong Xuan realm.

"It's no wonder that the seven of them are still unafraid to face the cultivators of the Profound Realm. It turns out that they have such a combined attack!"

This is the thought of everyone on the sidelines.

However, Song Ru didn't show any fear at all. He was still above zero at this time, still patted the top of the seven people's head with a palm.


The six-armed evil spirit roared, spread the Nether paper umbrella in his hand, and immediately gave birth to an indestructible force that squeezed Song Ru's palm, and then used the other arm to shake the ecstasy chain towards Song Ru was slapped away fiercely.

At this time, Song Ru's face changed slightly, instead of picking up the opponent's attack, he turned and disappeared into the air.

The six-armed evil spirit lost the target, roared repeatedly in the air, and raised the middle-aged mirror high, beams of mirror light all around, and soon found Song Ru's position.

Seeing that Song Ru was illuminated by the mirror, the six-armed evil spirit threw the ghost fire flag while beating with the chain.

The Netherworld Fire shot out from the banner, with boundless resentment, sealing all Song Ru's retreat positions, making her unable to use the concealment technique anymore.

At the same time, the ecstasy chain had already whizzed in, and the target was directed at Song Ru's Tianling Gai, as if he was going to chain her to death.

Song Ru's eyes flickered, and suddenly he jumped, shooting continuously with both palms in the air.

"hold head high!"

With a long, piercing cry, a circle of ripples appeared in the surrounding void, and then a giant blue whale emerged from the center of the ripples, swung its tail in mid-air, and hit the seven people on the opposite side. .


With a loud noise, the ghost fire banner was smashed to pieces by a giant whale, and the ecstatic iron chains swept around hit it without any response, and they were bounced back.


Among the seven ghosts of Huangquan, a hunched old man with white hair suddenly sprayed blood and fell to the ground.

He is a "ghost old ghost", and the magic flag that was destroyed in the air was his magic weapon. At this time, he was extremely heavy backlash, and could no longer hold it, and he slumped directly on the ground.

When the other six people saw this, all their faces were dignified. Each bit his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the six-armed evil spirit in mid-air. UU Reading at the same time pinched both hands and turned towards evil. The ghost keeps inputting his spiritual power.

The six-armed evil spirit gained everyone's mana and blood, and immediately increased its power. It threw the evil jade into the sky, and unexpectedly exploded with a powerful sealing force, smashing the blue giant whale bit by bit. Pull into the jade.

In just a few breaths, half of the giant blue whale was sealed in the evil jade, leaving only a tail, still swinging wildly in the air.

By this time, it was already a stage where the two sides were fighting for mana. Song Ru desperately controlled the giant whale, trying to break through the blockade of evil jade; while the seven ghosts of Huangquan worked together to completely seal Song Ru's supernatural powers into the evil jade.

The two sides held a stalemate in midair for a long time. After all, Song Ru was still better at it. As the spiritual power surged out of his body, the blue giant whale suddenly screamed and shattered the evil jade that had sealed itself!

The blue giant whale regained freedom, cheered, flicked its head in the air, and slammed into the six-armed evil spirit.


With a loud noise, the evil spirits in mid-air fell apart, and the six ghosts of Huangquan also spurted blood, and they took a dozen steps back to dissolve this huge force.

Song Ru was victorious with a single move, and the depressing air that had accumulated in his chest was swept away. He couldn't help but let out a long whistle, his backhand was another palm, and the seven ghosts of the Yellow Spring were enveloped in his palm.

She obtained her master's secret order, and took a bit of strength in the palm of her hand. She didn't intend to kill the seven ghosts. She just wanted to punish a few people and let out a bad breath.

However, just as the wind of her palm fell, she heard a loud shout from the entrance of the passage:

"Keep people under the palm!"

Before the voice fell, there was a white light from far to near, which shook Song Ru's palm wind away...............

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