The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1128: earth-shaking

Liang Yan escaped from the realm of one yuan heavy water, and even Lin Yueque was surprised.

"I can't see that you still have many secrets, but this seat underestimates you!"

After Lin Yueque was surprised, his face gradually became serious. At this time, the magic formula in his hand changed, and the drop of one yuan heavy water changed direction in mid-air, and ran after Liang Yan again.

Although the opponent escaped from the suppression domain of the one-yuan heavy water, he himself did not run very far. Even if Lin Yueque was not fast in driving the one-yuan heavy water, he would be able to catch up with such a short distance.

brush! brush! brush!

While fleeing, Liang Yan pinched a sword tactic with one hand. The three sword gangs stabbed backwards, but were twisted and deformed by the pressure of one yuan heavy water.

"What a mighty power!"

Liang Yan sighed in his heart, and did not dare to use the flying sword to fight recklessly. Instead, he combined himself with the Mayfly Sword Pill, turned into a long rainbow, and flew to the other side of the cave.

He was calculated by Lin Yueque and almost died under the heavy water of one yuan. Although he was lucky to escape at the critical moment, he had lost the opportunity in this battle. Faced with the pressing pressure of the heavy water of one yuan, he could only escape passively first. Look for an opportunity to fight back.

Cang Yueming frowned when he saw that, several times he wanted to come forward to help, but was pulled by True Monarch Jiying.

"Nonsense, you can't help him if you go up now, but you will hurt him!"

"Then what should we do? Are you just watching Brother Liang get killed?" Cang Yueming said with a blushing face.

True Monarch Jiying shook his head and looked at the battlefield in mid-air.

"It's not yet time. If it's the moment of life and death, we'll explode our golden pills to see if we can get a chance for this kid."

"Senior..." Cang Yueming looked at him, then at Liang Yan, and finally nodded slowly and firmly......

In the mid-air at this time, Liang Yan's body and sword were united, and he kept escaping in mid-air. Behind him, there was always a drop of black water floating.

"This thing, it's endless... If it is chased by it like this, something will happen sooner or later!"

Liang Yan was anxious in his heart, but he couldn't think of any way to do it for a while. He couldn't beat this thing, and he couldn't escape.

Just when he was trying to figure out how to escape, something in the storage ring jumped suddenly and rushed out uncontrollably.


Liang Yan took a closer look, and saw that what rushed out was a square wooden sign with extremely monotonous patterns, only a flying eagle was carved, and there were no other patterns.

"This is...a communication token given by Nogi Shiro?"

He pondered secretly in his heart, a white light had already lit up on the wooden sign, and then a crisp neigh came out of nowhere, resounding throughout the cave.

This neigh sounded very strange, it seemed to be the call of a bird, and it came from the distant clouds.

Liang Yan didn't understand what the voice meant, but when it landed on the ears of True Monarch Jiying and Lin Yueque, it caused completely different reactions.

True Monarch Jiying was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to have reacted, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

On the other hand, Lin Yueque's face was full of disbelief. It was as if he had seen an evil spirit urging his life, but he involuntarily stepped back a few steps, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

The next moment, the wooden sign flashed white light, and a snow-white goshawk flew out of it!

This flying eagle is three feet long, and on its snow-white feathers, there are light and auspicious clouds slowly flowing.

Another high-pitched neigh sounded, the flying eagle spread its wings, and the eagle beak pecked forward, and the one-yuan heavy water that was invincible just a moment ago, at this time, like a small insect, was actually directly held in the mouth by the flying eagle. !

"Impossible, impossible!"

Lin Yueque seemed to have seen a ghost, retreating back and forth, his eyes full of horror.

Although Liang Yan didn't know what this white eagle meant, he could see that Lin Yueque's soul was in turmoil at the moment, and there had been a momentary flaw.

Naturally, he would not let this opportunity go!


Liang Yan snorted and rubbed his hand between his eyebrows. A slit suddenly opened on his smooth forehead, and then a purple magic eye emerged from the crack.

The pupil of the magic eye turned slightly, and instantly aimed at Lin Yueque not far away, and a purple beam of light shot out at an incredible speed, shrouding the opponent in an instant.


Lin Yueque only had time to spit out a word, but the next moment his speed suddenly slowed down, the whole person froze in place, only his eyes could move slightly, but he couldn't say the next words.

The celestial eyes can fix the opponent's figure and imprison the opponent's mana.

Liang Yan didn't know how long this spell would last on Lin Yueque's avatar, but he didn't hesitate right now. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, three sword gangs and sword pills roared out and went straight to Lin Yueque's body.

At the same time, True Monarch Jiying, Cang Yueming, Huangfu Qi and others also shot together.

True Monarch Jiying threw out the "Six Shadow Demon God Banner", turned into a demon **** in mid-air, and slammed into Lin Yueque's chest, Cang Yueming sacrificed his Mo Xuan sword, Huangfu Qi threw the khaki seal, One stabbed to the vest, the other fell from the top of the head.


The magical powers of the four hit Lin Yueque's body together, and a loud noise broke out. Countless sword qi was vertical and horizontal, the halo exploded, and the dim cave was directly split in half. Outside the valley of Qiling Mountain, the bright light The sun shines in...  

When the aftermath of the spell in the cave all dissipated, everyone took a closer look, and found that the "Lin Yueque" in front of him, the clone of the ancestor of the Transformation Realm, had become a pile of broken corpses.

Seeing this, Liang Yan was not relieved, and then controlled the mayfly sword pill to roll up the sword wind on the spot, until the fragmented corpse of the clone was turned into powder, and he was sure that the other party was too dead to die, and then leaned behind him. On the wall, he let out a long breath.

At this moment, the silhouette of the flying eagle in the air is gradually fading, it does not look like a real living creature, but a phantom.

This flying eagle phantom took one yuan of heavy water in its mouth, and finally glanced at Liang Yan, without any extra movement, turned around and flew back to the wooden sign.

Liang Yan raised his hand and took the wooden sign back into his hand. After rubbing it for a while, he turned his attention to True Monarch Jiying next to him.

"Senior seems to recognize the flying eagle on this wooden sign?" Liang Yan said slowly.

When Feiying appeared just now, he saw the person's reaction, but it was just at the moment of life and death, and Liang Yan didn't have the time to ask. Now that Lin Yueque's clone has been removed, he naturally wants to do it. understand.

True Monarch Jiying looked strange, stared at Liang Yan for a while, but asked without answering:

"Haven't you heard of 'world-shattering'?"

"Earth-shattering..." Liang Yan pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "It didn't take long for me to come to the Antarctic Xianzhou, and most of the time I was in retreat and practice, and many names and rumors have never been used. I've heard of it, and please ask the seniors to explain!"

After hearing this, True Monarch Jiying laughed a little: "You haven't heard of anything else, but as a member of Peerless City, you don't know that there are two spirit beasts under the city lord's seat. , one said 'overturning the ground', and the flying eagle just now was 'overturning the sky'!"


Liang Yan's expression changed slightly, although he had already guessed it, but when he heard the confirmation from True Monarch Jiying himself, a storm surged in his heart!

"Sky-shattering, sky-shattering... Since the flying eagle is sky-shattering, could it be that the white snake I've seen before is ground-shattering? In this way, isn't Ye Mubai... …”

Thinking of this, Liang Yan suddenly slapped his forehead and laughed loudly:

"That's right, right! Yemubai............ Hahaha, I should have thought of it! The city owner of Wushuang City is a member of the Confucian sect, and 'fox' is written in the Confucian classics. Yegan', and the words 'wood' and 'white' together form the word 'cypress', and Yemubai is of course Linghu cypress, and Linghu cypress is Yemubai!"

He suddenly burst into laughter, and what he said was also upside down. Everyone around was a little baffled, among them, True Monarch Jiying frowned slightly, and asked, "Fellow Daoist Liang, what were you talking about? And why is this City Lord token in your hands? in the hands?"

After Liang Yan laughed, when he heard True Monarch Jiying's question, he couldn't help shaking his head and was about to explain.

However, at this moment, the wooden sign in his hand suddenly shot out a dazzling white light, shrouding his whole person inside.

"what happened?"

True Monarch Jiying, Cang Yueming, and the others were all shocked, because the white light was very strange, not only made them unable to open their eyes, but even their consciousness was stinged. Instantly became a blind man!

Frightened in their hearts, several people involuntarily took a few steps back. After a few breaths, the white light gradually dissipated, and everyone's consciousness returned to their place, and then they reopened their eyes.

However, at this time, it was found that the front was empty.

Liang Yan, who was still standing here just now, ready to explain the origin of the wooden sign, has now disappeared............


On the top of Cangnan Mountain, a huge meat ball floated in the air.

There are six wings on the back of this meat ball, hundreds of tentacles twisting in the air, and a crack in the belly is opened, and inside is a large mouth of blood.

Although he can't see his facial features, this meat ball can still speak a human voice. At this time, he is laughing wildly in the air, looking very proud.

"Hahaha, you and other ignorant juniors, how dare you be rude when you see the real body of this deity? If you don't quickly bow down, this deity is happy for a while, maybe it can let you live?"

Beneath the meat ball, the heads of the nine major factions, except for Lay Master Lingwei, all slumped on the ground.

Among them, Shangguan Qianye’s face was full of disbelief, his eyes fixed on the ball of meat, and he shouted in a hoarse voice: " are actually a holy realm! But this old man has never heard of it. There are saints like Your Excellency in the Antarctic Immortal Continent, who are you...?"

"Hmph, that's just your ignorance."

Lingwei layman snorted coldly: "The Holy Master is a genius, cultivated into the 'Blood Emperor's real body', even if they are both saints, how many people are opponents of the Holy Master?"

"The real body of the Blood Emperor..." Among the people in Wushuang City, Wu Ci frowned and suddenly shouted: "You are the mountain master of Gu King Mountain, Ten Thousand Gu Sage Venerable Shen Lingtian !"

"Hahaha, the younger generation of Peerless City, it seems that you have some knowledge. Since you recognize this seat, why don't you kneel down and salute?"

The meat ball in the air cracked open and closed, buzzing: "Linghubai is not here, you juniors might as well follow this seat, as long as you take the 'Three Autumn Life Gu', no matter whether you are from this sect or not, I, Shen Lingtian, will treat you equally. !"

The people present, whether it is Wu Ci and Ning Xia, the monks of Wushuangcheng, or the heads of the eight major factions, or the temporary monks such as Master Lianxin and Shen Sanchi, all changed their faces at this moment, and each stepped back. a few steps.

They have long heard of Gu Wangshan's imperial technique.

The reason why 'Sanqiu Life Gu' is called "Sanqiu" is because within three years, if you don't get the antidote for the person who planted the Gu, your whole body will fester, your soul will burst, and you will die horribly!

In the Gu King Mountain, the sect master planted Gu on the elders, and the elders planted gu on the disciples. This kept going down, the whole sect was like a big net, everyone was in the net, only Shen Lingtian was out of it and controlled everyone. life and death.

Therefore, from the moment the disciples of Gu King Mountain joined the sect, their fate was already in the hands of others!

If it is the kind of cultivator with low aptitude and shallow foundation, seeing that his path of cultivation has been cut off, in order to pursue the quick secret method of Gu King Mountain, it is possible to take the initiative to join Gu King But all those present today are He is the ancestor of the Tribulation Realm. Either he has a high position in Wushuang City, or he is in charge of one of his own. Who would be willing to worship Guwang Mountain and become a puppet of Shen Lingtian?

The heads of the eight major sects, several ancient ancestors of Hua Jie from Peerless City, and Master Lian Xin, all had the intention of retreating in their hearts.

As long as you return to the Peerless City, there is the protection of the city's great formation, and the thirteen cultivators of the robbery make a move together, even the venerable saint, it is not so easy to attack.

As for the heads of the eight major factions, as long as they escape from here, even if Shen Lingtian investigates after the incident, the big deal is to take the sects to fly away, and temporarily hide for a while.

There are seven mountains and twelve cities in the Antarctic Immortal Continent, and Gu King Mountain is very far away.

Shen Lingtian concealed his traces and came here alone, obviously not wanting to make a big deal and attract the attention of those forces. If he is discovered by the surrounding Baiyu City and Tianhe City, I am afraid that he will not have any good fruit to eat.

The ancestors of these robbery realms are all human beings. At this moment, when their thoughts are turning, they have already figured out the stakes behind the matter, and understand that as long as they escape from today's calamity, they will not be afraid of Shen Lingtian's follow-up pursuit.

"Since it's the Gu Sage who came forward, then we don't want the receiver in Peerless City today. We will leave today, and there will be a future!"

Wu Ci gave an order, and everyone in Peerless City flew to the fairy boat at the same time, apparently planning to apply oil on the soles of their feet and slip away.

"Hehe, a bunch of ants, still want to slip away from me?"

The huge meat ball hummed and laughed wildly, and more than a dozen tentacles smashed into the air. Wu Ci, Gong Yehong, Ning Xia and other six monks in the catastrophe realm were the first to bear the brunt. There was no room to fight back, and a few tentacles were shot from the air knocked down.

As for the remaining cultivators in the Profound Opening Realm and the Golden Core Realm, although they were guarded by the magical powers released by the six Hua Jie ancestors, they were still ripped apart by these tentacles, and their souls flew out of the sky.

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