The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1158: man in secret room

Remember [New] for a second,! "Oh?"

Liang Yan asked in surprise: "There are people in this chamber of commerce who are more knowledgeable than Elder Gan?"

"Hehe, can't compare, can't compare! If you insist on comparing the old man with that person, it's simply the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue!"

Gan Long stroked his beard, with a somewhat mysterious smile on his face, and continued: "It just so happens that that person also wants to see you. Since Palace Master Liang is here, it saves me from going to the door again. Do you have any doubts? Why don't you ask him face to face."

"see me?"

There was a puzzled expression on Liang Yan's face, such a mysterious person made him a little curious.

He still trusts the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. He has no doubts after hearing what Gan Long said. He just thought about it for a moment, then nodded and replied, "Okay, since this person may know the origin of the 'Five Thunder Devourer', Then Liang went to ask for advice."

"Then ask Palace Master Liang to come with me."

Gan Long nodded, got up from his seat, raised his hand lightly, the bookshelves in the study slowly moved to both sides, and then a deep passage appeared on the wall.

Liang Yan's eyes showed a look of surprise. He really didn't expect that the master Gan Long said was actually hidden in the secret room of this study.

However, Gan Long didn't seem to have any intention of explaining. At this moment, he moved and entered the secret passage first.

Liang Yan looked at the secret passage, and then looked at Li Xiran beside him. Seeing her, she was also dazed, obviously not clear about this matter.

After pondering for a while, Liang Yan followed Li Xiran quickly, almost as soon as they stepped into the secret passage, the walls on both sides began to slowly close, and the entrance to the secret passage was closed after a while.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan was not panicked, because he found that although the entrance to the secret passage was closed, there was no restriction or obstruction, that is to say, he wanted to go out without any effort.

The reason why the entrance is closed is more like a blindfold, just to make it difficult for people outside to find it.

Looking back, Gan Long had already walked a long way, Liang Yan and Li Xiran quickly followed, not knowing if it was because of the quiet atmosphere in the secret passage, several of them did not speak, and remained silent all the way.

Liang Yan observed the surroundings as he walked, and found that this secret passage went straight down to the ground, and the further down he went, the more he could feel a cold and dead aura surrounding him.

He is the body of the living dead, and he has no discomfort with this environment, but Li Xiran feels a little cold. Fortunately, she has a good cultivation base, and she used her spiritual power to resist this evil spirit in time, but she did not suffer too much. Impact.

"There is actually such a place in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce.... What is the origin of Gan Long's so-called master?"

Liang Yan was puzzled, and was about to ask a question, but saw Gan Long in front of him had stopped.


Gan Long turned around and laughed.

"Arrived? Right here?"

Liang Yan's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes swept around, only to see that there were stone walls around him, and he couldn't see half a person at all.


However, Gan Long nodded, pointed his hand to the wall, and said with a smile: "The expert is inside."

As soon as the words fell, the stone wall in front of him suddenly cracked, and a black wind rushed out, instantly involving Liang Yan in it.

This time, he was caught off guard, and before Liang Yan could react, he felt a strange force pulling him, the meridians all over his body were sealed, and the whole person flew forward involuntarily.

In the black wind, he barely opened his eyes, and vaguely saw Li Xiran's anxious expression, shouting from the side, but Gan Long was unmoved, with only a faint smile.

The next moment, the black wind whistled and led Liang Yan into the wall, and everything around was calm again...

I don't know how long it took, Liang Yan lay on the floor of a stone room and woke up leisurely.

He checked his body for the first time, and found that there was no injury, and no restraint was planted, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he looked around again, and saw that this was an old secret room, with many oil lamps lit on the surrounding walls, a total of 9981, which seemed to be hidden.

Looking at the middle of the stone room, there are many ancient bronze coffins placed in different directions, covered with dust, and each one seems to be dusty for a long time.

"This is where........"

Liang Yan pondered in his heart, stood up slowly from the ground, and looked around again.

This time, when his eyes swept across one of the ancient bronze coffins, his pupils shrank suddenly!

Because he found that there was actually a person sitting on the cover of that coffin!

It was a tall middle-aged man, half taller than ordinary people, wearing a purple robe, a purple spider-patterned belt around his waist, and a jade-inlaid purple-gold crown on his head, looking quite luxurious.

This person is very conspicuous no matter how he is dressed or tall, but it is strange that when Liang Yan looked around for the first time just now, he did not find his existence!

Even at this moment, Liang Yan had already seen this person clearly, and he was clearly sitting there, but his consciousness did not feel the slightest sense, as if there was nothing there, and what he saw was just an illusion!

"How is this going........."

Liang Yan had never experienced such a strange thing before, so he didn't dare to act rashly, so he silently checked on the spot.

At the same time, the figure sitting on the coffin did not move at all, and seemed to be looking at Liang Yan as well. One of them stood and the other sat, and neither of them spoke.

After a long time like this, I suddenly heard Liang Yan's sigh, as if he had found something, and said stunned:

"'re not alive either!"

This sentence has no beginning or end, and it is inexplicable, but the middle-aged man sitting on the coffin grinned and said: "As expected of a living dead, you can see through the old man's feet at a glance, below the catastrophe realm, you Be the first!"

After listening to Liang Yan, he involuntarily took a step back, and with a scrutinizing gaze, looked at the other party again.

"If the junior is not mistaken, the senior is the body of a zombie?"

There was another sentence he didn't say in his heart, that is, a zombie that can have self-awareness, at least not at the level of bone transformation.


The middle-aged man laughed loudly, and then said: "It is rumored that the living dead, like our zombies, have already jumped out of reincarnation. I used to believe it, but today I see it and it is true! Your ability to perceive life and death, It doesn't seem to be under the old man!"

His remarks were equivalent to admitting his identity as a zombie. Liang Yan was even more surprised when he heard it. He must know that this is the underground secret room of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. How could a zombie with such a high realm appear?

The middle-aged man seemed to see the doubts in his heart and said with a smile, "Boy, are you curious about my identity?"

"Indeed, I am a little curious, what is the sacred place of the predecessors, and why did he appear in the secret room of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce?" Liang Yan asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple, because the Xiangxiang Chamber of Commerce was founded by me!"

Although the tone of this sentence was flat, it fell into Liang Yan's ears and was extremely surprised.

"What? are the president of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce?!"

There was a smile on the face of the middle-aged man, and he said lightly: "That's right, otherwise why do you think Gan Long would bring you to see me? This seat is the founder of the Unscented, Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce!"

"Have you not smelled the fragrance?"

A strange look appeared on Liang Yan's face.

The mysterious president of the Smelling Chamber of Commerce is actually a zombie?

Moreover, how could a zombie use such an elegant name "Unscented Fragrance", which is simply incompatible with his burly stature.

Just when he was thinking secretly in his heart, the man who claimed to be the chairman of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce stood up from the coffin board, took a step forward, and was in front of Liang Yan in an instant.

This movement is like a rabbit, and it is silent, there is no trace at all to follow, even if Liang Yan has "Eight Steps Yanyuan" in his body, he does not notice it at all.

When he reacted, Wei Wenxiang had already appeared above his head, and a palm the size of a palm fan fell from the sky, hitting his Tianling Gai with a slap!

Liang Yan was startled, and hurriedly ran the Xuan Gong, the mayfly sword pill instantly unsheathed and rose from the Taixu gourd into the sky.


A flash of green light flashed past, and the sword pill roared into the palm of the unscented right hand. Instantly, the flesh burst open, and countless sword qi swarmed in, all of which penetrated into the opponent's body.


Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect this battle to be so easy.

But the next moment, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Because of the unsmelling fragrance that was penetrated into the body by Jianwan and countless sword energy, there was no sign of injury at all, and the wound on the right hand that was torn open instantly recovered as before!

"how is this possible?"

Liang Yan involuntarily took three steps back.

That is the Mayfly Sword Pill. Since he cultivated, he has almost cut everything, let alone the entire Jian Pill. Even if only a wisp of sword energy penetrates into the enemy's body, it can also destroy Kula Qiao and destroy many things in the opponent's body. meridians.

Wen Chuchu, Daoist Mad Lion, and Su Muyu that I met before are all living examples. The monks connected to the profound realm can't compete with a wisp of his sword energy, but the person in front of him has swallowed his entire sword pellet. "In the body, in the end, it was still unscathed?

Liang Yan was horrified, but after seeing the other side "swallow" the sword pill, he didn't stop and took another step forward.

As a last resort, he could only throw the remaining three sword gangs horizontally above his head, trying to block the opponent for a moment, while at the same time running the "emptiness of all dharmas", the golden light of Buddhism surrounded him, and the whole person flew backwards.


Wei Wenxiang in mid-air showed a hint of surprise, and then smiled again, with more interest in his eyes.

He didn't need any supernatural powers. He just lightly moved his right hand into the air, just above the three swords. The Zilei Tianyin Sword, the Black Lotus Sword, and the Fixed Light Sword all stopped. After a while, the spiritual light dissipated. fall to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the unscented figure flickered, chasing after Liang Yan like a shadow, and a palm the size of a fan protruded forward and hit the protective spiritual shield of "All Dharma Void".


A muffled sound came, and the Buddhist golden light trembled violently, like duckweed in the rain, crumbling.

Liang Yan was terrified to the extreme. This person's strength was unfathomable. If he added a bit of strength to his hand, his "empty appearance of all laws" would be broken.

At this critical moment, the other party suddenly withdrew his palm strength, and the whole person flew away. Liang Yan only felt a flower in front of him, and he had reappeared on the bronze ancient coffin without smelling the fragrance, sitting there as if nothing had happened.

This tentative confrontation is only between the electric light and flint. At this moment, the entire stone room has returned to calm, and there is no trace of the aftermath of the fight.

If it weren't for the golden light of Buddhism that was on the verge of being broken around him, Liang Yan would almost think that everything just now was his own illusion.

"Ning Laogui's 'Wanhua Wuxiang', Bihai Palace's 'Fish and Dragon Dance', Yuzhu Mountain's 'Qingxin Three-tier Dance Fetal Immortal', and Anger Seng's 'Eight-Branch Yanyuan'... ......Tsk tsk, I can't see it, your kid's learning is quite complicated!"

Wei Wenxiang stared at Liang Yan with an interested expression, and said with a smile: "But your kendo's fundamental skills are a bit mysterious, and even I can't see the footsteps, it's really strange!"

After saying this, Liang Yan was also slightly taken aback.

He didn't expect that the other party actually broke his three exercises in one breath, especially "Wan Hua Wu Xiang". He and Ah'Dai studied half of them each, and " Wu Xiang Jian Jing" evolved from this magical power.

The higher the cultivation level, the more he can understand the mystery of the "Sword Sutra of No Phase", and the more curious he is about the identity of the Evil Physician Valley Master.

"Senior knows 'Wan Hua Wu Xiang'? Could it be that you know the Valley Master of Evil Medicine Valley rather than return?" Liang Yan asked.

"I would rather not return? Oh, he is called this name now? No return, no return...... It's a good name."

Wei Wenxiang muttered to himself, and then said: "I'm not familiar with him, but I had a relationship with him back then, and I happened to have seen this magical power."

About Ning Bugui, Wei Wenxiang didn't seem to want to say more, he waved his hand and said: "I don't want to mention the past, but your kid has quite an appetite for me, and I have an opportunity for you."


Liang Yan was slightly surprised. He knew that the other party was just trying to test his own strength, and there was no malicious intent, but he never thought that the other party would actually give him a This is for no reason, and I didn't know each other. , why do you give a big gift when you meet?

In normal times, Liang Yan would never believe it, but the person in front of him has a supernatural power that is too much higher than his own. If he wants to harm himself, he can move his finger, and he won't cause such trouble.

After figuring this out, Liang Yan bowed his hands very singlely and said, "Since the senior loves you so much, then the junior will thank you first!"

"Okay, pick a coffin yourself and lie down in it." Wei Wenxiang said very casually.

Liang Yan frowned slightly after hearing this. He didn't expect that the so-called chance of the other party was not some kind of medicine pill or magic weapon, but let himself lie in the coffin......

After thinking for a while, Liang Yan stepped forward, selected one of the many coffins in the stone room, and slowly opened the coffin board.

The next moment, Liang Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes looked into the ancient coffin, he seemed to find something incredible, and he muttered to himself: "Senior, so you are... .."

"Yes, the old man is the sanctification of the corpse, a thousand years of travel!"

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