The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1110: Demon

"Thirteen Swords of Daya" is based on Liang Yan's reference to the Confucian music technique "Clear Heart Three Die Dancer", combined with his own sword intent to comprehend, there are a total of thirteen changes, and each move is connected to the path of music.

"Xisheng" is a silent sword, the murderous aura is introverted, and the traces are completely hidden; while "listening to the tide" is the opposite, the tide rises, surging, and the infinite sword spirit is booming, like a blue sky in mid-air. Sea tide.

The demon man was forced to meet the enemy, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand was powerful, and every time he waved it, it could bring ripples of the void. However, the opponent's sword moves continued to flow, no matter how he swung the sword in his hand, he still couldn't get rid of the cyan sword aura.

"This kid's sword is so weird. The strength, speed, and timing of each sword seem to have been carefully calculated, unknowingly bringing me into his rhythm!"

Although the demon man didn't know that Liang Yan used the rhythm to enter the sword, he had a keen sense of smell. After fighting for more than ten moves, he had already noticed something wrong.

"It won't work if this continues. His sword is getting more and more fierce. If you fight for another thirty moves, I can only be passively beaten!"

At this time, the demon man's face also showed a solemn color, he halved Liang Yan's sword pill, suddenly turned his body, opened his mouth and let out a red light, and went straight to Liang Yan.

The devilish energy was tumbling in the red light, and accompanied by a screaming scream, a monster that looked like a baby with a python head showed its figure.

This monster is a "magic pill" he cultivated with his own essence and blood. It is usually invulnerable and can also **** the essence and blood of others to transform it into his own cultivation base for the demon men.

He seemed to have eaten his companion just now, but in fact, all the essence and blood of the female cultivator fell into the mouth of this "magic pill", and then refined from the magic pill into pure demon energy to feed back to himself.

It was also the first time Liang Yan saw this kind of thing, and hurriedly turned the three swords of Zi Lei, Ding Guang, and Hei Lian before turning around and slashing towards this "Magic Pill".

However, the baby with a mang head human body was not afraid. He pushed up his two small hands and grabbed the two swords of Heilian and Dingguang. At the same time, he opened his mouth and bit, and bit the sword of the Zi Lei Tianyin Sword.

Three flying swords were made at the same time, the sword body hummed, countless sword energy swept all around, but only a shallow scar was left on the baby's skin.


A long scarlet tongue spit out from the mouth of "Magic Pill", with an extremely strong **** air, and rolled towards Liang Yan's position.

Liang Yan's pupils shrank, and the sword art in his hand pinched eagerly, the mayfly sword pill turned in midair, and the "listening to the tide" turned into a "horrified sting". The original vast and boundless cyan wave was gathered into one point and turned into a thread that is hard to see with the naked eye. It's a hundred feet long.

The long tongue of "Magic Pill" stretched out in the air, and it was more than ten feet away from Liang Yan. It was pierced by this cyan silk thread. The blood flowed like a burst of blood, and half of the tongue was chopped into fine pieces and spilled from the air.


The demon man uttered a scream, he and "Maju" are connected. Although the "Maju" can't speak, the pain it suffers will be doubled back to the demon man. At this time, he can't help but feel the pain. Exhale.

"Damn human boy, I want to smash you into pieces!"

The demon after the pain had no intention of shrinking at all, but aroused infinite ferocity.

The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand danced to the extreme, every move was overbearing, and he fought with his "magic pill" left and right, trapping Liang Yan in the middle.

However, Liang Yan is also not afraid. This is the first time he has confronted the enemy since he comprehended "Fish and Dragon Dance" and "Thirteen Swords of Daya". In the beginning, there were many jerky points in the changes of sword moves, but as the fight continued. , His swordsmanship became more and more prosperous, and the flaws exposed when facing the enemy became less and less.

It's like you have practiced hard for many years, and as soon as you leave the barrier, you meet a well-matched opponent, you can use all your learning and understanding, and your understanding of swordsmanship will naturally go to a higher level.

Liang Yan played happily, "Listening to the tide", "Xisheng", "Jingzhe" and other moves in "Thirteen Swords of Daya" came in handy, and sometimes changed a new one before he was old, and there was no lag between the inheritance and transformation On the contrary, the sense of change is endless and exquisite.

The demon man became more and more frightened as he fought. It has not been a day or two since he infiltrated the Antarctic Xianzhou. He has seen a few self-proclaimed genius sword repairers, and most of them are not in his eyes. He did not expect that today's battle would be in such a deadlock. .

"It's me who entrusted me, and the sword repairer is a well-deserved reputation! It's no wonder that the four great unifications of Buddha, demons, Taoism, and Confucianism joined forces to suppress sword repair, and even the human race did not dare to let it go.......... ."

The demon man murmured in his heart, his eyes changed a few times, and he gritted his teeth suddenly, as if he had made up his mind.

"Well, this is the territory of the human race after all, it is not suitable for a long fight, it is better to take this person quickly!"

With a thought, he suddenly waved the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand to fight against the mayfly sword pill on the top of his head, put the sword pill in the air, and then freed his right hand again, and lightly stroked his brow.

Although Liang Yan was a hundred meters away, he saw this scene in his eyes, and a bad feeling suddenly came into his heart.

I saw that above the eyebrows of the Demon Race man, he opened his third eye, his pupils were strange purple, and there were faint magic patterns around them.


As this eye was opened, a purple brilliance shot out from the pupil, getting bigger and bigger in the air, and finally turned into a beam of light more than ten meters square, shining toward Liang Yan's location.

"not good!"

Liang Yan sensed something was wrong and hurriedly used his escape technique to escape towards the top of the magic cloud.

However, the purple beam of light shining from his pupils followed like a shadow, and the speed was surprisingly fast, only the blink of an eye shrouded Liang Yan's entire body.

Liang Yan, who was originally galloping, stopped in an instant. Although he was still leaning forward with his upper body in a flying position, his whole person was frozen in place, unable to move even an inch.

More than that, the spiritual power in his body seemed to be frozen by a weird force, and everything around him seemed to be still, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape the scope of the purple beam of light.

"What magical power is this?!"

Liang Yan's face still kept the expression he had before a few breaths, but a stormy sea had already risen in his heart.

In his current situation, not only the physical body, but even the spiritual power in the meridians are locked, and he can't move up and down. He has become a fish on the chopping board that can be slaughtered!

Although Mayfly Sword Maru has its own spirituality, without the master's control at this moment, its power is immediately reduced. The original smart sword move no longer exists, and it is knocked down by the demon man's few moves.

"Haha, little thief, if you can see my ‘celestial image’, it’s worthy of this life!"

The demon man laughed wildly, the vertical eyes on the center of his eyebrows still exuding a faint purple light, his left foot took a step forward, and he actually straddled a hundred meters directly and came to Liang Yan's front.

"Little thief, die!"

The demon man didn't talk nonsense at all, he directly picked up the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, and smashed it towards Liang Yan's Tianling Gai.

At the same time, the "magic pill" of the python head also turned into a red light, and after a short while, he came to Liang Yan's back, and the scarlet long tongue was spit out from his mouth and pierced toward his chest.

The two demon heads, one big and one small, have the same mind. Even though Liang Yan has been fixed by the weird purple beam of light, he didn't mean to keep his hands in the slightest. They all tried their best to put him to death.

Although Liang Yan couldn't speak or move, he was extremely anxious in his heart.

At the moment of crisis, he could only fully operate the Hunyuan Indestructible Golden Core in his body, and with the help of the Golden Core's power, he forcibly broke through a meridian, and then sent this weak spiritual power into the magic vortex that had been sealed for a long time.

Back then, the old monk in yellow clothes helped him achieve Hunyuan Dao. He once sealed the demon head in his body again, but the escaping demon energy did not disappear from Liang Yan's body, but formed a huge demon energy vortex near the dantian.

Liang Yan was only thinking about giving it a try, but he didn't expect the magic vortex in his body to spontaneously rotate, rolling magic qi into the meridians, retrograde upward, and instantly rushed the strange power that sealed him. net!

The purple light emitted by the celestial elephants and gods met the devilish energy in Liang Yan's body, as if he had seen the most terrifying nemesis, without any temper at all!

When Liang Yan regained his freedom, purple flames rose up all over his body, and magic patterns appeared on his body, which looked more like a demon head than a demon man.


The demon man had already rushed in front of Liang Yan at this time, and was about to cooperate with his "magic pill" to kill this human junior in one go, but he didn't expect that the opponent's body would have undergone such a big change.

A moment ago, he was sealed by his own "Sky Elephant God Eyes". At this moment, he had already restored his freedom, and the whole body was still gushing out of true demonic energy!

The demon man's face was surprised, he stared at Liang Yan for a while, and suddenly he seemed to have discovered something.

"No...Impossible! It's you...It's actually you!"

There was a look of horror in his eyes, as if he had seen something terrible, while muttering to himself, while stepping back, he looked terrified of Liang Yan.

Liang Yan didn't know what was going on. He unexpectedly made this cruel and bloodthirsty demon so gaffe, but he knew the truth that the opposing party's abnormal behavior was an opportunity for him to turn defeat into victory.

Now that he is free, he does not use his own sword pill swordsmanship, but rotates the magic vortex in his body, condensing a handprint composed of true magic qi in midair, and slowly hits his opponent.

This palm didn't have much power, and the speed was not fast. Liang Yan made a move while secretly observing the opponent's reaction.

The demon man looked terrified. He saw the handprints condensed from the true demon energy in the air, and his whole body suddenly trembled like a sieve. At the same time, he screamed, "This demon energy, that's right! It really is you." ........It really is you! You really are not dead yet!"

After he screamed, his knees suddenly softened, and he actually knelt directly towards Liang Yan.

"Damn it at the end, **** it at the end! But what happened back then really has nothing to do with me, please let me go, and I will do my best for you, and die!"

Although only a few words, Liang Yan can also guess some of the ins and outs of the matter. At this time, with his supernatural powers, he shouted in mid-air: "Say, why betray me!"

This drink was like the explosion of spring thunder, shaking everywhere.

The demon man was so frightened that his whole body trembled, a moment of panic appeared in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: "There will be no in the end...There will be no in the end... They were all forced... they had planned secretly..."

He was upside down, talking nonsense, obviously sane.

And what Liang Yan wanted was an instant flaw!

He knew that the reason why the other party was so gaffe was because of the true demonic energy he had just exuded, which caused this demonic man to mistake him for someone else.

But after all, he is not a demon. Although he has shocked the opponent at this moment, it will inevitably show up after a long time!

The best choice now is to give this person a killer blow when his soul is shaken and his mind is dysfunctional!

Liang Yan knew that the more he said, the easier it was for him to reveal his flaws, so he just asked a simple question, trying to make the other party panic and chaotic.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Liang Yan didn't hesitate at all. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, the sword move "startled" again, the mayfly sword pill turned into a strand of filament, and he immediately came behind the demon man.

"Hey, that's not right! You are not him...How could you be him? If you were I would have already..."

The demon man who had knelt down in the air suddenly remembered something, his face changed slightly, the panic and dazedness in his eyes disappeared instantly, and a ray of clarity reappeared in his eyes.

With a thought, he hurriedly reached out to grab Fang Tian's painted halberd beside him, and at the same time opened his eyebrows and raised his eyes, wanting to repeat the old trick.

However, at the moment when the Demon Man just grasped the weapon, his heart felt a chill.

In the next moment, this mighty, majestic and invincible demon man was cut into two pieces by a cyan glow...


There was a screaming scream in the air, but Liang Yan didn't let up anymore. He pinched the sword in his hand, and the mayfly sword pill turned into an afterimage, and then chopped off behind him.

Without the master's control, the "magic pill" of the python-headed human body instantly became anxious, and the long scarlet tongue that was originally vomited did not seem to be able to find the target, stabbing frantically in the air.


The mayfly sword pill gently twisted the "magic pill" to smash it, and the dark blood was sprinkled from a high place, and the nearby void was dyed black.

All this is a long story, but it took only a few breaths of effort from the demon man who admitted him wrong, so that his soul was shaken, and then he was killed by Liang Yan with a sword.

At this moment, the huge body of the demon man had been shattered by Liang Yan's sword energy, leaving only one head in the air.

The strange thing is that this person has not yet completely died.

"Shameless little thief, 忒 is also cunning! Actually the fox is pretending to confuse the audience! Just now I am in a mess, and I have the ability to fight with my real sword. Don't use this kind of indiscriminate strategy!"

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