The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1114: Sword formation? Magic array!

Liang Yanzheng and the Dao-robed man and the white-clothed old man were so dimly murdered that another woman popped out from the east of Taolin unpreparedly. This woman picks the leaves into a sword, and she fluently does not give him a chance to breathe.

"So fast sword spirit!"

Liang Yan's heart was stunned, not daring to neglect, raised his hand and patted the Taixu gourd on his waist, and released his own fixed light sword.

A white changhong cut through the sky, chopped off all the peach leaves that came from the lasing, and the remaining sword energy was sprayed around, cutting all the mountains, rocks, and trees into powder.

Seeing this, the woman in green didn't change her face at all. Instead, she took out a bamboo flute from her sleeve and played it gently by her mouth.

With the sound of the flute, the surrounding peach leaves began to move with the wind, and suddenly turned into countless sword auras, some sank into the ground, some rushed into the air, and some were mixed in the grass, trees, and rocks. This strange angle pierced Liang Yan.

At the same time, the old man in white clothes and the brawny man in Taoist robe were also launching an attack.

The white-clothed old man is suave and suave, and the peach-flower sword is volatile, sometimes turning into a sword flower, sometimes scattered into a star, giving people a feeling of indecision; the brawny man in the Taoist robe goes straight, the peach branches in his hands are like thunder and thunder. Open and close, only when one attacks the enemy, it will be saved.

Liang Yan controlled the three swords alone, and the more he fought, the more puzzled he became.

This "Peach Blossom Sword Formation" can actually condense the illusions of monks, and it is as if they know that they have three swords.

Look carefully at the sword held by the three of you.

The sword of the peach blossom used by the first white-clothed old man coincided with his own black lotus sword. The sword qi composed of the peach blossom and the lotus flower separated and merged in midair, each time they could rush against each other, but no one could kill anyone.

The second brawny man in Dao-robed folds the peach branches as a sword, and it matches his Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword.

The third woman in green, plucking leaves into a sword, walking strangely, killing people invisible, and her own light sword is almost the same way, white light and green clouds come and go in mid-air, leaving only a series of afterimages.

"This peach blossom sword formation is really weird. Although I am one-to-three, how come it feels like I'm fighting myself?"

There was an exciting spirit in Liang Yan's heart. While fighting the sword, he secretly observed the three sword auras of flowers, branches, and leaves, entangled with his three sword gangs. No matter how he changed his move, the other party could always use the same His sword moves to counter him, but he can't advance, nor can he retreat!

The more he fights, the more anxious he gets, and he only feels like he has fallen into a bottomless quagmire. The old man in white, the brawny man in robes, and the woman in green are the three difficulties he faces in kendo. At the same time, he will never be able to overcome them. The mountains of the past.

"No! I don't recognize it! My kendo road will never stop here!"

In Liang Yan's heart, the other one himself was screaming frantically.

That was a self who was born purely for the sword and lived for the sword.

This "Liang Yan" is exactly the spiritual power that appeared in the body after practicing "Fish and Dragon Dance". Now this spiritual power was tossing up uncontrollably, as if to hold the sword in his hand with Liang Yan's deity, and split the three mountains that were pressing on him together!

Liang Yan was in a surging mood. The "Fish and Dragon Dance" exercises spontaneously operated, and the spiritual power in his body was surging. The three sword gangs violently emitted unprecedented sword intent, which suppressed the white-clothed old man, the brawny man in the Taoist robe and the green-clothed woman at the same time.

But at this time Liang Yan was not satisfied, his eyes flashed with paranoia and madness, and three sword gangs rushed out, seeming to want to mix the peach forest in front of him into powder.

At this moment, in the storage ring, a wooden sign engraved with a flying eagle, with a white light rising from it, went straight into Liang Yan's body.

Liang Yan only felt that a clear current was going retrograde along his meridians, and it came to his forehead a moment later, and the eyes that had originally been paranoid and crazy were awakened in an instant.


Liang Yan was shocked in his heart, and secretly cried out, "What kind of sword formation is this? This is... illusion formation!"

As soon as this thought came up, he immediately started the "Eight Branches of the Yuan" exercises, "Bodhi mirror image" insight into the surroundings, whether it is the suave old man in white, or the unruly man in Taoist robe, or gentle and graceful. The charming lady in green all disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The surrounding cold wind howled, and only a few peach trees were left. The wind blew over the branches of the tree, making a rustle, causing Liang Yan to shudder in his heart.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a woman's voice resounding in the sky:

"Senior Brother Lin has been in retreat for many days, why didn't he tell the younger sister when he left the customs today?"

The voice was very erratic, as if it was thousands of miles away, and it seemed to be right in front of the eyes. Liang Yan knew that this was because the person speaking was outside of the sword map and his skill was extremely high, otherwise he would be trapped by the sword map and it would be absolutely impossible to hear it.

"Ning Xia! She's here too!" Liang Yan heard the voice of the master for the first time.

"Haha, I've been in retreat for half a year to comprehend a magical power. I just left the customs recently. I wanted to visit the junior and sister, but I didn't expect you to come first." Lin Yueque's gentle voice slowly sounded.

"Sister, I am uninvited, and I also ask brother to forgive me." Ning Xia's voice became clearer and clearer, and she seemed to have arrived in the courtyard.

The woman's voice paused for a short time, and then she spoke again: "I heard that Ru'er's girl has a monk named Liang Yan who was also summoned here today by you?"

"Junior sister is really well-informed. It didn't take long for Xiaoyou Liang to enter my lotus moon cave. You rushed over immediately. Are you afraid that I will bully him?" Lin Yueque said with a smile.

"Brother, what do you say." Ning Xia's voice was still calm, and she smiled gently at this time: "It hasn't been long since this kid surnamed Liang joined Wushuang City, and Song Ru is not very good at disciplining his subordinates. I'm worried that he doesn't understand. Rules, bumped into Senior Brother Lin, only then came here to take a look."

"Oh, I can't tell. Junior Sister Ning still values ​​this junior, but do you think Senior Brother is the kind of person with a small belly and chicken intestines?"

Lin Yueque smiled, and then said, "Sister sister, don't worry. I asked Xiaoyou Liang to help me try the sword. Now he is in my Peach Blossom Sword Picture, so the brother will call him out."

As soon as his voice fell, Liang Yan felt his feet tremble, and the entire peach forest was torn apart, a colorful divine light flew out of the void, rolling his body, and disappearing into the void in an instant.

As the sky revolved around, when Liang Yan recovered and his feet fell on the ground again, he found that he had returned to Lin Yueque's courtyard.

Next to the stone table, there was a woman who was wearing aqua blue palace costume with a sea tide pattern slowly floating on it. It was Ning Xia, another cultivator of the Transfiguration Realm in Bihai Palace!

"I have seen Palace Master Lin, Senior Ning!"

Liang Yan did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly saluted the two.

Lin Yueque laughed, looked at Ning Xia and said, "I and Liang Xiaoyou had a good time at first sight. I just asked him to try the sword for me, and found that this person is indeed a kendo seed!"

When he said this, he took out a cloth bag from the storage ring and threw it to Liang Yan.

"I can't let you help in vain. This is the Zixia Lingzhi that I promised you, and there are 20,000 Lingshi, which can be regarded as an extra reward for you to complete the task."

Lin Yueque is so generous. If Liang Yan hadn’t entered the Peach Flower Sword Diagram before Yizhuxiang, he would definitely have a good impression of him. .

"What is the purpose of this person? It was definitely not a sword formation just now. Everything is illusory, just to inspire my hidden kendo cultivation... Lin Yueque is a house. Lord, why do you want to do such a thing?"

Liang Yan was puzzled in his heart, but he did not dare to show it on the surface. He just pretended to be grateful, received the purple ganoderma lucidum and 20,000 spiritual stones, and bowed to Lin Yueque.

"Senior brother is so big!"

Ning Xia smiled slightly, turned her head to look at Liang Yan, and then said: "This Zixiao Lingzhi is a rare treasure. Since the brother gave it to you, you have to keep it properly, understand?"

This was originally an ordinary exhortation, but Liang Yan heard it, but he felt that there was something in the words.

He was also a clear-hearted person, and his eyes flashed, and he immediately understood.

"Senior Ning, don't worry, this junior must cherish it." Liang Yan arched his hands and said in the calmest tone.


Ning Xia nodded in satisfaction, and waved again: "I have something to discuss with Senior Brother Lin, so you can withdraw first."

"Follow the orders of the predecessors!"

Liang Yan was anxious to leave from here. Hearing the words, he immediately bowed and bowed to the two of them, then turned his head and went out of the courtyard to the outside of the palace.

After leaving Lianyue Cave, Liang Yan didn't go to stay elsewhere, and directly drove the light to return to his own cave.

The first thing he did after he came back was to take out the Zixia Ganoderma lucidum that Lin Yueque had donated, and carefully inspected it, and he found several hidden restrictions inside.

These restrictions were set up very cleverly, and there was no breath at all. If he hadn't deliberately investigated it, it would definitely be impossible to find out.

That is to say, Liang Yan has the golden core of Hunyuan and the four major spiritual powers. The mana is no less powerful than the monks in the middle stage of Tongxuan. If you change to any other monks in the golden core realm, even if you check it carefully, you can’t find any tricks. .

"What a Lin Yueque, Palace Master Lin! What purpose do you have, you actually counted me out!"

A cold light flashed in Liang Yan's eyes, and then a trace of anxiety arose.

If it is another monk, as long as the cultivation base is below the transforming robbery realm and dare to calculate himself like this, Liang Yan will definitely not let him go.

But the problem is that now the person who is testing himself has reached the realm of transforming the catastrophe to overcome the five difficulties, and he is like a child in front of him, without any power to fight back at all.

"What caused his interest? With so many cultivators in Bihai Palace, why did Lin Yueque stare at me?"

Liang Yan stood up and paced back and forth in his cave, looking a little worried.

"Could it be that I exposed my stuff?!"

While thinking about it, Liang Yan suddenly moved in his heart and frowned slightly.

"Although I have done secretly to convey information to Ye Mubai, as the lord of the first house, Lin Yueque's ability to overcome the five difficulties may not be able to find any clues..."

The more he thought about the possibility, he thought to himself: "Not to mention whether I am showing anything here, if the wind leaks from Yemubai, will it end up implicated on me, wouldn't it also suffer?"

"Damn it!"

Liang Yan cursed secretly in his heart. Ye Mubai was really unpredictable. While bringing opportunities and benefits to him, it also caused many crises. Meeting him really didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan took out a wooden sign from his storage ring and rubbed it a few times in his palm.

This wooden sign is carved with a flying eagle, which was given by Ye Mubai that year.

"Speaking of it, I was caught in Lin Yueque’s peach blossom illusion just now, and I almost lost my mind, shaking out all my secrets... Fortunately for Ye Mubai’s this one. The wooden sign wakes me up!"

He held the wooden sign and looked at it carefully for a while, and found that the wooden sign at this time had become ordinary again, as if the white light that awakened himself in the phantom was not emitted by it.

"Yemubai...Could it be that he would have what happened today even if he arrived? Do I still want to pass on news to him from now on?"

Liang Yan thought for a long time, and felt that the whole matter was full of doubts. He seemed to be caught in a game. As a chess piece, he could only see the tip of the iceberg on the, so many doubts arose.

"As a chess piece, what is the most important thing?"

Liang Yan murmured to himself as if asking a question.

After a while, he stopped, squinted his eyes and said: "The most important thing is of course to save yourself. Only if you are not treated as a discarded piece, can you have a chance to jump out of the board!"

"Although Lin Yueque is the lord of the First Palace, she can't act without scruples. After all, there is still Ning Xia in Bihai Palace. Today I was trapped in the Peach Blossom Fantasy Array. Ning Xia came at just the right time. It seems to be accidental, and she also hinted that there is something tricky in my Zixia Ganoderma lucidum. Could it be that I know something?"

Liang Yan thought for a long time, and now the only thing Bihai Palace can rely on is Ning Xia.

As long as she stayed within her jurisdiction, Lin Yueque wouldn't dare to mess around, but if she got out of this mountain range, then everything would be hard to say.

After figuring this out, Liang Yan already had a decision in his mind.

He first left the cave, went to the market in Wushuang City, found a well-known auction house, and hung up the "Purple Ganoderma Lucidum" given by Lin Yueque.

Although this spiritual object itself cannot be used, it is of great value. Several monks at the peak of the Golden Core Realm have received the news and rushed to participate in this auction. The final benefit was naturally Liang Yan.

Not only did he throw this hot potato out, but he also recovered a lot of spirit stones.

After returning to the cave, Liang Yan thanked the guests behind closed doors. After half a month, Fang Liren, Unheard Jushi, Ji Lai, Li Xiran and Song Ru all received a letter from him.

The general content of the letter is: Liang has gotten into trouble in his cultivation, so that he has become mad, and now his realm has fallen, and he must retreat in the cave to heal his injuries. As for the tasks of the Bihai Palace, there can only be labor for everyone......... .

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