The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1155: reunion

When the old man said this, Liang Yan and Yu Wenshan both changed their expressions slightly.

"What's going on? Who is the 'sixth princess' he speaks of? When did I become her follower?" Liang Yan felt a lot of doubts in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm, neither agreeing nor refuting.

But that Yu Wenshan was a little surprised, and asked, "This person is actually a disciple of His Highness?"

"Of course, otherwise why do you think I would come to this Juxianlou?" The Confucian robe old man said lightly.

"Since this fellow Daoist is a disciple of His Highness Sixth Highness, he is also a member of our Xuanyuan City. If you look at it this way, I am Yu Wenshan being reckless. I have offended you a lot just now, so please don't take it to heart." Yu Wenshan immediately Putting on a kind expression, he smiled at Liang Yan.

Liang Yan's thoughts were turning at this moment. Although he didn't know the so-called "six princesses", the other party was obviously here to help him out of the siege. Since he didn't have to fall out with Xuanyuancheng, he would be happy to borrow the donkey.

After thinking for a while, Liang Yan also bowed his hands and returned a salute, and said with a smile: "If you don't fight, you don't know each other. Since it's all a misunderstanding, don't take it to heart. Maybe we will meet again in the future."

His words were vague, and he did not admit that he was the guest of the sixth princess. He just talked about the matter, and Yu Wenshan didn't hear any flaws.

"Yes, I have seen the flying sword technique of fellow Daoist. The green hills do not change, and the green waters will flow. We will have a future!"

Yu Wenshan didn't seem to want to stay here any longer. After leaving a scene, he took his subordinates and left the ruins of Juxianlou with Wen Chuchu and went to the east of the city.

After watching the group go away, Liang Yan retracted his gaze, looked at the old man in the Confucian robe beside him, and said slowly:

"How do you call your fellow Daoist?"

The old man in the Confucian robe chuckled and said, "I work in Xiazheng Gongbu, I work in Xuanyuan City, and I'm currently a counselor in the Sixth Princess' tent. This time I came here on the order of the Sixth Princess, and I came here to pick up Young Master Liang."

"The sixth princess?"

Liang Yanqi said, "This is the first time I have come to Xuanyuan Yu, and I have never met her before. How could the sixth princess recognize Liang?"

"Hahaha, although you and the sixth princess have never met, it doesn't mean she doesn't know you."

When Zheng Gongbu said this, he suddenly kept his mouth shut and continued using voice transmission: "Actually, the sixth princess has already heard of your name, but she has never been able to see it. It just so happens that there is another one in Guangling City this time. An old acquaintance of yours, just happened to meet together."

"Old acquaintance?" Liang Yan had a strange look on his face, and said through the same voice: "Who is this old acquaintance you are talking about?"

"It's the young master of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce!"

"It's him!"

Liang Yan was slightly taken aback, the answer from the other party obviously surprised him.

"I didn't expect this 'Wentai Doubao Conference' to have such a big attraction, and even the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce has attracted it. That mysterious 'Young Master' has helped me a few times before. Could it be that he also informed Liu this time? Princess, are you here to help me out?"

Liang Yan thought about it for a while, and was about to continue to ask questions, but saw Zheng Gongbu wave his hand and said:

"Young Master Liang, this is not the place to talk. If you have any questions, you might as well come with me, and then you will know."

After listening to Liang Yan, he thought for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "Alright, I will go with my fellow Daoist to see His Highness Sixth, and take a look at this 'old acquaintance'!"

"Haha, that's right, Young Master Liang, please come with me." Zheng Gongbu laughed and turned to lead the way...

At this moment, on another street, Yu Wenshan's face was gloomy, and Wen Chuchu followed behind him, his eyes still filled with resentment.

"This Zheng Gongbu doesn't show up early or late, but he shows up at the most critical moment! If he arrives a little later, that person will already be taken by us!"

Wen Chuchu had an angry look on her face. She had been injured by Liang Yan's sword energy before, so she had been cultivating by the side and did not join the battle for the first time.

When she recovered 70% of her injuries and was about to join forces with Yu Wenshan to fight two enemies, this Zheng Gongbu suddenly appeared!

In Wen Chuchu's eyes, Yuwenshan and Liang Yan are in a tie situation. As long as she joins the battle, she will be able to capture Liang Yan within a hundred moves, so she attributes all the reasons for the failure of this operation to Zheng Gong. Bu, cursed each other a lot along the way.

"This Zheng Gongbu is too domineering because he is a celebrity next to the sixth princess!"

Wen Chuchu glanced at Yu Wenshan who was walking in front, and seeing that he had no response, he just rushed forward, and deliberately provoked him: "Nowadays in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, who does not know that Xuanyuan City is governed by the second prince, this Zheng Gong Bu Mingming's cultivation level is not as good as you, but he dares to show off his power in front of you, is it because of the favor of the sixth princess that he does not put the second prince in his eyes?"

"shut up!"

Yu Wenshan, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and shouted.

Wen Chuchu was stunned for a moment, she just wanted to stimulate Yu Wenshan, but she didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so big.

"What? Am I wrong? Or is General Yuwen afraid of Zheng Gongbu? We only came close to capturing Liang Yan and taking him back to find out the whereabouts of the 'Five Thunder Pole Devourer'." Wen Chu Chu asked very puzzled.

"You do not understand........."

Yu Wenshan sighed lightly, turned around, held up the pagoda in his hand, and placed it in front of Wen Chuchu.

Wen Chuchu took a closer look and saw that on the pagoda, there was a crack of the thickness of a pinky finger, extending from the seventh floor on the top of the pagoda to the bottom of the pagoda. In the depths of the crack, you could vaguely see the colorful rays of light, and there was continuous aura from the top of the pagoda. Leaks out of cracks.


After Wen Chuchu saw it clearly, he couldn't help taking a deep breath. He felt cold all over, and murmured in his mouth:



Yu Wenshan said solemnly: "This crack is the sword mark left by him!"

"His sword just now has such power!" Wen Chuchu's eyes widened, almost in disbelief.

"This person is unfathomable! Even if you and I join forces, I'm afraid it is not his opponent! Zheng Gongbu appeared just now, not to disrupt the situation, but to save the lives of you and me!" Yu Wenshan looked serious said.

Wen Chuchu was horrified, she knew that Yu Wenshan was named "Admiral of the Pagoda" because of this "Tortian Pagoda". This magic weapon once helped him kill generals and make meritorious deeds, and once saved the life of the savior at a critical juncture.

"Today we kicked the iron plate, and this kid doesn't know who is holy!"

Yu Wenshan sighed, then his face became solemn, and he said again: "Now the 'Wentai Doubao Conference' is about to be held, I can't wait for the slightest slack. After you go back, tell your boss about this matter, and be sure to this person. Find out clearly and see which side of the monk he is."

After listening to Wen Chuchu, he took a deep breath and answered with hands: "General Yuwen, please rest assured, we will investigate the origin of this person with the Chamber of Commerce!"


Yu Wenshan nodded with satisfaction, thought for a while and then said: "This is the end of the matter. As for the 'Five Thunder Pole Devourer', don't act rashly without my order."

"My concubine understands that although the 'Five Thunder Devourer' is extremely important to us, it is not irreplaceable. Since there is an expert beside this child, the whole thing needs to be discussed in the long run." Wen Chuchu squinted. eyes, slowly.


Just as Yu Wenshan, Wen Chuchu and others were talking, Liang Yan also followed behind Zheng Gongbu and walked to the street at the west end of Guangling City.

After about half a column of incense, the two came to a very large house.

This house does not have high walls and red tiles, only a small stream surrounds it, and the stream has many branches, all of which flow into the depths of the courtyard.

Liang Yan took a closer look and found that there was a thick fog in the depths of the yard, and he didn't know what the formation was. It could actually block his own consciousness detection, and he couldn't see the scene inside at all.

There is no guard on the periphery of the entire house. It seems that the owner of the yard is very confident in his formation, and he is not afraid of anyone snooping.

"Master Liang, please!"

Zheng Gongbu laughed and reached out his hand to make a "please" gesture.

Although he couldn't see the scene in the yard clearly, Liang Yan would not back down. With his current strength, even Longtan Tiger's Den was able to break through, not to mention that the owner here had no ill intentions towards him.

"Let's go."

Liang Yan smiled lightly and followed Zheng Gongbu into the courtyard.

In the thick fog, I found that there are many winding paths and corridors, criss-crossing and extending in all directions.

In the distance, small bridges and flowing water, rockeries and strange rocks can be seen faintly. The layout of the entire house has both the interest of the garden and the secrets of the mysterious door. The person who set up the formation is obviously a master.

Liang Yan followed Zheng Gongbu all the way, and did not know how many corridors and stone bridges he crossed until he turned a rockery at the end of a path, and the road ahead suddenly became clear.

The thick fog that had filled the surrounding area at first dissipated completely when it arrived here.

Liang Yan looked up and saw that it was an ordinary small pond. There was a pavilion on the edge of the pond, and there were two people sitting in the pavilion.

One of them was a two-year-old woman, tall and slender, dressed in brocade, with a white jade star crown on her head, and an eight-treasure purple-gold belt wrapped around her wrist, looking graceful and luxurious.

The other person was sitting with his back facing Liang Yan. He was wearing a brown long gown. He was tall and thin.

When Liang Yan met for the first time, it was impossible to directly release his consciousness to observe each other, but he had the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" in his body, and he was keenly aware in a moment that although the surroundings of the pavilion looked quiet, it was dark. There are many monks hidden here!

Among these cultivators, the one with the highest realm has already reached the Tong Xuan realm, and there are more than one person.

"I can let Zhenjun Tongxuan be her own bodyguard. It seems that the woman in Chinese clothes is the so-called 'six princess'. I don't know who the man opposite her is. Could it be the 'young master' of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce? ?"

Liang Yan thought about it, Zheng Gongbu next to him had already stepped forward and bowed his hands to the woman in the pavilion, "Your Highness, I have brought Young Master Liang."

"It's hard work, Old Zheng."

With a faint smile, the woman in the pavilion nodded slightly, then turned her eyes and landed on Liang Yan.

"Young Master Liang, I've admired your name for a long time, and I've always wanted to get acquainted with you until today.

"Hahaha, His Royal Highness has won the prize. You have a lot of fierce generals and talented people, and you are only a loose cultivator. How can you get the princess's magic eye?"

The sixth princess was touted as soon as they met, and Liang Yan couldn't figure out what medicine she was selling in the gourd, so she could only call it a haha.

"Why does Young Master Liang have to be humble? The one next to me often mentions you, saying that you are a genius that has not been encountered in a thousand years. He said that I was very curious, and I wanted to see the real face for a long time."


Liang Yan looked surprised, looked at the man in the brown gown, and said curiously, "This brother, did we know each other before?"

"More than knowing!"

The man laughed, put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up, and slowly turned around.


After Liang Yan saw the appearance of the other party clearly, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and seemed a little unbelievable.

"It's you!"

"Hahaha! Of course it's me, Liang Yan, Junior Brother Liang, but do you still remember Sun?" The man in the gown laughed.

"of course I remember........."

Liang Yan murmured, and as his thoughts were spinning, he suddenly wanted to understand a lot of The man in the gown in front of him was none other than the handyman who studied Taoism with him in Yixing Pavilion. Disciple, Sun Qianli!

"It turns out that this so-called young master is you!"

Liang Yan looked at this "senior brother" whom he had not seen for many years, his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly said: "No wonder I first entered the Antarctic Xianzhou, this mysterious Qingyun Chamber of Commerce was able to find my location and see through my identity. ... Now it seems that it is probably all because of this, right?"

At the same time as he spoke, he took out an object from the storage ring. It was the black jade wrench that Sun Qianli gave in the cave.

Although Liang Yan has made great progress in cultivation over the years, it is not what it used to be, but occasionally he recalls the days in Zhao and Yue, and some of the mundane things of the past were still with him, and he did not discard them at will.

This black jade finger, he had carefully checked, there was no spiritual power or rune, it was a common mundane thing, so he did not take it to heart.

Now it seems that the reason why I was able to be found by Sun Qianli is probably the key to this black jade finger!

"Hahaha, Brother Liang is still very discerning, and he can see the key at once!"

Sun Qianli smiled and said: "Yes, although this ink jade wrench does not have any spiritual energy, the material it uses is very scarce, and only our Sun family has it in the entire Terran Continent. I have a unique magic weapon that can detect the location of this material, So not long after you landed on the Antarctic Immortal Continent, my men have already found your location."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded slightly, and finally understood why the people from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce found him, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was wrong.

"How do you know when I will come to Xianzhou, Antarctica? Could it be that your Qingyun Chamber of Commerce has always been guarded there?"

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