The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1164: Confucian general

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In Guangling City, under the night.

Liang Yan walked in the air, covered the escaping light with a secret technique, and flew in the direction outside the city.

The eavesdropping outside the Taoist temple just now had given him clues about the holy spirit of the mountains and rivers, but he didn't expect the "Confucian general" Ling Chongxiao to be so vigilant that he actually discovered his hidden soul in the courtyard.

Ling Chongxiao's cultivation base is unfathomable, and as one of Xuanyuan City's divine generals, he holds a heavy army and has a high status. Liang Yan would never want to conflict with this person unless it was a last resort.

While hiding his whereabouts, he flew with all his strength, and at the same time released his consciousness to guard against the rear.

After half a cup of tea, just when Liang Yan entered a shadow where the moonlight couldn't shine, his expression changed slightly.

The next moment, I saw that there were hundreds of black silk threads in the shadows all around.

These black threads didn't reveal the slightest breath at all. They were hidden in the shadows, and they were not easy to be discovered by the naked eye. If it wasn't for Liang Yan's five senses and six senses being different from ordinary people, he would not have been able to discover them in the process of escaping with all his strength.

At this time, it was quiet in the dead of night, but there was murderous intent in the place where Liang Yan was.

The wisps of cold light were hidden in the shadows around him. Although there was no aura, the terrifying power contained in it was enough to kill the nearby cultivators at the Tong Xuan Realm!

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"I didn't expect that a cultivator in the middle stage of Tong Xuan in the lower district would actually let your Excellency chase after him in person!"

Knowing that he could not get rid of it for the time being, Liang Yan could only turn around, carrying his hands on his back in the dark night, and said lightly.

On the other side of the street, in the shadows.

A mass of black gas gradually condensed, giving birth to hands and feet, and gradually transformed into a human shape. The facial features such as the eyes, the bridge of the nose, and the lips also appeared in turn. It was a weak scholar with a height of seven feet, a jade tree facing the wind, and a folding fan with scattered flowers.

The scholar shook his folding fan gently, smiled gently, looked in the direction where Liang Yan was, and said lightly:

"This little friend is afraid of being self-effacing. With your cultivation, there are not many people who are your opponents in the calamity realm! If Ling Mou doesn't make a move, I am afraid that the two people in the Taoist temple will not be able to help you!"

I'm really afraid of what's coming. There are three people in the Taoist temple, and the one who came to chase after him was the "Confucian general" he least wanted to see, Ling Chongxiao!

"I am a member of the Chamber of Commerce. I came to Guangling City to participate in the 'Wentai Doubao Conference', and General Ling, as a general of Xuanyuan City, may not be good for me." Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and said tentatively. .


Ling Chongxiao put his hand on his forehead, as if he had a headache, and sighed: "You are really right, you are a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and as the host, it is really not good for you to take action. But... …”

When he said this, he paused for a while, and suddenly there was a bright light in his eyes.

"However, Ling owes someone a favor, and now he has to pay it back. As long as your Excellency stays put and doesn't make any noise, no one will make irresponsible remarks about Ling!"

As soon as these words fell, the shadows around Liang Yan were like living things, twisting and wriggling.

At the same time, hundreds of black silk threads were woven into a huge birdcage, shrouding him in it, and countless black shadows surged, seemingly forming an unbreakable barrier.

Liang Yan was secretly stunned, and at the moment when the opponent shot, he already understood that this "Confucian general" wanted to kill him silently here.

Murder and silence, and don't let any movement come out!

So the first thing he decided to do after he started was to condense an enchantment with great mana and trap himself in it, so that no matter how he fought, no breath would leak out.

"Your Excellency has a good plan!"

Liang Yan sneered, raised his hand and slapped the Taixu gourd on his waist, and the purple, silver, and black swords flew out one by one, cutting off the surrounding black silk threads one by one, then turned into a ray of light and rushed upwards, running towards He flew towards the entrance of the "birdcage" that had not been completely closed.


Ling Chongxiao seemed to be a little surprised, he let out a light sigh, and said lightly: "Interesting, a mere sword can also cut off my 'black soul silk'... You really are a kid. Unusual!"

At the same time as he spoke, he waved his sleeves again, and in the shadow above the birdcage, a pitch-black arm suddenly appeared and grabbed it sharply.

Liang Yan was flying to this place with the escape light, and was about to fly out of the gap in the birdcage. Suddenly, a **** hand fell from the sky and pressed it on top of his heavenly cover!

The power of this palm is astonishing, if it is caught by the opponent, I am afraid that my three souls and seven souls will be crushed!

Liang Yan didn't dare to slack off at all, the exercises in his body were running, and "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" was fully exerted. Layers of golden light rose from the back of his head, forming a huge canopy, which held the black hand firmly.

"This Buddhist magical power...why does it look familiar?"

Seeing this scene from a distance, Ling Chongxiao couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, and a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart: In today's battle, although he crushed the opponent with absolute realm, he must not be careless at all, otherwise there will be variables!

As soon as this idea came up, he felt incredible. He has been in the transformation and catastrophe realm for eight hundred years, and he has survived one disaster and three disasters, and the other party is only in the middle stage of Tongxuan, and he can actually give him a hint of crisis. feeling?

After thinking about it, Ling Chongxiao's eyes became serious at the moment, he hurriedly pinched the magic trick with both hands, the shadows around him quickly closed in the middle, and he quickly filled the last "gap".

At this point, the "bird cage" is completely formed.

Ling Chongxiao saw it from a distance, his face was extremely indifferent, the gentle smile from before had long since disappeared, replaced by the killing intent in his eyes!

He stretched out his right hand, bluffed his fingers, and then grabbed it suddenly.


In the dark night, there was a sound of breaking and splitting, and the black "birdcage" in the distance seemed to be manipulated by it, quickly closing in and getting smaller. .

This change was so sudden that even Liang Yan didn't seem to have reacted. In the blink of an eye, his figure had completely disappeared, replaced by a thick black fog that was almost solid.

Ling Chongxiao's move is called "Tian Lao Yin", which uses countless "black soul silk" woven bird cages to close inwards. Whenever there is a living being in the bird cage, it will be cut into countless pieces, no matter what. It is difficult to escape the body or the soul, it is simply a large-scale slaughterhouse.

Another advantage of this move is that any movement in the bird cage, including the breath and sound of the fight, will be completely enclosed inside, and will not reveal the slightest.

Ling Chongxiao trapped Liang Yan with "Heavenly Prison", just wanting to kill him here without knowing it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Seeing the black "birdcage" shrinking rapidly, Ling Chongxiao's face also showed a hint of satisfaction.

However, the next moment, his pupils shrank slightly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth froze there.

Because the entire "birdcage", after shrinking to a black ball the size of a fist, could no longer continue to fold inwards, but instead stiffened in place and began to sway from side to side.

"How is that possible? Could it be...he's not dead yet?!"

Ling Chongxiao's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly released his consciousness, wanting to check the situation in the "bird cage".

But before his divine sense could approach, he heard a muffled sound, a tiny gap cracked in the birdcage that had become the size of a fist, and then a cyan glow burst out from it!


This blue sky pierced through the night, pierced the entire "bird cage", countless "black soul threads" were broken inch by inch, and a figure flew out of it!

"It's Jianmaru!"

Ling Chongxiao narrowed his eyes and saw the things in Qingxia.

And the figure who escaped was the middle-aged man who should have been killed by himself, but the surface of the other party's sallow skin was cracked, revealing a layer of skin inside, which looked a little fairer, obviously using disguise technique.

The cultivator Jianwan in the Profound Realm, whom Ling Chongxiao had met before, was absolutely unable to break through his "Heavenly Prison".

"Could it be that he has already cultivated into the prototype of the sword baby?"

As soon as this thought came up, Ling Chongxiao had a cold sweat behind him.

Rumor has it that every 10% of Jianying can pick up leaves and flying flowers as swords. Even an ordinary drop of dew in the hands of a Jianying cultivator can become a powerful weapon for taking a person's head from thousands of miles away.

In the entire Antarctic Immortal Continent, I have never heard of a few cultivators in the Sword Infant Realm, and they would never do such a thing in their identities. Could it be that they are disciples of these people?

Ling Chongxiao's thoughts turned, and he thought about a dozen possibilities in an instant, but no matter which one made him feel chills in his heart.

The reason why he is called "Confucian general" is not because of his chivalrous style of Confucianism, but because of his superior wisdom, resourcefulness and good decision-making.

"This is the end of the matter, this son must not be kept, only by beheading his primordial spirit, my affairs will not be leaked... Anyway, the kindness I owed Tiemu back then was also repaid. , and then framed the matter on his head, even if this kid's teacher came to seek revenge, it has nothing to do with me!"

Ling Chongxiao thought of this, his heart became ruthless, and he raised his hand.

In the dark night, a **** bird, about ten feet long, was silent and rushed towards Liang Yan's body.

Let's say that Liang Yan came out of the "bird cage", and he didn't want to fight at all. He turned the escape light, changed direction, and flew south of the city again.

When he was halfway through the flight, he suddenly became alert. He looked up and found a large black bird flying above his head, with his wings spread out, covering the sky and the moon!

The most bizarre thing is that this strange bird is actually silent. If it hadn't blocked all the moonlight stars in the sky, Liang Yan might not have been able to find it.


The strange bird made a low and strange cry, and the triangular eyes slowly rolled, and finally landed on Liang Yan.

The next moment, it rushed down, the huge beak suddenly opened, and there seemed to be endless black holes inside!

At the same time, a violent force appeared from the nearby void, as if to pull Liang Yan's body and send him into the mouth of the strange bird!

In the face of this aggressive monster bird, Liang Yan's face was calm, and he still pushed the escape light to the extreme.

In the process of flying away, he slowly turned around again, his right eye gradually turned gray, and he looked straight at the **** bird that fell from the sky.

Silently, without any signs, the strange bird that was approaching quickly stopped in mid-air.

"what happened?"

Ling Chongxiao's expression changed in the distance, and his eyes turned to the strange bird he summoned.

I saw that strange and inexplicable gray gas actually appeared on the feathers of the strange bird, like a silent wildfire, rooted in the chest of the strange bird, and continued to spread around.

In just a moment's effort, these gray gas has been connected into one piece, constantly eroding its vitality.

"Oops, it's dead!"

Ling Chongxiao reacted and hurriedly grasped the tricks, trying to take back his magical powers.

However, it was already too late. The eyes of the strange bird also turned gray and began to fall downward. Countless feathers flew in the air, and all the flesh and blood on the body disappeared. Turned into a huge white skeleton.

"Boy, how dare you!"

Ling Chongxiao looked at the skeleton that fell from the air, and already hated Liang Yan so much that he could not eat his flesh!

This strange bird was the remnant soul of an ancient true spirit that he found by chance, and then sealed it in his body with a secret method, and finally cultivated it into a magical power called "Night God Fu".

Among Ling Chongxiao's many supernatural powers, the power of "Ye Shen Fu" is not the highest, but the speed is the fastest, and there is no sound at all. Until the moment when the bird kills the enemy, almost no breath leaks out~ When he was walking outside, the "Night God Fu" was used to chase and kill the fleeing enemies. It was silent and extremely fast.

But today, it was destroyed by Liang Yan's "No Go" supernatural power, and the remnant of the ancient real spirit has disappeared. Anger can be imagined.

At this moment, Liang Yan broke Ling Chongxiao's supernatural ability, and he didn't stay in place at all, he just turned his head and left.

The escaping light around him is no longer concealed, but is extremely fiery, as if to attract everyone's attention.

Liang Yan has now also figured out that since Ling Chongxiao wants to kill him silently, he has to make some noise and see how this "Confucian general" responds.

"Little thief, run away! If you are caught now, I can keep your whole body and keep you from reincarnation. But if you fight back, I will smash your body into ten thousand pieces, pull out your primordial spirit, and torture you forever!"

Ling Chongxiao also seemed to be alarmed by the movement he made. At this time, a vicious voice came from behind, trying to persuade him to give up resistance.

But how could Liang Yan be willing to listen to this kind of words? He urged the light in mid-air. Not only was it blazing and dazzling, but there was also a sound of explosion, as if he wished that the entire south of the city could see it.

Looking down from a high altitude, he found that many monks had been disturbed and were coming out of caves, restaurants, night markets, etc., to see what happened.

One of the manor covers a very large area, with many monks, and it is brightly lit and heavily guarded.

"Just here!"

Liang Yan's thoughts moved, he pressed the escape light, and like a shooting star, it fell from the night and rushed towards the manor below......

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