The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1108: Join hands

The seven ghosts of Huangquan were destroyed and Qiyun Cave was shrouded in formations. This series of things happened between the electric light and flint, and it was the royal family of Xia State who was waiting to be rescued.

Obviously, the situation here has long been secretly grasped, and everything is a trap.

At this moment, on the cliff of Qiyun Mountain, on top of the huge statue of Confucian scholars, three men in black were standing.

All three of them wear hats and cannot see their appearance. The man on the left is a short and fat monk, but one of his right arms is very sturdy, falling down to the ground like a tree trunk. The figure is completely out of proportion.

The man on the right is slender, graceful, and seems to be a woman. Even though Liang Yan is far away, he can smell the fragrance of the wind, and he has a refreshing sense of intoxication.

As for the man in the middle, he was tall and straight, with his arms folded in his chest, with a condescending posture, surrounded by a thick black energy, and he looked like he had practiced extremely powerful magic skills.

Although the faces of the three of them are invisible, the aura of the other party has been revealed, and without exception, they are all cultivated in the middle stage of the Tongxuan realm!

At this level, even among the nine major factions of masters, it is worthy of the identity of the leader! However, at this moment, three people appeared in such a place at the same time!

"The visitor is not good, it seems that we will never let us leave alive." Situ Kuangsheng suddenly said.

"Are you scared?"

Liang Yan raised his brows and said with a smile.

"I'm afraid? A joke! I don't know what fear is when Situ Kuangsheng!" Situ Kuangsheng said angrily.

"In that case, leave the one on the left to you, and leave the other two to me!"

Liang Yanlang laughed, not talking nonsense, raised his hand and patted the Taixu gourd on his waist, the black lotus sword appeared again, like a meteor driving the moon, and went straight to the tall man in the middle.

"Haha, interesting!"

Among the three, the graceful female nun chuckled lightly, and said faintly: "When these two people saw us, they didn't even mean to run away, but they even dared to take the initiative. It should be said that the courage is praiseworthy, or The ignorant are not afraid?"

"Stop talking nonsense, finish the task quickly, so we can go back for business!" The tall and straight man in the middle snorted in a low voice.

"I know, I know."

The seductive female nun responded lazily, then raised her hand and waved lightly, a golden light rushed to the sky, turning into a golden ring.

I don’t know what kind of material the ring is made of. There are densely packed talisman seals on it. I am not afraid of the violent sword aura around it. It actually directly entraps the black lotus sword’s sword gang, and sends the flying sword to it. Drag from the ground.

Liang Yan was slightly surprised. He did not underestimate his opponent. Although this sword was only a test, it also urged the black lotus sword's sword to the extreme. Unexpectedly, the female cultivator on the opposite side had a magic weapon to trap her flying. sword!

In the blink of an eye, the black lotus sword was dragged into the ground by the golden halo. Liang Yan and Feijian’s mind were connected, and they instantly felt that the power of his flying sword was suppressed after entering the ground, and the opponent’s gold But the aperture is soaring, which is a bit more powerful than in the air!

"This magic weapon is so weird, it seems that it can use the spiritual power of the earth attribute to fight underground to my disadvantage!"

When Liang Yan's thoughts moved, the black lotus sword beneath the ground spun quickly, and black lotus blossoms appeared all around, and countless black sword qi burst out of the ground, shattering the ground below the cliff.

At the same time, on the head of the statue of Confucian scholar, the upright man made a sudden "Huh?"

The direction of this black light was exactly five feet behind the seductive woman. Only a muffled sound of "bang!" was heard. The black light seemed to hit something, and the surrounding space rippled like water waves, followed by a handle. The silver flying sword flew upside down!

The seductive woman was slightly surprised when she heard the movement. When she swept away her consciousness, she saw the flying sword behind her, and immediately exclaimed, "This kid has more than one flying sword!"

"Huh! You are so careless, sooner or later you will capsize in the gutter!"

The tall man snorted coldly, and did not look at the seductive woman next to him, but looked straight at Liang Yan.

"This kid, interesting!"

Under the hat, a long scarlet tongue licked his lips, seeming to see the python of the prey.

At this moment, Liang Yan frowned slightly in the distance.

In fact, he sacrificed the black lotus sword and the fixed light sword as soon as he shot it, but the two flying swords were in the light and the other in the dark. He had secretly hid the Dingguang Sword nearby, and only waited for the other party to be distracted, and gave her this sword.

According to Liang Yan's idea, this sword is unexpected, even if it can't hurt the opponent, at least it must force the opponent's life-saving magical powers, so that he can take the lead.

Who would have thought that this seductive woman was indeed unaware, but the companion next to her had already seen it, but with a flick of her finger, she blocked her own light sword.

"It's a pity... none of these three people is good. It seems that today is a fierce battle."

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand to pat the Taixu gourd on his waist, and sacrificed the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword.

This sword was as fast as lightning, galloping violently, and it split the ground beneath one's feet with just one sword, revealing the black lotus sword trapped by the golden light.

With a pinch of the sword art in his hand, the silver and purple sword gangs were cut towards the golden circle at the same time, obviously intending to free his black lotus sword first.

"This surnamed Liang actually has three sword gangs!"

Situ Kuangsheng on the side was also taken aback, with an incredible look on his face.

Only now did he know that in the battle in the cave just now, this person hadn't used his full strength!

"What kind of monster is this? He is only in the middle of the golden core, and he can actually condense three swords at the same time!"

Recalling the previous rounds of sword fighting, the reason why I was able to gain the upper hand was because this person was merciful, and his face immediately became a little hot.

"My Situ is crazy, the sword repairman who has high hopes in my family is actually not as good as a monk in the middle Jindan period?"

Situ laughed wildly, with a faint madness in his eyes.

He is a character who refuses to admit defeat. Knowing that Liang Yan's strength may be higher than himself, he did not become irritated, but screamed:

"The surname is Liang! Our previous test is not over yet! There are three doggies here, let us compare and see who kills more!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was already flying into the air, and the killing intent on the "Sword of Soul-repelling Killing Intent" burst out, with a cold light, turning into a long rainbow and going straight to the tall and straight man in the middle!

This sword is as powerful as a rainbow, and its power is amazing. However, the tall and straight man saw it, but his feet remained motionless, still standing on the spot with his hands, and he seemed to have no intention of making a move.

In the void, suddenly stretched out a big hand covered with calluses, and firmly grasped Situ's flying sword!

"Hey, young people, don't be so anxious, old man, I'll play with you."

An old voice slowly sounded, and the person speaking was the man in black with a short stature and an unusually long right arm.

Half of this person's arm has plunged into the void, only a part of the upper arm is left, and the giant hand that suddenly appeared in midair and holding the flying sword is obviously the other half of this person's arm.

The "Sword of Soul-repelling Killing Intent" rattled in the hands of this person, and the body of the sword kept trembling, obviously not convinced, and wanted to break free from his hand.

"Thousand Robots?!"

Situ Kuangsheng was connected with his own destiny Feijian, his face changed slightly at this time, and he couldn't help but shout:

"Who on earth are you? The sect of cultivating Thousand Opportunity Sect was wiped out by the lord of Baiyu City thousands of years ago. Are you the remnant of Thousand Opportunity Sect?"

"Hehe, Situ Dao's friendly eyesight makes him recognize this old man's arm!"

The pudgy man laughed strangely, and then he spoke unhurriedly: "The gate of a thousand opportunities is a thing of the past, and the old man is just a lingering man. He is here today to collect money and help people eliminate disasters. Fellow Daoists are here. Don’t hate the old man on Huangquan Road."

While he was speaking, his arm was still secretly exerting strength, the "Imperial Killing Sword" in midair was suppressed by the violent force, and couldn't help groaning.

Situ Kuangsheng's pupils shrank, and the spiritual power in his body swiftly circulated. With a violent cry, the "soul-killing sword" turned into a phantom and broke free from the palm of his giant hand.


The short chubby man seemed to be a little surprised, but then he sneered, and the figure disappeared from the top of the statue of Confucian scholar.

In the next moment, Situ's back brilliance flashed, and the short fat man stepped out of the void. His right arm had been restored, but his clothes burst, revealing the muscles on his arms, and there were still strange faces!

These faces were all frowning. When the short fat man’s mana urged them, they all began to mourn in pain. One of the faces was red with red eyes, and a flame spurted out of his mouth, turning his entire arm into a big flame hand. .

The raging flames fell from the sky with the huge palm, as if to shoot Situ Kuangsheng directly into mud.


Situ Kuangsheng's face was solemn, and he raised his hand to pinch the "Spirit of Soul Killing Sword" flying backwards, but it was not used to save himself, but a sword slashed at the back of the opponent's head.

His swordsmanship is quite unique. Once the flying sword is out, there is only offense, no retreat. The same was true at this time, even though the opponent's big flame hand had already reached him, he still cut it with a single sword.

"Is this man a lunatic?"

The chunky man was also slightly taken aback. Although he was confident, the opponent would definitely be killed on the spot when he slapped him. But whether he can escape from this sword is still unknown.

He just thought about half a breath, and then put his big flame hand back. On the giant arm, the flame-spitting face wilted, and at the same time, another face opened its mouth and spewed out. A cold air.

As soon as this cold air appeared, it froze all the surrounding space, and even the imposing "Spirit Sword" was also affected, and the speed slowed by more than 30%.

With this effort, the short fat man turned around in mid-air, the figure disappeared again, and the next moment, he appeared directly away from Situ's crazy life.

"Sure enough, it's a Thousand Opportunities!"

Seeing this scene, Situ Kuangsheng's pupils shrank, and he believed in his own judgment even more firmly.

According to legend, thousands of years ago, in the Baiyun domain under the jurisdiction of Baiyu City, an Xie Xiu founded a sect called "Thousand Chance Gate".

The most powerful magical power in this sect is the "thousand-hands". It is said that a cultivator can enclose the souls of other monks in his own arms, thereby displaying the magical powers of the opponent during his lifetime.

The more souls that are sealed, the greater the power of the "Thousand Chronicles". After a cultivator has sealed the souls of a thousand masters, the "Thousand Chronicles" is done.

Although this magical power is amazing, it is no less than a nightmare for the other schools in the Baiyun domain. Due to the numerous masters of the Thousand Chance Sect and their unscrupulous methods, they used all kinds of conspiracy and calculations to their utmost, secretly attacking and killing a large number of monks, and finally aroused the hostility of all sects.

In the end, Li Yuxian, the lord of the White Jade City, killed the Qianjimen that was thriving at the time. It is said that including the master, there were a total of 1,365 people at the Qianjimen, and none of them escaped.

Situ Kuangsheng looked at the faces on each other's At this time, there was no doubt in his heart, when the door of the thousand faculties was destroyed, there must be a fish that slipped through the net!

And since this person has revealed his magical powers, he absolutely has no intention of letting him leave alive, and someone must die here in today's war!

"Huh, it came just right! Today, Situ, I want to see how powerful the'Thousand Chance Hand' was that made the entire White Cloud Region fearful!"

Situ Kuangsheng sneered, without the slightest intention of retreating, raising his sword light to greet the past..........

At the same time, on the other side of the Confucian student statue, Liang Yanzheng manipulated the three swords to kill the slender mysterious girl.

Although the female nun looks weak, but the method is not gentle at all. Nine identical golden circles are shining in the air, each of them is like a hill, exuding extremely domineering power, and seems to be trying to All creatures are stepping under their feet.

Liang Yan had already used three sword gangs at this time. The purple, silver, and black sword beams were galloping in mid-air, but they couldn't break the opponent's golden circle, and the battle was once in a stalemate.

However, he was not in a hurry. While fighting with the female cultivator, he released his divine consciousness, secretly alerting the man who was still standing on top of the Confucian scholar statue.

"This kid is obviously just a junior at the Golden Core Realm, and he has such a powerful method."

In the midair, the seductive female cultivator also frowned slightly, secretly a little frightened.

She fought with Liang Yan dozens of moves, and the more she fought, the more she felt that this person was not easy. Even if she sacrificed a set of magic weapons, she couldn't suppress him at this time, but it seemed that she was being led by the nose.

"Everyone is collecting money to do things, why are fellow Taoists so reluctant to take action? Could it be that they still have the thought of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight?" The charming female Xiu forced Liang Yan's flying sword away and suddenly shouted sharply.

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