The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1125: Receiver was born

Gong Yehong dissipated his magical powers, and the chaotic space vortex immediately disappeared, and the dark sky became clear again.

That Lu Dazhu was still blushing just a moment ago, and the smoke above his head looked a little precarious under the impact of the turbulent wind, thunder and fire and the vortex of space.

But at this moment, the surrounding area has vanished, all the magical powers have disappeared, and the mustard seed space no longer exists.

Lu Dazhu saw the sun again, and the surrounding "Sky Patching Flags" flashed with brilliance, all of which disappeared into his body, and then took seven steps back in mid-air, as if he was drunk, and swayed for a long time before he stabilized his body. .

"What a good Gong Yehong, what a good 'Nine Zhuan Xiaoyao Gong', and the poor way of losing is convinced!"

Lu Dazhu let out a sullen breath in his chest, and cupped his hands towards Gong Yehong. He didn't have the face to stay in the air, turned around and returned to the crowd of the Nine Great Sects.

To say that the head of the Wuwei Daoist Sect, in fact, his magical powers are not bad, but he met Wu Ci's first disciple, and the power of "Nine Revolutions Free and Easy Gong" was too powerful, so he fell into such a state of embarrassment.

The rest of the heads of the nine major factions took the fight just now in their eyes, knowing that except for Shangguan Qianye, no one else could break the other party's mustard space, so no one fell to him.

"Cough, since everyone has reached a consensus, then take out the 'six-finger bones' in their hands." An elderly scholar in a brown robe said in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce.


Wu Ci glanced at him and asked, "Could it be that your Excellency is a 'fake idiot or not mad' Shen Sanchi?"

"Wu Cidao has friendly eyesight, it's just mere down." The old man smiled slightly.

"Your Excellency also came to this muddy water?" Shangguan Qianye asked with a half-smile.

Shen Sanchi's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "This old man has three idiots in his life: drunk, chess idiot, and arithmetic idiot. Today, I am here for no other reason. Take a look at the mystery."

"I see."

Everyone present knew in their hearts that Shen Sanchi and "Six Fingers Winning Chance" were both Confucian scholars, and they were both proficient in divination and deduction. This time, I am afraid that I wanted to take this opportunity to study the mystery of the heavenly receiver.

"Okay! Since everyone has said it, it's not too late, let's start now."

As soon as Shangguan Qianye finished speaking, he took out a jade box from his sleeve. Inside was a slender phalanx, which was the "six finger bones".

At the same time, Long Feiyu of White Feather Sect also stepped forward and also took out a finger bone.

To say that on the side of the nine major factions, although it is an alliance of interests, in fact, only the two sects of the Yinyue Pavilion and the White Feather Sect really have the "six finger bones".

According to their original plan, Shangguan Qianye and Long Feiyu should get the two opportunities to use the receiver on this day, and then use other methods to compensate the other seven factions.

Now that the situation has changed, the two have also secretly reached an agreement to give the only chance to Shangguan Chiba, but at the same time, they will also give Long Feiyu corresponding compensation.

Seeing that the heads of the nine major factions have taken the lead in taking out his "six-finger bones", Wushuangcheng and Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce no longer hesitate at this time.

Wu Ci raised his hand and waved, and two phalanxes appeared on the top of his head out of thin air; Gan Long also took out the last "six-finger bones" from the treasure box he lifted up.

The six phalanges were sacrificed in mid-air at the same time, and they seemed to have a subtle sense of each other, and they were all shaking slightly.

On the originally calm mountain top, a gust of wind suddenly blew, causing everyone present to hunt in their clothes. The originally clear sky gradually dimmed, and the surrounding area was filled with sand and rocks, which looked extremely chaotic.

These visions of heaven and earth, in the eyes of ordinary people, are naturally terrifying and inexplicable, but on the top of this mountain, in the eyes of the ancestors of Hua Jie, they are ordinary.

There was no surprise in the crowd, and they all stared at the six phalanges.


Suddenly, a thunderous muffled sound came from the void, followed by six beams of light of different colors, which shot out from the six phalanges, and merged into one place in mid-air, turning into a colorful beam of light that shot straight up into the sky.

This colored beam of light directly pierced through the clouds, and then drew a circle in mid-air, and actually ripped apart the void and plunged into it.

Seeing this, everyone present knew that this was the power condensed from the 'six-finger bones'. They went to the void to find the receiver that day, and many people's eyes showed anticipation.

After another half cup of tea, there was a muffled sound in the air again, and then there was a solemn and solemn aura coming from the crack in the void.

"is coming!"

Master Lianxin, Shangguan Qianye and the others looked excited, and looked at the void crack without blinking.

The next moment, the colored beam of light rolled back and slowly pulled out a jade box from the crack in the void.

This jade box is three feet square, and the whole body is crystal clear. There are various runes carved on it, some like Buddhist mantras, some like Taoist talismans, as well as Confucian scriptures, demonic patterns, in short, what are you practicing? Whatever is on your mind, see what it is.

"This is the sky receiver!"

When the heads of the nine major sects saw the jade box appear in the world, their hearts were fiery, and a ray of light rose into the sky, but it was the head of the Dragon Tooth Sect, Jin Guangxian, who didn't follow any rules, and flew straight to the jade box.

Although it was said that everyone had already negotiated before the bones were collected, but when the strange treasure was born, it was inevitable that some people would be moved.

Jin Guangxian is a reckless person. He doesn't care what others think of him. Anyway, he gets the Tianji first, and then discusses how to distribute it. Even if he can't get it, at least he can get more benefits.

He was not the only one who had this idea. At the moment when the Heavenly Receiver appeared in the world, one after another of the nine sects were escaping, all rushing towards the Heavenly Receiver.

Master Lianxin has a deep scheming, and his cultivation realm can only be regarded as ordinary among the crowd, and his escaping speed is far less than that of Jin Guangxian and others, so long before the vision of heaven and earth happened, he had already advanced to the cracks. direction close.

The moment the jade box appeared, he immediately rushed into the air, not much slower than Jin Guangxian at this time.

Although Wushuangcheng wanted the bones of the six fingers, they also knew that whichever side got the celestial receiver first would take the initiative.

Several parties met in mid-air, and naturally they fought.

Jin Guangxian raised the Golden Dou Panlong Spear and shot at the person on the opposite side, but that person was not in a hurry, the spiritual energy was flowing around, and the flowers were blooming and withering, as if the seasons changed in spring, summer, autumn and winter. in a glance.

The invincible golden spear landed in front of this woman, and the tip of the spear actually bloomed with gorgeous flowers. Jin Guangxian's hands suddenly sank, only to feel that the long spear in his hand weighed over the mountains, and he was almost unable to hold it.

"Temptress! You dare to transform my magic weapon?!"

Jin Guangxian's eyes were wide open, and his spiritual power was fiercely urged. He pulled out a few spear flowers from the golden spear, and then swept forward, and suddenly golden clouds appeared in the void, and the strange petals were swept away in an instant.


The woman snorted coldly, and the lotus platform under her feet suddenly became larger, and there was a hundred zhang radius in the blink of an eye, and she covered Jin Guangxian's head, covering his entire body.

She is Xia Zhirong, the palace master of Linglong Palace. She is now in the realm of overcoming six difficulties and one disaster, and her cultivation base is slightly better than that of Jin Guangxian. Fly away from where the box is.

"Hahaha, Fairy Xia is truly magnificent, but it's better to leave the receiver in the hands of this old man!"

With a loud laugh in the air, Shangguan Qianye had actually arrived behind her at some point in time. At this time, a fluttering palm was shot, and a mighty fire of divine fire swept across the sky, almost burning the entire sky into a fiery red color. .

"'Dutian Shenhuo' really lives up to its reputation, but your opponent is this old man!"

In mid-air, an escaping light was unbelievably fast, overtook everyone in an instant, and came behind Shangguan Qianye.

The figure in the escaping light had a calm expression, and with a light grip of one hand, the red flame that swept the sky gradually distorted, and finally contracted into a fireball of a hundred meters in size, as if it was about to be snuffed out by this person with one hand.

"Wu Ci!"

Shangguan Qianye squinted his eyes, and the person who made him the most dreaded shot.

The thoughts in his mind turned very fast, and he made a decision in an instant. He did not fight against Wu Ci, but only put a flaming red flag behind his head. He wanted to temporarily delay Wu Ci for a while, and he turned into a streamer. Go straight to the sky receiver.

Hundred feet, fifty feet, thirty feet......

Seeing that the receiver was about to arrive that day, Shangguan Qianye was hot in his heart, and his eyes were full of excitement.

However, just when he released the spell and was about to take the jade box into his hands, a figure suddenly appeared from the slanted thorn.

The speed of the arrival was extremely fast, and there was no sound, and there was no unnecessary movement. He just stretched out his hand and patted it, and a boundless force rushed in, actually slapped the head of the Yinyue Pavilion down abruptly.


Shangguan Qianye vomited blood and fell from the clouds, but he didn't react for a while, just because the man's movements were so fast, he couldn't even see clearly with his supernatural ability to overcome seven difficulties and two disasters by himself!

Among the clouds, the man flicked his sleeve robe again, and a blood-colored ripple spread out, flying in front of Jin Guangxian, Master Lianxin, Long Feiyu, Ghost Mianju, and Chu Haotian and Xia Zhirong from Peerless City. , Wu Ci and others were actually stopped in the air by this sleeve robe.

Everyone present was shocked, and at the same time looked up into the sky.

I saw a person standing in the sky, seven feet tall, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, wearing a set of blue robes, with a handsome face, it was the acting palace master of Bihai Palace, Lin Yueque!

"Why is he?!"

This idea popped into the minds of almost everyone at the same time.

You must know that in the battle between Wushuangcheng and the nine major factions just now, this person was the fourth person to appear, and under Long Feiyu's men, he hadn't even gone through a hundred moves. How could it be possible to defeat Shangguan Qianye with one palm?

"Palace Lin, what do you mean?" Shangguan Qianye said solemnly.

In the sky, Lin Yueque smiled slightly, ignored everyone, turned around and pinched a trick, and took the receiver that day into his hands.

He caressed the body of the box, and there was a hint of intoxication on his face, and said to himself: "Is this the Tianji box? Even Holy Master, you are moved by it, and you don't know what's in it... …”

"You bastard, take your hand away and give that thing to me!"

An urn-like voice sounded in the air, and everyone below was shocked when they heard it.

Because this voice is obviously very clear, but it can't tell which direction it is in, as if knowing someone is talking beside you, but you can't see this person at all!

This situation is very strange. At this moment, whether it is the head of the nine major factions or the ancestor of Hua Jie in Wushuang City, they all stopped to escape, divided into two sides according to their respective camps, and surrounded Lin Yueque. stand up.

"Palace Lin, you are from my Peerless City. Now that you have obtained the Sky Receiver, why don't you come over quickly?" Wu Ci asked in a deep voice while observing his reaction.

"Me? Peerless City?"

Lin Yueque glanced at him and seemed to want to laugh, but before he could laugh, his face suddenly turned pale.

Bean-sized beads of sweat fell from the man's forehead, the expression on his face was extremely distorted, the whole person bent over and arched his back, his hands were clasped together, and he looked extremely painful.

When others saw his appearance, they were a little confused for a while, and they did not immediately step forward to **** it, but watched from the sidelines.

After a while, the clothes behind Lin Yueque's body gradually twisted and wriggled under the clothes, as if something was about to rush out from behind him.

And Lin Yueque's originally handsome face has become twisted and hideous at this time.


Suddenly hearing a painful cry, Lin Yueque's clothes shattered inch by inch, revealing what was inside, actually a blood-red tentacle with the thickness of an arm!

"What it is!"

Whether it is the head of the nine major sects or the ancestor of Hua Jie in Peerless City, after seeing these tentacles, the corners of his eyes jump for no reason, and a great sense of crisis arises in his heart at the same time.

They are both cultivators in the Tribulation Realm. They have already sensed the heavens and humans, and will not give birth to warning signs for no reason. At this time, they looked at each other and saw a dignified look in each other's eyes.

"Fellow Daoists, there is definitely something wrong with this person! I'll take action quickly, and things will change later!"

In the crowd, Shangguan Chiba shouted loudly.

He was sneakily attacked by Lin Yueque just now, and he almost suffered a big loss. His heart was full of fire for a long time. At this time, when he saw the strange tentacles again, his anger was filled with three points of panic.

"First strike is stronger!"

The other monks of the nine major factions also had the same idea. Jin Guangxian took the golden bucket dragon spear, the ghost-faced layman released the real body of the evil ghost, Long Feiyu gasified Baiyu, and Shangguan Qianye also urged Dutianshenhuo to the air. burn away.

In mid-air, the wind whistled, the thunder turned the sky, all kinds of magical powers, all kinds of divine lights, all rushed towards Lin Yueque.


Circles of halos spread out, with Lin Yueque as the center, the surrounding water and fire were full of fire and water, the wind and thunder were pounding, and even the void was shattered!

The violent spiritual power was rushing in all directions in the sky, and a little of it escaped from the sky to the top of Cangnan Mountain. Just this little bit suppressed all the True Monarchs in the Profound Opening Realm to the point where they could hardly breathe!

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