The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1148: Shanhaiguan

The 100,000 mountains of Mangdang Mountain are like a passage that runs through the north and south, and in the extreme north, there is a country named "Fenglai".

After leaving Fenglai Country, and heading north, it is Xuanyuan Yu.

On this day, at the border of Fenglai Kingdom, a group of men and horses flew through the air, and there were as many as six or seven hundred people.

Flying in the front was a bald cultivator, riding a flying horse with a single horn and stepping on flames. It was the "flaming horse" commonly seen in Xuanyuan's army.

And beside him, there was a man in gray, riding a golden lion, following him unhurriedly.

There were two women on the lion's back. The older one was wearing a Taoist uniform with a blushing brow between his brows.

These three were naturally Liang Yan, Li Xiran and Ji Hang who had followed Tan Lili all the way.

Let's say that Ji Hang was held in Li Xiran's arms, but his hands were not honest. From time to time, he grabbed the golden lion's hair and pulled it out, or secretly kicked the golden lion.

Liang Yan naturally saw all this in his eyes, and his heart was amused, but his face was stern, and he shouted: "You have beaten enough and scolded enough along the way.

When Ji Hang was broken by him, he did not show weakness. He bared his teeth and said, "This lion monster is too ugly. The golden hairs are tied to their hands. I will help you to pull out a few to save the appearance!"

"Haha, even if you are given a hundred years, you may not be able to pluck out a hair on his body! If Lao Jin cares about you, a sneeze will be enough to kill you ten thousand times!"

When Liang Yan said this, he sneered and said lightly: "Ji Hang, you can follow me, but you can't mess around, you have to be calm."

"Who cares about following you!"

Ji Hang snorted from his nostrils, and then thought of something, his face flushed slightly, he turned his head to the side, and said as if talking to himself, "I'm not worried about my sister following you, who knows that you have a human face and a beastly heart, thinking in your mind. what!"

Li Xiran heard it funny, tapped her on the forehead lightly, and pretended to be angry: "Xiaohang, you can't speak ill of Shizun, Shizun is cold outside and hot inside, and you will know that he is good in the future."

It's strange to say that this season, Aerospace refused to accept it. He only obeyed Li Xiran's words. He didn't get angry when she knocked on the forehead.

"It's really one thing."

Liang Yan shook his head, regardless of the whispers of the two women behind him, and looked forward.

In the white fog in the distance, a golden city wall traverses thousands of miles, blocking the sky and blocking the sun, blocking everyone's way forward, and blocking all routes.

On the wall of the city wall, there are densely engraved runes, even if it is not close, you can feel a fierce murderous aura coming towards your face, and even the surrounding birds and beasts dare not approach within a hundred miles of the city wall.

At this moment, Tan Lili laughed and said, "Treasurer Liang, the 'Shanhai Pass' is in front of you. As long as you pass through the 'Shanhai Pass', you will reach the Xuanyuan Region."

"Shanhaiguan......" Liang Yan murmured and said, "This is the first time I have come to Xuanyuan Yu, I heard that there were defensive walls built around the entire Xuanyuan Yu, and it was a little strange at that time. I believe that when I see you today, I will know that the rumors are true!"

"Haha, the shopkeeper Liang is talking about the 'Great Wall of Heaven'. Yes, there are city walls at the borders of our Xuanyuan Region, and there are defensive restrictions on the walls. The cultivators below the Tong Xuan realm cannot break through hard. If the monks above the profound realm approach, the surrounding fortresses will send defenders to arrest them."

After listening to Tan Lili's introduction, Liang Yan couldn't help but raised his brows and asked, "A territory is vast and boundless, even if Xuanyuan City has the resources to build the 'Great Wall of Heaven', but if you want to divide troops to guard it, I'm afraid it will not be able to do it. Bar?"

"Treasurer Liang doesn't know anything."

Tan Lili laughed and said: "The monks guarding the border of Xuanyuan City are not all from Xuanyuan City. Today, His Majesty is wise and has a good command, but all sects and noble families in Xuanyuan Region must take turns to guard the Great Wall. A general was dispatched to lead the crowd, and the rest of the guards were all from the major forces in Xuanyuan Region."

"I see." Liang Yan nodded and said to himself, "This Xuanyuan Potian is such a powerful method! It can actually control the sects and aristocratic families of the entire Xuanyuan Region to guard the territory for him, the lineage of Fa and Confucianism, as expected. Not a good stubble!"

As they spoke, they climbed over several mountain peaks, completely out of the bounds of Mangdang Mountain, and the majestic Shanhai Pass was already in sight.

Liang Yan looked up and saw that the pass was so high up into the clouds that it was even higher than the peaks of Mangdang Mountain. The various spiritual patterns on the city wall flickered and flickered, like an angry king, standing on one side, examining the past. man of.

"This pass faces Mangdang Mountain and Xuanming Sea, so it is named 'Shanhai Pass'. The city wall is made of meteorite flame heart stone. Difficult, the cultivation base is unfathomable!" Li Xiran said secretly.

After listening to Liang Yan, he nodded slightly, and looked at the city wall again, only to see that the Shanhaiguan was extremely chilling, and there was a suffocating aura above the city wall. The cultivators who want to cross the city wall and fly high into the sky will be hit by this fierce evil spirit. The cultivators below the Tong Xuan Realm may not be able to take a few breaths, and they will fall on the spot.


Liang Yan praised from the bottom of his heart, and then pretended to ask casually, "Are the surrounding passes in the entire Xuanyuan Region as majestic as Shanhaiguan?"

"That's not true." Tan Lili shook his head and said, "Although Shanhaiguan is not heavily guarded, it is so magnificent that even Liangjieguan, which faces Liangyi City, and Fulongguan, which faces Baiyu City, cannot be compared. superior."

"Why is this so?" Liang Yan asked curiously.

Tan Lili hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "Actually, this matter is not a secret, it's okay to talk to Shopkeeper Tan...... Although our Xuanyuan City is closely related to Liangyi City, There are many wars in Baiyu City, but what Your Majesty fears most is the Peerless City in the south!"

"Oh?" Liang Yan raised his brows and asked curiously, "As far as I know, the city lord of Peerless City is Linghu Bai. Could this man have three heads and six arms, so that the city lord Xuanyuan is so jealous?"

Tan Lili glanced at him up and down, and smiled: "It seems that shopkeeper Tan is a young Yingjie. He has cultivated such a level after a short time of cultivation, but he doesn't know the 'initial three cities' of Xianzhou, Antarctica."

Liang Yan heard a move in his heart, but did not interrupt, and let him continue to speak.

I just heard Tan Lili say again: "In ancient times, the human continent was divided, and when the Antarctic Xianzhou was just opened, there were no so-called seven mountains and twelve cities. At that time, there were only 'three cities', namely the Peerless City, Xuanyuan City, Kunwu City."

"In the beginning, the three cities have a profound background, and the three city lords who have been inherited are even more powerful. Even if they are both saints, ordinary city lords are not the opponents of the three of them. Although His Majesty is fighting Liangyi City and Baiyu City at the same time, he is really What I'm worried about is the Shanhaiguan in the south. That's why a **** general who is in the realm of robbery will be sent to guard it."

"I see!"

Liang Yan nodded, secretly surprised.

He really didn't expect that Linghu Bai would actually put so much pressure on Xuanyuan Potian. Fortunately, there was no war between the two sides. Otherwise, as the Palace Master of Bihai Palace, it would be really dangerous to go so deep into Xuanyuan Territory.

While speaking, everyone has come to the bottom of Shanhaiguan.

Above the city wall of ten thousand feet, a majestic voice sounded: "Shanhaihai Pass, whoever comes, stop!"

Tan Lili restrained the fiery horse under his seat and shouted loudly, "A certain Tan Lili, the hussar of Xuanyuan City's Flying Dragon Army, has been ordered by the sixth princess to enter Mangdang Mountain to find medicine. Please open the city gate and let it go. I'll wait in."

At the same time as he spoke, he raised his hand and waved, and saw a golden decree rushing high into the sky and heading towards the city wall.

Liang Yan looked up and saw a figure on the city wall high in the sky, with a tall horse face, wearing silver armor like Tan Lili, and his cultivation base was also in the late stage of Jindan.

The horse-faced general grabbed Jin Ling in his hand and checked it carefully before he nodded and said, "It is indeed the token of the Sixth Princess. It seems that General Tan is correct."

After he finished speaking, he glanced down again and landed on Liang Yan and the others.

"Who is this?"

Hearing his question, Liang Yan was already prepared, and immediately cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Liang is a guest of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, and after seeing the summoning order from the chairman, he came to Xuanyuanyu to participate in the 'Wentai Fight'. Treasure Conference'!"

"Is there a customs clearance document?" The voice of the general Ma Mian was extremely cold, and it was the same from beginning to end, and there was no change because of everyone's identities.

"Of course there is."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and Li Xiran who was behind him immediately understood, took out a wooden box from the storage ring, threw it into the air, and flew straight up the Wanzhang City Wall.

The horse-faced general on the city wall took the wooden box, opened it, and found a piece of paper inside, as well as the token token of the Xiangxiang Chamber of Commerce.

After checking it carefully, General Ma Mian nodded and said: "It really is the token of the guest of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, and the document also has the seal of our Xuanyuan City. Well, you can pass the customs."

When the voice fell, he put the document back in the box, gave it back to Li Xiran, and then waved his hand to signal everyone to open the city gate.

The two thousand soldiers on the city wall received the order of the horse-faced general, and at the same time, they used the magic trick to inject spiritual power into the eyes of the control circle.


Hearing a dull loud noise, the city-guarding formation slowly opened, and the faint golden light spread out to both sides, revealing a crack that went straight to the city wall.

At the same time, a golden bridge fell from above the city wall and stopped right in front of Liang Yan and others.

"Let's go!"

Tan Lili chuckled and boarded the Golden Bridge first. Liang Yan also put Lao Jin in the wooden house and took Li Xiran and Ji Hang to the Golden Bridge.

When a few people came to the top of the city wall, they saw that there were tens of thousands of soldiers guarding the city. They could not see the end at a glance. With Shanhaiguan as the center, there would be one every hundred miles in the east and west directions. The monks in the Jindan realm sit in town.

The Shanhaiguan Pass was guarded by nine monks from the late stage of Jindan, not including the rest of the monks who were rotated within the pass. This shows that the strength of Shanhaiguan was extraordinary.

The horse-faced general glanced at everyone, still expressionless, and only said lightly: "The border is important, don't stop here, pass the customs quickly to avoid trouble!"

Tan Lili was naturally aware of this matter, nodded and greeted a few times, and then took Liang Yan and others across Shanhaiguan.

It was the first time for Li Xiran and Ji Hang to visit such a place. If there is any change, these people will shoot without hesitation and kill them on the spot.

Ji Hang was only in the Qi training period, so how could he withstand this chilling aura? Fortunately, Li Xiran kept her in his arms and released his body-protecting aura to cover all directions, so he calmed down a little.

However, Li Xiran's face was also slightly pale, and it was obvious that she herself was not very happy in the face of this kind of military might.

Liang Yan was calm and composed, and there was no difference from the beginning to the end. From time to time, he looked around, thinking about Shanhaiguan's defense force.

After walking for half a cup of tea, just as they were about to leave Shanhaiguan and enter Xuanyuanyu, they heard a loud bang, and a figure flew out from a distant lightly stepped in the air , it spans a hundred meters away.


The person who came was like a sharp knife, which fell from the sky, slammed into the ground fiercely, and stopped in front of everyone at the same time.

Liang Yan looked up and saw that it was a middle-aged man, wearing a golden armor, a silver helmet, and a long knife on his waist.

"Destroyer God General?"

Tan Lili looked surprised, obviously not expecting the other party to appear here.

After all, with the exception of Liang Yan who is in the middle stage of Tongxuan, the others only have the cultivation of the Golden Core Realm, and their identity is innocent, and they all have customs clearance documents. Logically, they would not alarm this person.

But after being surprised, Tan Lili also came back to his senses immediately, took a step forward, bowed his hands and said, "In Tan Lili, I have seen the army-breaking general!"

When Liang Yan saw this person, his heart was also stunned, and he secretly said: "Why are there gods in the realm of robbery blocking the way? Could it be that my identity as the master of the Bihai Palace has been seen through?"

He didn't understand what was going on, so he had to do the same as Tan Lili, bowed forward, and reported his origins.

Unexpectedly, the army-breaking **** general didn't even look at him, only put his eyes on Tan Lili, and said with a sneer: "Tan Lili, as a general of the Flying Dragon Army, why did you go out of Shanhaiguan without permission, and what was your plan? Don't come quickly!"

Tan Lili, who was a late-stage Jin Dan, was yelled at by him, and his courage had already lost three points. He couldn't help but take a few steps back and said: "The last general...the last general is a servant. According to the order of the sixth princess, I went to Mangdang Mountain to collect medicine, and I just returned today, and I also ask the gods to see it clearly!"

"Going into the mountains to collect herbs?"

The army-breaking **** sneered to himself, and said lightly: "You should hand over the things you picked up, and let this general look at it and talk about it!"

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